First Halucinagenic Trip - DMT - Need To Talk Options
#1 Posted : 4/2/2009 6:00:31 PM

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So I have been lurking on a few sites reading different methods for DMT extraction. You guys are the best. Thanks. I did an extraction and decided that for me first I would go all out with some jungle spice. I know I could have refined but it seemed to me like a more natural form of MHRB. I took 1 gram of jungles spice goo and added 1/2 gram of powdered marijuana. I then put it in the freezer for an hour. I tried it out with a small dose and got the chrysanthemum effect and supper rad colors and an old lady perception of a fractal. It worked and was kind of mild as I did not smoke very much at all. I have 3 very close friends, who are all roomies, and I we have been waiting to be able to have this experience. So two hours later I am with these guys and we are talking about how to experience it and what to do and not do and how to smoke it. Note: This is a very chill environment that we, the 4 of us, are very comfortable in. We go slow and two of my friends have similar mild experiences. Couldn't take the smoke. I decided I would show them what a good ripping and breathing technique would look like... It was my turn. I had made it clear that my goal was to go through the "ceiling" that I had read about. So I took a large ball of the crystal weed goo and put it over a little weed on top of a screen...brb with the rest.

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#2 Posted : 4/2/2009 8:35:33 PM

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...back. So like I was saying. I have never done any other hallucinogen in my life other than salvia, once. I am a weed man by trade. lol. I I get a large amount of the goo. It it was close 75 to 100mg pinch of weight not including the weed. We have a really high volume bong. It is nice. So I floated the lighter and lit it up. It burned like great hash, you know just glowing. I took 2 big rips. I held the first one for about 15 seconds. I immediately took another bigger than the first and held it in. I don't exactly remember breathing out.

I went in hard. There was a sweet pattern at the end of a distance. You could call it a tunnel but more complex and in the end was a white kaleidoscope in perfect clarity. And then I was there. There where beings. They where made out of weightless crystal bubble foam fractals. Without speaking they where conveying to me the basics of matter and existences. Everything was unwrapping and falling apart into fractals that shrunk into nothing. I was cool with this. I felt like they where laughing at me, but with no judgment. They where waiting for me to get it. I knew better but I didn't give it. They wouldn't let me go. I relived it, what felt like a thousand times...over and over, the same thing. I then got it and there was joy. That is the only way to get it. But I felt welcomed. They had always been there. That's was one of the things that they wanted to know. They also wanted me to stop trying to understand, but the funny thing was in try to understand that statement defeated the purpose. The answer was to understand you have to become nothing. This is what Nirvana must be. But the label still is a problem. As the end came near I just kept falling into fractal pieces and then into nothing. There was one point that I cannot place chronologically where I was making crazy noises that dig awesome stuff. My buddies (real) said that I was making crazy noises and then I was laughing right after. The weird thing is, they said it didn't sound like my normal laugh. Wow.

Any questions or comments?
#3 Posted : 4/2/2009 9:04:43 PM

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Welcome Friend!
You lock the door, and throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me
#4 Posted : 4/2/2009 9:25:12 PM

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I like how you are trying to articulate your experience. It seems to me that it's always venture into the realm of fuzzyness and "trying to find resonance"
#5 Posted : 4/3/2009 12:57:30 AM

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It's not that they don't want you to try understand... or ultimately know, it's that the answer doesn't matter.
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" - Sir Isaac Newton

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#6 Posted : 4/3/2009 1:36:25 AM
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Great read. I envy you, because I don't remember much when I trip. Vauge impressions, an overwhelming feeling something epic just happened and sometimes flashes of what occured. I have had many breakthoughs, but no entity contact. I haven't tried jungle spice yet though (no appropriate solvents where I live, but will be visiting the city in a week). I remember that I had these profound thoughts, and then I feel them slip though my fingers when I start to come down.

Did your freinds have a decent go?
#7 Posted : 4/3/2009 2:13:30 AM

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I went for another space ride today. I feel like I am tricking people to tell them that this is a "ride" or a "drug." This shit is a fucking door. This was a bigger dose around 100mg. I cleaned it up and the blast off was SO fast. I sew things that a person should not see...but I got to see it. I experienced an almost collective conscience. I experienced something insane. The only way to explain it is "it." I comprehended "it." I kept being hearing that that was it. Pure energy. I was there for so long. I was shown that we are all energy that is human form, bu without awareness of the spirit energy we posses. I have never been into "hippie speak," like energy or spirit or light or whatever. The place that I was had people that have been there forever, outside of time. Everything was collective but there was still individuality. I don't know. I just knew I was "There." One, Nirvana, whatever you want to call it. Fleeting. Ask me questions. I think it will help. I had 2 sitters. I'm a big guy.
#8 Posted : 4/3/2009 2:15:41 AM

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Fakkz wrote:
Did your freinds have a decent go?

