this was my first extraction as well.
no sense evapping to a resin, just reduce the liquid and purify further from there (you would have to re-dissolve the resin in water anyway).
from there you can either precip it out with base (
a la gibran2) or, as you said, manske.
i tried gibran's method with washing soda, and it came out really messy (sediment wouldn't decant. at the time i evap'd it and redissolved the base in water - which got REALLY messy. i was told a coffee filter is the proper solution - but only after the fact lol).
so i would recommend using either lye or CaOH, as both are reported to work better (which would make sense as they have a higher ph).
i have no direct experience with manske, but i hear it works wonders.
My wind instrument is the bong