Crab Grass (Digitaria spp) Options
#21 Posted : 2/15/2013 11:26:35 PM

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#22 Posted : 2/19/2013 7:12:52 PM

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I have seen this stuff everywhere now that I know what it looks like. Im gunna go for a small hike to some wild arundinacea patches in a bog here today and maybe I can find some digitaria on the way to bring home and fill a pot with out in my yard and take some pictures for ID. Grasses are growing again here in vancouver now so this time of year is fun.
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#23 Posted : 3/4/2013 4:50:51 AM

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Okay so I pulled up a couple specimens of what I think is digitaria sanguinalis..I stuck them in a pot just cus I like to grow things..anyway I took some photos becasue it's hard to be sure of an ID just going off other pictures on if anyone can help me confirm can see the hairs on the upper left part of the first photo.

I also found what I am pretty sure is Digitaria ischaemum..all over the place..literally everywhere..

jamie attached the following image(s):
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#24 Posted : 3/4/2013 6:33:45 PM

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I am bumping this to see if someone can help confirm my ID here.
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#25 Posted : 3/4/2013 8:05:47 PM

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Well, it looks like a Digitaria to me.

The photos are good, but do not show one detail to me that might be present, are their small 1-2 mm long hairs on the sheathes and parts of the leaves?

As is the case with many plants it is good to have the flowers for the best ID, however it looks right to me.

I have noticed a lot of seeming diversity in what appears to be this species or a species complex of weedy/feral Digitaria.
#26 Posted : 3/4/2013 8:08:13 PM

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yes the leaves are covered in little feels sort of furry..almost like velvet. The other digitaria I keep finding that I assume is ischaemum lacks these hairs.
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#27 Posted : 3/11/2013 6:21:28 AM

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Im looking at some simple tryptamines the second edition and it has digitaria sanguinalis listed as containing DMT..did both DMT and 5meoDMT show up?

I just started an extraction on some of this grass I will see how that goes..
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#28 Posted : 3/13/2013 12:19:57 AM

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Here is a picture of what I got from an extraction on a handful of what I am pretty sure is digitaria sanguinalis..I used the same tek I used on chaliponga before with iso..

When I vaped some into the air off of a paper clip I smelled some faint indole like smell but also burning plant oils/fats..the extract is obviousily not pure alkaloids.

I have no idea as to what this could contain..I am hoping 5meoDMT/DMT..

I am sort of paranoid about bioassaying it..Gunna have to wait a couple days anyway as I snuffed some DMT earlier today and I am not keen on being a lab rat asap and messing with my afterglow..I will smoke some though just give me time.

jamie attached the following image(s):
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#29 Posted : 3/14/2013 12:08:46 AM

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Interesting work here jamie. Maybe you could do an A/B on it using a NP to see how or if the effects of the residue differ.. maybe it would even remove the residual stimulating effect? Likely wouldnt be as full spectrum but would be an interesting test to try.
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#30 Posted : 3/14/2013 1:16:16 AM

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^ The stimulant after effect I described was with my extract from wild phalaris arundinacea..not digitaria sanguinalis. I know of only one person who has evber bioassayed digitaria and they described the same stimulant effect with phalaris arundinacea and said it was absent with the digitaria based on their bioassay.

I never went with a typical a/b becasue I was unsure weather or not it would actaully pull 5meoDMT. I want to be able to at least detect a tryptamine presence in this species of grass before I proceed with more complex extractions etc..

I did clean that extract up though by redissolving it in iso and after about 10-15 minutes alot of crap precipitated out, and I removed the cleared up iso from that stuff with an eye dropper and reevaporated it. Its still an oily resin but its more clear now and yield is a bit less.
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#31 Posted : 3/19/2013 11:54:57 PM

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Uhhh...noone knows as far as I know what exactly could be in crab grass other than the 5meoDMT that is reported(and not by many sources) asking here if it is safe to smoke an extract of that grass or not is sort of pointless. If anyone here tells you it is safe I dont know how they could possibly know that for sure at this time.

