DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2151 Joined: 23-Nov-2012 Last visit: 07-Mar-2017
Hi guys, I've hard rumors circulating about people taking an almost mythical dose of LSD -- sticking their thumb in a vial of crystal LSD and then consuming it all. Has anyone here seen or experienced such a thing? Trawling the web, I've found a couple of reports, but a lot of them are vague and very visionary, which are interesting, but not really helpful in explaining the pharmacology of such a high dose of LSD. What I'm interested in is: 1) How long does it last (in 'real time,' I get that it is a subjective eternity) before you are sober again? 2) How long are you in hyperspace/ego-death territory? 3) Are there any adverse reactions to taking such a large dose? Any and all help would be appreciated. I'm looking for concrete, statistical facts. Thanks "There are many paths up the same mountain."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
This is one hell of a report... http://insanebraintrain....sing-lsd-thumbprint.htmlPlease do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2151 Joined: 23-Nov-2012 Last visit: 07-Mar-2017
That was a gorgeous piece of writing. So from the report, it sounds like you are tripping for at least 24 hours, and then have maybe a week of being burnt out? "There are many paths up the same mountain."
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3574 Joined: 18-Apr-2012 Last visit: 05-Feb-2024
Click the shroomery link too (1st line)... Many more reports. (Hope you're not thinking of trying..) it is far beyond tripping...I'll quote a bad one... for caution...Quote:Ok i'll tell you about the one that went bad.
This finds me in Oakland in the early 90's. Between tour's I would sit out in San Francisco and keep things flowing. Friends from the east coast would need shit so I would lay it and mail it or others would come out to get a lower price and I would lay it and send them on there way. Well a real good friend came out to get 4 or 5 grams.With him he had a few people. I told him he could help me lay it and to have his friends hang out in the city till were done. He says this friend of his is ready to come with us. Now I had talked to the guy before and knew he was connected to the rainbow family, but his energy seamed weird. trusting my friends judgement i said alright.
So we decide to drive over to oakland to lay it in a hotel. We get to some sleazy hotel out by the freeway and get ready. Now i'm a little edgy about this newbie watching, but as long as he stays out of the way it's fine. So we get to work and it takes quite awhile to lay 5 grams of acid. Thats 50 tenpack or 50,000 doses. Were done and cleanin up and he say my friend is ready for a print. I'm like are you sure and he says i think so. I look at his friend and he's like just give it to me I can handle it. So I get out my jar of silver crystal and knock some out on the nightstand because my friend wants to take some with him to do in the mountains.
Well this fuckin dude sticks his finger right in my pile of crystal and then licks it. I'm like thats a pretty hefty dose there soldier. He's like ya whatever now what do we do. Then I started to realize it was going to get weird. Within 2 minutes he's saying man my fuckin stomach hurt's that was poison. I'm like go in the bathroom your going to puke. He goes in there and and we hear him cussin and puking. Meanwhile i'm askin my friend what the hell he's got us into. Then the bathroom door opens and he comes out butt naked saying i'm gettin the fuck out of here.
Were like no man just chill your not going to be able to get far. We put him in the back bedroom and turn the lights out and figure thats best for him. I close the door and tell him if he needs me were there. I figure he's got some things to sort out with god. Now this hotel Is right on the freeway. In fact you can jump out the window onto it. Were also on the second floor. Well were sitting there and i'm making some phone calls telling people i'm going to be hung up for awhile and I hear cars on the freeway honking. We go back into the bedroom and he's halfway out the window, getting ready to jump onto the Oakland freeway naked as the day he was born.
We pull him back into the room and he's starting to realize he's dying.He thinks i'm causing him to die and i'm the devil. Now shit gets ugly. He's screaming at us that he's dieing and trying to get out of the hotel. Since I just layed 5 grams i'm high also as is my friend. We call some other friends to come over. Were holding him down on the bed trying to cover his mouth. We have 50,000 doses of freshly layed LSD in the room and I don't need the cops coming. I take the pan and all the supplies I used to lay with and throw them out the window onto the freeway.
