Dream Interpretation - Anyone good at working on dream symbolism? Options
#1 Posted : 6/21/2013 1:58:46 AM

Knowledge is power, at the price of losing the bliss of ignorance

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I had an EXTREMELY ODD/SLIGHTLY disturbing dream just about a half an hour ago. I would really wish someone's help in interpreting this, someone with experience or multiple books at least and who has looked into the matter more then a couple times, I myself hardly ever remember dreams until recently(just quit smoking pot a couple weeks ago). So anyone care to help out?
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!

Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/21/2013 2:47:15 AM


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well i don't know how to interpret dreams , yet i will excercise my wisdom(even without reading your dream ) and so here it goes

ya i can see it now

i am deeply looking into you dreams

ahh i see what you mean ,,, hmm so that has gotten you worried

well ok i saw your dream , now don't worry just relax , its all gonna be good , i am an expert at all this ,
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#3 Posted : 6/21/2013 3:51:39 AM

Knowledge is power, at the price of losing the bliss of ignorance

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Jin, I understand dreams are very personal I'm simply looking for someone who studies these things, I know not all dream symbols mean the same to another I dunno if your saying what you're saying because I didn't post the dream on here but I was hoping to Private message who ever replied about it.
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!

Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!
#4 Posted : 6/21/2013 4:21:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I believe in those dream interpretation books about as much as a daily horoscopes (not at all)

dream are a remnant of our evolutionary past when repeatedly being chased by a beast or falling from a great height or drowning ect.. would be much more beneficial in a realm where no pain or damage is caused but still intilling fear.

fortunately were no longer chased by wild beasts or need to battle them for food.
unfortunately the brain still runs these training exercises on whatever ones base fear is.
or in less stressed states will recount things from days prior.
#5 Posted : 6/21/2013 4:44:12 AM

Knowledge is power, at the price of losing the bliss of ignorance

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I may as well just post the dream so everyone can read it if interested.

I drove my girlfriend to her moms parents house in a very wooded area, and as soon as we got there I decided not to enter the house with her but to go for a walk, upon the walk I came upon another house near a lake and decided to walk down the property line on the border, I distinctly remember not wanting to trespass, things started getting foggy as I got closer to the lake/swampy line of his yard and I came to this rounded off point that was the edge of the lake, right near the dock attached to the house. I was standing there next to this baby broken (rotting tree) like really tiny but still stuck in the ground but top broken off. As I'm taking in the view of the lake, I decide its time to continue my walk and as I turn around I notice the water level has risen and has cut me off from the rest of the yard So I start frantically looking for a way off as the water level is still rising eventually I fall into the water and it was a very strong current I tried pulling myself out but had been struggling very bad and I reached for this young tree which was of no help it snapped out of the ground/mud I was still half way on land but like I said in a strong current. And in front of me it looked like a water fall moving in reverse causing the current.

The owner I assume of the house came home and didn't seem to worried about me clearly saw me struggling but took his sweet time to put his fishing gear away at the dock before pulling me out of the swampy water. After I got out I debated on either a going back to my g/f's moms house to see them (drenching wet) or going to a store to get new clothes) I decided to go to the store, So I keep walking down that original road I mentioned and eventually get to this huge parking lot but see no mall or no store just a foggy parking lot with some people randomly wandering about in it now skip ahead a bit because it was like I teleported back into my car. So I'm driving in the parking lot now and I bumped into another white car in front of me not a bad wreck just barely applied breaks too late and heard the minimalist bump. The guy starts driving off naturally I drive after him as you would in an accident figuring we should exchange info but I don't have insurance so I remember being frightened. I am now on a bike as I'm chasing him and eventually catch up to him there's 2 people with him in his car before I catch up. As I catch up the dream skips a sequence again, and now all 4 of us are walking in the parking lot. I ask, "are you guys ok?" and he simply says "yeah its fine don't worry about it." I question do you want to exchange info need any compensation? he again replies "no don't worry". At this I give up. Not being able to find the mall in this foggy parking lot I start heading back to my g/f parents house(Still in the parking lot still foggy).

