Breakthrough with eyes open? Options
#21 Posted : 4/4/2009 9:16:32 AM

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idtravlr wrote:
Yep, off topic for sure, but yep, I know exactly what you mean (I think) I don't know how to explain it either other than it's like an extreme sense of deja vu, or psychic foresight of some sort. I don't know how to explain it either, but I think I know exactly what you're talking about. You know it's coming, and when it happens you're not the least bit surprised because you knew it was coming, but at the same time you're blown away that you knew it was coming and it actually came! Clear as mud? Laughing

Yes! This is it exactly. Thank god SWIM isn't the only one. probably deserves its own thread, but oh well. When it happens SWIM can do nothing but chuckle and think "wow!" in both amazement and amusement at it all.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 4/4/2009 10:36:36 AM

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Yeah, I certainly believe this topic could own its own thread. I personally would like to hear other peoples reports of this phenom...
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#23 Posted : 4/4/2009 11:44:42 AM

John Murdoch IV

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I agree to every word warrensaged has said here. I prefer darkness and silence and just to leave my body lying on the bed while I go to hyperspace Smile I can't stand any music on high doses.

But this summer I'm definitely trying DMT out in nature. Actually I have a spot in mind close to a beautiful little river. I've heard DMT likes water and this place is very nice and I'm looking forward to do the nature trip. Set and setting Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#24 Posted : 4/4/2009 6:29:40 PM

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I have actually found it uncomfortable to keep my eyes open. I always get the feeling that it seems to want me to close my eyes and go into a trance. I suppose you could fight it but I don't really think it would be enjoyable. It is kind of like an powerful sense of information overload/overstimulation. I prefer to close my eyes and let it do it's thing.
#25 Posted : 4/4/2009 6:33:50 PM

The Root

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everything gets far too hektic very fast for swim if his eyes are left open.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#26 Posted : 4/4/2009 6:34:44 PM

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SWIM has had some of his most..STRANGE trips with his eyes open...especially on LSD...Very happy ...but with the eyes open..its a very different experience...usually strange things happen that make you believe the spice world has actually managed to breakthrough into this reality! and then you go running down to your friends with a bag of trash thinking its full of messages from the elves...just to find out its a whole bunch of trash and mail....DOH
it's a sound
#27 Posted : 4/4/2009 9:32:47 PM

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Jorkest wrote:
SWIM has had some of his most..STRANGE trips with his eyes open...especially on LSD...Very happy ...but with the eyes open..its a very different experience...usually strange things happen that make you believe the spice world has actually managed to breakthrough into this reality! and then you go running down to your friends with a bag of trash thinking its full of messages from the elves...just to find out its a whole bunch of trash and mail....DOH

That's pretty damn funny!!

When I had my big, summer of love, regularly-taking-lots-of-acid phase, I had never heard of being able to see geometric patterns behind your eyelids while on psychedelics, so I was all about the distorted-reality visuals and that was great at that time.
I guess now, I'm a bit more geared towards getting out of my body, and the way consciousness is opened up to full steam when I reach that point.
Than I am interested in the distorted visuals I see with my physical eyes.
...Peas for you & carrots for me...everyone is different...on that we can agree...
(I think those were the worlds, right?)

Hey Jorkest, back when when I was much younger & my pals & I were taking lots of acid on a regular basis, myself & 3 friends were driving down this dark, deserted country road, tripping our asses off (I'm know, driving while on acid is very stupid, I was 19, and yes, I was stupid!). We were all laughing & carrying on when we drove past what looking like a small, wooden box with detailed carvings all over the sides of it and 10-to-15 HUMAN ARMS, sticking out the top & flailing all around, grasping & clutching at the air!!!
The car went completely silent, as we all saw it, but nobody wanted to be the one to admit it.
I was driving, so I slowed to a stop & put it in reverse to go check it out.
Everybody started yelling & freaking out, screaming "what the hell are you doing, get out of here"!!!
As I got closer to it, I could still see in my mirrors, the arms twisting & grabbing, trying to reach for anything sturdy to help pull them out of a box that was not big enough to hold even one person, much less 10-to-15 people!!!
Everyone was freaking out, screaming! The girls were pulling at me, pleading with me to keep driving & get us out of there!!!
It was a heavy tense moment!!
I pulled up next to the box of arms & opened my car door to reveal, an empty brown paper sackConfused .?.?.?

