
Posts: 4711 Joined: 10-Sep-2009 Last visit: 09-Mar-2025 Location: Rocky mountain high
3rdI wrote:once you can remember a "proper" (breakthrough) experience you will understand what all the fuss is about. its like this  followed by several days of this  and finally this https://www.dmt-nexus.me...amp;m=422489#post422489
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
Orion wrote:DMT is guaranteed to smash all your notions to bits at any stiff vaped dose, even the notion of notions will leave you pancaked in a neon rift. Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.

Posts: 4711 Joined: 10-Sep-2009 Last visit: 09-Mar-2025 Location: Rocky mountain high
cyb wrote:Not all scientists are crusty, dread lock toting, Burning Man goers you know.
 Life is Art is Life
Posts: 697 Joined: 11-Sep-2012 Last visit: 13-Apr-2016 Location: watching the wheels go round and round
Entropymancer wrote:There's a wormhole down that rabbit hole, wrapped around a möbius strip, tucked inside a non-Euclidean fractal that's stuck in a piece of gum on your shoe. Images of broken light, Which dance before me like a million eyes, They call me on and on...
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
Poetry ۩ wrote:Consciousness itself has no illusive biological sensory interface.
Those are something we picked up along the prism.
Since our circuitry does not project, but instead act as a drip line, synaesthesia is an inevitable result of letting go of the boundaries that cookie-cut divide our simulation.
The paths redirect in correlation to the flow of currents. Etch reality with the light of focus.
The ripples of awareness reach as far and wide as you can resonate.
Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 648 Joined: 06-Apr-2012 Last visit: 01-Apr-2017 Location: Old continent
DisEmbodied wrote:... [it] is definitely true that having DMT experiences can be a burden, you will never get over it... DisEmbodied wrote:...I wonder sometimes if it was ever a good idea to begin with... DisEmbodied wrote:... It is the way I go to church...
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
MelCat wrote:Nothing beats that, puking in the bathtub, naked, total rebirth kinda purge, when it comes to reminders on why it's good to be alive! Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
 eat your jungle oats
Posts: 387 Joined: 22-Mar-2012 Last visit: 20-Jun-2019 Location: "nowhere" exists
"A little known fact, but DMT can also be made from the bark of a dog and basic hand-soap." ~Soulfood  With every great plan comes the pleasure of patience. Take a rest, and grab a suckle off the teat of life!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
Orion wrote:This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. -A man with a brain Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1955 Joined: 24-Jul-2010 Last visit: 12-Jan-2025
spinCycle wrote: Having your assumptions about what is real challenged so deeply can shake anyone up. Some people find it liberating, some find it distressing. Sometimes the distress can lead to liberation, but the road may not be easy.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco! --- The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. --- mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction

Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
Jin wrote: It would probably be better if artificial intelligence was runnin the planet , whatever

Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
DeMenTed wrote: The government is a serious risk to peoples health not mdma.
 Rennasauce Man
Posts: 853 Joined: 27-May-2011 Last visit: 28-Feb-2025 Location: A Pale Blue Dot orbiting a GV2 Yellow Dwarf fusion powered Luminous Ball of Plasma at 30km/s
Quote:Inside every cynic, is a jaded idealist -George Carlin Quote:Once you realize the world is in balance, all thats left is for one to not slip into a polarity another will compensate for. Walk the razors edge, observe, but don't fester or let distractions make you lose your balance. Sometimes a trek to the hill above the battlefield offers clarity immense, othertimes not so much. The point is to keep moving, and never let absolutes into your mind
-Me, coming to terms with that carlin quote that really sunk deep one day. "let those who have talked to the elves, find each other and band together" -TMK
In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of governments and corporations, about the quality or value of products, or about the health of one's own place and economy. In such a society, also, our private economies will depend less upon the private ownership of real, usable property, and more upon property that is institutional and abstract, beyond individual control, such as money, insurance policies, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. And as our private economies become more abstract, the mutual, free helps and pleasures of family and community life will be supplanted by a kind of displaced citizenship and by commerce with impersonal and self-interested suppliers... The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth. This alignment destroys the commonwealth - that is, the natural wealth of localities and the local economies of household, neighborhood, and community - and so destroys democracy, of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.” - Wendell Berry
 Chairman of the Celestial Divison
Posts: 1393 Joined: 21-Jul-2010 Last visit: 11-Aug-2024 Location: the ancient cluster
۩ wrote:benzyme wrote:physics is the pondersome autoeroticism of the mind, chemistry is the application of the scientific fornication lol, this video reminded me of this quote. point proven "Ohh wow i just love those oscillations... OOOawww i just loove that" Expect nothing, Receive everything. "Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). " He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita "The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."
 veni, vidi, spici
Posts: 3642 Joined: 05-Aug-2011 Last visit: 22-Sep-2017
Sod porn addiction, that geezer has a serious bubble problem INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year

Posts: 5257 Joined: 29-Jul-2009 Last visit: 24-Aug-2024 Location: 🌊
joebono/joemolly (aka banned member who now resides at shroomery) wrote:Shroomery is like getting high in high school. The Ayahuasca forum is like getting high in church. The DMT Nexus is like getting high in The Matrix. LOL oddly enough, a few hours before reading this i was having a dream that involved Neo
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 1955 Joined: 24-Jul-2010 Last visit: 12-Jan-2025
hixidom wrote:psychedelics have changed me permanently. Even from the first LSD trip, I was made aware of something that I could not ever forget. Before psychedelics, life was like being in a dark room. Of course, it didn't seem dark at the time. That first LSD trip was like turning the lights on momentarily. Even after the lights slowly turned off again, I cannot forget what I experienced. What I saw has since influenced my perception of where and what I am. Even if I forgot what I saw and what it is like to see, I cannot forget what I now know as a result, even if it is only that sight is possible. Buon viso a cattivo gioco! --- The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. --- mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3207 Joined: 19-Jul-2011 Last visit: 02-Jan-2023
AlbertKLloyd wrote:Buddhists are mammals...
no matter what ideas or notions we entertain or believe, we still have our nature to reconcile. primordium wrote:If only "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_misconceptions_about_illegal_drugs" could fit on a bumper sticker. My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
Guyomech wrote:DMT is the moment when the illusionary boundary between your self and the cosmos disappears. Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 104 Joined: 28-May-2010 Last visit: 14-May-2023 Location: Earth
۩ wrote:I have been there, and it's even weirder than that.