Seeds, Wolfdogs, Space, Money, Time.
But that is going to be slowly changing over time as we have begun preparation for a sacred garden in our garage, where the puppies cannot get. Time and money will be rectified by saving up and taking my time in each step so I am not in need of a large chunk of time until I have one available and by then have everything together. And seeds will come when I am ready and the situation is right. I am not sure where or how to begin on that front but I imagine it will be with Acacia of some sort as I am in the Northwest and some are notably hardy.
"Many of us who have experienced psychedelics feel very much that they are sacred tools. They open spiritual awareness."
"The elimination of the fear of death transforms the individual's way of being in the world." -Stanislav Grof
"My advice to people today is as follows: if you take the game of life seriously, if you take your nervous system seriously, if you take your sense organs seriously, if you take the energy process seriously, you must turn on, tune in, and drop out."
"Drop Out--detach yourself from the external social drama which is as dehydrated and ersatz as TV. Turn On--find a sacrament which returns you to the temple of God, your own body. Go out of your mind. Get high. Tune In--be reborn. Drop back in to express it. Start a new sequence of behavior that reflects your vision." -Timothy Leary