My other friends get there and we tell the girls take the acid and get out of hear quick. This guy's screaming at the top of his lungs that he's dying and I know the other hotel guest's can here him. It's got to be any minute that the Oakland police show up. I'm telling him to let go ,don't fight it. He thinks i'm satan so he's not listening to anything I say. Also as we have been wrestling him he has lost control of his bodily fluids. There's puke ,shit and piss all over. I can't imagine what the cops are going to think when they come in and see a couple hippies on some guy covered in puke and shit screaming i'm dying as we tell him it's ok he'll like it.
After awhile he stops moving. He was sucked into eternity. He was gone. As he layed there motionless we cleaned him up. And my friend sang amazing grace over and over to him. After an hour passed I realized the cops hadn't came. I contribute this to 2 things. The protection of God and the fact we were in a nasty part of Oakland and people mind there own buisness.
My girl comes by and brings us clean shirts and pants. Itake a shower and clean up as they watch him and then we take turns. My nerves are frazzled. I'm high and this guys bad trip has really wigged me out. Me and my girl decide to go for a walk since my friends with him and he's not moving. We get out side and realize that going for a walk at 3 am in oakland isn't going to be good. She senses my tension and we go to the side of the hotel in some bushes were she layes me down and sets my mind at ease with that magic only a woman can perform.
As dawn breaks he's coming around. Talking incoherantly ,but I can see a sparkle in his eye. We all part ways and me and my girl head back to SF to get some sleep. A day or two later my friend calls and says there heading home and to come say goodbye. I get there and this guy comes up to me and gives me a big hug and says he's sorry. I tell him don't worry about it. He then tells me that he met god and was a different person now. This makes me happy.
This man hasn't taken LSD since and lives in Oregon and owns a organic farm. He's happy with a family and at peace. He says that night was the most important and best thing that ever happened to him. I see him at the Oregon county fair every year and we always have a big hug. he's turned into somebody i really admire and love.
After this incedent I became very carefull of who I printed. Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2277 Joined: 22-Dec-2011 Last visit: 25-Apr-2016 Location: Hyperspace Studios
I'm fascinated by the idea of thumbprint doses. I'm very comfortable with LSD (2 really bad trips over the course of around 250 experiences, many in the milligram range). But definitely not a thing to take lightly.
I've read that report before that Cyb posted. I find it interesting that the guy was able to actually talk (and scream, etc), as you would expect a total blank. But we are amazing at resisting things. I like the story a lot, especially the outcome, but can understand fully why he wouldn't willingly go back.
I read a report from someone who thumbprinted and then didn't talk for close to a month... Had a LOT of thinking to do.
Would I thumbprint? Don't know... My life circumstances would need to be a little different. It's an insane precipice to leap from, and you have to be entirely ready to let go. Part of me would welcome that, and in my calcified middle age I would certainly benefit from it... while the rest of me is scared shitless.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 12340 Joined: 12-Nov-2008 Last visit: 02-Apr-2023 Location: pacific
hmm.. Might as well just smoke some DMT and get it over with. To each their own I guess. I never liked LSD enough from my experience with it to really seek it out anymore, let alone take massive doses of the stuff. I wonder how that compares though to other things, becasue I have drunk so much ayahuasca before that I did blank out for periods of time, and I had it happen with mushrooms once also..complete oral breakthroughs..lots of people say LSD hits a level where the effects max out. I wouldnt want to test that theory though.. Long live the unwoke.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 410 Joined: 23-Apr-2011 Last visit: 13-Jul-2024 Location: Texas
LSD does have a saturation dose like all compounds, and it can vary for people. I had a few vials of great LSD for about three years and in that time I experimented with high doses quite extensively. I cannot tell a difference in intensity between one milligram and two milligrams of LSD, there is always an increased duration the higher I dose though,the duration with two milligrams is roughly five hours longer than with one milligram. LSD is a weird beast IMO, I can take 450ug one day and have a marvelous and deep experience. A week later I can take 250ug and have an even more powerful and meaningful experience. The LSD experience is interesting in the sense that set and setting influences my experience way more than the dose does(once I'm passed threshold/light doses), other psychedelics are similar in this sense but it is extremely important with LSD and myself. I have a friend who took around 10mg and she told me there was no difference in intensity in comparison to 1.2mg, yet the duration of the experience was 24 hours long with 48 hours of typical LSD after effects. LSD is so beautiful at even 150ug, I will stick to my classic 150ug- 1mg doses  “The most compelling insight of that day was that this awesome recall had been brought about by a fraction of a gram of a white solid, but that in no way whatsoever could it be argued that these memories had been contained within the white solid. Everything I had recognized came from the depths of my memory and my psyche. I understood that our entire universe is contained in the mind and the spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability.”