No box of arms (as it's now affectionately know to us) after all...

Hope you got a kick out of that,
We certainly did.


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#28 Posted : 4/5/2009 2:57:08 AM

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Jorkest wrote:
SWIM has had some of his most..STRANGE trips with his eyes open...especially on LSD...Very happy ...but with the eyes open..its a very different experience...usually strange things happen that make you believe the spice world has actually managed to breakthrough into this reality! and then you go running down to your friends with a bag of trash thinking its full of messages from the elves...just to find out its a whole bunch of trash and mail....DOH

That IS funny as hell, and I know exactly what you are saying. I've had the spice fairies drop crystals from hyperspace in my mouth a couple of times. I always think "I've got it! All I have to do is keep it in my mouth!" Then when I'm somewhat coherent again I spit it into a glass to observe later. Unfortunately, a glass of spit isn't very interesting when you sober up! Embarrased

You guys are right about the open eye experience being much more chaotic. That's a fact. I kinda like the chaos though, and all the guys spinning and flipping through the air, etc... Wink
I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#29 Posted : 4/5/2009 3:11:09 AM

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Out of my ~10 DMT trips, only one has been a breakthrough. Because after that a fear was set in me when it came to breaking through that barrier.

And honestly, I couldn't tell you whether or not my eyes were open. Laughing

The one thing I've noticed to be different about DMT visuals is that with eyes opened, they seem to permeate the space in front of me 3-dimensionally. In a way that mushrooms or acid never have.

That, and the fact that I see smiling, big-lipped faces very often.

And there's always faces in the ashes on top of the spice after the first hit or two. Feels like they're cheering me on, telling me to "hit it! hit it!"
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#30 Posted : 4/5/2009 6:33:45 AM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Jorkest wrote:
SWIM has had some of his most..STRANGE trips with his eyes open...especially on LSD...Very happy ...but with the eyes open..its a very different experience...usually strange things happen that make you believe the spice world has actually managed to breakthrough into this reality! and then you go running down to your friends with a bag of trash thinking its full of messages from the elves...just to find out its a whole bunch of trash and mail....DOH

haha yes so true, it does seem like they have literally broken-through/taken-over our reality sometimes - I remember one time I was getting worried about my mate sitting on the other side of the room, thinking to myself "man you better watch out for those guys climbing and jumping all over the walls and roof".

I find it really weird though how the DMT forms and shapes are so articulate and precisely molded and integrated around the actual things in your environment on standard dose. I remember walking home one night after a session and there were these patterns all over the footpath as I was walking down the street. At first I was like, wow thats so cool someone must of just done that, it looked like someone had actually painted/stenciled them on there as it was all one colour and in perfect synchronization with the gravel of the footpath and it wasn't moving. Just as I thought wow someone must of done that, I thought wow NO ONE did that. Looked closer and lit it up the footpath with my lighter and saw nothing there.. stood up again and was amazed at these intricate patterns stenciled all over the footpath by our DMT ancestors. I get allot of that kind of static copy pattern overlay trickery, I find it really interesting! but unnerving at the same time when you think to yourself.. how on earth?!

manyc wrote:
And there's always faces in the ashes on top of the spice after the first hit or two. Feels like they're cheering me on, telling me to "hit it! hit it!"

yes! I've had that as well when I'm going for another hit, little cheeky faces are huddling around the cone piece looking up at me and looking at the cone cheering me on..
#31 Posted : 4/5/2009 7:57:14 PM

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I find it really weird though how the DMT forms and shapes are so articulate and precisely molded and integrated around the actual things in your environment on standard dose. I remember walking home one night after a session and there were these patterns all over the footpath as I was walking down the street. At first I was like, wow thats so cool someone must of just done that, it looked like someone had actually painted/stenciled them on there as it was all one colour and in perfect synchronization with the gravel of the footpath and it wasn't moving. Just as I thought wow someone must of done that, I thought wow NO ONE did that. Looked closer and lit it up the footpath with my lighter and saw nothing there.. stood up again and was amazed at these intricate patterns stenciled all over the footpath by our DMT ancestors. I get allot of that kind of static copy pattern overlay trickery, I find it really interesting! but unnerving at the same time when you think to yourself.. how on earth?

