First bioassay of wild phalaris arundinacea of the year Options
#21 Posted : 3/5/2013 10:26:08 PM

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I've tended to select such leaves as well.

Perhaps unwisely I sometimes chew the leaves at the site, I have had some minor effects from this (quid?), but generally I am looking for bitter or salty tastes.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#22 Posted : 3/5/2013 10:30:28 PM

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^ I did that once while wandering around in the woods in ayahuasca..I quidded a small ammount of phalaris while I was comming down from the peak..It could have been placebo but at the time I swore it brought me back up a bit.
Long live the unwoke.
#23 Posted : 3/5/2013 10:59:36 PM
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^..leaf tasting is my main method for determining whether an acacia has tryptamines or not (after some practice).
essentially i'd say this is how new medicines have been discovered for thousands of years..
it's about common sense and instinct..even most poisonous plants one can taste a very small amount of, usually being alerted by senses to some kind of poisonous reaction on the tongue..but, it is not something everyone can master, so if not certain one should avoid the risks of unknown poisoning..

jamie wrote:
I have a feeling though that the beta carbolines might not come out with manske..maybe a base precipitation?
..i think an alcohol/basic extraction like Hultin's of passiflora is the most effective for general beta-carboline extraction..this will get the tryptamines too.. for the stimulant after-effect you report jamie, this i have experienced with some acacias which were later found to have some phenethylamines..stimulating effects up to 6hrs after tryptamine effects diminish..however it was very small amounts PEAS..there were also quite a few ß-carbs, so i'm wondering if there's interaction..
#24 Posted : 3/5/2013 11:06:54 PM

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hmm yeah could be hordenine then, concidering it is also a phen..and it would likely have some interaction with the beta carbolines present. The sample I sent to endless was free of hordenine and that was limonene I used as opposed to the other alcohol teks I have done on the grass..

I will try a tek with sunflower oil this time, I have not worked with limoene in some time now..but hopefully any hordenine present will be left out of the well as gramine. I will use room temperature oil. The hot limo still ended up pulling some gramine..I dont really want to mess with gramine at the moment if I can avoid it.
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#25 Posted : 3/10/2013 8:36:24 PM

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here is a photo of an extraction I just did on the grass with the reddish purple tint I posted a picture of..

This time I boiled the fresh grass in water and vinegar, and evaporated it down to resin in a dehydrator..then I based it with calcium hydroxide and pulled 6 times with room temperature sunflower oil..each pull was salted 3 times with a mixture of water and vinegar..this was then evaporated and mixed with baking soda and water and mixed into a paste and pulled 2x with 70% iso once dry and then the iso was evaporated.

An indole smell is present when I burn some of it on a paper clip..not super strong..there is hints of plant oils also. I have no idea what NMT, 5meoDMT, 5meoNMT etc smell like.

jamie attached the following image(s):
DSC05060.JPG (1,861kb) downloaded 454 time(s).
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#26 Posted : 3/10/2013 11:05:00 PM

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Checked it with a black light to see if it has a fluorescent property?
#27 Posted : 3/10/2013 11:45:29 PM

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oh thanks for reminding me..I will do this tonight.
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#28 Posted : 3/14/2013 1:29:36 AM

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still never got around to checking it with UV..soon.

..but I did have something weird happen. Check this out after a few days in open air some part of the extract absorbed moisture from the air and seperated out into a really watery sort of syrup, and left this harder dark crud behind..

That harder crud stuff, when vaped into the air reaks of indole..the watery stuff has some indole smell too it still but not like that hard I dunno if the tryptamines are mostly concentrated in that harder stuff or what but I assume they are.

here is picture..
jamie attached the following image(s):
DSC05063.JPG (1,965kb) downloaded 413 time(s).
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#29 Posted : 3/14/2013 3:14:33 AM

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Interesting work here jamie. Maybe you could do an A/B on it using a NP to see how or if the effects of the residue differ.. maybe it would even remove the residual stimulating effect? Likely wouldnt be as full spectrum but would be an interesting test to try.

jamie wrote:
^ The stimulant after effect I described was with my extract from wild phalaris arundinacea..not digitaria sanguinalis. I know of only one person who has evber bioassayed digitaria and they described the same stimulant effect with phalaris arundinacea and said it was absent with the digitaria based on their bioassay.

I never went with a typical a/b becasue I was unsure weather or not it would actaully pull 5meoDMT. I want to be able to at least detect a tryptamine presence in this species of grass before I proceed with more complex extractions etc..

