A DMT sound - Please have a listen to what I've found Options
#1 Posted : 5/2/2013 3:36:21 PM

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Hi friends!

I was playing around last night with my audio software and came across this sound in a Reason 7 combinator. I made very little modifications here as it's pretty much spot on (at least in my experience) straight from the box. When I heard it, I was immediately blown away by how similar it sounded to the point where I had to stop listening or I might find myself somewhere else! I wanted to share it with you all. Would love to hear what you think, to see if it is also familiar to you as well. I want to layer some more sounds and create a more "produced" experience, but here goes:

Thanks for listening!

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#2 Posted : 5/2/2013 4:30:44 PM

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Yep. I definitely hear sounds like that. They're a bit more mathematically rhythmic and the tones are like pure pitches or harmonics, but I certainly know where you're coming from.
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#3 Posted : 5/2/2013 4:40:02 PM

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Global wrote:
Yep. I definitely hear sounds like that. They're a bit more mathematically rhythmic and the tones are like pure pitches or harmonics, but I certainly know where you're coming from.

Kind of like data streaming and electrical hisses at times is what I get. This is certainly a work in progress and thanks for the feedback and the confirmation! This attempt is the closest I've come to recreating what I "hear" and I'll post more as I get closer.

#4 Posted : 5/2/2013 5:42:42 PM

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Great topic for discussion, and I applaud your efforts Wiglo.

For me, when I vape DMT, the sounds resemble more of a static hum, combined with a crackling taught sound like strings being pulled very tight, or static electricity. Aspects of the sound your produced are evocative of it, but there is much less rhythm in what I experience.

I wonder if the MOA affects the audible landscape (I assume it does). Harmalas probably also have an impact.

Visual aspects dominate the acoustic in the lexicon. Maybe some travelers should focus on this aspect of their journey to bring back info.
#5 Posted : 5/2/2013 10:09:56 PM

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I feel like it is different everytime. Sometimes it is like the sound of an airplane or a huge fan, sometimes it is a pure high or mid range tone, sometimes it sounds like tribal drums, sometimes it is like a guitar chord with a weird pitch shift pedal and heavy tremolo oscillating back in forth.

Whatever it sounds like, the best way I can describe a DMT experience is that it is like you become a modular video synth that has been heavily circuit bent and your subconscious is twiddling the knobs Smile Whoever your subconscious is... is more Avante Garde than John Cage could ever have imagined being.
#6 Posted : 5/2/2013 10:27:48 PM


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It's not quite like sounds ive heard in hyperspace but i can appreciate how it must sound to you. I usually here a peeeeing pooing in a portamento fashion, impossible to explain really but ive never heard a sound quite like it in real life. The sounds of hyperspace are truly amazing, love it!
#7 Posted : 5/2/2013 11:06:39 PM

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voyaj wrote:
I feel like it is different everytime. Sometimes it is like the sound of an airplane or a huge fan, sometimes it is a pure high or mid range tone, sometimes it sounds like tribal drums, sometimes it is like a guitar chord with a weird pitch shift pedal and heavy tremolo oscillating back in forth.

Whatever it sounds like, the best way I can describe a DMT experience is that it is like you become a modular video synth that has been heavily circuit bent and your subconscious is twiddling the knobs Smile Whoever your subconscious is... is more Avante Garde than John Cage could ever have imagined being.

Interesting point! This sound is probably more of what I hear when I drink the brew. I like what you say about the modular video synth. I will certainly pay attention that that next time! It might just be me, but I hear the same types of sounds all of the time and this particular one that I stumbled upon is the closest I've ever come to, but I so very far still.

I'll keep on working!
#8 Posted : 5/2/2013 11:12:24 PM

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DeMenTed wrote:
It's not quite like sounds ive heard in hyperspace but i can appreciate how it must sound to you. I usually here a peeeeing pooing in a portamento fashion, impossible to explain really but ive never heard a sound quite like it in real life. The sounds of hyperspace are truly amazing, love it!

Thanks! I've read and re-read your comment and I agree... it's quite impossible to describe! I wish I could see and hear what others experience sometimes. Although we all say we have similar experiences, the translation of those experiences are ours and truly unique.

So far the feedback I am getting is that the nature of the sounds I happen to hear are pretty unique to me, where as others say it is certainly familiar. I can't ever say I will get to a point where I can make it all happen in such a way that people will resonate, but this sound is part of a larger 3D animation that I am putting together with a few friends that will hopefully demonstrate at least what I see and experience in hyperspace.

Thanks again for your comment and for listening! I truly appreciate all of your words.
#9 Posted : 5/2/2013 11:14:03 PM

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This is definitely ringing a bell it's not the same but near I call them dmt birds they make this sound but with me is not a sequence but more a stand alone tik tok.

I remember a thread abound dmt sounds in a sample from the last Indiana Jones movie the sound of those aliens came pretty close as well.

I am putting together with a few friends that will hopefully demonstrate at least what I see and experience in hyperspace.

he you might want to check out the nexus video project
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#10 Posted : 5/2/2013 11:28:32 PM

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expandaneum wrote:
This is definitely ringing a bell it's not the same but near I call them dmt birds they make this sound but with me is not a sequence but more a stand alone tik tok.

I remember a thread abound dmt sounds in a sample from the last Indiana Jones movie the sound of those aliens came pretty close as well.

I am putting together with a few friends that will hopefully demonstrate at least what I see and experience in hyperspace.

he you might want to check out the nexus video project

Whoa! Thanks for sharing that thread! I'm so on it! I'll have to take another listen to Indian Jones, maybe get some inspiration.

