The Grid Options
#1 Posted : 2/19/2013 8:42:46 PM


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Hello DMT nexus,

Im starting this thread to raise awareness, and or confirm or deny a phenomenon i have been seeing, I call it "The Grid".

Let me first state, i have tripped and looked into the sky for years, and seen visuals in the sky and beauty in the clouds, etc, nothing like this....

Starting on one very strong and entheogenic experience with a relative of san pedro, i looked into the sky and really began to focus and slowed down. Then before long, i saw an interconnecting "grid" in the sky, only it was much more 3 dimensional than say an x, y axis grid, it had more dimensions... It look like a grid with dots and intersection points,

I followed the grid down, and once i followed it, i saw, it was not just in the sky, no it came down to earth and surrounds us, i cannot explain the epiphany I had at this point, but helped me understand how i am individual, yet connected to a web of life and creation, and my acitons and intent cause ripples throughouth this web or grid.

It was mindblowing this experience.. I wasted no time in doing it again to see if I could again see the grid. Well to my amazement, i went out there, focused for a minute, and the grid absolutely began to UNFOLD. Down to my level if that makes any sense, I could see it everywhere moving through everything and connecting to everything.

I believe this grid is REAL and is indeed REALLY THERE and is at the core of the secret of the purpose and underlying mechanisms of the workings of our reality. I think it is the web that connects us all unites us as one, and that it is also "the subconcious mind" an ancestoral giiann database waiting for us to link up with it. I think if we were to understand how to connect to and work with this grid, the implications are endless..

I say this because once the grid conncected to my mind, i experienced what i can only describe as a mooment of enlightenment, the workings of everything made sense in that moment, it was like a biological enlightenment and helped me understand life in a very direct way that i cannot and care not to explain

My question is, does anyone else see the grid?!?! i should note it is most visible on mescaline cactus, but since seeing it, i can see it almost any night if i stare at the stars and concentrate...

Any thoughts please?

BecometheOther attached the following image(s):
imagesCAV55T4K.jpg (6kb) downloaded 321 time(s).
758.jpg (6kb) downloaded 321 time(s).
untitled.bmp (128kb) downloaded 321 time(s).
wormhole.jpg (9kb) downloaded 320 time(s).
asdf.bmp (148kb) downloaded 318 time(s).
imagesCAW90BNF.jpg (11kb) downloaded 321 time(s).
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#2 Posted : 2/19/2013 8:46:08 PM


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cubeananda attached the following image(s):
775079_522454187785432_731743978_o.jpg (170kb) downloaded 323 time(s).
#3 Posted : 2/19/2013 8:48:04 PM


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Also the grid is not static, it appears always moving flowing... I see sacred geometry all over in it, in fact i never even really appreciated sacred geometry untill seeing it.

Also the grid has what i will call "sucking in points" where the lines of the grid begin to condense closer and closer together, and are "sucked in" to a certain point,

the pictures of wormholes that i posted LOOK EXACTLY LIKE what the grid does.....

Lines will sprial around these sucking in points, and thats what makes the grid flow
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#4 Posted : 2/19/2013 9:08:58 PM
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i've yet to travel with dmt/cacti but i will keep an eye outBig grin
#5 Posted : 2/19/2013 9:12:18 PM

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Perhaps you were perceiving the earths magnetic field lines?
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#6 Posted : 2/19/2013 9:16:24 PM

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Yes I know what you're talking about. I can completely relate when you talk about it descending and unfolding down to Earth. The same sort of thing happens with DMT holograms in my house if I look at the ceiling, and they will descend on down. If I look up into the sky, the energetic structure becomes much more expansive and takes longer to descend. I notice the grid in the sky a lot mainly on LSD, but probably mostly because I spend most of my time outdoors with LSD and indoors with DMT on account of logistics (like smoking in public, etc...)
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#7 Posted : 2/19/2013 10:43:32 PM

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Until someone gives me any evidence of an actual "grid" existing, the most reasonable
explanation to me is that it's a perceptional thing.
Without drawing any conclusions though I can also see a grid and can definitely relate
to those "wormholes".
I always described them as looking down onto flowing volcanoes, pushing "energy" out against me instead of sucking it in.
I guess I can look at them as sucking energy in as well.
The grid is these symmetrically aligned points (volcanos, wormholes) which appear to
be dispersing "energy" between one another in a non-symmetrical way.

