Waves that start from the spine and spread through the body Options
#1 Posted : 6/5/2013 5:21:27 AM

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Anyone else getting them? I have always been able to generate shivers up the spine (like chills when you're cold), but didn't pay attention until recently, as it seems that by directing them to various areas of the body I can activate deep internal muscles. Also, since I started using them like so, it has become increasingly easier to start and maintain the wave going.

If I keep it going for even a little bit, my heart speeds up immediately and I get stomach growling after a meal; if I direct them into a muscle i get a strong contraction, and if I direct them into the head I get dizzy.

Tried googling voluntary shivers, but didn't get much.

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#2 Posted : 6/5/2013 5:32:34 AM

were off to see the jelly fox, he'll give us what we need.

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Check out Kundalini Rising/awakening.
#3 Posted : 6/5/2013 6:21:14 AM

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cool cool. It does sound like what kundalini practioners would describe, though I haven't felt anything other than spine sensations, and when I'm on ayahuasca, a whole bunch of weird stuff happens, but never had shivers or whatever whilst not on drugs. So are these contractions accompanied by any other experiences, like visions, or pleasurable sensations, or I don't know... anything else, or do you just feel muscles contracting?
#4 Posted : 6/5/2013 6:32:50 AM

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I find DMT usually results in pleasurable feelings in my neck and spine, kind of like a deep tissue massage.
This occurs shortly after smoking, and during the next day.
The effect is felt more strongly when vaping DMT on Harmala's, or Aya. Smile
#5 Posted : 6/5/2013 7:10:11 AM

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Do you guys get it on weed? When I first tried it alone, the best part of the experience was moving this waves from the sacrum and up the spine -very pleasant, with some sort of orgasmic sensation when it reached the head. However, I never connected that with the shivers I could generate without the weed, and thought it was just the drug.

When I tried meditating, as silencing the mind turned out to be very challenging, my attention drifted to the body and started playing with the shivers. While the control was not as good as it was on weed, if I focused on it, the tension did build somewhere around the sacrum. If released all at once, it leads to a strong body twitch. However, if I keep the body relaxed and direct the shiver, it spreads like a smooth wave and activates whatever dormant muscles it reaches. Also, the waves are pleasant if kept at a low intensity.

I don't know about the kundalini thing, I was doing some research on the solar plexus (as focusing on that area also has effects to the point of getting a head rush and passing out), and came across this blog of a woman who was talking about how her kundalini is making her crave certain fattening foods and a knowledgeable friend of hers told her to always listen to her kundalini, so she ended up gaining 30 lbs... She was serious too Rolling eyes

It;s more like a current going up the spine, until now I could use it to get goosebumps, make teeth clatter, lovely stuff like that. However, if I slow it down it feels like I can do a body scan without really tensing any muscles. Also, by touching a body part that's long been out of my conscious control (like some stringy muscle tissue) and generating this shiver, it comes back to life as I look at it. Much more convenient and effective than massage.
#6 Posted : 6/5/2013 7:29:51 AM
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i get these every once in a while, i basically use it as a truth detector.

it only happens when something is said around me or i see something, doesnt happen because of taking something (though it can occur when you see something after you taken something else).

basically it is a response, for me, to anything said or done that is relatively profound and it either happens in my head and spreads down when i realize something profound or in my back spread out when i am confronted with it.

also i have this unusual sensation of static electricity discharging from the same part of your head that you normally place a skull cap, but that is caused by something else.

dont claim to know what it is, and it probably is nothing but it happens to me and oddly enough i seem to illicit similar responses from most people when i am around them.

there has to be a neurological reasoning behind it, probably some form of receptor activity, but its interesting when it happens.
#7 Posted : 6/5/2013 5:16:08 PM

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hehe i just got them while reading this thread.
Yes, anonenium, i know exactly what you are talking about. I too get them when something profound is said and i get an mini epiphany.

I never tried to aim/move this power, but what often happend is that i can extremly intensify my emotions with it.
Especially love, gratitude and humility.
I forgot how many times i cried tears of joy and happyness, because of it.

