mescaline + 2ci + 25i nbome (+phenethylamine discussion) Options
#1 Posted : 3/11/2013 4:33:22 AM


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after fasting from the night before, ipuma decided to eat:
200 mg of pure white mesc hcl
50 mg of "other" brownish alkaloids (separated from the pure mescaline)
7 mg of 2ci
and an hour into dosing 500 uG 25i nbome (bucally)

this was possibly my favorite phenylethylamine combination to date. mild amounts of each substance contributed to a wholesome 12 hour long experience with obvious visual distortions such as doorways being oval shapped instead of square. i was at a bus stop on my way back from school when it started kickin in (2 hours into it) the bus wiggled like a worm/ wave. i was able to focus enough to not betray my intoxication to even my girlfriend who has particpated many times with each of the substances i was using. we had incredible sex, i dont know if shes ever been so pleased by my performance but i felt like i was reading her sexual experience and feeding it at the exact moments in the exact ways for her to have the greatest sensations.

i spent a good long time laughing with her about things i found to be funny in regards to her apartment. laughing so hard i was crying. it was one of the most enjoyable applications of any of those substances considering the dose and combination.

at one point i started to slip from reality into waking dreams, given the circumstances of being in sober company i didnt let myself appreciate the depths i might have known in hours 5-7, i look forward to exploring this again. ive found on a few occasions that 25i plus an em pathogenic substance leads me into these dreamlike experiences on such mild doses.

id like to try increasing the 25i dosage in this combo to maybe 1 mg and observing its comparitive effects. i feel that will increase the frequency/depth/duration of the dreamlike stages mid trip.
achuma puma

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#2 Posted : 3/11/2013 1:55:19 PM

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"To see God, you have to have met the Devil."
"When you know how to listen, everyone becomes a guru."
" One time, I didn't do anything, and it was so empty... Almost as if I wasn't doing anything. Then I wrote about it. It was fulfilling."
#3 Posted : 3/11/2013 9:39:51 PM

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25i is potent stuff love its visuals they are like increadibly colorful oil paintings. Pleased Mesc would def add to it nicely, sounds like a fun time.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
#4 Posted : 3/12/2013 3:19:23 AM


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oddly ipuma has only had visuals from 25i in conjunction with other compounds, yet others whove tried the same batch remark on its apparent visual nature. ipuma is unsure why he can take 2 mg without anything more than tracers
achuma puma
#5 Posted : 3/12/2013 4:06:05 AM

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Thats very strange, SWIM has tried (what he believes) 25i blotters a few times. It is a full 5-HT2A receptor agonist and has a distinct burning numbing taste, very distinct active visuals, and only lasts about 6-8 hrs usually. Drugs effect each person differently though I suppose.Confused You sure it was 25i?

--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
#6 Posted : 3/12/2013 4:20:48 PM


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ipuma has sampled 5 or more different batches with the same results, from other people who used the same substance they described it as incredibly visual. and yes its a numbing mild burn.

ipuma considers his extensive visionary use of phenylethylamines to be a factor in his inhibbited visual experience. even high doses of 2ci and all but extraordinarily high doses of mescaline (2 g) lack visuals.

2 years ago ipuma had 1.2 g mesc and it was borderline totally visual, a few months ago ipuma had 1.1 g mesc and it seemed to have no more effect than moderate euphoria. perhaps hes just too frequent a visitor to that particular state of mind for it to be a drastic change
achuma puma
#7 Posted : 3/31/2013 1:35:56 PM

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I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart ipuma. it was because of randomly stumbling onto your thread here that i have found my personal favorite combination. I love eating peruvian torch quite often. i could probably go everyday at small doses. it just works so well with me and i can sleep at night, eat during the day and i'm never confused. it really is amazing. I just take about 10 grams of moderately powered dried outer skins. I obtained 550 ug tabs of 25i nbome and tested it on its own. It was very nice, music sounded awesome but it lacked depth. I thought about your post, combined the two and let me tell you it was totally amazing. the depth of the san pedro combines perfectly with the oil painting like beauty of the 25i. I then did a second time with 2 friends out in the canyons of the hollywood hills and we sat in the fields meditating in the sun listening the wild grass blow. then we even hugged/climbed some trees. it was quite amazing, like falling in love again with nature. i mean really falling in love.

thanks again for posting this awesome recipe for blissful love.

