Intent, set, setting.. Options
#1 Posted : 5/13/2013 1:31:24 PM

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My last medium depth experience left me with something to ponder at the end.

I note a lot of emphasis on 'Intent, set & setting' however I have come to my own understanding that giving thanks afterwards plays an equally important part..

Like if one visited a temple filled with wise people and they deemed you worth imparting certain information, one would not then just skip away thinking "gee that was some cool stuff right there", more than likely the need to show gratitude would be in order

The wise people of the temple would likely not be so welcoming if one visited again if the former mindset was the default..

As such, I feel it is more fitting in reverence to offer thanks at the end of a journey just as much as any prior notion of setting things up right to begin with.

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#2 Posted : 5/13/2013 1:45:20 PM

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id agree with you there, I thanked Mama Aya many times after my journey was over on Saturday.

I think it must pretty hard to not say thank you after something like Ayahuasca, and also it seems like common courtesy to me.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#3 Posted : 5/13/2013 1:57:12 PM

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3rdI wrote:
it seems like common courtesy to me.

Seems less common in these times but you are spot on I feel.. And yeah something about the whole experience just wants me to get on my knees in awe. Hard not to be thankful for that Big grin
#4 Posted : 5/13/2013 2:15:45 PM

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ZenSpice wrote:
Hard not to be thankful for that Big grin

I have only had two meaningful (but sub-breakthrough) experiences yet after a lot of work on my smoking technique, but I too found that gratefulness came natural afterwards Smile


At Dharma class (don't know if that's the right term; Buddhist meditation class) I learned to 'Dedicate the Merit' to the world and all sentient beings in it, after practising meditation; to emphasize that you're not doing this solely for yourself, but for the enlightenment of the entire universe.

I'd like to integrate this into the way I say 'Thank you' after traveling & I wonder if there are people here who already practise this?
#5 Posted : 5/13/2013 2:41:43 PM

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Yeah, spot on. When I read safety and sec relative to set/setting the whole post was chilling, spiritual, awesome for me. Gotta kiss her as well ... Great pointThumbs up
…those who believe in science are as prone to addiction to imposed dogma and faith as are religious zealots. So one has to be very careful to really step back and want to know the truth.
#6 Posted : 5/13/2013 2:50:55 PM

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twofourtwo wrote:
At Dharma class (don't know if that's the right term; Buddhist meditation class) I learned to 'Dedicate the Merit' to the world and all sentient beings in it, after practising meditation; to emphasize that you're not doing this solely for yourself, but for the enlightenment of the entire universe.

Succinctly put and very much absorbed. I will add this post-intention with full sincerity Smile

Thanks also for your kind comment Archtypamine Smile
#7 Posted : 5/13/2013 4:05:38 PM

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"They" gotta work to earn their praise as well, but it is most certainly offered where deserved Wink
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#8 Posted : 5/13/2013 8:54:54 PM
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I can't help but to radiate gratitude after each experience, whether it be oral or smoked. Being able to transcend the every day physical experience of life to a state that defies all that, clearly, deserves much gratitude before and after.

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