Last year i had an epiphany after drinking some mild rue tea. I realized that i have 2 (twin)snakes in my body, who encouraged me to dance to some tribal drums. The amount of joy i got from expressing these forces, is something i nearly forget.

Thanks for the reminder, my snakes are looking forward to the next tribal drum dance session.
#8 Posted : 6/5/2013 5:28:41 PM

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I think this is a pretty common sensation. I recall doing a ten day meditation retreat two years ago, in which attention was paid to the sensations all over the body (Goenka retreat). In this style of vipassana meditation, many practitioners tune in to the constant buzz and flux of energy that we normally perceive as a solid "body." For me, these sensations were most pronounced in the hands, feet, skull, and spine. After nine days on the retreat, I was experiencing my entire body as a rapidly dissolving and re-forming field of atomic energy.

I think it should be possible to train oneself to move these sensations of energy from one part of the body to another... it definitely feels quite nice, and can be a nice motivator in meditation (focusing on these sensations increases both concentration and feelings of well-being). One thing I noticed on the retreat is how connected these sensations are with the breath. I found I could use the inhalation/exhalation of the breath as a way to push or pull the energy throughout my body.

Not sure if I'm talking about the same stuff as everyone else, but IMO what we're talking about here is getting to know the body at a deeper level of reality.
#9 Posted : 6/5/2013 5:45:16 PM

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I see it as some sort of feedback mechanism that's mostly governed by the autonomic nervous system, but it can be partially taken over if you accidentally become aware of it. There's not much useful info about how it works, as on the one hand the scientific community doesn't seem to know what it is (so it ignores it), on the other hand the new-agey crowd sees it all in terms of mystic energies, light, love and namastes.

I found a thread discussing voluntarily induced goosebumps and many mention doing it from the base of the skull. So I tried doing it from there and, it works just as well. Also, it takes some focus, but when I can make the wave coming up from the sacrum and the one coming down from the head meet at the solar plexus, there's an electric jolt like feeling, and the body becomes very erect.

I'll try to become more aware of this feedback mechanism, as it certainly seems to clear up blockages and create space in the body when directed to problematic areas.
#10 Posted : 6/6/2013 1:55:50 PM

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Lets me think of the Chi-energy, spoken of by TAO practitioners. They summon these energy and direct it trough the body. They want it keep moving, not stagnant. For that they create loops trough the body system, like runways. The most fundamental one is sacrum --> spine up, just like you say. (Du Mai), but the energy should not stuck in the head, it must decent through the Ren Mai, the frontal channel back to the lower chacra. This loop is called the micro cosmic orbit (whats in a name).

That is the primary loop, further there are side loops trough arms and legs that can tap out of the big loop. The Chi energy is guided and steered by focus.

If you have it from nature. that's great news, some Tao students train for decades without actually feeling that flow decently.

The heat in the belly is straight family of all this, I guess you're a natural Smile
#11 Posted : 6/6/2013 6:31:32 PM

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Jees wrote:
This loop is called the micro cosmic orbit (whats in a name)

So I was trying to hit the vocal cords and in the process of observing the sensations touched the space behind my upper front teeth with my tongue and wow -there's certainly some sort of neural circuit being close there. Then I remembered browsing over the wiki article and seeing the picture, I'll have to look more into that.

Basically what happened is the front side of the body got that electricity feeling as well, and after trying it a few times by touching the tongue and removing it to see the difference, I left it there and the thing just kept going until I stopped it because I felt tissue being pulled in my neck (the muscles are twisted and full of knots, so they don't stretch properly). Now I seem to have some difficulty swallowing , but better control over the front of my neck. This is definitely activating nerves and rearranging tissue.
#12 Posted : 6/6/2013 7:16:09 PM

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The spine upward (du mai) and frontal downward "current" (ren mai) loop has a switch that can be open or close the circuit, that is the tongue touching the canopy. I am amazed that you found this all by yourself, I had a 3 years tao course and myself and many others had serious difficulties establishing this currents loops thingy.


