Promotion of DMT. Options
#1 Posted : 2/17/2013 10:33:51 PM

Ninja of Consciousness

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I have been thinking long and hard about what I want to write here, specifically about the promotion and views of DMT society currently has and what its future might be.

I believe, at the current point humanity has come too, that we have lost practically all connection to divine. We have become so lost in the physical and so wanting of happiness that it has blinded our view of this glorious reality. Shamans and Mystics a like are appearing in all corners of the world, preaching and pushing spiritual medicines, Ayahuasca, DMT, Shrooms, Iboga, Virola. Many plants hidden away from the knowledge of most are finding their way onto the western stage and have already begun undoing what the west has spent so much time creating.

I think it is of paramount importance that the nexus takes an active role in defending and creating a positive image for all DMT related plants and substances alike.

I know a lot of people on the nexus already, who don't really want the nexus gaining popularity, let alone DMT gaining popularity. I spent a long time arguing psychedelics in general should not be available to all people. The situation I feel has changed. We're coasting closer and closer to the point of no return, we're killing our mother and we're about to flood, completely destroying the amazon basin. The amazon is the lungs of our planet, the heart, lifeblood even.

I think now, we are at the point where we need to be reminded of who and what we are. So many of us have forgotten and so many of us continue to remain ignorant of a simple and beautiful, unspeakable truth.

This post is really a question of how others on the nexus feel about DMT's current place and use in our society, how do you all really feel? What do you want the future of DMT to be? Do you think others should be using it? Please I want some honest answers here.

One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
Bill Cipher
#2 Posted : 2/17/2013 11:42:39 PM

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ManifestTheMind wrote:
It's pretty crazy now that we have these metorites falling on all ends of the planet, Russia, Cuba, and California, all within a short time span this year, i believe that may be a sign that, We need to get our shit together as a collective organism, and stop the global banking systems trying to control the planet, while in the meantime destroying it, because that's really what all this madness comes down to, and it's no longer just a theory, it's reality.

Uh, what...?

That's bonkers. It's also precisely why psychedelics are demonized and psychedelics users are generally marginalized by the mainstream.

To the OP: It's great that you have found something which is effecting positives changes in your life. But go easy with the proselytizing. There's no one path for all to follow, and that certainly applies to this one.

#3 Posted : 2/17/2013 11:58:39 PM

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ManifestTheMind wrote:
Uncle Knucles wrote:
ManifestTheMind wrote:
It's pretty crazy now that we have these metorites falling on all ends of the planet, Russia, Cuba, and California, all within a short time span this year, i believe that may be a sign that, We need to get our shit together as a collective organism, and stop the global banking systems trying to control the planet, while in the meantime destroying it, because that's really what all this madness comes down to, and it's no longer just a theory, it's reality.

Uh, what...?

That's bonkers. It's also precisely why psychedelics are demonized and psychedelics users are generally marginalized by the mainstream.

I'm not saying the recent meteorites are because of the global banking system as fact/reality, but the banking system controlling and destroying the planet is reality.

So what do you propose? We go back to trading shells and beads? Trust me, promoting DMT and the Nexus isn't going to fix the banking system... No matter how hard you try.

Also, meteorites have fallen onto the Earth for as long as there's been one. We have a large one to thank for creating our moon and therefore tides, eventually spawning life. In fact, many think the first organisms on this planet originated from one.

There will always be a crisis somewhere. Risking the site, and its users, via some promotional campaign will cause much more harm than good, IMO. As Art said, go easy with the proselytizing. Each person has their own path and must forge it themselves. Not all paths include psychedelics. That's for a chosen few.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#4 Posted : 2/18/2013 11:07:10 AM

Ninja of Consciousness

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As much as I love the current conversation it's still besides the point, I'm not interested in meteorites. I am interested in actively and openly promoting DMT without the blinders. Showing people this wonderful beautiful thing creation gave us, to remind us of simple truths.

We're killing the bee population, destroying the amazon, creating super ecoli virus'... we are now reaching the point of no return. If I ever have them, my children will walk this earth, through the mess we allowed to be.