 "No, seriously"

Posts: 7324 Joined: 18-Jan-2007 Last visit: 09-Feb-2025 Location: Orion Spur
I once took 15 blotters at once that were a bit stronger as anticipated. I thought they were about 50mic each but the experience was much stronger than the 700-800mics journeys I had done before that. I totally wend deep inside myself, had an experience were I did not know anymore who I was, what the world was, what reality was. Found the most basic 'wave' of life and begged to please let that wave not stop or else I would be stuck in a timeless part for infinity. I saw small veins of an silvery substance inside me, slowly moving with my heartbeat. I wend into complete black and white vision (no grays in there, just pure black and white) and after that saw myself returning to normality, piece by piece. This journey was at least as deep as what DMT can give me, I just see it as a different path. For me DMT is zooming out to infinity, while with LSD the opposite happens and I zoom in to infinity. I do know know how strong the total dose was but I guess it was around the 1-2mg range. I once measured how much a thumbprint would be with a crystalline substance and that could be anything between 10 and 100mg. Another person told me that the thumbprint can also be done by putting your thumb on the top of a small vial containing LSD and then the bottle is turned upside down and back again. I guess that such a print would be around 10-20mg. Kind regards, The Traveler
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 113 Joined: 26-Aug-2012 Last visit: 13-Jun-2014 Location: A transitive nightfall of diamonds
I’ve never taken a print myself, but I’ve known a bunch of folks that have. Basically it was given a test of one’s faith & karma before giving them access to LSD crystal. Certain groups of people put a lot of stock in LSD….to those of us with those beliefs, LSD is every bit as sacred as DMT & the other plant-derived psychedelics. Thus, it should be treated accordingly from the top on down. The thumbprint was given to ensure that the individuals working with the crystal had the right intentions (were motivated by Love), were not feds (undercovers can take low doses of LSD + large doses of tranquilizers to attempt to gain trust……..no amount of downers will stop a thumbprint dose in its tracks) and also make sure that the people could handle a massive dose in case of any accidents while working with the crystal. They weren’t given out lightly, and the printees were taken care of the whole time, both during the main experience, and all through the comedown. After that many people choose to ingest thumbprints again, and they say it gets easier with time. Some people still take them, but it’s not as common as it once was…….the LSD scene has unfortunately changed a lot in the past 10+ years, and not for the better. The descriptions I've heard of prints, from both the shroomery thread & my friends, is that it can’t be described. It hits immediately, and you melt into the Light within an hour or so of the dose. That part lasts a while, then you slowly come down over the course of several days……you never completely come down though, but you do get used to it after a while. There might not be a difference between 1 milligram & 10 milligrams, but everyone I’ve known that printed swears that there is a big difference between 1 milligram & 50 milligrams. These are not people that lie or exaggerate, and I have a lot of trust in them. The highest dose of LSD I ever took with zero tolerance was about 3 milligrams (3000mics.) The experience was incredibly powerful. I relived each moment of my life, but from the vantage point of looking back at it…I felt the feelings/experienced the thoughts…..but simultaneously experienced the thoughts & feelings I had on those experiences as the man I was at the time of the dose, looking back. It was bittersweet. There were many joys in my life, but a lot of pain as well. I unintentionally caused a lot of pain to those I love throughout my life, and I felt extreme remorse for this. I was crying my eyes out. A lifetime of joy, love, remorse & loss was pouring out of me. I was alone at the time, except for my roommate’s dog. I desperately needed a hug at this point, and the dog ran into the room, jumped on the couch & snuggled with me….looking in my eyes the whole time. We had a telepathic/empathic connection. She knew what was up, what I needed & was there for me. This was a very powerful