why do I smoke 100mg at a time? Options
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#1 Posted : 5/16/2013 1:12:24 AM


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Didn't you just answer the question your title asked?

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#2 Posted : 5/16/2013 1:44:54 AM

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Yes, he did. He was answering it for us.

I didn't think one way of the other about you. Maybe he answered it for himself.
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#3 Posted : 5/16/2013 3:09:16 AM

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So please when you post that you vape 100mg just add that you need that MUCH because you are on other meds and nobody should need that much under normal cricumstances. And if some newbie comes across your post stating that you need 100mg he might try it himself on a first try. Confused
#4 Posted : 5/16/2013 5:18:55 AM

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Ymer nailed it... This is something that needs a disclaimer any time you mention it anywhere. Only a limited number of people will read this thread. When you explain it, might as well include a link to this thread.

Also worth mentioning that for anyone else on clonazapam who wants to try DMT, they should do it the way that you did- start low and go up gradually until they find their threshold, because it will be different for everyone. We shouldn't assume that 100mg of DMT + clonazapam = 30mg of DMT.

At any rate, the clarification is appreciated.

So does clonazapam use some of the same receptors as DMT? Any idea why it has that effect?
#5 Posted : 5/16/2013 8:06:25 AM

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How about sticking it in your signature thick-light?

Glad to see you posting again.

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#6 Posted : 5/16/2013 4:04:49 PM

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Thanks TL. while I'd never question the dosing principles of the guy who taught me how to work with acrb, yes, a disclaimer prolly is in order. I feel for ya on the benzos. I've been on methadone for two years and I've never doused dmt without it in my system. I definitely need more than the average bear to breakthrough as well. Coo thing about the dmt and methadone is that the dmt is helping me get off
the .methaDone
But yeah, nice to see ya thick light.Cool
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Bill Cipher
#7 Posted : 5/16/2013 6:20:14 PM

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None of my business, but can I ask why you are on clonazepam? Have you really taken it daily for the past 11 years? What is your daily dosage?
#8 Posted : 5/18/2013 3:46:14 AM

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Obviously,I could never speak to another's experience, but clonazepam is usually preserved for anxiety r seizures. You prolly know that though and are curious about TLs experiences. Think I mentioned that I'm on methadone, which many people consider quite an"evil" drug, there's an amazingly hard stigma to overcome attached to it. In my clinic,a large amount of the patients are on a prescribed combination ofa benzodiazepine like clonipin or xanax, with promethazine, or phenergan, plus three of those in combination are potentiating each other, and it's so bad that the doctor there is having to forcibly detox a chunk of the client base for it before they overdose and become a liability. It's horrible. Many of my friends were, like tl, prescribed at relatively young age and are hopelessly hooked now, in their forties or thirties, or whatever. Kicking benzos is prolly the most dangerous one, seizures and death are COMMON when detoxing them. I came off an8mg/day xanax habit on jail, plus heroin, and after the heroin kick, ended up on the psych pod there because I had a total psychotic break fRom the benzo withdrawal. I'm not latent psychotic,btw. I was having full on hallucinations, talking t.v., thinking I was on the woods behind my childhood home, drowning in bed. Benzos are the scariest shit I've ever known.
I know I'm hijacking, but I'm really passionate about the problems with American recovery, or whatever the Hell they want to call it.I cannot think of any venture, business or otherwise, that can use a 13 percent
Success rate as a capitalization point. It's insane. 3 out of four heroin die within their addiction, one way or another. The only help I've gotten from the recovery industry is the little cup of red liquid I take every morning. EVERYTHING else,I did. Noone helped me. For years,I, along with aa he'll of lit of other folks in this town, have been used by poverty profiteering "concerned" agencies, used as a means to generate more capitol, through funding. I'm sorry,13 percent is not acceptable.we need novel holisticapproaches to this problem, and that why I'm hoping to enter into the cog sci program at U ofO next year, and couldn't have done it without the Nexus.
Man, I'm sorry,I lost another friend last week, and when I made the above point on a group today, was made to feel so uncomfortable that I left, even though I have to make it up later next week out of schedule,I was pissed.

Shoot.sorry bout that yall, didn't mean to crap all over yall.
Ive said it before and I'll say it many more times, but I loved you guys for putting up with my shit and helping me to learn the road out of addiction, out was a 55
5-Meo death trip that brought me to my senses after shooting heroin for twenty five years, Ten on the streets of Portland Oregon.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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olympus mon
#9 Posted : 5/18/2013 8:03:15 AM

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I added a disclaimer to the OP in red.

To the Op- I hope someday you are able to experience dmt off of these medications. The experience off benzo's can be much more profound and wondrous. I was taking 10mg of Diazapan for a short period of time last year and it had quite an effect on my dmt experiences compared to having a clean system.
If not be safe and enjoy.Smile
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#10 Posted : 5/18/2013 8:52:26 AM

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I normally don't talk about what constitutes a breakthrough dose for me, for the same reasons. I have a very high tolerance to tryptamines and I need to vape at least 60mg to achieve breakthrough. I'm not currently on any medications, but I have been through the big pharma gauntlet in the past. I believe many of those medications have permanently altered my brain chemistry. My doctors basically trying anything they thought would work, to no avail.

So I definitely hear you thick light. I really do empathize. Lately I've been trying to come to terms with my level of tolerance, without using anger towards the doctors or the pharmaceuticals themselves. I have to take more to get to the same place as others, that's all. It just irks me sometimes because I feel like these medications have harmed me enough, and I just want some sort of normalcy, if you can call it that, when dealing with some of my favorite and joyful experiences.

