I was doing a little reading this morning on the Federal Analog act and I was rather surprised at what I found.
Looking over the wiki located
HERE I found two example cases.
The first, and likely the most interesting to this community, is the case of USA v. Damon S. Forbes. In this case a Colorado judge ruled that AET was not an analog of DMT because of it's primary amine...even though both molecules are clearly tryptamine and have far more in common than not.
Furthermore the judge ruling over the case had this to say:
Quote:Because the definition of 'analogue' as applied here provides neither fair warning nor effective safeguards against arbitrary enforcement, it is void for vagueness.
Now it would seem to me that if AET (which is a tryptamine) is not an analog of DMT then for the most part people are going to be pretty safe with research chemicals as long as they aren't trying to sell them.
So this post was really more to generate some discussion around this. For the obvious reasons no one should even remotely consider this thread legal advice. You are foolish if you do. With that said, I'm actually pretty curious what others think about this.
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