I was blessed with a leather lung. Yesterday 0ne of them threw up, the other almost did. Today, no barf and better trips. They just can't smoke it down fast enough.
#9 Posted : 4/3/2009 2:17:16 AM

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Faust wrote:
It's not that they don't want you to try understand... or ultimately know, it's that the answer doesn't matter.

Very true, very true. I experienced this profound feeling that it might be the case. In fact that is the answer to any question in that state.
#10 Posted : 4/3/2009 6:02:42 AM


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great reads! welcome to our forum Smile
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#11 Posted : 4/3/2009 11:43:31 AM
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Sounds like you had an amazing experience, SWIM also has only ever taken salvia, and has made a nice patch of dmt for himself and his bro.
But he has a problem, he tried 20mg to start with yesterday (he didn't want to jump into the deep end just yet) and found it nearly impossible to smoke, so he was just wondering if you could give any tips on how to smoke it better, SWIM would love to walk through that door. Very happy
And also would love to hear more of your experiences.
#12 Posted : 4/3/2009 2:28:38 PM

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Kie101 wrote:
Sounds like you had an amazing experience, SWIM also has only ever taken salvia, and has made a nice patch of dmt for himself and his bro.
But he has a problem, he tried 20mg to start with yesterday (he didn't want to jump into the deep end just yet) and found it nearly impossible to smoke, so he was just wondering if you could give any tips on how to smoke it better, SWIM would love to walk through that door. Very happy
And also would love to hear more of your experiences.


I have been thinking about this shit non-stop. Here is the secret you have to leather lungs man-rip that shit. I cleared a 2 foot bong 3 or 4 times to get it all in. So like 150 cubic inches of smoke each rip. To summarize, get a huge bong and leather lungs.

Right now I am still so blown away by it all. I almost feel like people are not supposed to go there. Where I went. I don't know. I am going to have to take some time with this and let it play out. Right now I am convinced that I don't need to ever do it again...I feel like I saw "it." What more could I gain?

They just kept laughing at me. Like they where suggesting that I had come to alter my understanding and the way I experienced things. Then they (the energy) laughed because they had done so much more. They took me way past my need for understanding and altered conscience. They took me away...away from the need for any of that. "There" there is no ego, just warmth and energy and creation.

We are all already there. You just don't know it.

#13 Posted : 4/3/2009 2:29:37 PM

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Sorry if I sound crazy, but I am for real. Blown.
#14 Posted : 4/3/2009 3:49:13 PM

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nah dude...doesnt sound crazy at all...sounds just perfect! there is a feeling of..oh i supposed to experience this...once you get over the amazement of it all..and get 'comfortable' with that will start to learn how you can modify yourself when you go to the otherside...its like hacking the mainframe..and you can cause things to happen on this side...some people will disagree..but thats my feeling on it anyway..welcome though..and just remember..we are all there you dont need to be worried about being alone with that information..because most of us on the board have it as well..

just try to allow the information to permeate and sink into you..accept it as what it is..and then keep havent gotten to the end my just got to the beginning..
it's a sound
#15 Posted : 4/3/2009 5:21:17 PM

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ichisan wrote:
They took me way past my need for understanding and altered conscience. They took me away...away from the need for any of that. "There" there is no ego, just warmth and energy and creation.

We are all already there. You just don't know it.

sounds right on to me... I haven't been "there" with DMT, but with yopo... only "I" wasn't there at all... only nothing, which is also everything... IMO, this is the ultimate breakthrough... or the lived experience that "form is emptiness and emptiness is form" as the buddhists say.

I know what you mean about the feeling of not needing to do it again... as Alan Watts said, "when you get the message, hang up the phone." However, "the message" seems to fade over time, which is motivation enough to step again out of/into oneself... on the other hand, I find just meditating on how "it" feels can brings some of that awareness into daily life, which I guess could be called the process of integration...

things like meditation and yoga are also traditionally used to realize the Self or the no-self...
#16 Posted : 4/3/2009 6:04:08 PM
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ichisan wrote:
I went for another space ride today. I feel like I am tricking people to tell them that this is a "ride" or a "drug." This shit is a fucking door. This was a bigger dose around 100mg. I cleaned it up and the blast off was SO fast. I sew things that a person should not see...but I got to see it. I experienced an almost collective conscience. I experienced something insane. The only way to explain it is "it." I comprehended "it." I kept being hearing that that was it. Pure energy. I was there for so long. I was shown that we are all energy that is human form, bu without awareness of the spirit energy we posses. I have never been into "hippie speak," like energy or spirit or light or whatever. The place that I was had people that have been there forever, outside of time. Everything was collective but there was still individuality. I don't know. I just knew I was "There." One, Nirvana, whatever you want to call it. Fleeting. Ask me questions. I think it will help. I had 2 sitters. I'm a big guy.

