What is the best thing you've ever heard some one say (or said yourself) under the influence of psychedelics?
We all love and respect entheogens here, but I'm sure we also know that what is an intense spiritual revelation to one person, may not translate well into English (or any language), and sometimes things will get lost in translation.
I was inspired to make this topic when last night, I was helping a friend through her first DMT trip. She started low (15 mg), in our living room, but started having kind of a rough time and really wanted me to help her walk back to her room.
So I did, and as we were walking down the hall, she suddenly stops and says:
"Holy sh*t, Nathanial, I see the Ayahuasca prune."
We both immediately burst out laughing and spent the remaining few minutes of her experience giggling on the floor about the word 'prune.' (Which is a great word. Say it: pruuuuune.)
We've got a lot of experienced trippers, I'm sure you guys have some funny stories to tell. It's not all endless nightmares and holy awakenings.
"There are many paths up the same mountain."