As I'm walking in the parking lot I look up into the sky and see what looks like 3 bright stars through the fog and then they start moving faster and faster. They were silver in color, "holy shit ufo in the sky!" I'm thinking. suddenly 2 of them crashed into each other with no fire or explosion and the third flew away. As I said no fire no explosion but it was like 5-7 eagles came out of the crash. 4-6 flew away unscathed one fell head over tail down to the pavement. It lay dead in the parking lot. I hesitantly walk up to this eagle that's clearly dead and as I get close I see things darting around in the sky. I look up and I see what must have been thousands of eagles flying around in circles like vultures, The sky was still foggy but I could see them flapping and I felt like they were all part of one giant being showing itself to be in this form, it felt horrid and dreadful like some horrendous beast. This made me very uneasy so I left the eagle dead on the pavement and continued my walk. I'm back on the road that lead me there. So walking along this road I come up to another eagle hopping around like its looking for food (not flying) hopping like some birds do finally it noticed me and lunged at me, talons outstretched. I duck under it and it lands behind me turning around quickly I see a pencil on the road. I remember trying to fight off its attacks with a pencil and this was not working it was too fast/vicious and I wasn't able to get my hand close enough to stab it with the pencil so I grabbed a large stick and finally hit it during another of its assaults. It fell out of mid air and when it hit the ground I woke up.

This is one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had and I don't usually remember dreams it may be noteworthy to say that anytime I was walking (other than in the pavement of the persons yard by the lake, the road basically was covered in dense wooded area trees everywhere darkened road with little to no light I'd say about right before sunset)
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!

Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!
#6 Posted : 6/21/2013 5:17:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I only knows how to interpret my own dreams, Well its actually not that hard for us to interpret our dreams, because from my experience the dreams reflecting everything from our mind and physical body. The best interpreter is ourself not others especially when it comes to a very personal dreams.The answer is ALWAYS connected to our previous or current self and spiritual condition. Self condition i mean your personal problem, your fear, your health , and mostly your mood/emotions. Learning to interpret may take a longer time but IF you try to be honest to yourself, spending some time to flashback previous activity( that you mostly interested and very active) you will eventually got the answer, but the answer not coming like someone talking to us but it comes like a sudden thought/idea, mostly images.

If you look the meanings by a dream dictionary you would probably ended up confused or got the wrong interpretations. But there are really well experienced people who are able to interpret the dream meanings with just a clue given to them. Real mediums can interpret not just your dream but future signs for antyhing related to us.
Dream Is My Second LIFE
#7 Posted : 6/21/2013 5:53:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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TOXSIN wrote:
I may as well just post the dream so everyone can read it if interested.

I drove my girlfriend to her moms parents house in a very wooded area, and as soon as we got there I decided not to enter the house with her but to go for a walk, upon the walk I came upon another house near a lake and decided to walk down the property line on the border, I distinctly remember not wanting to trespass, things started getting foggy as I got closer to the lake/swampy line of his yard and I came to this rounded off point that was the edge of the lake, right near the dock attached to the house. I was standing there next to this baby broken (rotting tree) like really tiny but still stuck in the ground but top broken off. As I'm taking in the view of the lake, I decide its time to continue my walk and as I turn around I notice the water level has risen and has cut me off from the rest of the yard So I start frantically looking for a way off as the water level is still rising eventually I fall into the water and it was a very strong current I tried pulling myself out but had been struggling very bad and I reached for this young tree which was of no help it snapped out of the ground/mud I was still half way on land but like I said in a strong current. And in front of me it looked like a water fall moving in reverse causing the current.

