Feline Transformations... Options
#1 Posted : 2/7/2013 9:53:04 AM

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Warning !! DO NOT feed animals drugs...!!
Karma will hunt you down and kick your ass

this is for information Only

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#2 Posted : 2/7/2013 11:28:22 AM
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Got a kick outa that Laughing Especially the part with the kitty drool and chasing imaginary mice. hehe
#3 Posted : 2/7/2013 11:36:34 AM


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i suppose its me being pedantic, but even in this i see drug negativity shine through

the first sentence:

"even familiar animals indulge in strange activities"

nothing about drug use is strange, and the evidence is cats getting high...
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#4 Posted : 2/7/2013 11:47:15 AM

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proto-pax wrote:
nothing about drug use is strange, and the evidence is cats getting high...

As long as no douche tries to intentionally get cats high...It's all good...Thumbs up

Maybe some birds trance out on seeds?
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#5 Posted : 2/7/2013 1:12:32 PM

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ok you talked me into it, i"m gonna get some, looks like good stuff and a bit of drool added to the scent of catpiss will complement the general ambience in my abode.
#6 Posted : 2/7/2013 2:55:21 PM

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Heh, My cats have hat cat knip. I don't think it affected them like that though!
"Think more than you speak"
"How do you get rid of the pain of having pain in the first place? You get rid of expectations"
"You are everything that is. Open yourself to the love and understanding that is available."
"To see God, you have to have met the Devil."
"When you know how to listen, everyone becomes a guru."
" One time, I didn't do anything, and it was so empty... Almost as if I wasn't doing anything. Then I wrote about it. It was fulfilling."
#7 Posted : 2/7/2013 3:01:11 PM

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A small book, but a worthwhile read:
Animals and Psychedelics: The Natural World and the Instinct to Alter Consciousness
by Giorgio Samorini

He does not treat it as aberrant behavior, but rather as a normal and natural part of behavior in the animal kingdom.
Images of broken light,
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#8 Posted : 2/7/2013 9:31:10 PM


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My cat definitely chases some imaginary mice when he's on the catnip. Cracks me up... until he runs in front of me, catches my optical mouse cable to the chest, and sends its peices flying across the room. lol. Then i'm like ok, thats enough catnip for today my friend. Good stuff! Thanks for sharing!
#9 Posted : 2/7/2013 10:03:45 PM

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My ex roommates' kitty used to really dig the catnip, right up until she tore open the stuffed mouse or whatever toy she was given. Once she could physically touch the catnip inside she mostly lost interest though. I guess it was the smell that got to her.

Anyway, what I did was to get a 12" square piece of plywood and place a lot of catnip on it, then with a heavy duty staple gun tack down a 12" carpet square. You can usually get them free from a carpet store. The thing was too tough for her to rip it open. She went nuts for that thing! She'd lock her claws into it and just roll on her side until she was just a slobberin' fool. Eventually we'd have to peel her off of it and take it away just to get her to come back down. Surprised Surprised Surprised I honestly think she'd have just stayed locked to it permanently if she had her way, the poor little junkie. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Images of broken light,
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#10 Posted : 2/12/2013 1:26:35 PM
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Bought some dried catnip leaves once and let my cats smell the bag. They looooved it.
They'd claw heaps of dried catnip out of the bag onto the floor, lick it, eat it and
roll around in it while heavily purring.

Goats love to eat Khat leaves, Deer & sheep love to eat psychoactive Lichens from rocks,
Gorillas dig up and eat Iboga roots, Jaguars in the amazon love to eat B.Caapi vines,
Deer love to eat Amanita mushrooms or the urine of shamans that ate Amanita Muscaria...
People have learned to use all these drugs by observing these animals eat them and mimicing them.

Like proto-pax said: There's nothing strange about the use of drugs. Humans and oher animals have
been using drugs forever. The tabboo additude & the prohibition of drugs: Now THOSE are strange activities.

#11 Posted : 2/19/2013 11:21:24 AM

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...Not to be taken Literally...

Very happy
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#12 Posted : 2/19/2013 2:26:44 PM

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"Think more than you speak"
"How do you get rid of the pain of having pain in the first place? You get rid of expectations"
"You are everything that is. Open yourself to the love and understanding that is available."
"To see God, you have to have met the Devil."
"When you know how to listen, everyone becomes a guru."
" One time, I didn't do anything, and it was so empty... Almost as if I wasn't doing anything. Then I wrote about it. It was fulfilling."
#13 Posted : 3/23/2013 7:23:31 PM

Got Naloxone?

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"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#14 Posted : 3/24/2013 11:21:07 AM

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Wow, that must have been the chronip.
#15 Posted : 3/24/2013 1:00:55 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Laughing Laughing Laughing
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#16 Posted : 3/24/2013 2:41:01 PM

Lysergic Feline

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my cat always acted weird around my shrooms.

a picture says a thousand words...

Gun it to 88...
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Botanical Bliss
#17 Posted : 3/29/2013 6:36:01 PM


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After OPs video is over related videos pop up, I watched the one "Do Big Cats Like Catnip?" and it was clear that they love it just as much as small cats. haha. Nice picture RebornInSmoke lol. Has he/she ever tried to eat one? He looks pretty interested
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#18 Posted : 3/30/2013 7:26:30 PM

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I am in no way advocating the feeding of drugs to animals, but I wonder what a cats subjective experience would be if you fed it a visionary dose of mushrooms.

Do animals have the capacity for spirituality or spiritual understanding? Would they experience something like 'ego death?'
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#19 Posted : 3/30/2013 7:57:24 PM

Got Naloxone?

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I would only advocate giving kitty catnip and possibly valerian, but I'm not even sure about that last one.

Not only do they not have the frontal lobes that we have (essential for getting the most out of tripping) but their body weights are so small/light. Also, they are incapable of consent, therefore I feel it would be unethical.

Yes, I will non-consensually offer catnip infrequently and it is met with great love/activity. They instantly consent and if they don't want it, they exit the room. They usually want it. Probably because it is such an infrequent treat. And, I believe also because they were evolved to have it be active, just as we were evolved to make entheogenic plants active in our system. The plants were here first.

Please be kind to your friends/pets. They get a lot out of just absorbing your vibes while tripping - they don't need a psychedelic dose themselves. Smile
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#20 Posted : 4/1/2013 9:10:25 PM

Lysergic Feline

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he's never tried to eat any, no. and i wouldn't let it happen either.

pandora's right, they get enough of a contact high/energy transfer just from being around you when you're tripping Smile

Gun it to 88...
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