Who has seen Entities on DMT..and... Options
#101 Posted : 3/21/2009 6:09:37 AM

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interesting conversation guys.

LLB, so what do you think these entities that you are able to channel that appear in human for are? Do you think some "people" get stuck in some sort of semi-human spirit state after death so that they appear to you as humans (i.e. the Amish person, the guy with the pipe in his head, etc)? I believe in "all is one" somewhat and my experiences have led me to more questions than answers at this point and stories of spirits that remain a representation of their human form always interest me. I'd like to think that in death our energy, or spirit (or whatever we want to call it) moves behyond the "human" realm, but such stories contradict this somewhat. Am I making any sense?

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#102 Posted : 3/26/2009 10:09:28 PM
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I really am not sure of the reality experienced on DMT, whether it's all in our heard or not.
But I believe elf creatures are experienced without ever hearing about them, for 3 reasons.
Firstly, simply because people claim it, and I have no reason to not believe them.
Secondly, because the elf creature my friend experienced was _nothing_ like any elf creature she'd ever heard described before. She experienced a creature that was more like an umpa-lumpa gnome/elf. Absolutely nothing "machine" related or relation to any other description she'd heard.
Thirdly, because my friend experienced space bugs/insects without ever hearing about them before. She was very shocked to see other people experience them almost exactly as she did.

It's beyond me how the mind could possibly create what is experienced..
#103 Posted : 3/27/2009 3:46:35 AM

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SWIM witnessed someone experience elves during their first DMT experience who knew absolutely nothing about the elves, nor much about DMT in general for that matter. It blew both SWIM'S mind and hers...
#104 Posted : 3/27/2009 6:11:09 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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SoCal wrote:
interesting conversation guys.

LLB, so what do you think these entities that you are able to channel that appear in human for are? Do you think some "people" get stuck in some sort of semi-human spirit state after death so that they appear to you as humans (i.e. the Amish person, the guy with the pipe in his head, etc)? I believe in "all is one" somewhat and my experiences have led me to more questions than answers at this point and stories of spirits that remain a representation of their human form always interest me. I'd like to think that in death our energy, or spirit (or whatever we want to call it) moves behyond the "human" realm, but such stories contradict this somewhat. Am I making any sense?

I dont channel.. I embody, which is a REALLy important semantic difference... I know most people shun semantics but its the study of meaning so i think thats important... ahem...

do i believe that some PEOPLE get stuck in semi human form spirit state after death so that they can appear as humans? well... we have these choices... i can choose to be ignorant of my true nature and maintain the physical human form i had prior to death if i like, and i can choose to be lost in my karma and drama... and exist on frequencies of consciousness that support those processes... and perhaps for a good reason... but consciously I wouldnt realize that... and neither do they... they are not fully aware of he fact that their consciousness is transitory, dynamic fluid and changeable... but that is their karmic process... (karmas actual translation is action, and thats exactly what i mean but in a more interrelated sense then is used in english). In most animist cultures (which by the way are the only surviving traditions since the dawn of time to continue using entheogens) all beings which includes everything, animists believe every thing is a person in a way, can change shape... including humans... which i have seen to be true...
In my experience some spirits move beyond human form, many though maintain it for many different purposes all i believe serving a function in the totality of the cosmos, whether they know it or not...
Ive sat and talked for years with my great grand father, and hes told me about his life and hes told me about future experiences ( hey kid you go to your girl friends house right now and this is whats going to happen and this is what your going to have to do... ect) and hes done so for years... ive also seen that human beings transmigrate or reincarnate... and some stay int he inbetween state of incarnation to serve and learn in that state... some choose to stay in that state and others permenantly such as in the case of nirvana... or the state of not incarnating... staying in sublte sublte mind... or sunyata, clear light void... SWIM saw a woman last night expereince sunyata or clear light void during her spice journey...