This is not something I would really reccomend someone with little to no psychedelic and extraction experience be doing..better off to grow a known high DMT strain of phalaris and extract that and get some experience and feel for extracting..then if you still wish to explore largley unexplored possible DMT plants than go for it.

If you want validation that this is entirely safe etc you wont get it here.. Just dont say that noone warned you.
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#32 Posted : 4/12/2013 4:45:31 AM

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sooo, I have no idea what this is..but it crystalized.
A/B pulling with sunflower oil 6 times..salted with water and vinegar 3 times...evaporated and based with bicarb..pulled 3 times with 99% iso.

jamie attached the following image(s):
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#33 Posted : 4/12/2013 5:31:54 AM

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That looks most interesting......

Are you planning on getting it tested to see what it contains? GCMS, or the good ol' fashion brain?

You had my attention before, but this! This is intriguing.
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#34 Posted : 4/12/2013 7:08:46 AM

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"or the good ol' fashion brain?"

This Smile..I plan on testing with TLC also once I finally get the last few materials I need.

The crystals smell idential to how my chaliponga extract smelled. Not really like mimosa DMT at all..sort of floral I guess. I have no experience with 5meoDMT though so I dont know how it is sopposed to smell etc. It does not have a strong indole smell though neither does my chaliponga extract even though the chaliponga extract was definatly very active.

I will likely bioassay a very small dose in the next week. I am pretty confident that what I harvested was digitaria sanguinalis but still the chance that it is not makes me feel I dont know what besides 5meoDMT is in there, if there is any 5meoDMT at all. Pretty much up in the air here..
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#35 Posted : 4/12/2013 5:40:21 PM

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These crystals have not melted overnight either..whcih is half expected them to do. I guess there is a chance it is salt crystals from the plant but salt will usually crystalize as cubes or diamond shapes right?
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#36 Posted : 4/12/2013 6:58:14 PM

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when scraped up it is a yellowy orange crystally earwax stuff.

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#37 Posted : 4/12/2013 10:56:48 PM

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I can't say for sure about salt crystals, but I think they are usually flatter, more flaky, and have a different geometry to them. Also, since what you've got there looks oily and soft, it seems like you've got something there.

I'm excited to hear how it goes! If the crab grass you've used is free of harmful substances, I'll definitely give this a try myself. I've wanted to try 5meo DMT for a while.
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#38 Posted : 4/14/2013 1:53:37 AM

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A few mg's were eyeballed and scooped up with a knife and smeared onto a tiny little like 1cm piece of passiflora leaf and very carefully and slowly vaped in 3 hits over about 2 minutes.

Some psychoactive effect was noticed. It is energizing. It did have a tryptmaine like feel to it but it was so mild concidering the dose was very low and spread out. I have no experience with 5meoDMT so I cant really compare it to that. It seems to have some activity anyway whatever it is. Seemed to come on fast.

I refrained from smoking more, worried that maybe something else is in there that comes on slow..or that there are toxins etc..

I will bioassay some more maybe in a few days. I would like to have this verified by someone else who can run full analysis..pretty much anyone can access this grass so if someone who can currently run analysis wants to find some grass and test it that would be wonderful!

I will test it at some point once I have everything for my TLC kit here(might not be for some time as I am pretty broke). Until then I can only test with my brain and guess.

Please, if anyone reads this thinking it is verification of DMT or 5meoDMT in digitaria sanguinalis..well dont think that! I dont want to be responsible for anyone else. Proceed with extreme caution until more in known.
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#39 Posted : 4/14/2013 2:33:03 AM

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okay well now I am confused..

I found what I thought was digitaria sanguinalis in my yard and grabbed it and repotted it into my garden just to have it there. It is the same plant in the photos above in this thread. It is not the same plant that I extracted from..that was from larger plants that look the same in a park.

But not this one out back is flowering..and the flower does not look like other pics I see online for digitaria sanguinalis flowers..but this stuff I have looks like crab grass..some kind of it also makes me question the plants I just extracted..

can anyone ID this..please???

Sorry for the blur it was windy.
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#40 Posted : 4/16/2013 5:29:35 PM

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still unable to get an ID...anyone?
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