Being ready for dmt physically - it helps! Options
#1 Posted : 4/1/2009 3:24:58 PM

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So swim tried using dmt a few times a few months ago and had mixed experiences, usually somewhat bad as there was a feeling it was too strong and too overpowering for swim physically. He felt major body overload.
But swim really could see the power of spice and wanted to take part and go deeply without this feeling of physical limits, so he has been exercising daily for a month now.
He tried visiting the dmt realm again today and what a difference!!! The body can now accept the experience without the feeling of physical overload.
So it seems that the spice has not only taught the seeker the path to the otherworld, it has also taught him to be stronger in this world. I guess it pays to keep in shape for any journey one may go on.
I just wanted to share and see if any others have had similar experience.

Sight Seeker

Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.

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#2 Posted : 4/1/2009 6:17:11 PM

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I've always been doubtful of "energetic" work ... until my recent breakthrough.

For years I've had a knot (for lack of a better term) deep in my gut. I'm a thin guy, so I've been pressing into my belly for the past few months as deep as I could, trying to massage whatever this rock-like structure was. It's caused me nausea and pain for many years.

The two recent breakthrough experiences were physically painful, nauseating, and deep. Right to the core of my being, which I now see as the location of this knot. Experience 1 was more nauseas while experience 2 wasn't as bad, but allowed me to "raise this energy" up my spine and throughout my body. I could actually feel this energy and manipulate it. I've read reports of kundalini energy rising through the chakras and clearing out negative feelings and physical ailments. While I never fully thought this possible, it's the most accurate comparison to experience 2.

Strangely enough, I had a dream the other night of bringing home a black snake in a long tube. This tube, at the top, was covered with cellophane. I was holding the cellophane tightly as the snake was trying to break through. Hrmm. I'm very excited for experience 3 which might by the completion of the rise.

Back to the story, after E2 this knot (and accompanying nausea and pain) have finally vanished! My entire being has been glowing for the past week, my eyes are brighter than they've ever been and my head is clear and sharp. I'm very thankful for this and the lessons taught to me during the experience. More to your point, she too showed me areas in my life to correct and how to do so.

If I can ask one question of you all, do the premonitions mean anything or is the mind kicking around and amplifying thoughts? I've been looking for my other half for many years and the medicine showed me a beautiful life with a particular someone I recently met. I've only had one meaningful conversation with this person and it was just about general philosophical matters (something that's tough for me to find these days). But, this person's smile radiates and I've been drawn to it since our first meeting. The entire experience was filled with this person's smile and it shined brighter than any star or galaxy could ever shine. It was pure love throughout the universe and the universe smiled having experienced it (through me). After this experience, I wrote down these thoughts and sketched a few geometric images that came through during the experience. All in all it's a rather beautiful collection of my feelings during the trip. Now, almost a week later, I'm rather hesitant to present this gift. My ego and rational self have returned and questioned the authenticity of the experience. I'm half tempted to stash it away in my journal for fear of making a fool of myself.

Ugh, this fear thing. It only seems to affect me in matters of the heart. Maybe this is what experience 3 is ready to show me.

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Big Inhale
#3 Posted : 4/1/2009 7:16:32 PM

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Present the gift. Only good will come of it.
Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here.

Here in the Prime Creators universe all things are possible,because all things are possible many lessons are learned.

None Of This Is Real!
#4 Posted : 4/1/2009 9:06:24 PM
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a1pha wrote:
I've always been doubtful of "energetic" work ... until my recent breakthrough.

For years I've had a knot (for lack of a better term) deep in my gut. I'm a thin guy, so I've been pressing into my belly for the past few months as deep as I could, trying to massage whatever this rock-like structure was. It's caused me nausea and pain for many years.

