An Exit Strategy For The War On Drugs: A Federal Legislative Guide Options
#1 Posted : 5/23/2013 4:36:21 AM

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An Exit Strategy For The War On Drugs: A Federal Legislative Guide:


The National Drug Policy Alliance released a comprehensive report to the US congress on how we should best wind down the war on drugs. It includes provisions for need exchanges, limiting of DEA power, and a restructuring of the Scheduling System (making specific note that certain psychedelics are misplaced).

It's a pretty hefty read (clocking in at 64 pages), but I have read them all and am pretty happy with what I see. There are missing allowances for religious freedom exception for psychedelic users, but that was a stretch anyway.

Whether the US government does anything with this information is an entirely different story, but as far as I know, this is the first comprehensive report by a mainstream nonprofit. I call that progress in the right direction.

I encourage anyone living in the US to at least skim this, it is something that has the potential to effect all of us in a pretty big way.

~ ND
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#2 Posted : 5/23/2013 5:15:38 AM


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Thank you for sharing this Thumbs up
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#3 Posted : 5/23/2013 5:35:50 AM
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..this is great, thanks Nathanial.Dread..

i know that many politicians are not advocating any further 'war' on drugs..

it's just that we have a terrible fear mongering media to deal with..
#4 Posted : 5/23/2013 7:00:03 AM

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There's also the small matter of this international treaty:


In effect, exiting the war on drugs breaks a treaty that we have signed along with 183 other nations.

What a mess.
#5 Posted : 5/23/2013 5:17:22 PM

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Guyomech, this is true, however, the UN has scheduled am emergency meeting to tackle drug policy for 2016.

This, to me, seems like it it could be the single biggest boon to the anti-prohibitionist movement yet. The United States is getting a lot of pressure from Latin American countries for whom US prohibition is prompting nation-wide conflicts and cartel violence.

The summit is scheduled to be in 3.5, and in those years, I can only imagine that the marijuana push is going to continue to gain steam here in the US, with a number of new states voting on medical marijuana, and I believe two states who are going to try full legalization (Montana and Oregon).

I also can only imagine that more studies are going to be completed showing the possibly medical benefits of serotonergic entheogens in the coming 3.5 years as well.

In short, the future looks bright! I think that in a decade (which is the grand scheme of things isn't too long), we may be able to enjoy at least some of our sacraments without fear.

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#6 Posted : 5/23/2013 5:47:24 PM

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Thanks ND! Love the optimism. Hope it spreads far and wide. Big grin Thumbs up
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#7 Posted : 5/23/2013 9:03:21 PM

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I find this encouraging. We now have several states legalizing put, Bloomberg advocated no longer prosecuting marijuana because "it's the right thing to do"I his words. Hopefully we are entering a new world of freedom and rationality.
also the legitimate psychedelic research being done now for the first time in decades, see is incredibly really makes me happy.
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#8 Posted : 5/23/2013 9:13:14 PM

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That is great news... Can't happen fast enough!

Here in Illinois, the house and senate have both approved medical MJ. It's now going to the governor's desk...
#9 Posted : 5/23/2013 9:30:12 PM

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I'm smiling because of good news.....and also because I'm amused by the concept of "hey let's have an emergency 3.5 years".
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I appreciate your perspective.

#10 Posted : 5/24/2013 4:19:31 AM

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I find this encouraging. We now have several states legalizing put, Bloomberg advocated no longer prosecuting marijuana because "it's the right thing to do"I his words. Hopefully we are entering a new world of freedom and rationality.
also the legitimate psychedelic research being done now for the first time in decades, see really makes me hThumbs up appy.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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Hyperspace Fool
#11 Posted : 5/24/2013 7:22:47 AM

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Yeah, it is coming...

Nothing so irrational and destructive can go on indefinitely. Though, it sure has seemed that way for the last few decades. The tide is visibly turning, with ganja leading the way.

It has a lot to do with the high visibility and large percentage of the population that are standing up and coming out. I think this is as important for us as it was for the gay community. Once your friends and relatives have accepted you for who you are, they will think about you when people start fearmongering about drug users... you will be the face of the oppressed for them and it will start to become unbearable that you be so ill treated.

Even Dick Cheney became a supporter of gay marriage when his DAUGHTER came out as lesbian.

Something to think about. If you have people who love you, but don't know your stance on drugs... you may be in the closet. And while I don't wanna see people ruin their lives for the cause, I think we must recognize that the front line of the war on drugs is the line between the closet and the living room.

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#12 Posted : 5/24/2013 4:23:13 PM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:
Yeah, it is coming...

Nothing so irrational and destructive can go on indefinitely. Though, it sure has seemed that way for the last few decades. The tide is visibly turning, with ganja leading the way.

It has a lot to do with the high visibility and large percentage of the population that are standing up and coming out. I think this is as important for us as it was for the gay community. Once your friends and relatives have accepted you for who you are, they will think about you when people start fearmongering about drug users... you will be the face of the oppressed for them and it will start to become unbearable that you be so ill treated.

Even Dick Cheney became a supporter of gay marriage when his DAUGHTER came out as lesbian.

Something to think about. If you have people who love you, but don't know your stance on drugs... you may be in the closet. And while I don't wanna see people ruin their lives for the cause, I think we must recognize that the front line of the war on drugs is the line between the closet and the living room.


Man I totally agree with this.

I make no attempt what so ever to hide my marijuana usage from facebook friends..though I do keep a healthy distance between facebook and work. It's also worth noting, that I'm far past the childish phase of bragging about pot. it's just pot for gods sake. Yeah I enjoy a bowl in the evenings after work, but I don't feel like I need to brag about that fact any more than others brag about enjoying a beer after work..which I also enjoy on the rare occasion.

Hell I'm even half way out of the closet with regards to psychs. Certainly my parents and close friends know about it, but I am slowly opening up to more and more people about it as time goes on.

Truth be told I sort of feel obligated in a small way. I'm one of those people that shouldn't exist according to the drug war propaganda. I smoke pot and do psychedelics and still managed to get a PhD and have held down a high level job for over a decade now. Clearly drugs are NOT ruining my ability to function in this capacity. HOWEVER, with that said, psychedelics have certainly helped to point out the complete futility of my so called endeavor to "make a living". But the reality is until major structural changes begin to take place I will continue to play the role I've been playing in this society.

...I do love the analogy though. Psychedelic users need to begin coming out of the closet more and more. On facebook it's so easy to link up with other common minded people via groups and what not... when you do this you begin to realize there are a LOT more of us out there than one might imagine....of course a trip to burning man proves this as well...some day soon hopefully..
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