It's my own belief, I think everyone on the nexus should be promoting DMT to anyone who has heard or is interested in the substance, it should be going on, on a huge scale. A global awakening is required to turn the scales back in our favour I feel..
One can drive himself to madness in the obsessing goal of reason, without the knowledge of love and laughter.
The Neural
#5 Posted : 2/18/2013 11:47:53 AM

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I would prefer personal freedom on what to cultivate and use, but I like the way things are right now. I like the blinders.

Here's why:

1. Victorian age (1850): Opium and carbolic acid used for cure-all remedies. No substantial research, if potion looked purplish and steamy, it was deemed "effective".

2. Pre 60's (1950 and back). Very little information, cocaine and heroin used as cure-all remedies. Very little research.

3. The 60's. No blinders, but mass hysteria and paranoia led to rapid measures (banning and criminalisation of almost anything psychoactive). Actually helpful research starts with vigour.

4. Today, we still know very little on how safe DMT (and the rest) actually is, especially mentally, and we really should stay on the safe side and not apply our own apparently excellent experiences of DMT to the rest of the population.

I would probably live my life in misery, if I revered this substance to anyone who may have been predisposed to any mental disorder, and I ended up being the trigger for their manifestation. I would blame myself for that, as I would blame anyone for promoting it so naively to that person. Until there is more evidence on the mental risks of consuming DMT, and robust medical screening tests devised and accepted, I am devoted to refrain from promoting it to anyone unaware of its existence. Those that want to know, will ask.

He who seeks, may find (as it was always the case, and still is).

P.S. I'd rather promote reading on philosophy, science and critical thinking. That could actually offer much more to shape a useful, environmentally conscious, and radically thinking individual. (Those who end up with such personality profiles, usually feel the drive to discover psychedelics on their own anyway, so it's a win-win)

What you don't understand, you can make mean anything. - Chuck P.

Disclaimer and clarification: This member has been having brief intermittent spells of inattention. It looks as if he is daydreaming in place. During those distracting moments, he automatically generates fictional content, and asks about it in this forum for feedback. He has a lot of questions, and is a pain in the arse.
#6 Posted : 2/18/2013 1:33:50 PM

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Mystic0 wrote:

It's my own belief, I think everyone on the nexus should be promoting DMT to anyone who has heard or is interested in the substance, it should be going on, on a huge scale. A global awakening is required to turn the scales back in our favour I feel..

Not sure about that one. I was round a friends house at the weekend and the subject of DmT came up and she said she wanted to try it. Due to the nature of her personality i tried to dissuade her (and i wasn"t the only one). She doesn"t have mental problems but after doing it there"d be a possibility that she"d be very frightened.
I just think that DmT is not for everyone whether they be of sound mind or not. Speaking of unsound minds what do you think a religious fundamentalist would do after smoking DMT? Would he throw down his weapons and realise we are all one? Or be convinced that Allah (or whichever religion they were pushing) had visited them and therefore make them more fervent for the cause.
I think the effects are relative to each persons mindset and on the whole open minded , curious people make the effort to seek this substance and therefore the resultant effects are more often than not quite positive, it seems.
No promotion needed, just protection.
#7 Posted : 2/18/2013 1:48:14 PM

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Promoting psychedelics out of the blue is not a good idea IMO. They can be a path for whoever decides to walk this way, but they should be found, not given. Giving answers before the questions are formulated doesn't work well.

Help people to question things, yes. Have ideas and information ready to deliver when required, yes. But don't assume your tools will work for everyone else. And even if in some cases they might work, it's not for you to decide when and how.
#8 Posted : 2/18/2013 1:55:35 PM

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hug46 wrote:
Speaking of unsound minds what do you think a religious fundamentalist would do after smoking DMT? Would he throw down his weapons and realise we are all one? Or be convinced that Allah (or whichever religion they were pushing) had visited them and therefore make them more fervent for the cause.

The only two bad acid trips I have ever witnessed involved people who were into a very literal interpretation of the bible. Each was absolutely convinced that The Devil was present and was hovering about waiting to take everyone's souls at the first chance.