You might consider looking up advanced TAO instructors. My lessons lineage came from Mantak Chia. This is all like 15 years ago for me, and I did not further explore that route, just maintaining some elementals.

Or, just work it out yourself, no lessons, that might be the biggest thing you could do with it Wink . Man, you hit a jackpot of energy, keep working with it, it can turn you into a real no BS healer if you manage to master the energies at will.
#13 Posted : 6/6/2013 7:41:53 PM

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Jees wrote:
The spine upward (du mai) and frontal downward "current" (ren mai) loop has a switch that can be open or close the circuit, that is the tongue touching the canopy. I am amazed that you found this all by yourself, I had a 3 years tao course and myself and many others had serious difficulties establishing this currents loops thingy.


You might consider looking up advanced TAO instructors. My lessons lineage came from Mantak Chia. This is all like 15 years ago for me, and I did not further explore that route, just maintaining some elementals.

Or, just work it out yourself, no lessons, that might be the biggest thing you could do with it Wink . Man, you hit a jackpot of energy, keep working with it, it can turn you into a real no BS healer if you manage to master the energies at will.

Thanks for the info. So after establishing the loop, what did you do with it? I moved around the newly freed tissue in the neck (including the vocal folds) and it's now under voluntary control. Also, since my previous post I've played with the shivers and it seems that by touching the hands in front of the body a circuit closes even without doing the thing with the tongue. Touching the thumb and index finger does something as well, but not that intense. This sensations are mainly felt in the solar plexus, unless I'm really slouching forward, in which case they move to the sacrum.

It seems to work well for reactivating areas affected by fibrosis, so I 'll certainly try to develop more control over it, as I have some unhealthy tissue. As for Mantak Kia, I found one of his books in the street not long ago (Taoist secrets of love : ) and read a bit, I might go back and finish it.
#14 Posted : 6/7/2013 8:22:25 AM

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Since I started smoking the deem I started having this happen. After my first few sessions with spice I started to astral project which would trigger that sensation. It has become easier these days to focus on it, beginning around the base of my head & neck which will then trigger the sensations to begin which in turn will create waves up and down becoming more and more sensational. Feels fantastic.

#15 Posted : 6/8/2013 6:46:51 AM

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Welcome to the World of Kundalini Big grin

My only advice, learn how to move the energy from top to bottom, and not just bottom to top!
Edit* Just saw that Jees already said that in more detail - well worth referencing both Taoist and kundalini yoga/tantra Smile

Kundalini, Evolution And Enlightenment is a great book i recommend.Very indepth and it looks at kundalini as a phenomenon from many different perspectives

Kundalini Tantra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati is also worth checking if you want to add yogic practicies and techniques to it.

Also learn how to direct this energy in to your hands.

I used to raise mine just cos it felt good, but it can leave you feeling a bit spaced out and ungrounded in general if you do that too much too often.

Try and raise the kundalini-shakti when you are laying down too. Especially when you are asleep /breifly awoken at night time but still have slight control over your body. Can lead to astral experiences and all kinds of other things as your physical body is more or less on standby leaving your energetic bodies easier capabilities to channel this energy.
#16 Posted : 6/9/2013 6:39:43 AM

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tango wrote:
...Thanks for the info. So after establishing the loop, what did you do with it?...

As instructed per TAO, it's like a washing machine, loosening all stagnant energies along the way. Healthy thus. Note certain parts where the current slows down or is more difficult to feel, these parts are less 'conductive' (stagnant) and come loose while doing the practice. Note there are several loops, the back-up - front-down is only the main one.

while moving the "current" trough the loop, one can "add" extra energy from outside the body and merge it in it, like when it goes trough the perineum (lowest point) you can add earth energy (giving you grounding more and more), or add frequencies (data, intelligence) out of the universe when the current passes trough the third eye region. All this can enrich the current, making it more dense, powerful, colored. Your focus is the instrument to spoon up more of what you want.

because you do the loop, see it as a path in the wood, the more you walk it, the more it gets formed, it gets more 'conductive', just like you raise the cross section of an electricity cable it is able to draw even more current. Practice is key, just like training muscles it needs routine to build up, to grow.

