Start growing NOW!!!! Options
Parshvik Chintan
#1 Posted : 3/27/2013 2:39:11 AM

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seriously, why aren't you growing something yet?

i can manage it in a tiny place in cold alaska with next to no money.

what's your excuse?!?

grow something! anything! do it today!!!
My wind instrument is the bong

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 3/27/2013 2:51:49 AM

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Ok Cool
#3 Posted : 3/27/2013 3:36:31 AM

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I just started growing cacti! Smile
3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!!!!FFO TSALB ...1 ...2 ...3

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Mitakuye Oyasin
#4 Posted : 3/27/2013 3:46:39 AM

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Thumbs up Word! Big grin
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#5 Posted : 3/27/2013 3:47:03 AM


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I'm growing some thingsBig grin
#6 Posted : 3/27/2013 5:07:56 AM

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I grow what I can in my small place as well. I want to start growing some DMT containing plants, but I'm not sure what to choose to have the best success.
#7 Posted : 3/27/2013 6:03:56 AM
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I just purchased some seeds from one of the sources someone mentioned on this site (I never know if I'm going to get yelled at for saying certain things here, so I will just keep it at that), and I received my package two days ago. The seeds have been planted, and I hope to begin a nice growing relationship. heheh corny pun.
#8 Posted : 3/27/2013 6:49:54 AM

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blueskiesbri wrote:
The seeds have been planted, and I hope to begin a nice growing relationship. heheh corny pun.

Very happy
3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!!!!FFO TSALB ...1 ...2 ...3

My grafting guide
Parshvik Chintan
#9 Posted : 3/27/2013 9:38:03 AM

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Dioxippus wrote:
I grow what I can in my small place as well. I want to start growing some DMT containing plants, but I'm not sure what to choose to have the best success.

afaik phalaris grows just about everywhere.

you could also get some mimosa seeds, but temp and humidity is a little more touchy with those.

i really wish i had the means to test hundreds of species of fabaceae, i just know there are TONS of trees with untapped potential that grow all over the world.
My wind instrument is the bong
#10 Posted : 3/27/2013 8:36:37 PM

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Thanks for the reminder Parshvik, I love growing plants and this thread just motivated me to start growing some herbs and veggies, I have a small area to grow but I will have to make use of the space! Much love to all the growers. Smile
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Botanical Bliss
#11 Posted : 3/27/2013 9:06:03 PM


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I'm growing things for the first time this year. I have some herbs that are sprouting, I have two types of peppers germinating as well as cherry tomatoes germinating, and I'm patiently waiting for them to rise thru the dirt. I have several other veggies that I will sow straight into the ground once it warms up here. I plan on having some cannabis growing as well. Think phalaris would grow in pennsylvania? I would like to have my own Dmt plant. I would like to grow salvia divinorum as well, as I am interested in it, having only done it twice in unsuitable conditions for optimal teachings... but idk where I can get seeds for that
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I find you there, your arms surround me, your spirit fills me and it grounds me.
I look to you, Lady of Truth, most ancient One, yet eternal youth,to keep me safe, protect my heart,and with the wisdom you impart, fill up my empty mind and soul,so that, my Lover, you can make whole, all that was broken in this day –and that is what I ask and pray.
#12 Posted : 3/27/2013 9:26:04 PM

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hostilis wrote:
I just started growing cacti! Smile

Me too actually. I planted San Pedro seeds just couple days ago.

And there is "something" boiling in my pressure cooker right now, because I´m gonna grow "something" in the following weaks Wink
#13 Posted : 3/27/2013 9:43:26 PM
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Botanical Bliss wrote:
I would like to grow salvia divinorum as well, as I am interested in it, having only done it twice in unsuitable conditions for optimal teachings... but idk where I can get seeds for that

Salvia Divinorum seeds are extremely rare, but clones (cuttings) work out great!

I don't know what the rules are on pointing you to another web site here in the open, but there is a great guy on another website that I've dealt with in the past. He's a very nice gentleman, and is pretty economical. I will shoot you a PM with a link to that site. Plus, I believe he's close to your neck of the woods, so shipping wouldn't be too expensive. I think some others on this board would laugh at me for saying this, but I have a hell of a time getting them to grow and flourish with me. I had six at one point, and am down to one, and she's not doing well. Anyway...perhaps he can help you out.

Take care.
#14 Posted : 4/1/2013 2:23:21 AM

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I started with 12 seeds today, I hope they germinate, half are mimosa and half a. confusa.