The two recent breakthrough experiences were physically painful, nauseating, and deep. Right to the core of my being, which I now see as the location of this knot. Experience 1 was more nauseas while experience 2 wasn't as bad, but allowed me to "raise this energy" up my spine and throughout my body. I could actually feel this energy and manipulate it. I've read reports of kundalini energy rising through the chakras and clearing out negative feelings and physical ailments. While I never fully thought this possible, it's the most accurate comparison to experience 2.

Strangely enough, I had a dream the other night of bringing home a black snake in a long tube. This tube, at the top, was covered with cellophane. I was holding the cellophane tightly as the snake was trying to break through. Hrmm. I'm very excited for experience 3 which might by the completion of the rise.

Back to the story, after E2 this knot (and accompanying nausea and pain) have finally vanished! My entire being has been glowing for the past week, my eyes are brighter than they've ever been and my head is clear and sharp. I'm very thankful for this and the lessons taught to me during the experience. More to your point, she too showed me areas in my life to correct and how to do so.

If I can ask one question of you all, do the premonitions mean anything or is the mind kicking around and amplifying thoughts? I've been looking for my other half for many years and the medicine showed me a beautiful life with a particular someone I recently met. I've only had one meaningful conversation with this person and it was just about general philosophical matters (something that's tough for me to find these days). But, this person's smile radiates and I've been drawn to it since our first meeting. The entire experience was filled with this person's smile and it shined brighter than any star or galaxy could ever shine. It was pure love throughout the universe and the universe smiled having experienced it (through me). After this experience, I wrote down these thoughts and sketched a few geometric images that came through during the experience. All in all it's a rather beautiful collection of my feelings during the trip. Now, almost a week later, I'm rather hesitant to present this gift. My ego and rational self have returned and questioned the authenticity of the experience. I'm half tempted to stash it away in my journal for fear of making a fool of myself.

Ugh, this fear thing. It only seems to affect me in matters of the heart. Maybe this is what experience 3 is ready to show me.


I have had premonitions as well and they all came true. But not always in the same way as i'd imagined. Your mind tells you exactly what's going on in your life and the world around you, but it's an almost impossible task, making sense of what your mind tells you.
Let me give you this advice: Don't rely on your premonitions, just let it happen. There is no way, the conscious mind can grasp what the subconscious mind is capable of, let alone interfere in a coherent manner. Just sit back, and wait for it to start making sense.
#5 Posted : 4/1/2009 9:41:16 PM

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SWIM is a professional athlete and spends his days training himself and others to reach their physical has been his path since he was just a little one and he went on to major in kinesiology in college and has always pursued his optimal physical balance. this is not a chest-puffing session...simply stating that SWIM has always felt "strong" physically and has always identified himself with his physical strength. every journey he has gone on has instilled in him a MAJOR feeling of being EVEN STRONGER!! he could not agree more that cherishing and honoring your physical spacesuit whilest here in this world can only heighten and improve your ability to work on the other aspects of your being. sight_seeker- i commend you on taking care of yourself and recognizing your improved synergy with the spirit molecule. keep it up brother!!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#6 Posted : 4/2/2009 2:07:53 AM

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Thanks for the encouragement Antrocles. Its really easy to slip into a state of physical slack here in the Northeastern US during the long cold winters. I swear its going to kill me if I don't get away from these long frigid winters. The spice gives me a good reason to want to be at in a good physical condition, although I know I should know that there are many more reasons in life to want this, but it can be hard to keep focus long term on such goals. Its great that you seem to have this built into your way of life.
Spice sure is amazing if you're ready for it! Synergy with the spirit molecule...well put!

Sight Seeker

Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#7 Posted : 4/2/2009 2:26:56 AM

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yes..well...SWIM lives in the OPPOSITE climate (Southern California) so it's pretty hard NOT to want to get out a move around here..... winter just means you wear socks! LOL!!
but seriously SS- if the spice is an incentive to stay in shape then i'd say it's ALREADY having a RIGHTEOUS positive impact on your life!! that sneaky's always finding clever ways to turn your life in a better direction....keep it up my brother! you can always PM me for any exercise tips if you need 'em!!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
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