The Grid Options
#21 Posted : 2/20/2013 11:41:10 PM
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I've seen this Grid many times on pretty much every substance. The strongest id ever seen it was on a high doseage of pharma. I could literally not walk and had to crawl through my house to get outside on the back deck. It was the strongest id ever seen it. It seriously looked like it had swooped down and just kept bashing everything with these intense waves of energy.

I remember crawling out to my back deck and looking at the trees and sky, and just for those few seconds I was completely absent from my body (laying on the deck) and migrated out into this ever moving flux. Once in this non local state, everything was extremely blinding, almost unbearable to perceive. Then after several seconds I was back to my preception of being a body back on my deck. This was the closest encounter I had ever had with this phenomena. All the other times this grid was spread out afar, through everything, but this time, I had gotten me a front row seat. Shocked

I agree with you BecometheOther, completely.

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#22 Posted : 2/21/2013 9:21:09 AM


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I am officially proposing a seeking the grid SHE on March forth, for obvious t. Mckenna related reasons.

Love to see a few others join
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#23 Posted : 2/22/2013 3:30:07 AM

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I have seen the grid ever since my first 1/8th mushroom trip in my teens. I can see it most clearly on a sunny clear blue sky.[even sober] I originally thought it was HPPD but after tripping more (and seeing it on every trip in greater intensity) and reading about "Indra's Net" I came to believe it was something outside of perception.

To describe it is hard but I would say its kind of like small diamond like stars (remind me of stars from lack of oxygen to the head like when you go from standing on your head to right side up quickly) that constantly are moving in arcing patterns than merge with each other and then divide. Reminds me of an all white light fiber optic network with barely perceptible yet VIBRANT filaments.

If I view it without focusing my eyes (passive seeing, rather than, active looking at it [2nd attention versus 1st]) It becomes more and more intense usually to the point that I freak out and disengage if I am sober. On trips it can become really intense to the level jamie spoke of merging with it and absorbing information from it.

Only been on cactus once and it was inside but I can say I have even seen it INSIDE A ROOM.

Sometimes on DMT outside it has become EXTREMELY vibrant and real.

Great thread glad someone else mentioned this.
In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.-J.C. Lilly
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#24 Posted : 2/22/2013 4:37:00 AM

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Your grid sounds a lot like Alex Grey's Universal Mund Lattice, as described here:

On June 3, 1976, we (Alex and his wife Allyson) simultaneously shared the same psychedelic vision: an experience of the Universal Mind Lattice. "Our shared consciousness, no longer identified with or limited by our physical bodies, was moving at tremendous speed through an inner universe of fantastic chains of imagery, infinitely multiplying in parallel mirrors … an infinite omnidirectional network of fountains and drains composed of and circulating a brilliant iridescent love energy. We were the Light, and the Light was God."

So he did this painting based on it:

His wife Allyson did a painting inspired by the same experience called "the jewel net of Indra", whic some of you have already mentioned in this thread.
#25 Posted : 2/22/2013 7:16:03 AM


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I've definitely seen the grid before, my first experience seeing it was actually my first experience with psychedelics when I took mushrooms in high school. Both my tripping buddy and I saw it and had never heard of anything of the sort before hand.

As Anrchy said, I also see a grid almost every time I travel with DMT, it seems to be the platform from which hyperspace unfolds.

Also my wife just brought up the grid the other day and was asking me if I had ever seen it. She describes seeing the same thing years ago during an acid trip.

I think it's just the latitude and longitude lines though, nothing to worry about here. Razz
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#26 Posted : 2/22/2013 2:05:29 PM


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I have perceived the grid most notably with DMT. One of the most profound experiences i have ever gone through involved an OBE where i watched as a cosmic wind eroded my entire body into individual energy particles right in front of my eyes. It was like i was watching myself as if i were a sand castle and the wind was wisping around me until i withered away into nothing more than a cloud of particles slightly denser than the grid around me. This collective "blob" of particles was whizzing through the grid at hyper speed as i watched 3 dimensional objects unfolding/enfolding in and out of the grid space around me. I realized my connection to the grid during this experience and have never looked at life the same since. Towards the end of the experience i was pulled up into the cosmos where my particles sort of reassembled into a more humanlike form that i could recognize as being me. I felt the hands of some kind of "light being" reach down and open my skull , exposing my brain... Then the being breathed a rainbow of light/energy/pure knowledge directly into my mind. I was overwhelmed by the warm, tingly sensation and interpreted this act as a metaphorical representation of how all of the energy/information in the universe is contained within each and every last particle and that the way that we accessed this information was through the grid. A visual representation of the power of quantum entanglement. It was beautiful. I was made aware that DMT was a gift and that I had been given the opportunity to view life at its most fundamental level.
#27 Posted : 3/26/2013 7:36:41 PM


