Can you control and remember your DMT experiences? Options
#1 Posted : 3/22/2013 6:44:31 AM

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Hi my fellow travelers!

I've posted some of my experiences with DMT and Ayahuasca. I thank you for reading them Smile There are two themes some readers and friends versed in DMT have brought up often.

Regardless of dosage or level of breakthrough:
1. I can (or seem to) control my experiences
2. I can recall a great deal of detail.

From what I've gathered, this isn't very common, or is it? I'm not sure. This is why I ask you, are you able to do this, too? I'm very curious because this is the norm for me. I don't feel as though there are any characteristics I would define as "special" in my techniques. One thing that I can say for sure is that I don't fear going in anymore. The almost severe anxiety with just even seeing a bowl with spice in it has passed me. Although It took a great deal of effort to "get over" that, I've been able to recall vivid details since my first pipe encounter and "control" them after my first Ayahuasca brew.

Thanks for reading!

Here are some of my experiences if you'd like to take a look:



Intro and a few more DMT:

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#2 Posted : 3/22/2013 7:06:31 AM

eat your jungle oats

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I used to have pretty vivid and lucid experiences back when I quit cannabis, then I started up again and my experiences became more dreamlike and hazy.

I have since quit cannabis again and they are starting to become more vivid again.

As for control.. I think that's something that takes practice

Although once in a while I think you will get shown what you need to be shown, regardless of your will power
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#3 Posted : 3/22/2013 10:02:14 AM

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I remember my experiences with DMT/Changa as clear as yesterday. It's always had me curious if anyone else has the same issues. If anything I expected to forget or for the experience to become hazy but I still remember it all 0.o
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#4 Posted : 3/22/2013 2:22:29 PM

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I can't recall any of my high dose DMT trips and remember all of my other ones.

In my case it is not breakthrough related, the high dose range for me where I can't recall is what is considered an irresponsible dose, above 100mg.
#5 Posted : 3/22/2013 5:24:31 PM

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Mystic0 wrote:
I remember my experiences with DMT/Changa as clear as yesterday. It's always had me curious if anyone else has the same issues. If anything I expected to forget or for the experience to become hazy but I still remember it all 0.o

How about controlling the experience? Like thinking about wanting to see something, or saying it telepathically and having it manifested immediately? Instead of the beings leading you around, you lead. Instead of them probing you, you probe them?

Thanks Mystic0!
#6 Posted : 3/22/2013 5:27:08 PM

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AlbertKLloyd wrote:
I can't recall any of my high dose DMT trips and remember all of my other ones.

In my case it is not breakthrough related, the high dose range for me where I can't recall is what is considered an irresponsible dose, above 100mg.

Thanks AlbertKLloyd! So on your come down, what do you experience? On your high dose range, do you remember anything about going or coming out? Is it just the peak you don't remember or is it like you take the hit, then you're sitting on your couch back in waking reality?

I'm very curious about your high dosage. I've also had some very high dosage experimentation and have gone extremely deep and far, but I remember most if not all of it.
#7 Posted : 3/22/2013 5:39:21 PM

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changalvia wrote:
I used to have pretty vivid and lucid experiences back when I quit cannabis, then I started up again and my experiences became more dreamlike and hazy.

I have since quit cannabis again and they are starting to become more vivid again.

As for control.. I think that's something that takes practice

Although once in a while I think you will get shown what you need to be shown, regardless of your will power

That's really interesting what you say about cannabis. Of course we are all different, but I haven't noticed cannabis affecting me in terms of lucid dreaming. It still happens to me pretty frequently. I think I can agree with you on the will power piece, also that there could be times when you're just taken away regardless of what you think you're going to do with your experience.

Thus far, that hasn't happened to me. I've gone in probably over 30 times by now. Not much of a corpus to extrapolate patterns, but I'm still trying to learn as much as I can about something I barely understand Smile
#8 Posted : 3/23/2013 3:20:24 PM

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I find that the more specific detail I try to focus on, the less of the rest of the trip will be remembered. So if I narrow down to a particular transforming object, for example, and make a point of "planting a flag" and noting certain details to myself, I can recall a number of things about that object pretty vividly, but at the cost of having less recall of the overall experience. On the other hand, if I try to just sit back and have the experience, focus on nothing in particular, I can remember the whole thing, but in far less detail.

As far as control goes, for me it seems limited to where I can direct my attention. The trip unfolds as it will, without any conscious direction in my part, but I can direct my focus at any part of it.

Cannabis within an hour before blasting off can, IME, affect recall pretty significantly. My last 3-4 trips have been spice rolled in a joint, and although this can be a gentle and enjoyable way of administering, recall is not great. After my last one in January, recall was so bad I promised myself the next time would be straight from the pipe.
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#9 Posted : 3/23/2013 3:31:03 PM


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I managed to control a few but most of the time I had no choice and was just along for the ride, I remember endlessness said it was easier to navigate and control things with clean spice, sure thats what he said because at the time I had jungle spice and the yellow stuff and it was very potent and always beyond our control, just spun you out and most experiences were forgotten. But clean dmt crystals would do the same to me tbh
#10 Posted : 3/23/2013 3:40:16 PM
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Music, for me, helps in remembering quite a bit. I can remember vividly a handful of my experiences. a handful meaning the stronger of my experiences. The song/s I had playing at the time are key for me remembering. Nostalgia at it's finest. I can be sitting anywhere and pop one of the songs on that I had during any of those experiences, and (mentally) I can remember quite a bit, and if I concentrate enough I can remember details of the visions and the messages that were imparted in them.