The owner I assume of the house came home and didn't seem to worried about me clearly saw me struggling but took his sweet time to put his fishing gear away at the dock before pulling me out of the swampy water. After I got out I debated on either a going back to my g/f's moms house to see them (drenching wet) or going to a store to get new clothes) I decided to go to the store, So I keep walking down that original road I mentioned and eventually get to this huge parking lot but see no mall or no store just a foggy parking lot with some people randomly wandering about in it now skip ahead a bit because it was like I teleported back into my car. So I'm driving in the parking lot now and I bumped into another white car in front of me not a bad wreck just barely applied breaks too late and heard the minimalist bump. The guy starts driving off naturally I drive after him as you would in an accident figuring we should exchange info but I don't have insurance so I remember being frightened. I am now on a bike as I'm chasing him and eventually catch up to him there's 2 people with him in his car before I catch up. As I catch up the dream skips a sequence again, and now all 4 of us are walking in the parking lot. I ask, "are you guys ok?" and he simply says "yeah its fine don't worry about it." I question do you want to exchange info need any compensation? he again replies "no don't worry". At this I give up. Not being able to find the mall in this foggy parking lot I start heading back to my g/f parents house(Still in the parking lot still foggy).

As I'm walking in the parking lot I look up into the sky and see what looks like 3 bright stars through the fog and then they start moving faster and faster. They were silver in color, "holy shit ufo in the sky!" I'm thinking. suddenly 2 of them crashed into each other with no fire or explosion and the third flew away. As I said no fire no explosion but it was like 5-7 eagles came out of the crash. 4-6 flew away unscathed one fell head over tail down to the pavement. It lay dead in the parking lot. I hesitantly walk up to this eagle that's clearly dead and as I get close I see things darting around in the sky. I look up and I see what must have been thousands of eagles flying around in circles like vultures, The sky was still foggy but I could see them flapping and I felt like they were all part of one giant being showing itself to be in this form, it felt horrid and dreadful like some horrendous beast. This made me very uneasy so I left the eagle dead on the pavement and continued my walk. I'm back on the road that lead me there. So walking along this road I come up to another eagle hopping around like its looking for food (not flying) hopping like some birds do finally it noticed me and lunged at me, talons outstretched. I duck under it and it lands behind me turning around quickly I see a pencil on the road. I remember trying to fight off its attacks with a pencil and this was not working it was too fast/vicious and I wasn't able to get my hand close enough to stab it with the pencil so I grabbed a large stick and finally hit it during another of its assaults. It fell out of mid air and when it hit the ground I woke up.

This is one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had and I don't usually remember dreams it may be noteworthy to say that anytime I was walking (other than in the pavement of the persons yard by the lake, the road basically was covered in dense wooded area trees everywhere darkened road with little to no light I'd say about right before sunset)

The clue is;
1. How well is your relationship with your Gf and her parents?
2. Have you tried anything new( like activity,hobbies etc) recently and do you regret it?

My conclusion is you have a personal problem which is interfering with the above clue, over confidence is found with self ego( related to social communications ).

Fill yourself with LOVE, ground yourself with restructuring your current relationships with friends,family and especially to your Gf and her family.

This is only my opinion and i hope it helped you a bit.Smile
Dream Is My Second LIFE
#8 Posted : 6/21/2013 6:04:46 AM

Knowledge is power, at the price of losing the bliss of ignorance

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Thank you for the insight, currently my relationship with my g/f is actually IMPROVING more so than it was in the past, I am going through a tough spot with my job and a Doctor refusing to give me a note to return to work then discharging me and refusing me any further treatment, which as far as I can tell is the only concrete thing bugging me but other than that maybe due to the potential termination of my job that I'm facing I've been considering traveling, leaving the USA, not only due to my situation but the general situation in this country as a whole so I was thinking the dead eagle maybe represented the only good aspect I feel left of the US, and the "vulture" like eagles swarming as the negatives trying to keep me further from the good aspect, and killing it off. I'm mostly wondering what the flood, I've read its can be interpreted as an overflow of emotions or information coming at us at once, which with all this going on I guess maybe true, also As for new hobbies activities I recently had a negative experience on 25I-nBome but I don't feel this attributed to it, and I've been taking etizolam lately and I looked into eti potentially making dreams more vivid, but didn't find TOO much info on the matter. and the dream was at the tail end 6-8 hours after etizolam ingestion so it should have been wearing off by that time. Again tho olyd thanks for the input hope this new info can help even further. I am still thinking it over for sure and like I said I know dreams are highly personal and some don't even believe dreams mean anything, I do think they mean something and can show us signs. I'm just not used to such vivid dreams for me they happen rarely having been an avid pot smoker, and just recently within 2 week quitting I've been told smoking pot inhibits dream recall or even dreaming itself.
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!

Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!
#9 Posted : 6/21/2013 6:13:43 AM

Knowledge is power, at the price of losing the bliss of ignorance

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Also I'm not sure if I regret the nbome experience, I don't think I do because it taught me a lesson, which is basically that I was right to be cautious approaching it originally I debated (having been my second time using it) just taking 1 mg all at once but I still erred on the side of caution and actually took less of a dose then my first experience but over a shorter period of time first time was approx 800-1000 mics, within a 5 hours period, last time with the real bad experience it was 400-500 mics in a 2 hours period... like I said I don't think I regret it I try not to regret anything because if I make a choice its obviously something I wanted at some point, so I try not to regret things I do and make the best of every situation. Plus some helpful people on nexus chat helped me work through the negatives in the experience and just listened to me ramble about how terrible it was.
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!

Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!
#10 Posted : 6/21/2013 6:51:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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TOXSIN wrote:
Thank you for the insight, currently my relationship with my g/f is actually IMPROVING more so than it was in the past, I am going through a tough spot with my job and a Doctor refusing to give me a note to return to work then discharging me and refusing me any further treatment, which as far as I can tell is the only concrete thing bugging me but other than that maybe due to the potential termination of my job that I'm facing I've been considering traveling, leaving the USA, not only due to my situation but the general situation in this country as a whole so I was thinking the dead eagle maybe represented the only good aspect I feel left of the US, and the "vulture" like eagles swarming as the negatives trying to keep me further from the good aspect, and killing it off. I'm mostly wondering what the flood, I've read its can be interpreted as an overflow of emotions or information coming at us at once, which with all this going on I guess maybe true, also As for new hobbies activities I recently had a negative experience on 25I-nBome but I don't feel this attributed to it, and I've been taking etizolam lately and I looked into eti potentially making dreams more vivid, but didn't find TOO much info on the matter. and the dream was at the tail end 6-8 hours after etizolam ingestion so it should have been wearing off by that time. Again tho olyd thanks for the input hope this new info can help even further. I am still thinking it over for sure and like I said I know dreams are highly personal and some don't even believe dreams mean anything, I do think they mean something and can show us signs. I'm just not used to such vivid dreams for me they happen rarely having been an avid pot smoker, and just recently within 2 week quitting I've been told smoking pot inhibits dream recall or even dreaming itself.

You are welcomeBig grin , well at some occassions what do you feel/think is not attributed can be sometimes the real contibutor for any occuring problems in our life. About the 'flood', from my experience its kind of cleansing(crystal clear water signs), if full of dirt or darker then there is a problem with your emotions and health. Ddreams is very important to me, because i remember all my dreams everyday and i keep it on my own journal. Each of it always have a usefull lesson to the dreamer, same thing with your dream, it has a personal lesson for you, and when we really understand it , the next dream will be occured and when we forgot the first lesson, a similar dreams may come up again to give us the rememberance for the first lesson. But still many people refused, and they said that dream has nothing to do with real life so they are ignoring the best natural teacher inside their self. Soon they will find theirself never dreaming anymore, but that was big lie to me, they are actually dreaming every night or whenever they sleep but they just dont care about it anymore.

Anyway, have you already managed to make any solutions for your problem?
Dream Is My Second LIFE
#11 Posted : 6/21/2013 7:11:15 AM

Knowledge is power, at the price of losing the bliss of ignorance

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NO I'm still working it out, currently I left it in my dream journal though and took my mind off it to not dwell on it too much its like when you forget something sometimes the answer comes to you, when you least expect it but this experience has made me at least start a dream journal LOL. SO this could be part of the solution in itself that way I can just trace back and tap into the past when I want and find solutions as I go. But I've did some research and am currently taking a break. BTW the water at first looked calm and tranquil though foggy in the air as I said. Then as I went to leave it became murky, thick and dark when I was being pulled by the current trying to escape it.

