The Asymptote of Conscious Progress Options
No Knowing
#1 Posted : 6/23/2013 3:51:36 PM

fool adept

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When one does conscious work on themselves [yoga, meditation, self-inquiry, etc.] One eventually reaches a point where progress stalls at a minimal level. I have found this to be the case for myself even when I am going really hard in multiple disciplines. This usually leads to me realizing I have stalled to a point or that the disciplines are taking away from more enjoyable hobbies like exercising or making music.

At this point they usually fall back to a less prominent level in my daily life. Usually to come back to being a more prominent aspect of daily life after something "gives" in life. [This is often a psychedelic trip.]

Just wondering what other Nexians think about the "asymptote" one seems to reach in these disciplines and how to overcome it.

I am aware that alot of spiritual masters and teaching talk about letting go of trying or striving and at times this happens to me and I baseline at a high level of activity with a lower level of trying.

I'm also aware that a good ol' breakthrough of the spice will really shake all this up and often will even lead the self towards new activities for conscious progress. Its been a few weeks shy of 6 months since I have broken through and it seems like its about time.

What other ways do you all traverse the asymptote of progress? Or how does that breakthrough shake it up enough that your passion is renewed?

Looking forward to opinions.
In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.-J.C. Lilly
The Spice must flow
Zat was Zen and dis is Dao.

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#2 Posted : 6/23/2013 4:46:29 PM

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Gurdjieff mentioned the 'additional shock' necessary to add at certain specific moments in any development. He used the analogy of music, saying that between mi and fa, and between si and the next do, this is where the additional shock should be added, in the points where there is no semitone, otherwise the whole development stops or starts moving in a different direction.

Anyways regardless of this musical scale model, I feel this is an interesting way to look at it, that everything develops naturally only up to a certain point, and then we need to add an additional shock to keep it developing. It's hard though, for me to think of one specific shock that can work for different people in different kinds of developments, because it is very contextual. Also often it happens that the additional shock comes from outside accidentally. But let me think of a few that have worked for me.

I think ideally, any of these additional shocks should be added BEFORE progress stalls, it should be added just as things start to appear to slow down.

In the case of a relationship, temporary distance, and polyamory, have been two shocks that have helped me appreciating more one person.

As for martial arts, I feel that training with different people, or watching certain documentaries/videos, have helped maintaining that energy into training.

In self-observation, I feel that the feedback of others also helps a lot.

Psychedelics in general can be used as tools for this too I feel, to take them with the intention of adding that additional shock to other developments, because they can potentiate insights in all different areas of life.

So in general, psychedelics, but also simply taking break from things, they can be of use in this sense, by giving perspective.

Im curious what other tools others have found to be of use.
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