Marijuana Legalization: 11 States On the Cusp Of Going Green Options
#1 Posted : 6/26/2013 9:02:53 AM


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Legislators from 13 states (including Washington and Colorado) and the District of Columbia have pledged their support and co-sponsorship for a House of Representatives bill, the “Respect State Marijuana Laws Act of 2013,” which will prohibit the federal government from interfering with a state’s marijuana laws. While this will not legalize marijuana in these states, it will remove the federal barriers to legalization and allow them to freely write their own marijuana laws, from personal decriminalization to (eventually) legalization.
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#2 Posted : 6/26/2013 12:01:59 PM

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Thumbs up Thumbs up Thumbs up

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#3 Posted : 6/28/2013 6:46:14 AM

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Looks like 18 co-sponsors on the bill and more than I expected from states that don't currently have medical marijuana laws on the books. Still, with the House of Reps under Republican control, I'd be astonished if it came up for a vote (only Republican sponsors are from California and Michigan which both passed MM laws). I don't see Boehner bringing it to the floor. I hope I'm wrong.

Still, it's only a matter of time. If not this year, soon.
#4 Posted : 6/28/2013 8:37:31 PM

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Hooray for the slow but steady progress!!
I listen to the Radical Russ Bellville show very often to keep up with current marijuana legalization stories and efforts. If you haven't heard it, try listening in to it.
The state I live in has decrim and medical now, but the medical is for only REALLY serious issues like cancer.
Hopefully most states will follow Washington and Colorado in full legalization soon.


Mad Banshee

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Parshvik Chintan
#5 Posted : 6/28/2013 11:24:25 PM

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mad_banshee wrote:
slow but steady

wins the race Very happy
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#6 Posted : 6/29/2013 12:48:24 AM
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So much progress has been made already that I dont see why this wouldnt go through. If not this year then soon like everyone else is saying.

I just hope that our govenor will get off his lazy ass soon and legalize the MM bill that he has been given. I could benefit from it greatly.
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#7 Posted : 6/30/2013 7:32:21 PM

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In general I think all should be legal.

In particular I don't think legalization of Cannabis will do much good for the legalization of Iboga, DMT, LSD, ect.

Cannabis is still in the category of alcohol, coke, heroin... Pot heads are not the show case of enlightened mind, quite the opposite.
Hyperspace Fool
#8 Posted : 7/1/2013 5:32:52 PM

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Jox wrote:
In general I think all should be legal.

In particular I don't think legalization of Cannabis will do much good for the legalization of Iboga, DMT, LSD, ect.

Cannabis is still in the category of alcohol, coke, heroin... Pot heads are not the show case of enlightened mind, quite the opposite.

Perhaps... but cannabis is still the bellwether for all illegal drugs. Half of all drug arrests are for weed. As goes weed, so goes the drug war.

Slow and steady is right.

I circulated both 215 and CHI in California back in 1995. Neither was said to have a chance, but we snuck in MM, and it not only stuck... it spread. It has taken ages, but it is still growing. Dennis Peron (bless him) was absolutely correct in his take. Jack Herrer was all about full legalization and industrial use (which is still something we should be shooting for as it is more important than smoking)... but Dennis knew that by using the word Medical, we would be planting a meme that couldn't help but spread.

If there are any two things that pull at people's heart strings... it is kids and sick people... and internet cats.

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#9 Posted : 7/2/2013 6:00:14 PM

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This makes me giddy just thinking of possibilities the future holds!

Returning power to the states on an issue like this is really the step we need to take when it comes to the war on consciousness that is being fought.

I'm confident that if marijuana can get some sort of legal protection at the federal level, we will see our favorite allies get more attention not too long afterwards. We will likely see a rise in psychedelic research as the mainstream rests on a new plateau of acceptability regarding drugs. Slowly the public resistance will shift, as the facts emerge and brainwashing becomes undone.

This is Joe Rogan experience talk with Graham Hancock who i think is the man, but the beginning of the video is drugs and the war on drugs. Its something everyone here likely already knows, but Graham is very elegant speaker and you may get a kick out of listening to him.

Also thought I'd add my younger brother who is 15 has cerebral palsy and my parents were staunchly against marijuana but I convinced them to get him his card, and now he is much better of with this medicine. People in my community who were against marijuana found out and they seem ok with it, anyways change is possible even in those resistant.
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