Edit: having reread this paragraph i wrote it makes me wonder, if the act of actually leaving the place of comfort was what caused the waters to turn violent and dark. Maybe this is signifying any potential fear I have of leaving my comfort zone IE leaving America, to travel, and my worries about what lie out there, I know my g/f is worried about me traveling and I'd love for her to come with me, she is scared and unsure as well. And her fears have kinda been sticking to me. Like I said though sometimes the answers come you you unexpectedly so its funny that rereading my own paragraph I had that thought.
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!

Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!
#12 Posted : 6/21/2013 7:21:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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TOXSIN wrote:
NO I'm still working it out, currently I left it in my dream journal though and took my mind off it to not dwell on it too much its like when you forget something sometimes the answer comes to you, when you least expect it but this experience has made me at least start a dream journal LOL. SO this could be part of the solution in itself that way I can just trace back and tap into the past when I want and find solutions as I go. But I've did some research and am currently taking a break. BTW the water at first looked calm and tranquil though foggy in the air as I said. Then as I went to leave it became murky, thick and dark when I was being pulled by the current trying to escape it.

Edit: having reread this paragraph i wrote it makes me wonder, if the act of actually leaving the place of comfort was what caused the waters to turn violent and dark. Maybe this is signifying any potential fear I have of leaving my comfort zone IE leaving America, to travel, and my worries about what lie out there, I know my g/f is worried about me traveling and I'd love for her to come with me, she is scared and unsure as well. And her fears have kinda been sticking to me. Like I said though sometimes the answers come you you unexpectedly so its funny that rereading my own paragraph I had that thought.

Big grin There you are, now you can already interpret your own dreams Laughing , you just need a time and read/remember the storyline of your dreams. Thats why i keep my journal everyday Cool , well welcome to the interpreters clubLaughing
Dream Is My Second LIFE
#13 Posted : 6/21/2013 8:01:43 AM

Knowledge is power, at the price of losing the bliss of ignorance

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olyd88 wrote:
TOXSIN wrote:
NO I'm still working it out, currently I left it in my dream journal though and took my mind off it to not dwell on it too much its like when you forget something sometimes the answer comes to you, when you least expect it but this experience has made me at least start a dream journal LOL. SO this could be part of the solution in itself that way I can just trace back and tap into the past when I want and find solutions as I go. But I've did some research and am currently taking a break. BTW the water at first looked calm and tranquil though foggy in the air as I said. Then as I went to leave it became murky, thick and dark when I was being pulled by the current trying to escape it.

Edit: having reread this paragraph i wrote it makes me wonder, if the act of actually leaving the place of comfort was what caused the waters to turn violent and dark. Maybe this is signifying any potential fear I have of leaving my comfort zone IE leaving America, to travel, and my worries about what lie out there, I know my g/f is worried about me traveling and I'd love for her to come with me, she is scared and unsure as well. And her fears have kinda been sticking to me. Like I said though sometimes the answers come you you unexpectedly so its funny that rereading my own paragraph I had that thought.

Big grin There you are, now you can already interpret your own dreams Laughing , you just need a time and read/remember the storyline of your dreams. Thats why i keep my journal everyday Cool , well welcome to the interpreters clubLaughing

Hehe, thanks again truly it was helpful to think of it as you put it. Smile
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!

Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!
#14 Posted : 6/22/2013 3:47:42 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 22-Jun-2013
The forest in the beginning of the dream may represent your confusion about what action you need to take next. Your girlfriend make symbolize a habit or situation you have that always feel cares about you. Possibly your refusal to say no to anyone telling you to give up. So driving your girlfriend into the forest may represent you making decisions effecting your health and your confusion about how to act next. Walking up to the border and not wanting to cross it sounds like a symbol for you not wanting to do something medically or financially and then feeling that it was too important to not try.

The vultures in the dream may reflect your opinion of the doctors not giving you want you really want and only wanting your money for things you don't believe will ever help you. The parking lot symbolism may reflect your constant feeling of being stuck or "parked" with your health issue.