When I'm not high on anything the "grid" is colourless but when I smoke massive
amounts of cannabis (long time ago) the grid takes on rainbow RGB colours.
The wormmholes are always in a symmetrical grid-like place.

The pattern in the center of the image I post looks exactly like the "energy flow".
(image taken from:;catid=1)
imPsimon attached the following image(s):
Nodal III.jpg (55kb) downloaded 287 time(s).
#8 Posted : 2/20/2013 6:52:53 PM


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Thanks for the replies, very intruiging...

cyb, it could be the earths electromagnetic lines, i suppose, but then let me ask this: Do these electromagnetic lines move and shift, and for lack of a better defintion, have "sucking in poiints" or points at which the energy seems to connect? I ask this because i do not know... also, i thought the lines on the electromagnetic grid werent lines persay, but wider "pathways" we just draw them as lines because its easier to understand... Lastly, the lines on the grid i see are very fine and definate, and they spiral around points, moving before your eyes, i really dont think it is the electromagnetic grid. I am open to the possiblitly that it is though, i will not use wishful thinking to convince myself of anything until i have more answers....

I can see how a person would easily say i am just crazy and tripping seeing stuff, but we are the DMT nexus, we look deeper than that.

Let me tell you, the grid seems to me the furthest possible thing from hallucination, in fact it seems to me a more complete version of reality than our fragmented ego driven perception

Anyways, it could also be a perceptual thing, an amazing one, but still a trick of the mind.

But heres why i think its not, my friend and I both on cactus, saw the grid at the exact same time, of course we were in awe. But i pointed to specific spots on the grid, and we saw the same wormholes and spirals in the same places, "Oh man do you see it there, its so close, the hole is right there the lines rise and condense to it right there!!"

That alone could be dismissed, but we have repeated the experiment 3 times now, each time we see the grid, it looks the same each time, we point out specific spots on the grid... but always moving..if you go out and focus on the sky and you are in the right frame of mind, YOU WILL SEE THE GRID.

Also i am expericned with hallucinations induced by psychedelics i have experience with about every psych you can take, and hundreds of experiences with ayahuasca, I know what visuals look like and i know what real things look like, the grid doesnt appear as a hallucination, but appears in the same way the stars or the moon do, it is just there!

I also wonder if the ability to percieve this phenomenon isnt tied up SPECIFICALLY with san pedro and related cactus. Like i said i have done plenty of ayahuasca, and seen great stuff in the sky, rings around the moon, but never like this.

imPsimon, i relate completely to your perception of energy points, the image you attached, while i do not deny an energy flow may look like that, doesnt look like the grid i see, because it is much more geometrically perfect. Like a connect the dots 3d grid, with fractal sucking in wormholes, where the light or visible grid appears to bend around them.

Last time i saw the grid, i was told, if i were to double the dose, i could enter the grid myself and it would unfold in ways i cannot yet imagine. A voice in my head told me this, and i dont often hear voices, for a psychonaugt i think of myself as a sober and levelheaded person. Willing to embrace endless possibility however...

I do think this grid is the SECRET and it warrants much further investigation... i could tell someone the exact dose of cactus i used and what cactus, and they could repeat the experiment, you have to focus for a while and clear your midn and just look at the sky, before you even see anything.

Also the experiment could be repeated using any entheogen, to see if it is visible only under the spell of cactus, or if it is a phenomenon that exists that is not visible to us unless our perception is wider such as in a state of entheogenesis.

I dont think this would work with just sub threshold or threshold doses, you must take what i refer to as a "level 1 dose" which means, you are at the threshold of that substances best effects. for instance for Dmt a level 1 dose might be say 25 mg. enough to breakthrough and get solid effects, without pushing it say to level 2 which might be 50-60 mg.
for cactus, at least a foot of bridgessii or 2 feet good pedro, but i saw the grid each time using specifically the penis cactus, i also wonder if this has anything to do with it.