TOLU- "It's beyond me how the mind could possibly create what is experienced..."
It is very possible that as Lovelock, the originator of the Gaian mind theory, thought that the Gaian mind creates thought forms of various densities to provide different services, to preform different functions within the ecology of the spirit of the planet. Just as wolves serve and important function within the ecosystem of yellowstone park, what we preceive to be elves may be a thought form of the earth ( so might you and the wolves and dmt for that matter) serving a specific funtion within the conciouness of the earth and the macro cosom for that matter. On micro cosmic level it very well maybe that enough people psychicly charged during dmt trips and having expectations of seeing elves could create within that psycic space of the collective unconciousness sentient, autonomous beings, part archetype, and part reflection of our own inner motivations for pursuign the DMT experience...
ultimately... in my experience all is mind... there is only one mind and it forms all that is, is all that is... and its creativity and intentions are so vast and with out comprehension that it takes the totality of it all for it to even understand itself...a nd trying to hold that space or embody it within my self for just a moment so that i CAN EXPERIENCE MYSELF AS THAT WHOLE, THAT COLLECTIVE CONCIOUSNESS is just really hard... so hard that only every once and awhile am i gifted with the knowledge that yes the mind can create what is experienced... one might look at a nebula and have that same epiphany or at jelly fish or a retarded man... even when not on drugs Shocked
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#105 Posted : 3/27/2009 9:46:06 PM

tryptamine photographer

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and its creativity and intentions are so vast and with out comprehension that it takes the totality of it all for it to even understand itself...

I'll put that in a frame and hang it on the wall!

The universe is just trying to make sense of itself and develop further and further... and we are part of the process. Even the gods are evolving and surviving.
Like Thomas Campbell said: this material universe is just a sub-set.

Firstly, simply because people claim it, and I have no reason to not believe them.

Yes spot on Tolu. Witnesses are taken seriously in court, why not here? We are travellers, we can't take cameras with us so all we can do is tell stories from memory. Unfortunately, it's impossible to explain or even fully remember... you can remember something but it's not like being there at all.

I haven't re-read this whole massive thread, but yes: I've seen entities, in fact all space was packed with them and they touched me. A hyper-massage, it's absolutely real and possible!
#106 Posted : 4/10/2009 12:54:41 PM

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I think it's both natural human brain chemistry, but also something beyond normal experience. The explanation would be that the brain is the receiver or the tuner to pick up on another frequency of everyday average otherdimensional shit.

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#107 Posted : 4/10/2009 1:21:34 PM

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LLB wrote:
...snip... he saw the place he had just gotten off work from, and two african women with big egg shaped head dresses appeared and said to him... thats not who you are... and then they took the entire 3-D space and crumpled it up into a ball and threw it over their shoulder leaving a black screen, like a starless sky behind them which swim was floating it. thenall of a sudden they say to swim...
"this is who you are!"
and wham, a burst of light and pattern and energy every where... swim was this energy... and swim felt a channel of energy in the center of his being along his spine that was filling up with energy, he felt energy centers ( chakras?) opening up and he felt so much energy was moving through him he was going to split down the middle...
He opened his eyes and saw this energy alogn with the world... it was all this energy... all he was was energy... this was a tremendous insight to swim at the time ( he was very young) and he could see PNW animal totems floating around the yard and woods as he had seen before on acid, waves of energy and patterns floating around interacting with the physical world...

Swim would like to thank these african ladies for helping him... and swim could not help but wonder if they were the same as the japanense ladies that swims FOAF had seen with the same medicine... just in different form.
the head dresses where egg shaped which gave them that big headed alien look, but they were definitely two gorgous african ladies with amazing flowign gowns that matched the pattern of cloth in their hair wrap...mmm like dis...

with closer investigation... Swim would say they looked like yoruba women... which is the culture that Voodoo stems from... interesting...

My sugar glider and his little pokey sidekick pal the parrot has both seen this wonderful goddess in african form.

The one the sugar glider (closest my heart) saw this deep red/black bald headed black chick with long straight light red fingernails that massaged my sugar gliders tensed up and excited scalp to ease him into his [first full dose (30mg)] trip and get him to close his eyes and cross his legs in normal relaxed meditative position.

More recently in time, his pal the parrot ha seen her in the last part of his trip, there were 5 rooms during his trip, white rooms with an intersection/hall leading up to them all. She was there but was black and white but still in her final goddess form.

Also, we will refer to her from hereon out as "energy clad goddess"
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" - Sir Isaac Newton

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