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#1 Posted : 3/19/2009 11:44:07 AM

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the elves!

Just like the one in the middle of the site artwork. They're wonderful little guys to say the least. Oh what a wonderful night.
You lock the door, and throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me

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#2 Posted : 3/19/2009 2:24:31 PM

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nice dude! meeting the elves is always exciting...unless they are being evil.hehe
it's a sound
#3 Posted : 3/19/2009 3:46:49 PM


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Jorkest. What do you mean evil. Specifically, how do they come across as evil? With my exp. they show me mean and ugly images. Once I was asked if I would trade my soul for a hyperdimensional toy that made me feel ecstacy. I said yes. Later, I pondered the implications. Another time they told me they used the spice to 'milk' peoples souls. Recently, they showed me beautiful images if I surrendered my will or ugly, mean or menacing imagery if I stand my ground. I told them I was coming back either way and to just chill. But the strangest thing I ever saw were the beautiful/ugly images they showed me at the simple turn of my will. Back and forth they would switch based on my surrender/defiance. The hyperspace reward system is based on letting go of my will. I have a hard time doing that and therefore not all my spiceland expeditions are 'peachy keen'. I still go and will continue to go regardless of a few ticked off trans-dimensional chi thieves. Prana rogues or not, the spice is the spice of my life!

God, I ramble! Sorry. Maybe I have anger issues. Confused

So, yes. What do 'you' mean by evil?
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#4 Posted : 3/19/2009 4:15:15 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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who are you? whos will are you surrendering? what are you? what are you surrendering too?
who are theses others? what is an other? whats a soul? does a soul belong to you? or is it jus tthe dellusion of a soul being yours that must be traded or gotten rid of or killed?
"Listening not to me but to the Logos, it is wise to acknowledge that all things are one. "

"For those who are awake the cosmos is one."
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#5 Posted : 3/19/2009 4:16:40 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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and as far as your elves go i still think you guys are making sentient thought forms or tulpas as they are called in tibet...
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#6 Posted : 3/19/2009 4:27:25 PM


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LLB, you are right of course. These are conventions of communication and they falter under heavy scrutiny. I am. We are. It is. Is my soul from the guf? Does it have fractional parts to be divied up and consumed by demons? Will it return to the Logos? Is it all in my head? Yes. It is ALL in my head! All of it. The entire universe in 5 or six pounds of grey matter. The demons are my own, of course. But when given sentience and form to appease my eyes or trompe leol, to fool them, then to talk about it requires language. Ever failing, compromising, shoulder shrugging, a rose is a rose is a rose, language. Maybe if there were a forum where we could discuss such matters. Try and clear it up a bit for the literal minded.
Thats all for now, the elves are on call waiting. And I've gotta go play with my Hkhorva dolls. My homunculus gets jealous, but hey, it's not like they can eat his soul.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#7 Posted : 3/19/2009 6:39:47 PM

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sometimes the elves play dirty..poking and laughing at SWIM...that is when they are being evil..when they show SWIM some dude eating the inside of somebody elses SWIM just projects love and light...from a candle..and even the devils is hell retreat
it's a sound
El Ka Bong
#8 Posted : 3/19/2009 6:58:04 PM

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amazing link to Tulpas, LLB !.. ! I have found that there is a heirarchry-type organization for these entities too, I have to read the whole link to see if it explains that. And why is it so freaking 'crowded' and busy out there ..?

Why is it so inspiring, such a dense link ! ..?

I ought to finish reading but ... maybe the universe is loaded with these thoughforms, that have been roaming around since concieved by all of us, over eons of dreaming and waking, churning consciousness and brain evolution..? And perhaps we carry along a cloud of these through every reincarnation, associated with our inherited DNA, and we are all feeding life and love symbiotically back and forth - they need us, and we somehow need them. .. What explains why it is so crowded out there ?! ..?

#9 Posted : 3/19/2009 7:46:06 PM

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Luckily SWIM's elves were happy and they danced and played.
You lock the door, and throw away the key

There's someone in my head but it's not me
#10 Posted : 3/19/2009 8:01:47 PM


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elves, clowns, aleins, shape-shifters, entities.. whatever you want to call them tricksters..

glad you had a good trip man =D
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#11 Posted : 3/19/2009 8:29:38 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Theres a japanense saying... one mind many bodies...
all beings all that is is of that one mind. radical panpsychism has a way of approaching this as well...

its interesting i tend to think that the buddhist cosmology is fairly acurate because most of it is based upon empirical data achieved via repeatable experiments of consciousness alteration. but its still just a model for reality, and you shoud never confuse a model for the real thing... but I tend to think that their concept of bardos is fairly ACURATE...there are bardos or realms for the hungry ghosts, the hell beings, the jealous gods, the animal bardo, the human, and the god bardo... and there are many levels of existence in each one.
SWIM has sat in ceremony with freinds where all reported seeing doorways to hell bardos open revealing people all lost in lust in a suffering sort of way... not the healthy kinda lost in lust heheh... SWIMs old shaman teacher used to make an offering to the beings of each of these realms and we would all feel different beings from each come and visit to work through their karma...
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#12 Posted : 3/20/2009 5:31:06 AM

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jasons741 wrote:
Another time they told me they used the spice to 'milk' peoples souls.

this "milking" theme has come up multiple times from various posters and SWIM too has encountered and odd sense of some sort of milking taking place. I truly hope that this is not ultimately malevolent in the the astral realm and does not corrupt voyagers in any way as it pertains to death when our souls are fully released from our bodies. I'd really like to think that the journeys are enriching and rewarding, but who knows what is really out there and what is taking place. I wish we had more answers...
#13 Posted : 3/20/2009 5:44:14 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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malevolent experiences in life adn spirit tend to be ultimately helpful to the whole... it tends to be the ego thats ultimately threatened...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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