* ps i too had no visuals at 550 ug dose by itself, but with 10 grams of peruvian torch skin i was able to have some very nice cev like ayahuasca and open eye visuals like a van gogh painting.
#8 Posted : 3/31/2013 10:11:31 PM


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im so glad to hear of your experience, its a combo i look forward to appreciating again when the weather warms up.

ive also found allylescaline to be a great partner for 25i as it alone is simply empathogenic/psychedelic but without visuals. in conjunction ive had the most intense synthetic experience with OEV/ dreamscapes. this was 30 mg allylescaline and 2-3 mg 25i, it was encroached upon "too much" territory, but never went beyond the warning feelings.

it was a truly fantastic experience with dmt esque alien/cosmic body jumping through alternate identities and dimensions. my favorite part was becoming the arachnid, i had evolved and burst forth of my previous skin/self after leaving the melting plastic pretzel conveyor belt peoples who were quite serious about their "business" all the while wearing suits...

its a new thing for me to acknowledge the useful application of synthetics whereas i was once organic/natural substances only. i feel like there is a balance where one can appreciate all lessons without the stigma of labeling what it is they accept.

achuma puma
#9 Posted : 4/1/2013 10:42:06 PM

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ipumaestro wrote:
im so glad to hear of your experience, its a combo i look forward to appreciating again when the weather warms up.

ive also found allylescaline to be a great partner for 25i as it alone is simply empathogenic/psychedelic but without visuals. in conjunction ive had the most intense synthetic experience with OEV/ dreamscapes. this was 30 mg allylescaline and 2-3 mg 25i, it was encroached upon "too much" territory, but never went beyond the warning feelings.

it was a truly fantastic experience with dmt esque alien/cosmic body jumping through alternate identities and dimensions. my favorite part was becoming the arachnid, i had evolved and burst forth of my previous skin/self after leaving the melting plastic pretzel conveyor belt peoples who were quite serious about their "business" all the while wearing suits...

its a new thing for me to acknowledge the useful application of synthetics whereas i was once organic/natural substances only. i feel like there is a balance where one can appreciate all lessons without the stigma of labeling what it is they accept.

Wow that is quite a tale ipuma! after falling in love with mescaline from the cactus i really would love to get my hands on some ally. We just went again on the peruvian torch and the 25i. 4 of us had an awesome day just wandering around the canyons of hollywood hills. everybody just fell in love with nature and sun gazing. i can't get over how amazing this combo is. The only thing that is not too good about it is the wired feeling. If there was a way to back off the wired feeling then i think it would be perfect! but it's a small price to pay for the amazing connectedness with nature and self. Was it difficult to find the ally?
#10 Posted : 4/2/2013 12:17:06 AM


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the wired feeling is just part of it i suppose, i appreciate it as a characteristic that guides me. ie the feeling of needing to go somewhere safe/comfortable. 25i makes me feel semi uncomfortable all the time, that is to say without slight alcohol intoxication. alcohol, even 1 drink totally alleviates phenethylamine negativity for me, however it drastically reduces the "spiritual depth" ime, but there is something spiritual to enjoying nature with friends too.

ally was a gift that has been appreciated but as far as preference goes when it comes to phenethylamine salts
achuma puma
#11 Posted : 4/2/2013 12:25:12 AM

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great puma. Yeah it's funny you mention the wire as a guide. that was exactly what all of thought. We all had to get out of the house and into nature. It's also funny you mention the use of drink to calm. i found this too and having even just one beer takes the edge off. but it was still completely spiritual. I just found a supplier of ally online but it looks to be quite expensive. i think i will just stick with torch and 25i. would you recommend taking more torch to go deeper and just the 550ug. as this time i took about 700ug and felt pretty itchy/wired. i'm thinking it's better to increase the cactus and leave the 25i at a manageable dose.
#12 Posted : 4/2/2013 9:54:26 PM


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ally is worth it imo, however if i had potent cacti to make into concentrated salt i would go that way everytime.
id say keep the ally low, even up to 1mg and go deeper with the cacti

i used to eat cacti daily aswell
achuma puma
#13 Posted : 4/3/2013 2:12:42 AM

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ok puma i was able to find ally at 20 clams for 100mg. so not too expensive. the combo i was thinking as you were saying, using ally in place of cacti with the 25i. Btw, i had to do my taxes today with an attorney as they seized my bank account without warning. and i just couldn't face it with my normal stress level so i took 6 grams torch flesh powder and half hit(225ug) and let me tell you it was smooth as butter. my attorney had no idea(she actually commented on how nice i was under the circumstances) and was as lucid as can be and everything was just peachy. i'm typing this right now and everything looks like glowing candy. this is my fave as i have a beer.

*btw what is your favorite method to make a salt. i have some weak pedro powder and various chems to do an extract. I have glacial acetic 99.85 food grade, hydrochloric acid, 100% d-limo, naphtha, iso, and food grade lime.... i'm down for one but haven't found the best method yet. i've done an iso pull and that felt good eating the tar ball but it didn't feel full spectrum which i love.
#14 Posted : 4/3/2013 9:13:18 PM


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if the tar didnt satisfy your desire for full spectrum i highly doubt a salt form will, maybe you didnt do enough pulls for your tar to be most effective though.

