Amazing Breaking Through the Grid on LSA HBWR Options
#1 Posted : 3/7/2013 3:52:56 AM

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Hello everyone. To start out, I fasted for a day and a half before this. So one day my friend and I decided to go out to the foothills just to get away from the city. I decided to bring 20 HBWR seeds. We went out there and did a couple Nitrous oxide hits. We did those and then they wore off. I started running around and thinking about life and where i wanted to be in life. We were both having epiphanies and great realizations on life. We were sober, but i started to hallucinate and feel amazing. So I broke out the seeds and we ate them 10 each. My buddy puked, so we decided to make the 5 min drive home before we started frying. We started to feel awesome energy and empathy and just pure happiness. It felt like the cleanest happiest MDMA roll I've ever had. It just stayed at that for a while so we took ten more and started to get minor visuals and awesome empathetic feelings.
(I found out that the ghana strain were the lowest LSA containing strain of HBWR seeds.) But we still felt amazing, so we decided to go back to the foothills and camp out. We ground up 80 more seeds and rode our bikes to the spot. A very secluded spot in the foothills. When we got there we ate the rest of the seeds. (Now we were at 60 seeds each)
The visuals and awesome energy started coming on pretty fast. I started to see butterflies (weren't really there) in the sky forming geometrical patters and amazing colors. We started to walk around and the visuals started to get extremely strong. It got to a point where the sky was all pink and green flowers and fractals.
About another hour passes by of deep conversations, realizations, and epiphanies about life and what humans really should be and how we should really live. My mind set was beautiful. The mindset and the LSA mixed created a perfect synergy for the trip. I looked up in the sky and saw a grid pattern. It looked like it was affecting gravity on the intersecting points. In front of the grid the sky turned completely into a colorful mixture of green pink and purple flowers and colored grid lines. I started hearing chanting. Beautiful angelic female chanting and the sky lit up and brightened to crazy vividness. Then the grid opened up and came down towards me. At this point my spirit started to leave my body. The angelic voice said to me, "Come with me to the other side." I was scared though so I tried to get away. I came back to my body and got up and told my friend what happened. The visuals came back to normal (really strong and colorful.)
So another half an hour passed by and I was trying to process what happened. I remembered people on here talking about "The Grid" and what happens with it. I wanted to go there. The angelic voice was so beautiful and calming and she wanted to show me. But I got scared and didn't do it. So I decided to go back. I laid down and looked at the night sky. Once again I saw the grid. The beautiful chanting started again and slowly got louder. It made me cry it was so beautiful. The sky lit up again with green and pink flowers and fractals. This time the grid came down and i embraced it. I left my body and went with them. I ended up with green lines all around me in a circle. I was floating in my spirit and the lines were spinning around me in an orb. There was the greek symbol psi (ฮจ) in the lines and fractals and colors. The chanting was amazing and everything felt right. I was in complete bliss. Everything was beautiful. I am attaching a picture of the symbol that I saw around me. After a few minutes i came back and then it just kept getting stronger and stronger. We made the walk back and the roads were waving like the ocean. I was so tired that right when I got back i fell asleep.

It was a very eye opening, insightful experience. Very intense.
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#2 Posted : 3/7/2013 3:58:36 AM

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ฮจ Psi. The symbols that I saw when I left my body.
hostilis attached the following image(s):
images.jpg (5kb) downloaded 372 time(s).
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#3 Posted : 3/7/2013 2:35:57 PM

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Beautiful experience, and vey well articulated!
โ€œWas I a criminal? No. I was a good member of society. Only my society and the one making the laws are different.โ€ - Owsley Stanley
#4 Posted : 3/7/2013 11:48:22 PM

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Heck ya LSA can be pretty powerful with a good dose, nice report. Reminds SWIM of when he did a 60 seeds extract dose. Full on fractals/symbols and colors, exploring hyperspace, euphoria, dissociation, and alittle intense but what a blast. Thumbs up
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
#5 Posted : 3/18/2013 3:27:27 AM


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Your experience has inspired me to rekindle my love for hbwr seeds! I just got some and and doing them one of these nights soon,

Cheers my dear brother, and WELCOME to the grid!
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#6 Posted : 3/18/2013 8:12:11 PM

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LSA is a great thing. I enjoy it more and find it more insightfull than LSD itself. Go for it man Smile. It will be a great experience. I reccomend going out into nature. But that is just my personal preference. Wink
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#7 Posted : 3/18/2013 10:27:25 PM


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Ive done them before, when i was only 15, it was my first deep trip and it changed my life forever, it opended my eyes to my true calling!

That was a long long time ago, and reading your experience made me ready for another go with the magic beans as i dubbed them.

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#8 Posted : 3/19/2013 7:58:11 PM

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Make a report and let me know how it goes. Smile
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#9 Posted : 5/10/2013 8:50:45 AM
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i had one huge LSA trip from morning glorys were i ended up seeing THE GRID im really stoked to see this post because ive never heard anyone talk about this my friend made 4 600 seed batches of morning glory extract and one 500 batch howerver he took the all 2900 seeds that he had extracted and extracted them once more into the 500 seed batch thinking it would make the 500 seed batch a 600 seed equivalent (WARNING NVR DO THAT AS YOU CAN DIE) so i ended up drinking the mystery batch thinking it was 500 seeds and MY GOD i wont go hat much into detail but it changed my life i was only 13 at the time dumb kids eh lol moral of the story dont trust peoples extraction however when i did see the grid like patterns fly past me i felt like i was flying and it was amazing. lucky i didnt die
#10 Posted : 5/10/2013 4:27:21 PM


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achuma puma
#11 Posted : 5/12/2013 5:02:11 AM
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i to feel that experience changed my life and helped shaped me to who i am to this day. its one of those things ill never forget Smile
#12 Posted : 5/12/2013 5:32:51 AM

were off to see the jelly fox, he'll give us what we need.

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Let me start by saying I love your name icon Hostilis Smile owls are my favorite.

And great report/journey. I must ask , how did you consume those 40 seeds? grinded? put em in capsules? CWE? or just eat em up?

And also did you or friend feel any Vaco effects? cuz I know a lot of people complain about leg cramps etc etc on LSA.
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