So I'm about to begin initiating my friend into the world of DMT, an older dude, about 56. He takes Prozac (I'm going to get him off that poison in time ) for road rage (retarded, right? ) and no other medication. I know Prozac is an SSRI, and I'm wanting to start his journey with my changa, as I've introduced a few people to DMT now, changa seems to make a gentle introduction to the glorious madness.
Would this be dangerous? The changa mix is 1 gram mullien, 1 gram
plain caapi leaf, and 2 grams magic pixie dust. Would the caapi leaf hurt him? I could make him a batch of boring ole mullien and DMT alone, but the dash of caapi really makes the smoke special (though, I've never smoked changa without caapi, so I guess I really don't know if it makes that big a difference. )
I've got a lot of work to do with this guy, and eventually, when he's well off the Prozac, I will take him down Pharma Lane. Basically, I don't want to scare him away with pure freebase, though, come to think of it, why would it scare anyone away? It's freakin' amazing!
Ohh! Aside: What do you fine folks think of my plan: To get my friend off Prozac, I'm going to try and convince him that Syrian Rue acts as a natural anti-depressant, and that a cup of syrian rue tea will do more good for him than all the Prozac in the world.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan