On the banks of the mighty Columbia river in WA state is a nuclear reactor facility that produced the majority of nuclear material for our cold-war weapons effort. It has been shut down now for around 20 someodd years, and is the focus of one of the largest super-fund clean up sites in the US. However, since the clean up began IN 1942(!) not ONE DROP of nuclear waste has been removed from the site. Nuclear waste is stored in 500,000-1,000,000 gallon tanks underground and it was released the other day- in the back page of the newspaper- that one of the tanks is leaking.
This facility produced plutonium by a process in which nuclear material rods were dissolved in chemical baths under heat and pressure and then the plutonium was removed from the 'soup' by more chemical processes. The waste material represents the ENTIRE SPECTRUM of radioactive, fissionable isotopes- including cesium and strontium that mimic things like calcium, and once in the body, migrate into bones and tissue unnoticed by the body's defense systems, causing cancer and cell breakdown. The areas around the plant have long been found to have contaminated groundwater and cancer rates are highly disproportionate in the 'downwinder' community.
The material stored in these tanks cannot be used in any other processes. it is waste composed of all the deadly radioactive isotopes mixed in with a chemical soup that is composed of everything from mercury and strong acids to sugars and salt, and everything in between! And it is leaking into our groundwater. This is not a potential disaster, it is an ongoing tragedy. It is overlooked by the media, who made it a back-page story while the horrible tragedy of a bunch of cruise ship passengers having a crappy vacation was extensively covered at the same time.
Apparently, the city in Russia that had a meteorite explode above it is a similar site and was the site of a disaster in the 1950s involving the explosion of a 50,000 gallon tank of similar waste. The 500 square mile area around that site is still uninhabitable and wont support any life.
Relating this to this site- I am posting here because I believe that DMT is trying to tell us the importance of healing this planet. It comes from a geographical area that emanates a large part of Earth's healing energy in the form of botanicals- think of all the disease fighting drugs produced from natural sources only found there. It also is an area that needs our healing attention; but the substance is showing us the true symbiotic nature of life and the fact that our tech is alien to this planet, and we must survive it.
I urge you to write your reps if you live in this area, to write the bastards in DC who uignore this, to write to news agencies and ask why they ignore it, and if you can, to support people who are trying to do something about it, like
www.hanfordwatch.org/ Please help, a disaster like what occured in Russia would be an event that could not only wipe out a chunk of the PNW, but the resulting fallout could literally cause an extinction size disaster.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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