Cheers friends, anyone want to form a grid investigation squad with me? There is already some info on the grid out there actually, i started reading the internet to see if others see a grid in the sky turns out plenty do! Problem is, is i think that info is tainted by these new agers who embrace any whack ass theory and say for instance, the lightgrid is made of a purple aura enery and if we focus on this energy four times a day we can send healing vibrations to nepal if we stick chrystals up our asses, and chant simultaneously. (my humurous example, not a real post lol)

I would love to see somebody care about this with me and investigate it, i said i think it is THE SECRET TO EVERYTHING. Is that not worth seeing what the hell im talking about for yourself?
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#9 Posted : 2/20/2013 6:59:23 PM


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How could one possible find any evidence for the grid though? Is it even possible?

If it were electromagenetic, you could i suppose, measure for disturbances or changes in charge or something? Im not sure, but either way, i highly doubt it is a measurable phenomenon like electromagentism.

Like i said, i think it is the subconcious mind, and if it were made of anything, it is made out of the same stuff our conciousness is, thought matter, which cannot be measured by any device to my knowlede.

Also you cannot photograph it, (obviously lol) or maybe you need a camera with a lens sensative to say, heat, or light changes, or changes in this or that, you could try different lenses until you saw it through a camera....

I propose this as a real question, how would one go about proving or finding evidence for the existance fo this grid?
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#10 Posted : 2/20/2013 7:04:42 PM

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Ive seen it with DMT, ayahuasca and mushrooms. Ive seen geometry that connected things with cacti but I felt a sort of energetic connectiom between everything with cacti also..

With mushrooms I once saw it all over everything for as far as the eye could see and another time I went into the grid on a higher dimensional level and could connect through it to other people I know who were hours away from me etc..I could see into their lives. Minute points on the grid would connect up to the soul of each person. Another time on a high dose of cyans I passed out in the forest and woke up a minute or 2 later and I could see the grid connecting every tree and fern and everything alive in the forest. This gris was repsonsible for everything in the forest..for life.
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#11 Posted : 2/20/2013 7:08:22 PM

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"the pictures of wormholes that i posted LOOK EXACTLY LIKE what the grid does....."

The picture you posted is a toroid(well it would be if the picture was complete..each end needs to flow into the other end which is implied in thaty picture) and that is the full 3d shape of the flower of life.

I can see this grid in the middle of the night when I wake up almost the dark.

I have been building copper toroil coils to work with becasue I think there is something special about that shape.
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#12 Posted : 2/20/2013 7:18:05 PM

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I usually see the grid in very pronounced full color on 25C/25B. These full color multidimensional structures just fill the air, surrounded by waves that resemble the cg waves that streamed off bullets in the Matrix movies.
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#13 Posted : 2/20/2013 8:24:45 PM


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Wow jamie and lumos! thank you for your perespectives!!

jamie, i have no doubt then that we are seeing different versions of the same thing.. the grid could equally be called the interconnected web of life, and such concepts are acutally common in mystical spirituality, that we are all one, connected, well this grid connects us.

It is affirming that san pedro cactus is in fact not necessary to see the grid, but rather it can be seen on a variety of entheogens, and in some cases, stone sober

This is affirming becuase it points to the likelhihood that it is a real phenomenon and not just induced byu say, mescaline cactus. Rather i hypothesise that the grid is always there to be seen, but in the same way our brain filters out certain perceptions, the grid is not percievable to us in our ordinary state. Kind of like how we cant hear a dog whislte, but a dog can....

Jamie, you mentioned the flower of life, that is what i think this grid is, the seed of creation!@ the expanding energy that connects us, births our conciousness, it is us and is everything, there is something very significant about that shape because like i said

that image doesnt just look kinda like what the grid does, but rather, that is EXACTLY WHAT it does at its "sucking in points"

Cheers, anywone down to try to repeat the experiment? allyou have to do is dose an entheogen and watch the stars, win win even if you dont see the grid Pleased

I dont want this discussion to end until some answers are reached, or it is at least affirmed there are no answers, i will pursue this diligently until that happens! I will seek the grid every single week, until i find the answer it is that significant! Sacred geometry, the collective unconcious, the eternal fractal spiral nature of existance, the secrets to these things all connect in the grid im sure of it!