experience. With the dog there, and the life review hitting the moment I was currently in, it was time. I closed my eyes (I think…………at this point it didn’t really matter if my eyes were open or closed….I couldn’t really tell the difference) and let go. From here it gets really fuzzy. I remember pure clear Light, and a feeling of immense serenity & Love. Everything felt right….but it was just this feeling & that Light…..and the feeling & the Light were one & the same. There was no me. I was gone, this world was gone, all traces of existence were gone. I simply WAS, and I existed as this Love-Light…..that’s the best I can describe it, and it doesn’t come close. It then progressed from there to a point that I cannot remember/bring back. There was no me there to do so. This state lasted for an eternity, but I slowly came back down. I remember colors, then the colors forming patterns, then universes, then lives & stories. I watched this display for a while, then I became aware of a beautiful sound. The sound & the colors, patterns, lives & stories were one in the same…just different aspects of the same thing. It occurred to me that what it was, was music. Jerry Garcia playing guitar to be exact. I laid there for a while yet, then eventually got up, drank some water & took my roommate’s dog on a hike up a mountain. (At the time I lived in the mountains right at the base of a peak) We overlooked the valley & town together & watched the sunset, then went back home. It was incredibly powerful experience….incredibly emotional, and I was drained, but at peace. This was some years ago, and so much more happened, but that’s really all I can recall/describe of it. “Was I a criminal? No. I was a good member of society. Only my society and the one making the laws are different.” - Owsley Stanley
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Your recollection of that experience hit me in a pretty deep way, Dark_Star. I know that bitter sweet feeling you speak of. They way it seems to me, is it is a reflection of life in general. The good and bad felt as one, the essence of life. I'd like to print one day.... maybe when I'm old and close to death. I may be too chicken-shit until then! Be an adult only when necessary.
 analytical chemist
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I'd do it when I didn't have any responsibilities. I can't find enough free time to devote to such an ego-stroking-yet-ego-dissolving ritual. Most people I know have to work, pay bills, etc. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2151 Joined: 23-Nov-2012 Last visit: 07-Mar-2017
One day. If I can ever get my hand on pure crystal, which seems like it's getting more and more unlikely with each passing year. Is there an equivalent state for psilocybin mushrooms? A point at which everything just becomes blank/All. "There are many paths up the same mountain."
Posts: 356 Joined: 08-Nov-2012 Last visit: 16-Feb-2023 Location: felinity
ipuma feels that a person is never going to be ready for such an experience but has always been ready atleast this is what he thought coming back after first breakthroughs with shrooms, aya, and achuma. reading this thread inspires him to seek the print. achuma puma
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Posts: 12340 Joined: 12-Nov-2008 Last visit: 02-Apr-2023 Location: pacific
"Is there an equivalent state for psilocybin mushrooms? A point at which everything just becomes blank/All." In reference to the "blank/all", yes. I have no similar LSD dose experience to compare it to but mushrooms can take you extremely deep..especially if you are working with certain species like psilocybe cyanescens..and other species like pan cyans it seems.. I have basically "fainted"(I dunno what else to call it) on a handful of cyanescens and left this reality. I has no body, no recall of being a human or having taken mushrooms..there was just a sea of energy that had consturcted itself through vibratory buzzing into luminescent neon colored grids of light. I was "inside" of all of this..or more like I was all of this. I dont know how to explain it, it makes no sense. I just ate too many of those mushrooms. Never got cocky with woodlovers like that again. Long live the unwoke.
 Mystify your Mind
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Dark_Star wrote:We had a telepathic/empathic connection. She knew what was up, what I needed & was there for me. This was a very powerful experience.