One was a close friend who would not listen to advice that he dose small the first time and took a massive amount. He had a horrible time, kept insisting that it was only his fervent prayer that was keeping our eternal souls safe at that moment. We were in the woods camping. He had an awful time and eventually went into his tent alone and moaned all night long, would not let anyone approach or try to help or calm him. In the morning he literally had black eyes like he had been punched in the face and when someone quipped that he looked like he had been fist fighting with the devil he absolutely freaked out and left to hitchhike home alone. I heard a week later he did a big dose again, went downtown with a bible and tried to preach and ended up getting beat up by someone on the street. Awful.

The other person had a similar freakout, insisting it was his prayer that was keeping us safe, This was at a concert in a bar and he ended up getting roughly ejected by the bouncers after he just would not calm down or shut up. I did not know him at all before that night and never saw him again so I have no idea how he fared afterwards.

I think the confrontation with the inner self is just too much for people who are so literal minded about theology and they have no frame of reference to understand that they are experiencing aspects of their own self. Instead they externalize the experience as an attack from without, i.e Teh Debil.

Images of broken light,
Which dance before me like a million eyes,
They call me on and on...

The Neural
#9 Posted : 2/18/2013 2:14:41 PM

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Most importantly, how will you convince the public that your claims of it being a "wonderful and enlightening" thing stand true, when you will unboubtly find yourself with thousands of angry people who will be shouting at you (or anyone who promotes it) that they had the most horrific experience of their life? We both know that statistically, that portion of the population exists, a portion that has no mental disorders but experiences a really "bad trip". They may be prone to bad trips, have unresolved issues, close themselves off, or whatever, but still they were told that this substance will "free" them, and they trusted you.

You may wish to tell them that they have not used it properly, or that they didn't pay attention to set & setting, but ultimately, you'll still have a significant number of people still going through dramatic and horrifying experiences, and they will only raise eyebrows to anyone trying to persuade them otherwise.

They will certainly act as a means to regulate/ban the substance all over again, and the inevitable thing is, they will be the ones that the regulatory bodies will listen to.

In the end, DMT will be (now on a mass scale, through biased reporters and what have you since it now became widely known) wrongly labeled as "hocus-pocus".

EDIT : I just saw SpinCycle's post, he portrays very good examples on that porportion of people.

What you don't understand, you can make mean anything. - Chuck P.

Disclaimer and clarification: This member has been having brief intermittent spells of inattention. It looks as if he is daydreaming in place. During those distracting moments, he automatically generates fictional content, and asks about it in this forum for feedback. He has a lot of questions, and is a pain in the arse.
#10 Posted : 2/18/2013 2:45:19 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Mystic0 wrote:
We're killing the bee population, destroying the amazon, creating super ecoli virus'... we are now reaching the point of no return. If I ever have them, my children will walk this earth, through the mess we allowed to be.

Hold on.

Hold on.

Hold on.

Let me get this straight...

Industrial civilization is killing the planet...and your solution is to expose everyone to DMT? Confused


Does this make sense?

Will dosing people with DMT stop MTR, fracking, mining, drilling, production, etc.? Will promoting any psychedelic actually affect the changes needed to stop industrial civilization? If yes, how? If no, what's the relation?

Yes...some people who are exposed to these substances in cultures that don't have a history of ritual use make certain connections or have certain realizations, but we're talking about a minority of an already small community.

If you want to end the destruction of the planet, you should work towards that directly, rather than through proselytizing "exotic" and incredibly potent psychotropic substances.

The factories, the R&D facilities, the extraction sites all exist in the real world, not in hyperspace.

"The Earth is not dying, it is being killed by corporations...and the people who are killing it have names and addresses.”

A short read that is fairly relevant: Desert
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#11 Posted : 2/18/2013 4:02:05 PM

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I agree that an accurate description of DMT and the breaking down of d/misinformation is an important step in the world. I also agree that the substances should be available to those interested without having to jump through illegal hoops, but I would honestly be nearly just as excited if some of the red tape on psychedelic research could be were to be removed. Kind of shooting ourselves in the foot with the blocks on research IMO (I do have a limited understanding of general grant requirements/goals affecting this as well).

I don't believe DMT to be "the key" to solving these problems though. Plenty of people from all cultures have personal values that are in alignment with the good of the world without ever ingesting a psychedelic substance. Also as mentioned, psychedelic experiences can have a jarring effect on rigid world views and can possibly bring underlying conditions to the surface. I would personally prefer to respect the health, safety, and opinions of these individuals.

