A DMT sound - Please have a listen to what I've found Options
#21 Posted : 5/4/2013 7:36:51 PM

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DeMenTed wrote:
Hi Wiglo check this track out. If you listen to the sound at 1:16 that lasts about 2 seconds, this is as close to the sound i hear that ive heard in real life. My sound is more zingy and zoingy but the portamento action of the sound is the same. It's also a great track, enjoy Pleased

i've never seen this demented... really amazing to see so many similarities to my experience placed in this video. Also i've actually cited many of the exact clips used. very cool share.

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#22 Posted : 5/5/2013 2:46:44 AM

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Thanks man. It seems Dimitri and I were meant to find one another at some point from the music I was making, lol.

When I do MIDI stuff I usually use Reaper and use plugins from there with my midi controller. The specific plugin I used on that experiment was called MJHarmonic PingOnly from It is a free Just Intonation midi Synth. I spoke to the guy a while back and he said he programmed it very easily in Max MSP. Which is something I would love to get into; it is also incorporated into Ableton.

wiglo wrote:

Voyaj, that is SICK. I might have bugged out for a few seconds at the end. Very cool stuff. Is that from Ableton? Sorry I ask, I have Ableton 4 I think but I never got into it much because at that point I was rewiring Reason and Logic. I found Reason at the time much easier to use. The one thing I loved about Ableton that Logic eventually came out with was the rubberbanding of wav formats.

Just Intonation was one of those things, where I was looking for new tuning systems, so I was listening to a lot of new music, a lot of pretty far out there stuff; in the process my life was changed by
discovering La Monte Young and the Well Tuned Piano: .

I had no idea what I was in for. I used to work in an art department where we listened to music all day, so I just downloaded the album, put it on, sounds cool. Dissonant. When all the pieces came together, that is if you have waited more than 30 minutes for the build, which is at the 30 minute mark if you do not have the patience haha... tears were literally flowing down my face and I could not concentrate any longer. They were this is INCREDIBLE tears. And not much music has the capacity to do that to me.

Also a little wiki blurb on Just Intonation:

In music, just intonation (sometimes abbreviated as JI) or pure intonation is any musical tuning in which the frequencies of notes are related by ratios of small whole numbers. Any interval tuned in this way is called a pure or just interval. The two notes in any just interval are members of the same harmonic series.[a] Frequency ratios involving large integers such as 1024:927 are not generally said to be justly tuned. "Just intonation is the tuning system of the later ancient Greek modes as codified by Ptolemy; it was the aesthetic ideal of the Renaissance theorists; and it is the tuning practice of a great many musical cultures worldwide, both ancient and modern."[1]
#23 Posted : 5/5/2013 3:06:20 AM

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Very cool! Thanks for posting that!

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#24 Posted : 5/5/2013 6:09:32 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
There are many sounds made by The Whitney Music Box that remind me of what I sometimes hear “over there”.

This is fantastic... how have I never heard of this before?

I love you guys.

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#25 Posted : 5/6/2013 4:24:32 AM

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voyaj wrote:
Also a little wiki blurb on Just Intonation:

In music, just intonation (sometimes abbreviated as JI) or pure intonation is any musical tuning in which the frequencies of notes are related by ratios of small whole numbers. Any interval tuned in this way is called a pure or just interval. The two notes in any just interval are members of the same harmonic series.[a] Frequency ratios involving large integers such as 1024:927 are not generally said to be justly tuned. "Just intonation is the tuning system of the later ancient Greek modes as codified by Ptolemy; it was the aesthetic ideal of the Renaissance theorists; and it is the tuning practice of a great many musical cultures worldwide, both ancient and modern."[1]

Holy crap! This is what I love about this place. Every time I come here, I learn something absolutely new and fascinating that helps me in my journey. Thanks for your entire post Voyaj! I'll be looking into JI and thanks for that music piece. I haven't listened to it all yet, but I will tomorrow when I have free unobstructed time.
#26 Posted : 5/6/2013 5:38:46 AM

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Likewise man, this site is fantastic, so many open minded people that realize that there is so much
more to life. I have learned much here.

Let me know what you think when that track hits the fan Stop Shocked Surprised Shocked Big grin

wiglo wrote:

Holy crap! This is what I love about this place. Every time I come here, I learn something absolutely new and fascinating that helps me in my journey. Thanks for your entire post Voyaj! I'll be looking into JI and thanks for that music piece. I haven't listened to it all yet, but I will tomorrow when I have free unobstructed time.