I did clean that extract up though by redissolving it in iso and after about 10-15 minutes alot of crap precipitated out, and I removed the cleared up iso from that stuff with an eye dropper and reevaporated it. Its still an oily resin but its more clear now and yield is a bit less.

Ah, I mixed up the threads woops. But ya I was under the impression you had alot of the material to work with since it grows wild at your location, in which case it wouldnt matter if you lost 1 sample of supposed 5meo given the abundance of starting material. Btw, are you sure that 5meo is unable to be extracted via standard A/B procedures? In this link, after IPA extraction, Ron appears to successfully extract it utilizing citric acid, sodium carb, and dcm.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
#30 Posted : 3/14/2013 4:56:53 AM

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well..what you see above IS from an A/B tek using a np solvent.

It was the digitaria extract that I was talking about not using a np solvent on becasue I dont know if it pulls 5meoDMT..really I dont know what solvents pull 5meoDMT to a certain degree etc...and yes this arundinacea was all wild and there is endless ammounts of it here.

I might try to freeze precip pure crystals with naptha too..and take this harder stuff that seperated out and see if I can further clean it as well..I have a feeling the bulk of the tryptamines are in that hard stuff.
Long live the unwoke.
#31 Posted : 3/14/2013 5:04:45 AM

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AlbertKLloyd wrote:
Checked it with a black light to see if it has a fluorescent property?

Yeah I just checked both the arundinacea and the digitara extracts under the cheap UV bulb I have..and then some mimosa DMT and some rue harmalas..none of them really I am guessing the light I have is not good for checking for alkaloids.
Long live the unwoke.
#32 Posted : 3/14/2013 6:12:20 PM

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does anyone know if beta carbolines drop out when freeze precipitation is done with naptha?
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#33 Posted : 4/8/2013 5:48:40 PM

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so whatever this stuff is, it is definatly the stuff..

As you can see..yield is way smaller..which could be due to a number of things. I did the tek a lot differently this time..sort of makeshift as I went a long and certain things did not work(like fasi) with this veg oil so I had to collect it up and do it a different way I wont go into tek details at this time..

But this stuff is red..just like the reddish tint you can see in some grasses at certain times that some people associate with tryptamine levels..not sure if that has any relevance but nonetheless this stuff is red..yeild is less and it smells very very strongly of DMT when vaporized into the air. It smells identical to mimosa DMT to me. I may try and rub it onto some innert leaf and vape it at some point. The smell is stronger than my other extracts.

Also, as this was pulled with a np solvent I assume hordenine and gramine are not present..though I cant be sure.
jamie attached the following image(s):
DSC05123.JPG (1,757kb) downloaded 340 time(s).
DSC05124.JPG (1,968kb) downloaded 334 time(s).
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#34 Posted : 4/11/2013 4:40:02 AM

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Okay..well I tested that stuff above.

I wont claim this as truth because well, I just dont know!..but it seems like the use of the sunflower oil as a np solvent opposed to alcohol reduced some of the stimulant alkaloid/alkaloids present. I cant be sure though as these sort of bioassay experiments are highly subjective. There is still a stimulant aspect present but it tapered off far quicker than previous experiments and was somewhat more managable.

There was the same tryptamine effects present. The extract tasted like bufotenine, which is a taste I dont like at all..makes me want to gag. However when vaped into the air off a knife it smells just like I burnt some of the leaf I had smeared the extract onto(passiflora atropurpurea) and it had a somewhat bufo like maybe it was just the leaf that added that taste to it. The ammount of passiflora leaf used to carry the material was not enough to give any kind of significant effect on its own. It was a very tiny ammount.

No visuals. headspace shift..sense of internal energy movement..tryptamine like vibe..feels like a similar dose of chaliponga I guess..chaliponga extract also had a bufotenine taste, though no noticable bufotenine effects. Guess any number of things including beta carbolines could potentially have that similar taste/smell.

Obviousily this was a low dose. There was not much material to begin with..and I am cautious for obvious reasons.

Probly try another extraction with naptha soon just to see how that one turns out.