As mentioned by The Neural, I believe we may be better off promoting education in philosophy, science, critical-thinking, and open-mindedness. Should enough individuals practice these tools and band together for a common cause, maybe we can progress towards the goals we dream of. (Hello DMT-Nexus Smile)
The inner soul is full of joy. Reveal my secrets and sew me whole. With each day, "I" heeds your call.
You may not care the slightest and may not be the brightest, but from here "I" sees you're mighty for you created it all.

And the jumbling sea rose above the wall.

Through this chaos comes the order you enthrall.
#12 Posted : 2/18/2013 6:03:31 PM


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Mystic0 wrote:
I am interested in actively and openly promoting DMT without the blinders. Showing people this wonderful beautiful thing creation gave us, to remind us of simple truths.

Mystic0 wrote:
It's my own belief, I think everyone on the nexus should be promoting DMT to anyone who has heard or is interested in the substance, it should be going on, on a huge scale. A global awakening is required to turn the scales back in our favour I feel..

i understand your sentiment and thus i advice you to send all your DMT to me Laughing Big grin ,
its about time ,

really even if you can change one person your work is done , that person could be me Big grin

send all your spice to me , anyone else considering promotion of DMT aswell can send their spice to me , i need to be remined of simple truths pls pls send it all to me

thank you , thank you , thank you Big grin
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#13 Posted : 2/18/2013 6:25:31 PM


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Mystic0 wrote:

It's my own belief, I think everyone on the nexus should be promoting DMT to anyone who has heard or is interested in the substance, it should be going on, on a huge scale. A global awakening is required to turn the scales back in our favour I feel..

Why? Why do you believe that? You're saying you have a feeling that you know what is right action for people other than yourself. It seems fair that you would explain why if asking other people to do something based on your belief.

With all due respect, it starts to sound like a "why my religion is the correct one" argument.
Pup Tentacle

You are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.
Robert Anton Wilson
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#14 Posted : 2/18/2013 7:31:40 PM
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I actively promote psychedelics in general, and here's how I do it:

I work hard, act smart, and project my own happiness, and when the opportunity presents itself, I plant seeds. Such opportunities may take the form of someone starting a conversation about the summer of love or drugs or of someone opening up about something like fear death. Then, all I do is water these seeds when I get the chance.

That's really all you can do. Some seeds will sprout and others will not. Pouring too much water on the ground will only wash away the seeds that are not ready to grow yet.

(I have held signs in public and started local clubs to support and appreciate psychedelics, and these have at least seemed to be effective. The problem is that I may have been scaring someone away from psychedelics for every person who expressed interest. Who knows? This may be a more effective strategy.)
Every day I am thankful that I was introduced to psychedelic drugs.
#15 Posted : 2/18/2013 7:42:34 PM

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hixidom wrote:
I work hard, act smart, and project my own happiness, and when the opportunity presents itself, I plant seeds. Such opportunities may take the form of someone starting a conversation about the summer of love or drugs or of someone opening up about something like fear death. Then, all I do is water these seeds when I get the chance.

That's really all you can do. Some seeds will sprout and others will not. Pouring too much water on the ground will only wash away the seeds that are not ready to grow yet.

Well said. I couldn't agree more this is the most effective, and safest, method of spreading awareness on psychedelics. No need to act like the evangelicals telling everyone my way is the best the best and only way. If someone did that to me with DMT I would have ran far away. Plus, it might have negatively altered my experiences.

Instead, I let psychedelics call to me when the time was right. I researched the path myself and after my first major DMT experience realized this was exactly what I was looking for. I am thankful it happened this way instead of someone shoving it down my throat.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#16 Posted : 2/18/2013 8:15:30 PM


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Mystic0 wrote:
As much as I love the current conversation it's still besides the point, I'm not interested in meteorites. I am interested in actively and openly promoting DMT without the blinders. Showing people this wonderful beautiful thing creation gave us, to remind us of simple truths.

We're killing the bee population, destroying the amazon, creating super ecoli virus'... we are now reaching the point of no return. If I ever have them, my children will walk this earth, through the mess we allowed to be.