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This saturday night, i went deeper into the grid than i have ever been. Not only did i see the grid, i saw it with greater clarity than ever before, but this time i entered it. It is one whole made up of many identical smaller pieces, that are both seperate and one simultaneosly. In my head in a vision i was shown how this is possible. They are not 2 not one they just are they just exist that way.

To go any further into this i would be defacing the true value of the experience. Ill just say that the grid has an essential message for us, i saw that message and it has turned the world upside down, far surpassing what I even thought was possible until last saturday.

It is the answer the purpose, i emplore us as a community to each recieve this message for ourselves, because it simply cannot be talked about with words. Its like talking about how an orgasm feels, you can say it feels really good, but it means nothing until you have an orgasm yourself.

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#28 Posted : 3/27/2013 7:53:25 PM

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BecometheOther wrote:
Also the grid is not static, it appears always moving flowing... I see sacred geometry all over in it, in fact i never even really appreciated sacred geometry untill seeing it.

Also the grid has what i will call "sucking in points" where the lines of the grid begin to condense closer and closer together, and are "sucked in" to a certain point,

the pictures of wormholes that i posted LOOK EXACTLY LIKE what the grid does.....

Lines will sprial around these sucking in points, and thats what makes the grid flow

I see this when I trip a lot of the time. If you read my Breaking through the grid on HBWR report.

I had a pretty intense experience with the grid. Since then, I have done LSD and 4-aco-dmt and I saw the grid both times. It is pretty amazing looking.

For me, I see it in green or red usually. and sometimes it moves in weird ways unlike a usualy x y grid.
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#29 Posted : 3/27/2013 8:58:56 PM


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I have vague memories of tripping and seeing patterns and grid-like things in the sky. Next time I trip I will pay more attention to that, which will be with either dmt or peyote. It's amazing how so many people experience similar things... I honestly do think there is something profound about it all, regardless of what the skeptics say.
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#30 Posted : 3/27/2013 10:03:42 PM


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Id just like to clarify, that the grid im talking about is not just fractal geometric visuals, it is visible in the earths atmosphere, although indeed you can see the grid in your bedroom because it is everywhere. But it is not just visuals it is a phenomenon that is actually there, in my opinion anyways....

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#31 Posted : 3/27/2013 11:12:34 PM

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I think this is the holographic grid of reality itself. What you see on hallucinogens is more like ZOOMING IN on the grid, right to the pixels.

But actually, what you're seeing right now, is the grid in its full zoomed out high resolution form. You can't see the pixels so it doesn't even look like a grid. But when you zoom right in, the grid is always there. Infinitely dimensional, and connected to itself across bizarre and amazing ways; like two things right next to each other here, but infinitely far apart in other dimensions, or vice versa.

For instance there are a few theories in physics which point towards this grid. The most interesting and directly related is the idea of Causal Dynamical Triangulations;

I'm a bit tired to explain but essentially it's saying "imagine if space was made up of a shitload of triangles connected to each other"; the result would be something just like The Grid of course.

Generally, a lot of theories in physics are headed in the direction of The Grid™. In fact string theory pretty much depends on The Grid™ for one of it's most interesting findings (AdS/CFT correspondence).

#32 Posted : 3/28/2013 1:20:46 AM

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BecometheOther wrote:
Id just like to clarify, that the grid im talking about is not just fractal geometric visuals, it is visible in the earths atmosphere, although indeed you can see the grid in your bedroom because it is everywhere. But it is not just visuals it is a phenomenon that is actually there, in my opinion anyways....

I cannot say that what I saw was the actual "grid", but it seemed like what people have been explaining.
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