Salvia-dmt spliffs. Options
#1 Posted : 4/19/2013 8:24:06 PM

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I thought I'd share this with you guys.....

Being intolerant of marijuana,and disliking tobacco though enjoying the concept of "chilling out" with a spliff now and again. I was motivated to try and come up with an alternative of sorts that suited my particular disposition.

The Salvia-dmt synergy at these low doses and smoked slowly via a spliff made for a very enjoyable ,relaxed and clearheaded mind state, virtually devoid of obvious or incapacitating psychedelic effects. In fact it seems to actually chase away the "fuziness" that a few drinks can cause. On a psychedelic scale of 1-5, I'd say a mild 1 to 1.5level. Smoking the joint slowly over 5-10mins seems to give this mild high some legs, 1hr+.
Attention to detail and appreciation of music and nature were measurably enhanced, as were my communication skills.

The recipe uses Rum rather than a volatile solvent as it'll disolve the dmt well enough while imparting a good flavour to the mix.

Recipe: For 3 spliffs
Aprox. 3 heaped tablespoons of dried pink or blue Lotus petals/stamens
300 mg salvia divinorum x5 extract
80 mg nn dimethyltryptamine freebase
Aprox half a shot glass of Rum, around 30ml.

Pour the rum into a small ceramic bowl/dish, add the dmt and stir till disolved, add the Salvia and mix again.
Add the dried Lotus flower petals/stamens and mix the whole lot together untill the Rum-Salvia-dmt component is thoroughly mixed into the Lotus petals.
Let dry for a day or so before rolling the spliffs using king sized papers.

Enjoy! Smile

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#2 Posted : 4/19/2013 8:26:51 PM

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That would be one intense spliff.. Wow..I couldn't do it.
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#3 Posted : 4/19/2013 8:49:32 PM

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I find that salvia actually does combine well with DMT in low doses. I recently vaped some on the tail end of a large quantity of smoked leaf. It seems to have an inhibition releasing effect.
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#4 Posted : 4/19/2013 9:17:01 PM
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I recently combined salvia with dmt and although it was a nice and interesting experience, I would not say there was any synergy. They didn't combine, instead they 'fought' each other. The salvia really overwhelmed the dmt, but the dmt added a lot of chaotic hallucinations.
But yeah anyways, heavy spliff man! I think I would not smoke your spliff at the same times I would normally smoke some weed.
#5 Posted : 4/19/2013 9:38:54 PM


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"salvia-DMT spliffs"

a recipe for disaster, IMO

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Parshvik Chintan
#6 Posted : 4/20/2013 12:56:00 AM

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moniker wrote:
"salvia-DMT spliffs"

a recipe for disaster, IMO

don't knock it 'till you've tried it
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#7 Posted : 4/20/2013 4:08:50 AM

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It's all about getting the right dosage between the two. Once that is achieved, they don't fight each other at all, quite the opposite. Plain leaf is much better rather than the extracts. It's very easy to overdo it with extracts, as most of us already know.

moniker wrote:
a recipe for disaster, IMO

If you don't enjoy Salvia on its own, then yes.
#8 Posted : 4/21/2013 7:55:37 AM

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All of my salvia experiences have been rather physically unpleasant, I've never mixed dmt with any hallucinogens. I feel like me and many of the other people I know wouldnt be able to handle such sensory overload. But it's a nice idea for future ventures. Sounds pretty potent to me.
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#9 Posted : 4/21/2013 12:06:12 PM

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juremania wrote:
Sounds pretty potent to me.

Beyond belief. Big grin
#10 Posted : 4/21/2013 3:22:13 PM

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While it's important to add that this method could be too strong or unpleasant to those who are overtly sensitive to Salvia divinorum extracts ( though lets face it, x5 is pretty light stuff) or who have an inherent dislike for Salvias effects. The crux of the technique is the slow administration that a joint provides vis a vis a big hit from a bong or pipe.

I joke you not, I can smoke one of these at any time of the day even in an impromptu fashion and if required to go about my normal business I can do so, albeit in a super good mood. While Salvia doesn't really phase me much in this lower dose range, 20mg of pureDMT will floor my ass for a good 10 mins, if taken neat via my GVG.

Salvia was always a potent anxiolytic for me, yet Cannabis still makes me shudder 22 years after my last experience! I guess we are all wired differently.

Give it a whirl guys, you'll see it is really quite a mild and recreational method of smoking.

#11 Posted : 4/21/2013 8:27:19 PM


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Parshvik Chintan wrote:
moniker wrote:
"salvia-DMT spliffs"

a recipe for disaster, IMO

don't knock it 'till you've tried it

while I have not tried it in spliff format, I have knocked on that dmt/salvia door and shan't be knocking again.
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#12 Posted : 4/21/2013 9:08:12 PM


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I wouldn't think it would burn hot enough to activate the salvia. I always heard salvia requires pretty high temps to activate.
#13 Posted : 4/21/2013 9:48:10 PM

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^seems like an old myth to me. I have had the same success with matches as torch lighters.

They do work well together smoked..the most interesting for me though was to quid some leaf while comming into an ayahuasca peak, dosing lower than usual on the ayahuasca becasue the salvia really synergizes with it.
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#14 Posted : 4/22/2013 2:54:31 AM

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Definitely a myth. Probably came to be with misfires due to reverse-tolerance effect.

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#15 Posted : 4/22/2013 5:34:15 AM

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Yeah, if that was true, then quidding it wouldn't work.

I've had some nice times with salvia and DMT. I've been a bit too wary to go full on in that situation, since I know the power of both of them, but they do go well together in my experience.
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#16 Posted : 4/22/2013 8:49:05 AM

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The trick for me was when I made my first enhanced leaf with Salvia. Just plain Salvia leaf and DMT. I made it purposely weak on the DMT side so I could gauge the dosage better.

I find 5x to be more than adequate when in a changa mix. More than that and it's difficult to reach the crucial balance.
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