It's my own belief, I think everyone on the nexus should be promoting DMT to anyone who has heard or is interested in the substance, it should be going on, on a huge scale. A global awakening is required to turn the scales back in our favour I feel..

I would argue that just being a member of this forum you are indirectly, if not directly, informing anyone who cares to look into it about DMT. That's kinda sorta exactly what this forum is here doing. It's a resource for accurate information on this most profoundly interesting substance and it's relatives; in addition its a community of people actively engaged in researching and collaboratively gaining a greater understanding of DMT specifically and psychedelics in general.

DMT is out there, it's really readily available for anyone willing to seek it out. Nexus is sitting here, just a google search away, quietly ready to accurately inform anyone who wants to know about DMT. There is no need to go screaming it from the rooftops, it's already right there waiting for those that wish to pursue it. These medicines are and always have been available to everyone, with the advent of the internet I'd almost go so far as to say at this point they are unstoppable.

I would also venture that there is a global awakening happening and yes psychedelic do play a part in this, but it's so much more than that. Psychedelics aren't going to do the work for us, it's up to each an every one of us to make choices every day that support the future we want; this is how we end the destruction and devastation of our planet, this is how change happens, it can be no other way.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#17 Posted : 2/18/2013 9:47:56 PM

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It's just not practical. Possibly if all of the people in charge, like congress and the president went on an entheogenic journey through maybe an ayahuasca ceremony. But promoting it to the public is wrong and dangerous. There is nothing more terrifying than a bad trip. This will happen. People will not be ready or have enough respect, people are idiots. We are all mostly intelligent open minded truth seekers, but the population of the United States is nothing like this population.

An example; A lot of people say an eighth of shrooms is a powerful mind expanding and positive experience in their lives. But most people without any psychedelic experience are nowhere near prepared for that dosage. If I had taken the whole 8th the first time instead of splitting it with a friend I know I would not be able to handle it. I had partial ego death on my first trip. My friend said my name and it was the biggest mindfuck in the world. It was amazing, and the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced. I thought my whole life was a lie, I had just woken up from a delusional dream of 18 years, I am not that boy in the mirror. If I had taken the full 8th I would've never been able to integrate or even understand the importance of ego death. I would've have just freaked the fuck out and tried to sleep or something, never look in the mirror again.

I think people should be able to earn a license, like a drivers license, but one to be in charge of ones own consciousness. Maybe a 2 week class is needed to help prepare your mindset for what is at stake here. This isn't just seeing things turn funny colors and melt, this is a "dissolution of boundary" and you must be ready. This license should be a legal way of obtaining, or growing your own herbs or fungi, and owning a psychedelic toolset, to expand oneself, and understand oneself. What happened in the 60's is a great shame. We don't want to repeat history. But we do need a shift in consciousness.
We are surprisingly similar.
#18 Posted : 2/18/2013 11:59:58 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Philosopher wrote:
I think people should be able to earn a license, like a drivers license, but one to be in charge of ones own consciousness.

Licences are for privileges, not inalienable rights Wink
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#19 Posted : 2/19/2013 2:49:14 AM

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Yeah but it's better than being thrown in jail for possession. Trying to think of a more realistic solution, your right though.
We are surprisingly similar.
#20 Posted : 2/19/2013 10:20:06 AM
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I really like the license idea. The government is reasonably afraid of letting civilians play freely with psychedelics. Given that it's mainly about security, it seems reasonable to me that, if psychedelic use were legalized, certain restrictions were required. A psychedelics license would be a precaution comparable to a drivers license or a gun license. Or perhaps psychedelic use would only be allowed in certain places, like venues or clinics where people can safely trip.

I'm not saying that the use of psychedelics shouldn't be an inalienable right, but just that we should be willing to compromise with the government if that's what it takes.

So in that vein, maybe a good promotion technique would be a seminar or a class on the safe use of psychedelic drugs. In fact, we could set up our own licencing organization right now! Self-regulation might prove to the government that the psychedelic community cares about safety and can use and promote these drugs responsibly.

EDIT: Holy crap! This is already happening here.
Every day I am thankful that I was introduced to psychedelic drugs.
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