DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 19 Joined: 05-May-2013 Last visit: 12-Jun-2014 Location: England
I just had my second really high dose lsd experience, just beautiful. I don't know how strong my tabs were but I took 16 over the course of a day at a european psytrance festival, in a beautiful forest by a lake. First took 6, then 2 more an hour later, then just kept eating it to keep it going. I'm tentatively calling it the greatest day of my life. It's strange, on low-medium doses, I get a bit edgy, the trip is more mental, my thoughts are a bit out of my control and I can spin off in directions I don't really want to. And I often see the weirdness and awkwardness of people at doses like that. Like seeing my loved ones faces in a quite uncomfortable way, and not feeling very sociable at all.
But at this massive dose, I went passed that. Acid can take you out of yourself, and when you take enough it sort of does the same but brings it all back into you. So I felt completely myself, on the ball, able to talk to anyone and handle my shit perfectly, in fact I was so joyful and happy I was talking to strangers and having amazing conversations, laughing and bring hilarity into all my conversations, and formed some true connections of love with people that day.
I think the thing with acid is that at a certain dosage it gets a really euphoric push. If you dont take enough, it's just trippy without the euphoria. Take a high dose and your whole existence fills with gooey psychedelic love. It's deep but not in a knowing the secret dmt-esque way, I saw deeply into love, love of everything and of myself, I appreciated myself in a very deep way. I'm normally quite introspective and lower doses of acid enhance that, but this dose was incredible outrospective. Everything was oozing, music sounds INCREDIBLE. It felt like 60's acid, that classic idea of what acid should be like. Every moment was joyful. Stomping to psytrance in the sun all day, the music swirling around me and giving me such a satisfying hit of pleasure with every beat, shirt off, bare foot, I was in love with everyone and felt more free than I ever have before. The festival vibe was a massive part of it too, the love and energy on the dance floor of an outdoor psytrance festival is unreal. Literally the nicest people ever, 4000 people over a 6 day festival, not one argument, no problems, no conflict, no dicks. Everyone was in love.
I've often felt nostalgic for the 60's, I've felt like they were doing something really special and now it's over and I wished I was there. But this experience showed me it's not dead at all, it's more alive than ever, I'm more thankful than ever I was born when I was now because we get to listen to this incredible electronic music, the trance state it puts me into is pure euphoria, we're evolving into a global tribe, united into one soul. We're changing the world now, leading by example rather than trying to force anyone to change. It's growing and it's global, people all over the world are abandoning what society has offered them in favour of something beautiful, we just want to love and discover truth through music, psychedelics and love.
I dosed at 1 in the afternoon and was still tripping in the morning (managed to sleep though!), no side effects at all, my body felt refreshed and cleaner than ever. I spent a good part of the night gazing up at the stars, I could see the milky way, the stars glowing and throbbing, and I shed tears a couple of times at the beauty of existence, and blew kisses to the universe to thank for the experience. I've never felt so blessed as I did that day.
I'm still glowing from it. I feel something really beautiful in my heart, it's the purest love I've ever felt. I cried again this morning from that love, looking around me and seeing the festival people, I just loved them all so much. That festival was without a doubt the greatest week of my life, that was my first festival, I feel like i've found it now. The 'it' of Dean Moriarty & On The Road, when people say 'i'm gonna make it,' no one really knows what it actually is. For everyone it's different, but I found it in my psytrance tribe, we have it, it's growing stronger, I have a renewed love of humanity and all the thing's we're capable of. Love to all on this forum & everyone who'll never read this xxxxx
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1892 Joined: 05-Oct-2010 Last visit: 02-Oct-2024
16 eh. Any idea how much was on those ? Glad you have had such an positive glowing experience from such a whopping dose my friend Art Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 173 Joined: 08-Jun-2012 Last visit: 15-Nov-2018 Location: Noosphere
 the psytrance scene is a lifestyle for many people! and the european festivals are amazing! and so is goa.. its interesting what you say about dosage, ive found in the past i can take over 30 drops of 120 mic acid over the course of a weekend, and be on the ball and loving it, and then the following weekend i take 2 drops of the same bottle and my reality melts into a puddle i really dont understand how this works i also most of the time when im tripping hard find it impossible to communicate and can slip into the negative occasionaly but sometimes my mind is so clear and for me dosage isnt the issue this can happen on smaller or very large 800mic plus doses... i would love to know what causes these inconsistencys...