Like thick light said: I'm just glad I can feel it and experience it, no matter the dosage.
olympus mon
#11 Posted : 5/18/2013 9:14:18 AM

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If I may ask you both, what method of administration are you using? I ask this because we read so often people having a hard time breaking through and often times they can improve or change their MOA and have better success and need much less dmt than previously needed.

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#12 Posted : 5/18/2013 9:34:14 AM

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I thought the same thing, as I started with just changa. 1:1 ratio. I was having the difficulty with dosage, whereas friends weren't.

So I read up on the GVG here on the forums and bought one. I started with a lower dosage (approx. 40mg) on several occasions and didn't achieve breakthrough. I didn't think my technique was flawed because as with the changa, friends weren't having the same difficulty. I even tried constructing one of those "machines", same result. The sandwich method, same result.

So I upped the dosage and the desired effects were achieved Smile

Honestly, I wish it were a inefficient method of administration. That would be something I could fix. I've been off any medications for almost six years now and I do believe this is a permanent condition. If someday it magically corrects itself I would be ecstatic, of course Smile I just don't expect that to happen anytime soon, if at all.

When I say tolerance to tryptamines, I mean all tryptamines. I have the same difficulties with psilocybe mushrooms, and I also experienced the same unfortunate effect with some 4-aco-dmt I had a while back.
olympus mon
#13 Posted : 5/18/2013 8:40:15 PM

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thick-light wrote:
sorry, maybe I should have put up a disclaimer. me I shared an experience.

Oly Mons, I never experienced DMT without having benzos in my system what is the defining difference?.

No apology needed. Thats what were here for. Your post is fine and clearly your not the only one in this situation.
I was prescribed Diazapan and Vicoden for a back spasm the times I refer to. I was on them for 3 weeks roughly. The differences I noticed were needing much more dmt as you do, but it was still very hard to breakthrough. Its my opinion that for me trying to over ride the meds by upping my dose I was trying to force my way into hyperspace and often I couldnt remeber the experience even though I knew I broke through. Second by upping my dose I had, for the first time in hundreds of dmt journeys a terrifying exp. I think the high dose had a hand to play in that. I was vaping around 80mg.

Its hard to say since every journey is different but the ones on those meds lacked a depth to them and skipped past the visionary state on the way back to reality that is my most favorite part of the dmt exp.
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#14 Posted : 5/18/2013 10:55:34 PM

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thick-light wrote:

Null24 Thanks for your firsthand understanding of this issue, I kicked Suboxone with Iboga, it was complicated since I had to get addicted to morphine for a month and then get the Ibogaine treatment, but during my time on suboxone ...

Man,I'd line to talk to to you about that. I'm detoxing now off the methadone, at thirty mgs now and want to be off for at least thirty days by fall term 2014. I'm try
I'm trying to put together all theythe resources to do ibogaine, locally. I know there's people here here, but I don't know them. Yet. P.m. me man.

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#15 Posted : 5/18/2013 11:28:04 PM


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Always good to be careful about dosage advice. I saw someone on another forum recently telling people it takes SEVERAL FEET of cactus to have an experience. Reckless dosage advice doesn't help anyone.
#16 Posted : 5/19/2013 12:17:40 AM

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T L ...
I remember seeing your AB A Confusa extraction methods.. and photos of some nice looking A Confusa spice...
Is the A confusa spice experiance much like the Mimosa spice experiance in your opinion?
Is A confusa a melower slower onset compaired to A Mimosa blastoff?
Just courious..
olympus mon
#17 Posted : 5/19/2013 12:30:02 AM

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starway6 wrote:
T L ...
I remember seeing your AB A Confusa extraction methods.. and photos of some nice looking A Confusa spice...
Is the A confusa spice experiance much like the Mimosa spice experiance in your opinion?
Is A confusa a melower slower onset compaired to A Mimosa blastoff?
Just courious..

DMT is DMT no matter what its extracted from. Sometimes subtle differences in the other jungle alkaloids are present but Id feel safe saying the onset is probably the same as Mimosa extracted DMT.
Onset is about the only aspect of pure freebase dmt exp that is consistent.Laughing
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#18 Posted : 5/19/2013 12:40:34 AM


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thick-light wrote:
i'm not giving dosage advice only trying to explain why I have to vape so much to have a breakthrough exp.

Oh yeah- I understand. No worries. I meant that I appreciated you making that clear.
#19 Posted : 5/19/2013 1:09:44 AM

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acacia confusa tryptamines are like 50% NMT and 50% DMT or something I confusa extracts should differ from mimosa DMT..some people like it more with the NMT it seems.
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#20 Posted : 5/19/2013 2:37:24 AM

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jamie wrote:
acacia confusa tryptamines are like 50% NMT and 50% DMT or something I confusa extracts should differ from mimosa DMT..some people like it more with the NMT it seems.

I agree if DMT is pure it should be the same no mater what source...but this does have NMT in as well..
Their has been other opinions and below is another report on the diference between the two..

DMT from Acacia Confusa vs. Mimosa Hostilis Options
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Location: Canada I've been struggling in finding a lot of information in regard to Acacia Confusa.
From my personal research I've noticed that it appears to come on slower, almost allowing a longer time frame for vaporization. The entry into the hyper space appears to be more "peaceful" (perhaps that is not the right word)? DMT from MH comes on quick, strong and merciless, where as DMT from AC feels like one is simply flowing out of the body, rather than being destroyed (before being rearranged). I've also found the extraction to be messier - it took quite a lot of washing and recrystallizing before the desired crystalline white was achieved. With Mimosa on the other hand, everything was clean and simple. Anyone here with more knowledge about the Confusa? Personal input from someone with experience would be simply wonderful!
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