As far as navigating/controlling the experience, there's not too much control, especially at the higher dosages. Although I find music to be a sort-of conductor of the experience. Music drives the experience imo, and in no way "distracts" me. Kind of like...DMT is the rollercoaster, and the music determines the type of rollercoaster.

#11 Posted : 3/23/2013 4:46:54 PM

eat your jungle oats

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wiglo wrote:
AlbertKLloyd wrote:
I can't recall any of my high dose DMT trips and remember all of my other ones.

In my case it is not breakthrough related, the high dose range for me where I can't recall is what is considered an irresponsible dose, above 100mg.

Thanks AlbertKLloyd! So on your come down, what do you experience? On your high dose range, do you remember anything about going or coming out? Is it just the peak you don't remember or is it like you take the hit, then you're sitting on your couch back in waking reality?

I'm very curious about your high dosage. I've also had some very high dosage experimentation and have gone extremely deep and far, but I remember most if not all of it.

I've only experienced one true blackout with pure spice.

I had an unknown amount.. Was feeling terrible (gf just left me I know it was stupid) and I put quite a big pile in.

I got as much as I could in one inhale, my lungs usually take quite a bit in, and held it in, I felt it coming on, and then started to blow out.

I saw some vapors coming out and then I got a glitch so to speak, my head was 'jolted' to a different angle as if I got slapped in the face, and I was still busy 'exhaling' that toke, except when my head jolted there was no longer vapor coming out. Then I realised I had gone the entire duration of a spice trip in the matter of a nanosecond as if nothing happened at all.

To me, I would call that getting hyperslapped.

Funny tho, its almost as if the blackout protected me from seeing something I wouldn't have been able to handle.

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#12 Posted : 3/23/2013 9:30:40 PM

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A couple of thoughts about these questions:


A desire to control an experience – any experience, not just with DMT – implies a desire to change the experience.

A desire to change an experience implies that one wants or needs something other than what one is getting.

For me, it’s not about control. It’s about participation.


I often experience something during deep journeys that I don’t hear too much about from others: A foreknowledge of forgetting.

I often enter realms where it becomes evident that what I am perceiving can’t be brought back:

Sometimes it can’t be brought back because it can’t be perceived in everyday reality. How does one go about recalling a perception that can’t be perceived?

Other times, it’s communicated to me in one way or another that I’m not “allowed” to bring back what I’m perceiving. It’s made clear the sacred visions and sacred knowledge that I’m blessed with experiencing are incompatible with everyday experience, and must remain behind.

It’s very strange to be having an experience, to be fully aware of the fantastic “beauty” of it all, and at the same time to be aware that what I’m experiencing in the moment will remain in the timeless moment.

My thoughts about the experience are perfectly preserved, yet the perceptions themselves are selectively separated and left behind.
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#13 Posted : 3/23/2013 9:55:31 PM

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Smoalked spice, hell to the no on both counts.

Ayahuasca on the other hand, yes it's easy to control it with a little experience and a lot of grounding/relaxation. What I have primarily found is that the more familiar you are with it, the easier it is. Journeys 1-10 were hair-raising and pant-shitting, strapped to the wing of a fighter jet piloted by a donkey on a thumbprint of acid with a chaser of crystal meth. By journey 30 or 40, it was more like riding a magical school bus fighter jet that could take you anywhere, and you had your pilot's licence at last.

The key to controlling it is to always abide in the 'Safe Zone' of your mind where you feel unperturbed by reality and thoughts and are free to observe Beauty in all its forms. If you stray from the safe zone then you will get plucked away by your thoughts like a reed in the wind, or like a bird catches a worm. If you stray from the safe zone, you will run into thought loops and self-deception. This is where megalomania, paranoia, delusion will present themselves. When you come out of the safe zone, you might create five different intricate storylines of complete bullshit in 5 seconds yet they will be more emotionally gripping there and then than your entire life put together.

But abiding in the safe zone, the entire entheogenic headspace is YOURS to explore, all of it. This is detachment, the same detachment you cultivate in meditation. It is marked by a sense of total comfort. There are no physical stresses or discomforts of any sort whether that be muscle tension, fatigue, soreness, gut pain/tension, headaches or anything of the sort. Instead there is profound clarity and a sense of orgasmic relaxation which magnifies in intensity when you sink into it or appreciate it in itself. The deeper you sink into the relaxation, the deeper you will sink into the trip itself. It is entirely possible to be 100% sober in the safe zone. But the moment you stray even a hair's breadth from it, you will lose sobriety and may be annihilated.