After reading this I just realized I will have to plant at least 100 trees around, time to order moar seeds:

Ecuador To Sell A Third Of Its Amazon Rainforest To Chinese Oil Companies

Ecuador is planning to auction off three million of the country's 8.1 million hectares of pristine Amazonian rainforest to Chinese oil companies, Jonathan Kaiman of The Guardian reports.
The report comes as oil pollution forced neighboring Peru to declare an environmental state of emergency in its northern Amazon rainforest.
Ecuador owed China more than $7 billion — more than a tenth of its GDP — as of last summer.
In 2009 China began loaning Ecuador billions of dollars in exchange for oil shipments. It also helped fund two of the country's biggest hydroelectric infrastructure projects, and China National Petroleum Corp may soon have a 30 percent stake in a $10 billion oil refinery in Ecuador.
"My understanding is that this is more of a debt issue – it's because the Ecuadoreans are so dependent on the Chinese to finance their development that they're willing to compromise in other areas such as social and environmental regulations," Adam Zuckerman, environmental and human rights campaigner at California-based NGO Amazon Watch, told the Guardian.
The seven indigenous groups who live on the land are not happy, especially because last year a court ruled that governments must obtain "free, prior, and informed consent" from native groups before approving oil activities on their indigenous land.
"They have not consulted us, and we're here to tell the big investors that they don't have our permission to exploit our land," Narcisa Mashienta, a leader of Ecuador's Shuar people, said in a report.
Dan Collyns of The Guardian reports that "indigenous people living in the Pastaza river basin near Peru's border with Ecuador have complained for decades about ... pollution," which has been caused by high levels of petroleum-related compounds in the area. The Argentinian company Pluspetrol has operated oil fields there since 2001.

Read more: http://www.businessinsid...ina-2013-3#ixzz2PAdTKMAV
Parshvik Chintan
#15 Posted : 4/9/2013 12:14:29 AM

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ymer wrote:
time to order moar seeds

My wind instrument is the bong
#16 Posted : 4/9/2013 3:12:55 AM

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^^ "My wind instrument is the bong." rotfl Laughing
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#17 Posted : 4/9/2013 3:58:53 AM

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growing is the most grounding thing in the world for me. since i don't have kids the cactus are like little babies. i talk to them everyday when sit outside. they are on my front porch. also i give the little torches as gifts to friends. they require so little attention(water wise) that even the worst of thumbs can keep them alive. I'm going to planting some bigger pedro logs in ground here at my apt. Also i just ordered some mimosa and acacia seeds. can't wait to germinate those little guys.
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#18 Posted : 4/9/2013 6:13:45 AM

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I absolutely love growing my plants although I don't think you should just grow entheogens. We need to go from being consumers to producers of our own food. You could even look into common weeds which function as food, although that's more survival type stuff but is still really interesting to know. When I get my own place I want to have a huge garden and set up things like aquaculture so that I can feed myself cheaply and of course healthily.

Dioxippus wrote:
I grow what I can in my small place as well. I want to start growing some DMT containing plants, but I'm not sure what to choose to have the best success.

Phalaris grass would probably be the go. I'd probably go P. Aquatica and perhaps try and get an AQ1 clone. I'm currently starting some from some Phalaris Aquatica sp. Australia. Only planted them at the start of the week and most of them have already germinated! If you need any help locating some seeds PM me and I could shoot you a few links.

#19 Posted : 4/9/2013 6:43:47 AM

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Superb and inspiring picture, mailorderdiety.

This year for my first time, I will have my own place with a decent backyard (not very much light comes in however - might trim some trees) to start my first veggie patch.

I'll also have a chance to grow mushrooms, some oneirogens (hopefully mugwort, silene capensis, calea zacatachichi), I'm not going to take my chance growing cannabis, might try to grow some khat, some phalaris maybe.

I'll have to place for 12 months minimum - I don't know what I'll be doing a year from now - otherwise I put down some more long term growing options; caapi, cactus, mimosa.

There are alot of things I would love to have a crack at, but Australia has some pretty strict importation laws. I don't thing I'll be able to get a cutting of Salvia Divinorum, and I would love to grow that. Sad
I am a piece of knowledge-retaining computer code imitating an imaginary organic being.
Parshvik Chintan
#20 Posted : 4/9/2013 9:48:54 AM

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Continuum wrote:
^^ "My wind instrument is the bong." rotfl Laughing

you laugh, but i have been playing it for many a year now, and i am quite proficient at it
music to my ears....
My wind instrument is the bong
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