Well, I have been allowed the grace and mercy to see myself enter into my 44th.year of this incarnation.
While it is but a speck of time, thus time around, I feel may have begun to achieve some of the potential initiated 65,000,000 years ago, when I was but a cold and shivering mouse, in a cave, wondering how I was to survive in a destroyed world, when I was told to"become man"
So tomorrow, I turn 44. 44. Thank you. After these decades in this shell, finally,i feel comfortable in it.
My gift to you is this: I Love You.
And I thank you.
This place has been my home since I died, on 5meo, and gained my new life mind and body.
I didn't have to leave the world this time.
Without the support and guidance from all of you here on the Nexus, I fear to think what would have become of the experience that annihilated my understanding, and granted me knowledge, by allowing me across the abyss and back, AMEN.
This is my Community, my support, and I cannot emphasized that enough, without this place, I would have lost my mind. And now with trip sit, the community is gettinbigger, stronger, more connected.
We are the vanguard of reason, carry your swords with love and walk in light.
I love you.
I love you, and thank you.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*