For the symbolism of the dream I recommend going to and using the dictionary there. Type in the symbols in the search box. It's the most practical source you'll find.
#15 Posted : 6/22/2013 4:55:48 AM

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For me there does seem to be some definite symbolism in dreams, but a lot of the time its sort of more about what you can learn/get out of it and can have multiple interpretations. The best way to get good at extracting useful insights out of your dreams is to keep a dream journal for long periods of time. If not for nothing else, its great entertainment

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#16 Posted : 6/22/2013 5:02:07 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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universecannon wrote:
For me there does seem to be some definite symbolism in dreams, but a lot of the time its sort of more about what you can learn/get out of it and can have multiple interpretations. The best way to get good at extracting useful insights out of your dreams is to keep a dream journal for long periods of time. If not for nothing else, its great entertainment

I agree. A journal also helps you to see recurring issues over the long term. So if you keep noticing a particular situation or imagery repeating itself then it may be hinting at whatever your problems are.
#17 Posted : 6/24/2013 1:11:11 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey, at first sorry for my english.

Im for myself a very good dreamer, remembering all dreams, and that helped in bad phases, not becomming mad in the city. im myself not asking what my dreams mean, they can be analysed, but it wont give you any insight for what your dreams mean to you.

A friend of mine is a philosophy student and he analysed them sociologilly, assoziations in my dreams with the ddr-wall, old graves and natural destruction. He saw in this unconscious reflections about upcoming fascistic tendencies in the eastgerman society.

Other dreams can be fully analysed after freud, and with that you will only see the possibility of feares you could have.

Dreams are unknown wishes, in them your living things, that are done, but something in you feels like doing them. I would see in the dreams, that you feel trapped by your girlfriend and her family, you are searching for something else, what they cannot give you. And you know, if your going to search that, you will have to struggle, it will be a fight, you will be scared by all the mightyness against you. The bird thing i cant understand, it will be something more in your dreamworld, what only you can understand, because that parking place is somewhere in your dreamworld, and when you know where, you will understand.
When your saying, things are getting better with your gf, i think you have a lil bit trouble with it. Something of you is a bit scared to let go, scared to loose the connection to yourself, to the way, you think you should go. Just concentrate on your love to her and hers to you, this fear in your dreams is just a fear in your dreams. Maybe its in your reality too, but its not mighty enough, you have banned it in your dreams and with time it will pass.

I have to do a study on mexican art after the revolution at my university. So im going to analyze a dream sequence of bunuels "Los olvidados" and there fore i start today reading freuds "the interpretations of dreams". Maybe ill find something useful for you.

#18 Posted : 6/24/2013 10:12:49 PM

The world is hollow and I have touched the sky

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Wow what a great dream. I've read a good amount of Carl Jung's work, and I can tell you that a Jungian analyst would have a field day with this; there are numerous textbook examples of some common symbols and representations, particularly in the first part. I don't have time right this minute to write out a decent interpretation for you, but I plan to later tonight. I just wanted to give you a heads up concerning some of the symbols that immediately stood out to me.

-Water (especially with the fog around it)
-Rotting tree (especially with the water/fog around it Smile )
-White color of the car
-New clothes
-4 members of the group (Hint: they're all you)

There's definitely a lot going on in this dream, and what I can tell you will be somewhat limited, because a great deal of personal information is usually required in order to properly analyze a dream, but I'll do what I can. Also if you're able to remember anything about how things were positioned in your dream (right or left of you), that would provide a lot more info. I'll get back to this when I have a minute
#19 Posted : 6/26/2013 6:57:57 AM

Knowledge is power, at the price of losing the bliss of ignorance

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Hmm some interesting new info here, thanks guys, Well I remember the people as they walked infront of me the driver was directly in front and I THINK not certain the other two were making a square with all of us walking forgot the sexes of the other two I think 1 male 1 female driver was definitely a male but we were walking in a square I think I was on the left back corner.

The bird fell towards my left side and I walked past its right side. Never passing the line it fell upon.

The yard with the lake was on the right side of the road, and the rotting branch was to my left most of the time I saw it until I faced it of course.

Other than that I don't remember much of positioning. Unless you have a specific part of the dream you want me to try to focus on the angles for that I didn't cover I maybe able to think of it.
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!

Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!
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