Never had a true DMT breakthrough, but once swim tripped on shrooms combined with a serotonin reuptake enhancer pharm that seemed to potentiate the shrooms massively. swim was peaking for a few hours, way harder than he ever had on shrooms or anything, and while sitting and meditating, he suddenly had this profound intuitive understanding of the fractal architecture of the universe. It's hard to articulate it now because his brain was completely overclocked and was understanding all kinds of shit that made sense then and still makes sense now, but I almost feel too stupid to bring it back. This happens often with psychedelics of any sort.

But the funny thing is that once you "get it", once you grasp this fractal angle, you feel totally illuminated, like you've understood the meaning of life. But you only feel this for a second, and then you realize that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter to you in the same way that thermodynamics don't matter to squirrels. It's almost a let down. Like, "So what? This is it? What do I do with this?" And the answer is that you don't do anything with it - you live your life.

So although swim has never had the experience of DMT entities telling him to stop trying to understand, he suspects that this is what they mean. Even if you did understand, the answer wouldn't be the kind of answer you're looking for. It wouldn't shake your worldview; it wouldn't change you. It wouldn't tell you the meaning of life. It would be like suddenly understanding the physics of a science a century into the future, and then forgetting it.

Anyway, I suspect that this is something that people have known all along, for thousands of years. "As above so below." Fractals. It's just that the ancients had a top-down view of the universe, and the moderns have a bottom-up one. So instead of saying "the tao makes two, the two make three, and the three make all things," we talk about "emergence" and study subatomic particles instead of godforms. But it's just a matter of perspective.
#17 Posted : 4/3/2009 9:20:15 PM

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ichisan wrote:
Sorry if I sound crazy, but I am for real. Blown.

You don't sound crazy at all. Myself and many others here have had similar experiences. I rarely do DMT anymore as it has posed all the questions, and enticed me to find answers to the questions that I don't feel as if I need to go there very often...I'll be there for good soon enough.

Now that you feel as if you have figured out "it". I suggest doing some seeking for answers, as they are out there. Four months ago, I was where you are today, and in looking for answers, I found them. You can too.

Find your own truth, the doors of perception have been opened, expanded awareness and consciousness await you.
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#18 Posted : 4/4/2009 1:00:30 AM

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You guys are making me feel a lot better. My bro's didn't go "there." They think that I am nanners, but they also said that there is know way I could say the shit I have been saying. So they know something must have happened. When I was "one" or whatever you would like to call it. I kept asking "Is this it?" Not as in "is this it in it's totality" but but this is where all the energy is.

Have any of you been observed calling out a name or saying anything aloud? My buddies said that I said, "Is this it?" several times but they also said that I said what they claim was the name, Mia. I think that I may have just been making noise, as no one there had names or identities?

Are there any guides for the DMT experience, as far as exploration goes?
El Ka Bong
#19 Posted : 4/4/2009 2:57:40 AM

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Yes yes yes ! The AllThatIS ! ... How could it all be working like that/this ..!? .. but it is ! ... holymotherfack ! ... Now you'll never forget - a non-physical Universe also exists, or like a Hyper-dimensional-soup we can't see all around us, this 3D exitence we wake up in is just a chunk floating in a much bigger 'stew' .! What a Beautiful launch ! newbie-no-more ! Tell your friends to try again !

That non-dualistic understanding of it all is hard to recount - all words fail ! you just have to breathe it somehow - it IS the 'space between the breath' - and it is so eternal !
#20 Posted : 4/4/2009 3:12:28 AM

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El Ka Bong wrote:
Yes yes yes ! The AllThatIS ! ... How could it all be working like that/this ..!? .. but it is ! ... holymotherfack ! ... Now you'll never forget - a non-physical Universe also exists, or like a Hyper-dimensional-soup we can't see all around us, this 3D exitence we wake up in is just a chunk floating in a much bigger 'stew' .! What a Beautiful launch ! newbie-no-more ! Tell your friends to try again !

That non-dualistic understanding of it all is hard to recount - all words fail ! you just have to breathe it somehow - it IS the 'space between the breath' - and it is so eternal !

Okay. I feel way less crazy. I actually get this.
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