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 19 Joined: 05-May-2013 Last visit: 12-Jun-2014 Location: England
No, I'm not sure exactly how much was on them. I know other people took the same tabs and tripped off 1 though. I had taken 4 2 days before so there would have been some tolerance. highRvibratoryfreq, that's interesting what you're saying about the inconsistency. I guess acid is pretty unpredictable. But in my experience I've always had better trips with high doses. At low to medium doses there's always a feeling that I could be tripping more which I think contributes to the edginess for me. And I feel sort of half way between normality and tripping, whereas with a high dose I'm completely immersed in it and it feels like the whole world's tripping with me so I feel a lot more comfortable in my state. I think the psychedelia of acid can go in many different directions, set and setting is key as always. Sometimes it affects the senses more, and sometimes thought processes. I was already feeling elated from the festival, it was sunny, I had amazing music and amazing people all around me having a party in an enchanted forest. It made for a very sensory trip, I didn't feel like I really had any introspecting to do (especially since I'd just had a few incredibly deep changa trips in the preceding weeks, the acid was never going to take me that deep). But I've had acid trips that were much more mental, where thoughts spiral away into something quite indescribable. The thing that was most affected in this trip was music, it was just ridiculously psychedelic and awesome. There was a phasing sound to everything, when I went out into the forest away from the music the sound of the wind was swirling and phasing around me too. That lasted all night, even as I drifted off to sleep. It was quite remarkable
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 5267 Joined: 01-Jul-2010 Last visit: 13-Dec-2018
Halfanimal wrote:I think the psychedelia of acid can go in many different directions, set and setting is key as always. Sometimes it affects the senses more, and sometimes thought processes. I was already feeling elated from the festival, it was sunny, I had amazing music and amazing people all around me having a party in an enchanted forest. It made for a very sensory trip, I didn't feel like I really had any introspecting to do (especially since I'd just had a few incredibly deep changa trips in the preceding weeks, the acid was never going to take me that deep). But I've had acid trips that were much more mental, where thoughts spiral away into something quite indescribable. The thing that was most affected in this trip was music, it was just ridiculously psychedelic and awesome. There was a phasing sound to everything, when I went out into the forest away from the music the sound of the wind was swirling and phasing around me too. That lasted all night, even as I drifted off to sleep. It was quite remarkable I can definitely relate to this. Sometimes acid can really throw your thoughts into a majestically logical spiral where the relationship of multiple concepts of all sorts become bare to the mind. As for the phasing sound, I can relate to that too. The velvety swishing and phasing of everything - made most apparent in music. A lot of times when I'm on acid, music can take on a watery cavernous kind of sound where the "cavernousness" phases about my aural space. The layers in the music become more distinct with more space between them so the individual layers can be heard more precisely without everything overlapping and falling on top of each other. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
well this does say something about the quality of the tabs does'nt it ? illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 833 Joined: 19-Oct-2010 Last visit: 21-Aug-2023 Location: Planet Earth
Sounds like a great time, have been to multiple festivals like that and enjoyed your story. Must have been fairly weak hits if you could take 16 of them but you know they are legit when you get that magic vibe. Unfortunately there are alot of fake rc tabs going around these parts now days and its obvious when its not true L becuase there is no feeling of spirituality and love. The 60s would have truely been a great time to be around, I feel like it was a pinnacle in recent society and at times I feel like I was possibly there in a past life. There are alot of great festivals going on today for sure and hopefully we are moving back towards that era! --------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------ All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 19 Joined: 05-May-2013 Last visit: 12-Jun-2014 Location: England
Kash wrote:Sounds like a great time, have been to multiple festivals like that and enjoyed your story. Must have been fairly weak hits if you could take 16 of them but you know they are legit when you get that magic vibe. Unfortunately there are alot of fake rc tabs going around these parts now days and its obvious when its not true L becuase there is no feeling of spirituality and love. The 60s would have truely been a great time to be around, I feel like it was a pinnacle in recent society and at times I feel like I was possibly there in a past life. There are alot of great festivals going on today for sure and hopefully we are moving back towards that era! Yeah I'm sure they weren't super strong. But by the time I'd taken 16 the dose was definitely high, that was obvious from the strength of the effects. And it was definitely true L, it is a truly sacred substance I was having all sorts of thoughts about humanity and where we're going during the festival and the trip, and I really had the feeling that we're doing something special right now. I used to wish I'd been around for the 60's but not anymore, we're doing something just as special now, if not more powerful. The psytrance community is global for one thing, it brings together people from more places than any other scene. Everyone's there to cut the bullshit, we want nothing to do with oppressive nation states, we all come to be real, raw humans, take off our clothes, take down our boundaries, and dance in the sunshine. Dancing to psytrance feels like an eternal ritual, I feel like I found a fundamental part of my humanity on that dance floor. It's such a tribal beat, throughout almost all of human history we've danced ourselves into trances to achieve transcendence, but with the advent of western civilisation we lost that. I feel so lucky to be born right as we're rediscovering it, bringing that ritual back into our lives. And I feel lucky I get to dance to psytrance because, especially on acid, that music is absolutely divine. I've raved for years, taking mdma at drum & bass raves, and the euphoria from psytrance is incomparable, in a different league, so so much better. This movement is growing, this festival really renewed my faith in humanity and hope for the future
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 113 Joined: 26-Aug-2012 Last visit: 13-Jun-2014 Location: A transitive nightfall of diamonds
Global wrote:Halfanimal wrote:I think the psychedelia of acid can go in many different directions, set and setting is key as always. Sometimes it affects the senses more, and sometimes thought processes. I was already feeling elated from the festival, it was sunny, I had amazing music and amazing people all around me having a party in an enchanted forest. It made for a very sensory trip, I didn't feel like I really had any introspecting to do (especially since I'd just had a few incredibly deep changa trips in the preceding weeks, the acid was never going to take me that deep). But I've had acid trips that were much more mental, where thoughts spiral away into something quite indescribable. The thing that was most affected in this trip was music, it was just ridiculously psychedelic and awesome. There was a phasing sound to everything, when I went out into the forest away from the music the sound of the wind was swirling and phasing around me too. That lasted all night, even as I drifted off to sleep. It was quite remarkable I can definitely relate to this. Sometimes acid can really throw your thoughts into a majestically logical spiral where the relationship of multiple concepts of all sorts become bare to the mind. As for the phasing sound, I can relate to that too. The velvety swishing and phasing of everything - made most apparent in music. A lot of times when I'm on acid, music can take on a watery cavernous kind of sound where the "cavernousness" phases about my aural space. The layers in the music become more distinct with more space between them so the individual layers can be heard more precisely without everything overlapping and falling on top of each other. That right there is why I love dosing at concerts so much. That & the synesthesia. Sounds like a wonderful experience OP! โWas I a criminal? No. I was a good member of society. Only my society and the one making the laws are different.โ - Owsley Stanley