#27 Posted : 5/6/2013 10:06:27 AM

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thanks for the sounds wiglo.. I can definitely feel where your coming from Smile the sounds of hyperspace for me play out with a kinda thin high pitched sound with frequency oscillation as the sorta ...language.. tends to speed up and raise in pitch when my thoughts project into the experience. when I am surrendered and in states of ecstacy, the tone feels much more constant with a much slower frequency oscillation .. with a toungue-ish feel to it- as many here would be familiar with. there seems to be a differing pitch and frequency oscillation to both the loving and fearful interpretive states when in hyperspace ..
#28 Posted : 5/7/2013 3:52:56 AM

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acacian wrote:
thanks for the sounds wiglo.. I can definitely feel where your coming from Smile the sounds of hyperspace for me play out with a kinda thin high pitched sound with frequency oscillation as the sorta ...language.. tends to speed up and raise in pitch when my thoughts project into the experience. when I am surrendered and in states of ecstacy, the tone feels much more constant with a much slower frequency oscillation .. with a toungue-ish feel to it- as many here would be familiar with. there seems to be a differing pitch and frequency oscillation to both the loving and fearful interpretive states when in hyperspace ..

Thanks Acacian! Interesting points you bring up, specifically the loving and fearful states reflecting the auditory states. I think I've only been really terrified once and upset twice, My first vape and at the beginning of my first two Ayahuasca brews. Once Ayahuasca had reached me, all I have ever felt is the love interpretation. For the life of me, I can't remember too well if I even heard a difference because I went straight in and sounds were replaced by voices. But... I think it may have and what you said has triggered a memory of just that. The icaros were loud and somewhat distorted, mechanically insectoid. That was over a decade ago so if there's a next time I'll see if I can make a conscious effort to discern emotional auditory responses. Really interesting! Your above points would serve as a good thread topic on their own.

#29 Posted : 5/7/2013 9:03:48 PM


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gibran2 wrote:
There are many sounds made by The Whitney Music Box that remind me of what I sometimes hear “over there”.

Definitely! What a cool site!

I love this thread because it reminded me that after a recent journey I was listening to this and immediately thought "that's sonic DMT man...":

The vocal effect kicks in at 1:35 if Mastodon isn't your cup of tea (though it should be!). Cool lyrics too. Pleased
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#30 Posted : 5/7/2013 10:52:45 PM

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Khronos wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
There are many sounds made by The Whitney Music Box that remind me of what I sometimes hear “over there”.

Definitely! What a cool site!

I love this thread because it reminded me that after a recent journey I was listening to this and immediately thought "that's sonic DMT man...":

The vocal effect kicks in at 1:35 if Mastodon isn't your cup of tea (though it should be!). Cool lyrics too. Pleased

THAT my friend is the alien insect voice that Terence and Daniel McKenna spoke of which they encountered in the jungles after ingesting a quite a bit of mushrooms. I know that voice. It happened to me after my first Ayahuasca purge. I laid down and my friend began to speak to me. I noticed my replies were very insect-like, buzzing, drawn out and mechanical. I was very surprised at how I was able to make my voice sound the way it did with no effort. My friend noticed it, too. When he spoke, he sounded like he always sounded. When I spoke, it wasn't my voice. The sound surprised my friend as much as it did me. Since then I have only been able to reproduce that voice only during Ayahuasca.

BTW, I've seen Mastodon a bunch of times, most recently opening for Metallica at MSG a few years back!
#31 Posted : 5/8/2013 8:55:40 AM


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wiglo wrote:

THAT my friend is the alien insect voice that Terence and Daniel McKenna spoke of

Man... I've heard the sound when I encounter a mantid entity that's been tapping into my journeys. Weird that you've got a mantis as your profile pic! Shocked

wiglo wrote:
BTW, I've seen Mastodon a bunch of times, most recently opening for Metallica at MSG a few years back!

Damn man... I'm envious! Out here in South Africa we don't get much chance to see international acts (though Metallica did play here two weeks ago).
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#32 Posted : 5/8/2013 5:38:47 PM

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Khronos wrote:

Man... I've heard the sound when I encounter a mantid entity that's been tapping into my journeys. Weird that you've got a mantis as your profile pic! Shocked

Damn man... I'm envious! Out here in South Africa we don't get much chance to see international acts (though Metallica did play here two weeks ago).

You just gave me chills! If you get a chance, please skim through my 2nd DMT experience. The MANTIS! There's a reason I chose that as my profile pic Smile Interestingly enough, I don't see the mantis anymore. She gave me her knowledge and now I am surrounded by cats. YES cats. Humanoid cats, like what you would see in ancient Egypt. Bastet, etc. They have been a part of my experience more often than not. It's weird!

Here's my 2nd time. I hope you get a kick out of it!
#33 Posted : 5/8/2013 6:44:18 PM


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Awesome trip report wiglo! If only my mantis was so benevolent! The one I keep meeting is freaky...
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