I think it depends totally on the teachers you have.
In general, the US public school system (which is the one I know best) is pretty mind-numbingly conformist and controlling. All of those standardized tests where a tremendous waste of time, but it wasn't all bad.
I was lucky enough to have several incredibly gifted teachers who taught me physics, government and theatre in endlessly creative and interesting ways. I owe most of who I am as an artist to my high school theatre teacher who gave me and my class a space to be incredibly self-motivated and creative over the course of the four years we spent together.
The public school system has a LOT of flaws, but it isn't all automatons turning children into sheep to work for 'the man.' There are a lot of positive influences there too.
True, the government seems to be working hard to stamp them out, but I hope that they stick around and there are enough young people in the up-and-coming generation who are passionate enough about learning that they'll opt to become teachers, even in the currently harsh climate.
"There are many paths up the same mountain."