The safe zone will present itself to you a short while after the come-up period. The come-up period will almost definitely present many physical discomforts. It is your job to release them - this is why set and setting are crucial. Empty your guts from either end, empty your mind. Release all the tension and hydrate yourself. If you hold the tension through the journey, you will not be able to really abide in the safe zone. It IS possible to still abide therein but it is very challenging to do so; every physical and mental stressor is a path leading out of the zone.

This is also how you can access the high visionary states despite being on a small dose of spice. If you are not in the safe zone, you might use that very same mental-projecting ability to manifest your negative mind phenomena and give them a vibrance and life they do not really need to have - this is the hallmark of the "Train Wreck" type experience. It is wholly unnecessary. But abiding in the safe zone, you can amplify the effects of the dose to any intensity you please, typically in brief bursts. It is possible to enter a trance where it feels that you are not even metabolising the actives but letting them float around, getting absorbed and re-uptaken repeatedly. IME it is possible to greatly enhance the length of a journey to the point where it is even twice as long as what it physiologically "should" be. This is via entering trance and maintaining trance; a state intimately connected to the safe zone.

You can dose 1g, you can dose 100g. Either way, it is entirely possible to remain totally unperturbed by the dose but it becomes exponentially harder with each increment in dosage. Higher doses make the mind 'slippery'. It is like trying to maintain balance on slippery ice. If you are struggling around to keep balanced, you will soon fall to the floor and slide off. If you maintain calmness and abide in the safe zone, this is like sitting down cross legged on that same slippery ice and gently nudging yourself in the direction of your pleasure.

Tattvamasi wrote:
Music, for me, helps in remembering quite a bit. I can remember vividly a handful of my experiences. a handful meaning the stronger of my experiences. The song/s I had playing at the time are key for me remembering. Nostalgia at it's finest. I can be sitting anywhere and pop one of the songs on that I had during any of those experiences, and (mentally) I can remember quite a bit, and if I concentrate enough I can remember details of the visions and the messages that were imparted in them.

As far as navigating/controlling the experience, there's not too much control, especially at the higher dosages. Although I find music to be a sort-of conductor of the experience. Music drives the experience imo, and in no way "distracts" me. Kind of like...DMT is the rollercoaster, and the music determines the type of rollercoaster.


This is very true. Any background stimulus, but especially music/smell/noise will conduct, drive and direct the experience, literally as a jockey to a horse or drumming to a marching army. Keep in mind that an ayahuasca journey is a shamanic trance and the ancients quickly learned the powers of sacred repetitive drumming on the trance state. Music will define your experience whether or not you are even tuning your ears to it, so play good music and you will tend to have happier experiences. If it is even slightly dissonant with the moment, gently change the song.
#14 Posted : 3/26/2013 1:46:56 AM

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Wow, this turned out to be quite a wonderful thread. I have read it all and I will read again. I'll speak more of it. There's a lot of excellent ideas here that resonate Smile Thank you all!
#15 Posted : 3/28/2013 10:06:59 PM

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I've never tried controlling it but began work on controlling my own dreams/astral projection a while back, it's something I've been meaning to get back to for a while. I remember dreams very clearly and my experiences with hallucinagens has often been very much me in control of what's going on and what I'm experiencing... perhaps in future trials we'll see but I don't honestly think you can control much with DMT unless you've mastered or at least started to gain control over your own mind outside the DMT space
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#16 Posted : 3/28/2013 10:43:54 PM


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I always try my best to remember my hyperspace journeys, I normally do quite well at this.
I think you gotta remind yourself to remember or it can sorta just blow by like a dream.
I had a bad trip that I thought to myself I'm gonna try not to remember this and kinda glad I don't Very happy
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#17 Posted : 3/28/2013 10:56:15 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
I often enter realms where it becomes evident that what I am perceiving can’t be brought back

how do you remember that you won't remember? Razz

no, but in all seriousness, i have experienced this as well..

but i have had the reverse experience as well: where you feel you won't forget this information, and you cannot fathom being able to continue everyday life with this knowledge (thankfully you always seem to forget again)
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#18 Posted : 3/28/2013 11:13:03 PM


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I remember reminding myself that I'm not gonna try and remember Surprised
haha tongue twister
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#19 Posted : 3/29/2013 6:41:34 PM


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Interesting multiple people mentioned cannabis affecting the recall of what happened during a hyperspace visit. I usually have a vague memory of what happened after the first several minutes of being back to earth, and in all the times I've experienced dmt I had a high tolerance to pot and was smoking daily. Now that I haven't smoked in over two weeks I might go to hyperspace this weekend and see if I can recall the experience more clearly. I know one thing for sure since I stopped smoking pot, I have pretty vivid dreams and can remember them more than usual
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#20 Posted : 3/30/2013 9:18:31 AM
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IME, the visions have a great deal of correlation with what I am currently thinking to the point where I just consider them another form of thought. My visions don't speak to me, rather it feels like added richness to consciousness. So in that sense, I find it easy to control the experience.

In that perspective, I am also not bothered by the fact that I forget much of it. I also forget much of what I normally think as, I believe, most people do. The more experiences I have, the more I come to believe that it really is just the experience of higher consciousness. But at really high doses, it becomes kind of psychotic. So that's a different experience there. I can't control that, but I don't really want to either.
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