Long live the unwoke.
Parshvik Chintan
#35 Posted : 4/11/2013 11:01:45 AM

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jamie wrote:
I wont claim this as truth because well, I just dont know!..but it seems like the use of the sunflower oil as a np solvent opposed to alcohol reduced some of the stimulant alkaloid/alkaloids present. I cant be sure though as these sort of bioassay experiments are highly subjective. There is still a stimulant aspect present but it tapered off far quicker than previous experiments and was somewhat more managable.

so a narrower spectrum solvent (i.e. naphtha) might possibly eliminate all stimulant effects altogether?

sounds like more nexians need to start experimenting with phalaris Thumbs up
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#36 Posted : 4/11/2013 5:23:45 PM

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^maybe..but I am not sure. It is possible that this stimulation is from tryptamines themselves like 5meoNMT or beta carbolines, or a mixture of these things. In that case it would be much harder to seperate them out.
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#37 Posted : 6/22/2013 4:38:36 AM

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Told ya there would be more..

..and there is Smile Most pleasant experience so far with this grass. It's definatly workable IMO..

I got this grass to work pretty well now. My conclusion at this time is going to be that late spring to mid summer harvests are probly best for high tryptamine content and low beta carb levels in wild arundinacea..

2 small shopping bags stuffed full of fresh grass was extracted with a normal wet tek acid base, using sodium carb as a base and sunflower oil as a solvent..salted with vinegar and water, evaporated and product was based with baking soda and pulled with iso..

roughly 100mg(my scale sucks) of blood red translucent goo was yielded and was evaporated onto 100mg of passiflora cearulea leaf for a changa mix.

I put about 1/6th of this mixture into my DMT bubbler and took 1 pretty decent hit..def more left in the pipe but I was cautious and stopped there. The taste was like a cross between DMT and bufotenine..definatly some indole smell. The bufotenine taste put me off as Im not too fond of the stuff any longer. I almost felt like I was getting some very mild bufotenine body feeling but I think it was just assoication with the taste..becasue then a really warm and ecstatic/euphoric DMT like vibe swept over me. Very nice and clean feeling unlike the more crude phalaris extracts that leave behing hordenine or something.
Low dose so no visuals other than a sort of sensory enhancement that had mild visual aspects to it. Peaked for a few minutes..still feeling lingering effects 15 minutes later.

I dont know what this is that is the main tryptamine..DMT, 5meoDMT, 5meoNMT..but it feels to me like DMT with overtones of other things..definatly workable at this level for some king of energetic yoga or walking in nature, music etc. Im really cautious to smoke higher doses of these wild plant extracts still. I have a couple doses of this stuff to play with now though..and I will be extracting more this week. I really want to try snuffing some but I dont think I am ready to put this stuff up my nose yet. I feel like another hit or 2 it would have gotten visual.

I have to stress though what I feel is seasonal varriance..and even differing content after rains/drouts etc. This grass was harvested purposly after about a week of warm sun from a shaded bog area. You also have to factor in regional varriance etc..

..and again there was a chaliponga resemblance to the experience..very much so.
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Parshvik Chintan
#38 Posted : 6/22/2013 5:50:18 AM

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it seems the floodgates may be on the verge of opening.

and this was arundinacea?
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#39 Posted : 6/22/2013 6:25:39 AM

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wild phalaris arundinacea..from the same area that the grass for other bioassays in this thread was harvested.

Keep in mind I dont know what tryptamine was the main thing in here. It could have been 5meoDMT, 5meoNMT..I dont know becasue I never tried either of them before. I just know that to me it felt like DMT with overtones of something else.
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#40 Posted : 7/8/2013 5:56:49 AM

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another bioassay today..2 small hits a few minutes apart..

Effects were a gentle and pleasant tryptamine buzz..felt DMT like but lacking visuals and any pushiness of DMT..again this could just be due to the lower dose..but very nice mental space and somewhat erotic feeling. Still cautious about larger doses but I have been saving up a stash of this grass, drying out each harvest over the summer and storing it for a big extraction at the end of the season so I will have lots to work with over the year.

No stimulation at all..baseline within 20 minutes this time.

What I like about this stuff is that it's native(or naturalized, it is disputed by some that arundinacea is only introduced to PNW) to my immediate I can gather it myself in the woods and it's entirely sustainable..and it is not just another DMT source. It has it's own signature due to the spectrum of tryptamines it contains and is not just some DMT trip. Very different but it's like it's own thing. Definatly useful for me, and might mix very well with other tryptamine sources with a cleaner DMT content.

Soon I will make a snuff from some loosly following the prep that some tribes use on virola when they boil the bark in water and reduce it down instead of scraping bark resin/sap.

I have a lot of aquatic going also..2 strains and got some of that harvested and stored things are looking up.
Long live the unwoke.
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