i was insisting on replacing the pedro with ally as its empathogenic and slightly psychedelic. in conjunction with 25i the ally seems to give it depth where the 25i is shallow. however i took some mesc and ally together and it was nice as well, but id rather just take more mesc than add anything to it. i started this combo because my mesc is limited and the other components (25i, 2ci, ally.) are more available

as a note i notice that the day after ally im pretty exhausted, regardless how early in the morning i take it.

example being i took 50 mg at 9am, i didnt go to sleep till 330am and i was very tired all the next day, but got good sleep and my sleep schedule was greatly improved. i also did a lot of good healthy cooking and overall wasnt driven to be intoxicated or waste time.
achuma puma
#15 Posted : 4/3/2013 9:26:51 PM

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well i read that 99% iso is not the best as it doesn't get the all the alks. So i should have used a watered down iso. I really enjoyed the tar ball, just not as much as the powder. But this torch powder is very weak and takes between 50-70 grams to have good effect. So i was just hoping to get a tip what you think is the most effective tech to extract the goodies. I love the 25i combo with the cactus as the cactus is much more expensive and really makes it last. I can take the cactus/25i at 11 am and i'm still vibing on it by 4 am. it really has legs when combined. But i do feel refreshed. my sleep is much better from it. i consider it medicine, that is why i'm using these compounds, to treat ptsd and create a sense of ease and compassion in the world around me and it's working! im so grateful for this medicine. Smile
#16 Posted : 4/3/2013 10:56:01 PM

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I can't comment on combos with 25i, since I've never tried it. But I did do combinations of peruvian torch + 2C-I a couple times. One time was a low dose trial (~10 mg 2C-I with 10-15 grams of peruvian torch) and I found it to be a very nice combination, had a much greater depth than I was expecting and a very awe-inspiring, empathogenic experience. Then I tried the same combination, but with a higher dose of 2C-I (20 mg) and about 20 grams of the same cactus. Funnily enough, I wasn't blown away by the second trial. It almost felt like the higher dose of 2C-I interfered with the cacti in some way, and I would have enjoyed it better if I took either substance separately.

I'm not sure how to explain my reaction, possibly just the idiosyncrasy of different sets and settings, or maybe something about the way the two substances interact in the body? Someone explained to me once (hopefully I don't butcher their explanation) that how potent a compound is depends on two factors: binding affinity plus how well it "fits" the receptor to provoke a strong response. So 2C-I compared to mescaline needs a much lower dose (~15-20 mg vs. ~200-500 mg), because it binds to the receptors much easier than mescaline, but mescaline is a better fitted "key" to open the lock, and provokes a stronger psychedelic response. If you have too much 2C-I on board, it might actually compete for binding sites with the mescaline (which has a lower affinity), thus reducing the expected effect.

If there's any biochemists on here who can explain that better than I did, please do so!
#17 Posted : 4/3/2013 11:58:23 PM

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this just feels right to me without knowing the how and why... i'm now taking even less of the 25i(half hit 225 ug) with more cactus and the feeling is just amazing. it takes so little of the 25i to kick in the visuals and to let the better fitting "key" of the cactus do all the heavy lifting!
#18 Posted : 4/4/2013 1:59:59 AM

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mailorderdiety wrote:
i've done an iso pull and that felt good eating the tar ball but it didn't feel full spectrum which i love.

I had better luck doing two pulls with ethanol, first with 95%, then with 40%, combined and evaporated to dryness (though it does feel silly paying for alcohol just to evaporate it away). Or you can just boil it several times and evap that to dryness, mix with just enough powdered cactus at the end to make it workable. You end up with about the same result either way, ~10X concentrated full spectrum tar. The only advantage to pulling with ethanol vs. water, as long as it is 40% or higher you don't get the goopy-slimy effect of boiling cacuts in water so it's easier to filter.
#19 Posted : 4/4/2013 2:16:36 AM

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Ilex wrote:
mailorderdiety wrote:
i've done an iso pull and that felt good eating the tar ball but it didn't feel full spectrum which i love.

I had better luck doing two pulls with ethanol, first with 95%, then with 40%, combined and evaporated to dryness (though it does feel silly paying for alcohol just to evaporate it away). Or you can just boil it several times and evap that to dryness, mix with just enough powdered cactus at the end to make it workable. You end up with about the same result either way, ~10X concentrated full spectrum tar. The only advantage to pulling with ethanol vs. water, as long as it is 40% or higher you don't get the goopy-slimy effect of boiling cacuts in water so it's easier to filter.

thanks i'll look into ethanol... i'm not worried about the money as it's all about the experience with the cactus. it's my therapy/health and costs what it costs... it's just too much material to get down when it's weak sauce
#20 Posted : 4/4/2013 7:45:17 AM

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ok just tried it again today with weaker san pedro instead of my more potent peruvian torch. i then took only half a hit of the 25i. i like this even better than acid. everything is just so beautiful and i'm even able to race my bicycle. music just sounds sooo good. i feel like i'm really healing myself finally and becoming at peace with myself after all these years of needless struggle and self doubt. what a miraculous chem. combination.
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