it is alicia..and it was sold to you as black caapi by people who lied to you and then took your money. A number of vendors are/were doing this. I know I called them on it and they even admitted to mislabling it.
contact the vendor and demand a refund or for them to send you the vine you actually ordered.
If they want to sell alicia anisopetala to people, than they should lable it as such. The reason vendors were mislabling it is becasue they could not sell it labled as alicia, partly due I am sure to the fact that there is published results on this site that show that alicia contains no known harmala alkaloids. So instead of being honest they decided to lie.
If the vendor in question still has it labled as black caapi and not as alicia anisopetala on the site where they are selling it..please pm me the site and I will out them in a thread. This is such rediculous and immoral vendor behaviour and it is a health and safety concern as well.
Long live the unwoke.