Yes as far as sequence, it's also not like that for me. It usually happens right when I get shot out of the cannon. Then it changes to something more mellow. The initial sound is organic and mechanical, insectoid... can't explain it. In the sample I provided, I hit the keys a few times just to rehear it. Usually it's longer and less sequential. Interestingly enough though, people here have described it as either or!
#11 Posted : 5/3/2013 12:25:21 AM


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Hi Wiglo check this track out. If you listen to the sound at 1:16 that lasts about 2 seconds, this is as close to the sound i hear that ive heard in real life. My sound is more zingy and zoingy but the portamento action of the sound is the same. It's also a great track, enjoy Pleased

#12 Posted : 5/3/2013 8:34:39 PM

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DeMenTed wrote:
Hi Wiglo check this track out. If you listen to the sound at 1:16 that lasts about 2 seconds, this is as close to the sound i hear that ive heard in real life. My sound is more zingy and zoingy but the portamento action of the sound is the same. It's also a great track, enjoy Pleased

WHUT?! This is great! Thanks for sharing! I checked the sound on 1:16 - the "woooo doop woooo doop woooo doop." I have yet to hear that sound in my experiences with either smoking or brewing. Really interesting that this is similar to what you hear. Your feedback makes me ask many more questions which BTW is awesome.

#13 Posted : 5/3/2013 8:37:44 PM
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Indeeeed. This sound is very familiar. I too have spent many hours trying to replicate it in Reason.
I'll look them up and upload them to my soundcloud so I can share the links of these sounds here too.
#14 Posted : 5/3/2013 8:44:49 PM

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SKA wrote:
Indeeeed. This sound is very familiar. I too have spent many hours trying to replicate it in Reason.
I'll look them up and upload them to my soundcloud so I can share the links of these sounds here too.

SKA check out in Reason 7 if you have it or earlier if this sound exists in their older libraries:

Create a Combinator track via your menu Create/Utilities/Combinator (this is the Reason 7 menu, don't know about earlier versions though, I haven't used Reason since 3.0 and just upgraded 2 nights ago.)

Select the folder icon in the Combinator rack to load your CMB, navigate to your Combinator patches and select "Unstable Arpeggiator" under "Sound FX." And there you have it! The key I found best to work with is F for some reason.

Really looking forward to your sounds!
#15 Posted : 5/3/2013 8:46:35 PM


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Look forwrd to hearing them SKA and no worries Wiglo Smile

To me hearing music and sounds on dmt can be more exciting than anything visual ive seen. I had a great breakthrough journey only once where i was immersed in a black and red room area or whatever. The visuals were nearly non existant but i was treated to a full track of drums basslines and mad sounds the like of which ive never heard before. Was totally amazing! Smile
#16 Posted : 5/3/2013 10:45:12 PM

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You can make digital effected sound very easily in Ableton Live or make your own synthesis in MAX MSP. I do not know how many hours I have spent just messing with effects in Ableton that sounded like Dimitri.
#17 Posted : 5/3/2013 10:51:11 PM

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voyaj wrote:
You can make digital effected sound very easily in Ableton Live or make your own synthesis in MAX MSP. I do not know how many hours I have spent just messing with effects in Ableton that sounded like Dimitri.

Yep Voyaj! I'm picking up Ableton with Push soon. I haven't used Ableton since 2005 but hopefully the learning curve won't be too steep. Thank you for the tip! If you have any samples you wouldn't mind sharing, would love to hear them!
#18 Posted : 5/3/2013 11:33:06 PM

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Never recorded much from Ableton sessions in the sense of sounds that sounded like Dimitri. But, I do have this one using a Just Intonation plugin. It is just a drone with some little Dimitri sounds. Reminds me of Dimitri but I had not even done Dimitri at that point, lol.

EDIT: Probably the most Dimitri aspect is the last three seconds. The show begins and has its amazing intro and then it just plucks you from where you are to the otherside of the universe. I feel like I heard that sound but I am not sure because I was too busy screaming in my mind.
#19 Posted : 5/4/2013 12:24:03 AM

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There are many sounds made by The Whitney Music Box that remind me of what I sometimes hear “over there”.
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#20 Posted : 5/4/2013 5:16:57 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
There are many sounds made by The Whitney Music Box that remind me of what I sometimes hear “over there”.

WOW that is such a cool tool! Thanks for sharing and I agree. I've been playing around with it and the first frequency at a certain point does some really interesting stuff. I also clicked your link as well as Voyaj's and they played at the same time. THAT blew my mind a little! Try it out!

voyaj wrote:

Never recorded much from Ableton sessions in the sense of sounds that sounded like Dimitri. But, I do have this one using a Just Intonation plugin. It is just a drone with some little Dimitri sounds. Reminds me of Dimitri but I had not even done Dimitri at that point, lol.

EDIT: Probably the most Dimitri aspect is the last three seconds. The show begins and has its amazing intro and then it just plucks you from where you are to the otherside of the universe. I feel like I heard that sound but I am not sure because I was too busy screaming in my mind.

Voyaj, that is SICK. I might have bugged out for a few seconds at the end. Very cool stuff. Is that from Ableton? Sorry I ask, I have Ableton 4 I think but I never got into it much because at that point I was rewiring Reason and Logic. I found Reason at the time much easier to use. The one thing I loved about Ableton that Logic eventually came out with was the rubberbanding of wav formats.
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