Yeah... I smoked it in my garage once, and there's a window in there but a white blanket covers it in place of a curtain. When I was tripping there was a definite, concrete Aztec or Egyptian type interconnected-squares-type pattern on it, and I was sure that it was actually part of the blanket. I asked my wife (who was also tripping) if the blanket had a pattern on it and she said yeah. An hour later I looked at it again. Just a white blanket. But I swear to god... damn. Heh.
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wake and bacon
#32 Posted : 4/6/2009 4:07:35 AM
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The concept of keeping SWIM's eyes open with > 30 milligrams of spice does not compute. At that does, he instinctively closes his eyes and lets the DMT run it's wild course.

After more experience with the spice, SWIM can certainly see this changing.

He's intrigued.
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BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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Bill Cipher
#33 Posted : 4/6/2009 9:03:16 AM

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idtravlr wrote:
The "other side" comes to me with my eyes open, rather me going to it. Does that make sense? I know it sounds crazy... I honestly believe that if one has not gone deep enough to bring hyperspace into the world around them (eye's open) then one is really missing out on some incredible magic.

Gotta admit, you make a pretty compelling argument.
#34 Posted : 4/6/2009 9:17:18 AM

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SWIM had open-eye breakthroughs. They aren't really that different to a closed-eye breakthrough. Once you're there then sir you are there. If you've had enough it's inevitable. SWIM personally likes low-dose eye's closed experiences compared to the open eye's. Its crazy what can appear from thin-air and then pull you through when your eyes are open. SWIM was smoking DMT for a while before he even thought of closing his eyes. He had to feel comfortable with his surroundings before he'd be comfortable with what's inside.
#35 Posted : 4/6/2009 5:23:59 PM

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SWIM was smoking DMT for a while before he even thought of closing his eyes. He had to feel comfortable with his surroundings before he'd be comfortable with what's inside.

That seems like a pretty profound statement...

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#36 Posted : 4/6/2009 9:21:13 PM


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Smokey, The static pattern overlay(SPO?) is the way 'they' communicate with me on lower doses. Faces from every ancient era show up in any uniform surface. The best ever was a picture of my favorite fractal. I thought I would be most fascinated by the fractal swirls but the static, slightly irregular monochromatic background showed me more in one square foot than I'd ever seen before. I am always like-'how do they do that?' or 'they are so clever' because you can blink or look away change your point of view and the same image persists!

Since this effect is so broadly experienced, should it not be given a monniker? Is that not the purpose of this place? Please help us add to the lexicon of hyperspace travel. Feel free to coin or nickname any and all attributes of psychedelic experience that a common language or slanguage will evolve. Try them out here. This is a group of the most discerning swimmers in all the net.

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Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#37 Posted : 4/6/2009 11:45:54 PM

Dragunov Mylshka Teapot

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Yea man! such an overwhelming feeling of - what the?? when this happens. It makes me so happy watching it because its so dam perplexing!

I really love this stuff, I find it just as fascinating as a strong dose.

Id been interested to hear other peoples accounts of this phenomena.

It does start here, I like SPO by the way - I think its locked in.
wake and bacon
#38 Posted : 4/7/2009 5:12:19 AM
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YES!!! We must add to the lexicon of hyperspace travel indeed. The more accurately we can attempt to make sense of just what happens out there, the more we may find resonance in other swimmers journeys, thus helping us swimmers "understand" our own. Communication is key, in this aspect. Understanding, in the spice-world sense, I don't believe is an absolute thing... all that matters is that "what the fuck just happened" eventually lends itself to beneficial knowledge of our own self... thoughts... and to, well, the continual journey of hyperspace throughout our experiences with it.

SPO is quite the description.

Fits... amazingly.
DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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wake and bacon
#39 Posted : 4/7/2009 5:16:49 AM
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Oh goodness... what have I just unleashed with that comment...

DeadLizard wrote:
Darkbb wrote:
BTW wheres the "Donate" button traveler?

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#40 Posted : 4/7/2009 5:22:58 AM

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wake and bacon wrote:
Oh goodness... what have I just unleashed with that comment...

Talk about a heavy trip.

Seriously... a man doesn't need that when floating through the void.

So many ways to spice up ones life.
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