The TAO-ist is a energy farmer/ manager. Doing the 'current' practices is like doing his farming job, to yield more of the goodies. As he/she get good in it, he learns to master/ direct pre-material energy, to his will, as a tool, to heal, to warm. First inside his own body, later to extend it outside the body.

The final goal of the TAO-ist is to "build" an energetic body outside his own physical one, starting with harvesting energy with the loops. This harvested energy is the mortar and bricks for an astral energy body, which is a sort of safe "vessel" in which he then can inhabit with his soul. Then he has a physical body, and an energetic one outside the physical one. Between the two, he (soul) can switch. In the astral body, he peeps over the wall of physical death, becoming familiar there before the real physical death sets in. Then he is no more afraid to die, because he has been there making visits.

The final goal is immortality, not of the physical body, that will die, but before that happens, an energetic egg is make out of energy for the soul to reside and travel. Why? To have this launch in your own made energetic Lamborghini is to break free from endless incanrations which are nothing less than "game-overs" - "you might have more luck trying next time".

The TAO-ist believes this is the ONLY way to exit the circle. To harvest the energy first, to build a home for your soul with it, to launch and never have to re-incarnate again.

You could say that doing the loops is harvesting energy to supply your rocket boosters. If too less energy was obtained at the time of physical death, the soul-rocket will have not enough 'punch' to leave earth gravity (in a manner of speaking) and one will fall back and re-incarnate. This is why TAO-ists are not only keen in obtaining energy, but evenly important in not loosing already harvested energy, like retaining sexual energy, not just ejaculating everything away and feel drawn empty afterwards. Hence the sexual practices. But also in daily life, not to loose energy in emotions or aggression etc.

If the tao-ist has gathered (and maintains) enough energy (Chi) and control over it, he can blast off before physical death, and come back down here at will.

It is possible some variations of TAO-ism exist which does not support this context, but this is Mantak Chia's universal Tao approach, not mine, I'm just telling. Wink

I would say, if all this energy-egg soul blast off story is not true after all, it is a hell of a good practice, creating much synchronicities and life changing effects all for the better, this at least. Powerful trained intention/ focus/ body awareness etc
#17 Posted : 6/10/2013 5:23:17 AM

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dtr, thanks for the book recommendations. From what I've learned around the web about the kundalini phenomenon, it mostly seems to be an unwelcome occurrence (that is, unless one is sitting in peaceful contemplation on a mountain top, waiting for it to happen). I'm nowhere close to that, and have enough to deal with as it is, but it makes for an interesting reading nonetheless. I was looking into kriya yoga, but all the talking about initiations and gurus are a bit of a turn-off.

Jees, thanks for elaborating. For a long time I passed by people doing FalunGong in the park, but it never really sparked my interest -probably because it doesn't look like much from the outside. When one thinks of healing energies, I guess that the first stop is yoga. However, since yoga has turned into something else in the process of conquering the West and becoming mainstream, I'm glad to learn more about Taoist practices (here's a free book I've found, if anyone else is into this stuff http://www.globalqiproje...naryMeridians-Qigong.pdf ). Since there's not much going on physically, these practices are not as easy to corrupt as yoga (but they never really become as popular either).

As for the MCO, there seem to be a lot of point that the wave has to pass through. I can't feel some of them, but then again, I've never trained for it either. Something I've tried after reading about it on the net is having it go up while breathing in and down while breathing out. That amplifies it, straightens the spine, and it can also have a grounding effect if 'sent' to the lower body.

I've also tried it while using one of those blood pressure machines they have in some pharmacies, and the pulse rate went up by about 30% in the few seconds between the readings -don't know what's up with that and if it's good for the heart. Maybe there's some adrenaline being dumped into the blood flow along the way.
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