I think this is what ancient peoples saw when they looked into the sky, the mayans, the incans etc. this is why they were so obssessed with the stars, becuase the ANSWERS ARE UP THERE.
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#14 Posted : 2/20/2013 8:27:34 PM


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In the end id like to push beyond words, as they fall so short of describing something that can only be realized in a single moment,

I want you to see the grid, thats why i call on you to do this, look into the starts, toghether we will understand
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#15 Posted : 2/20/2013 8:32:28 PM

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Ya,I could never really except that these visions are something created solely by a mind on drugs. It seems to be a conscious field that fills every conceivable place; many who are of the spiritual mindset are familiar with this concept in one form or another.
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#16 Posted : 2/20/2013 8:45:54 PM

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Most of my DMT experiences have involved this grid. Everything works inside it and on one occasion it had sections that were folding and unfolding at the same time, revealing other dimensional properties while it did this, causing a mirror like visual with other shapes coming out the the unfolding sections.

My very first DMT experience had this and the grid was very definitely a diamond like pattern. With points at the top and bottom of each section. I see it as the container of everything holding everything together and expanding/contracting with movement.
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#17 Posted : 2/20/2013 8:49:46 PM

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Indras net.

"Cheers, anywone down to try to repeat the experiment? allyou have to do is dose an entheogen and watch the stars, win win even if you dont see the grid"

Well, give me a few days to a week or so..

Long live the unwoke.
#18 Posted : 2/20/2013 9:05:02 PM

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This could very well be the conscious field that is responsible for the unity of everything; every time I have experienced it, it has always been an energy of absolute, unconditional love that permeates all of existence.

I have read about some fascinating experiments done with water. There is direct scientific evidence that water responds to emotions and intent by organizing the structure and alignment of the H2O molecules. When love was projected on the water, it aligned to make complex snowflake patterns; but when anger was projected, that water lost all its structure and became very chaotic. This was seen by flash freezing the water after the emotional projection and observing it under a microscope.

Now here is my theory: Since the chemistry of life is millions of times as complex as inorganic chemistry, simple interactions in the pre-life Earth do not account for everything. How about if the love from "the grid" caused the water to take on a highly complex geometric structure, resulting in more complex interactions between compounds in the primordial soup bringing about life.

We have chosen this life for a reason, and it is our purpose to understand why.

When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced; live your life so that when you pass, the world cries and you rejoice.

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#19 Posted : 2/20/2013 10:28:00 PM


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anrchy wrote:
Most of my DMT experiences have involved this grid. Everything works inside it and on one occasion it had sections that were folding and unfolding at the same time, revealing other dimensional properties while it did this, causing a mirror like visual with other shapes coming out the the unfolding sections.

My very first DMT experience had this and the grid was very definitely a diamond like pattern. With points at the top and bottom of each section. I see it as the container of everything holding everything together and expanding/contracting with movement.

Yes! this is exactly what im talking about when i said, i saw it "unfold"

it was visible in the starts, but then i connected the energy dots down, and could see the grid all around me, except like i was inside it, and mirror dimensions became visible, like a connect the dots you connect some dots, at least three, then you have a 2 dimensional "plane" these grid "secitons" are like that execpt 3 dimensional not 2 dimensional. anwyas, when i saw the grid unfold, i was seeing these planes connecting to eachother, at points. Perhaps these sucking in points or points are the origin of energy as we know it and energy emenates either from them or is sucked into them and redistributed.

Either way i think it is just that a concsious energy grid!

Cheers jamie, let me know what you see when you seek the grid!

I know sound waves through a medium create geometry: for example if you play a constant tone like say a 500 hz wave, and put say sand or flour or ANYTHING on the speaker, you would see alternating geometric patterns, mindblowing, we performed this experiment in audio school, but i bet you you could find a million youtube videos on it if you type in sound wave geometry! all this ties into sacred geometry, the unity of sound vibration and form as one force, sacred geometry isnt shapes, its ways of becoming! Sacred geometry, is tied in directly with sound, and vibration, and isnt it the foundation theory of string theory that we are in reality, vibrating objects on a space time grid? i mean i could be wrong about this, i know little about string theory, but i remember some theory about how everything is vibrating, and everything IS VIBRATION.

Anyone care to connect the do ts
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#20 Posted : 2/20/2013 11:16:47 PM

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