I have experienced this with two dogs that I have own in my life. It is an extremely powerful bond. Thanks for sharing your experience Dark_Star. DMT smells like math.
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
to even think about an LSD thumbprint rattles my nerves i've done my fair share of high doses yet a thumbprint is something that i don't wish to ever do or even come across , since i find it so hard to refuse whenever i am offered an entheogen whatever be the case thumbprint is some insane s#!~ and i am not going that way illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
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Posts: 156 Joined: 24-Jan-2012 Last visit: 05-Nov-2013 Location: smalltown, USA
The Traveler wrote:
Another person told me that the thumbprint can also be done by putting your thumb on the top of a small vial containing LSD and then the bottle is turned upside down and back again. I guess that such a print would be around 10-20mg.
Kind regards,
The Traveler
^ that's how my experiment was conducted. I was kinda born into that lifestyle with my parents being flower children, and me with my Grateful Dead days. I'm not going to get into to many details on that part but I can say now that he has passed that I was in the care of the only person I have ever fully trusted, my father. The vial was just one of the small ones that hold about a gram so no I didn't do a full thumbprint but it covered a good square cm. of my thumb atleast, and believe me when I say that was plenty! I rubbed it into my skin instead of my mouth and still felt it immediately! I knew it was good quality fluff, and was at home with the most trusted people I would ever know so there was no fear whatsoever. The only negative (physical) part of it was a slight pain in my head for some of the duration... kinda like I took too much acid! It did change me. It was a very personal experience... Like things you don't want to tell strangers, and there are no words to describe it anyhow. That was the only time I actually got immobilized from it. To be honest I really don't recall much from the first 8-12 hrs. The funny part is the new puppy "mopsy" chewed my socks off while I was layed out. I couldn't figure out why I just had the ankle part of my socks on when I came to enough to realize what was going on. It took about a week before I fully came out of that one, but I seen trails and walls breathe for about a decade after. I can't attribute that to that experience alone though. I did take about a 3 week break after that but I was a teenager then and loved acid and still do to this day 20 some years later. Everyone else grew out of it, but it by far hasn't lost it's magic with me. Guess it runs in the family. My dad was still partaking in his 50's before he passed away. I sometime feel his presence in my more recent voyages. I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
 You do not have to see alike, feel alike or even think alike in order spiritually to be alike
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I took 50 or so doses of some liquid LSD once, half of a vial. I'm not sure how many milligrams that would be but I took it all at once. I don't recall how long it lasted because I blacked out but i remember some of it well. It was one of the most frightening trips I've had ever and I swore off psychedelics for a few years. It was really intense but I've had trips nearing that intensity on only a few doses, like others said, set and setting, stars aligning, something. I guess you could say it was HPPD but I still swear I was reading peoples minds and seeing into the future daily for a long time after. A lot of that stuff will stick with me forever. Since then it has been quite common for me to share thoughts, with and even have the same trips with other people, shared madness or Folie à deux. I was young and a bit less wise then, although, I would not change it. I'm not sure how much of it faded and how much of it I learned to cope with but eventually I leveled out and could have psychedelic experiences again comfortably. It would be interesting to see how a dose like that would affect me now but I can't say I'd do it over. Toadfreak!
Travel like a king Listen to the inner voice A higher wisdom is at work for you Conquering the stumbling blocks come easier When the conqueror is in tune with the infinite Every ending is a new beginning Life is an endless unfoldment Change your mind, and you change your relation to time Free your mind and the rest will follow
 DMT-Nexus member

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Three words: No frickin way! Art Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2277 Joined: 22-Dec-2011 Last visit: 25-Apr-2016 Location: Hyperspace Studios
Wow Toadfreak... For typical liquid LSD you're talking somewhere in the neighborhood of 5000ug. My record is 1600 and that was intense. You're looking at something in the same ballpark as a thumbprint, 1/3 to 1/2 as estimated by The Travrler.
What thoughts go through the mind of someone about to down a half vial of liquid?