How come the TV isn't tripping? Options
#1 Posted : 2/14/2013 3:31:28 AM

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I have experienced this perceptual phenomena several times and was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same. (Note:this has only happened to me with DMT and high doses of psilocybin mushrooms).

While tripping heavy on these substances, ie melting walls and wild fractals sprialing chaotically, the images on TV (typically a movie played as background noise) were unchanging. The movie looked exactly like it should, the colors were fine, there were no shapes out of whack, nothing out of the ordinary. When I looked away, everything is tripping. But when I looked back, the TV looks the same as it does while sober.

The effect has shoked me every single time that it has happened and it's only been with DMT and mushrooms, which I find curious because psilocybin is molecularly similar to DMT.

So to restate my question, has anyone every experienced the images on a television not changing under the weight of psychededelic intoxication before?
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#2 Posted : 2/14/2013 3:47:09 AM
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Psychelectric wrote:
So to restate my question, has anyone every experienced the images on a television not changing under the weight of psychededelic intoxication before?

No. But to be frank, I haven't had enough of a dose to be tripping enough whereas i'd say the walls are tripping with me. BUT i have once noticed deformations of faces on TV when i got home still tripping and the TV was on.
#3 Posted : 2/14/2013 3:52:40 AM

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Yes i have. What I notice is on screens that contain icons or buttons (iphone, computer, smart TV) the icons morph, vibrate, rotate, change size but other things do not.

I have wondered why this is and cannot seem to figure it out. I have watched many music videos (tool) and movies (a scanner darkly) and notice no changes to the video itself. Digitally created items are effected.
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#4 Posted : 2/14/2013 3:59:04 AM


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The first time I smoked Salvia divinorum. I sat down on my futon while watching King of the Hill, loaded up a big bowl of 10x I had obtained from a local headshop and took a big giant rip like I had read to do on the internet. I was expecting a bit of mild head change maybe something on par with cannabis.

I was immediately hit with a tingling sensation all over my body and had to lay down. The room I was in then proceeded to fold in on itself and into me in a kind of eternal loop. All the while the tv screen stayed perfectly still in the center of my vision and Hank and Peggy sat calmly discussing something at the table.

And that's how dreamoar learned about salvia divinorum set and setting. Laughing
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#5 Posted : 2/14/2013 4:02:12 AM

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#6 Posted : 2/14/2013 4:12:50 AM

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With LSD, IME, I know Ive dosed quite high when the walls of the room on the TV screen starts to get the same kind of visuals that adorn the wall of the room Im in.I dont recall this effect with psilocybin even at bigger doses- but then again, bigger doses of psilocybin do alter the mental appreciation of the distorted visual input/processing in a way thats unlike LSD.
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#7 Posted : 2/14/2013 5:39:21 AM

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I remember the first time I tripped was on mushrooms and coincided with Obama's first presidential election. I was tripping pretty hard by the time he gave his speech, and I remember thinking the colors were all "wrong" and his ears were gigantic (...but really bigger than usual Razz )

On LSD, things on the TV definitely can be freakishly distorted. DMT seems to make things more idealized looking on the TV. I haven't tripped with the tube on in a long time, so my memories aren't too fresh on this whole subject, though I feel like I can vaguely relate to you guys for some reason.
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#8 Posted : 2/14/2013 6:21:34 AM
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I can remember once when I was watching tv I smoked some potent salvia extract, the only thing that changed on screen was the colors appeared more vibrant, but the rest of the room was melting and shifting, so I guess it's similar to your experience
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#9 Posted : 2/14/2013 6:29:09 AM

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dreamer042 wrote:
The first time I smoked Salvia divinorum. I sat down on my futon while watching King of the Hill

And Hank and Peggy's voices weren't soothing? I can hardly believe that, lol.

I have definitely noticed digital artifacts that are still do tend to change and shift, however, my perception of animated sequences remains unchanged.
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#10 Posted : 2/14/2013 10:01:38 AM

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I can't say I have experience with tripping with the TV on in the background. I personally find a TV in the background to be causing noise that interferes with my trips.

However, I often hook up my laptop to my TV to play music and visuals using Winamp / Milkdrop 2. This will provide plenty of entertainment during the come up and while tripping I usually re-locate to my bed room where I don't have a TV. However, I've always noticed similar effects. The visuals on my TV would become more 3D, gain more depth but wouldn't really change / morph.
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#11 Posted : 2/14/2013 12:16:33 PM

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I've had this phenomenon, only a little bit differently.

The T.V would appear normal if I wasn't focusing on it - then I'd start watching and it would appear to gain a sort of automated sentience (I know this sounds f-ed up - but mushrooms are seriously STRONG drugs.) and it has this sort of evasiveness which is really frustrating.

Movies are hard to watch because I feel like I want to predict everything that happens next.
So if it's something I've seen before,I get this feeling like I'm wasting my own time.

There are some exceptions to this rule; like watching Akira, Room 23, or anything kick ass really.

Depends on the moods.

#12 Posted : 2/14/2013 2:07:03 PM


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anrchy wrote:
Yes i have. What I notice is on screens that contain icons or buttons (iphone, computer, smart TV) the icons morph, vibrate, rotate, change size but other things do not.

I have wondered why this is and cannot seem to figure it out. I have watched many music videos (tool) and movies (a scanner darkly) and notice no changes to the video itself. Digitally created items are effected.

DMT makes the menues/font of my cell phone completely change. Almost as if i'm in another dimension and my phone is some sort of extra dimensional knock off version. This really creeps me out. The changes are not super significant, but significant enough to where i can obviously see that this it is no longer my phone. Even the buttons/numbering change. The weird thing is that it doesn't seem like a hallucination while its happening. It always looks crystal clear.

In regards to the TV thing, I usually notice alot of facial distortions while combining hallucinogenics with TV. Animation is my favorite stuff to watch while tripping. things like


DMT brings an entire new level of appreciation to these animated TV series. Its quite strange. What happens to me is on DMT is that the images start bleeding off of the television. Sometimes they just start bleeding out all together. Sometimes i can see the 3 dimensional "grid" intertwined with the ambient light that is shining off of the TV and colors bleed out onto the grid and start seeping towards me but rather then melting downwards... they melt forwards..

What i mean is that if you drew grid lines on the TV and then extended them outwards horizontally towards you, then the pixels will bleed out and forward in correspondance with the height of the pixel on the the screen. So colors/pixels at the top of the screen will bleed straight out and remain on the top of the super imposed 3d grid, while colors towards the bottom will bleed out in relation to the height that they are on the screen itself. Its like spilling water on a table, it goes outward on a horizontal path until it reaches the edge of the table and falls off. With DMT the colors on the TV look like water spilling out from the tv infinitely, never falling off the edge of anything.

I LOVE DMT OEV's! I once watched space start falling in on itself, and a black hole opened up about 3 feet above my coffee table. I could see the other particles in the room falling into it. It looked like what you would expect based on 3D models of black holes, including the fact that i was watching it from outside of the event horizon, therefore the objects would just appear to slow down gradual and disappear. I never actually saw the sphagetification, which goes right along with our current understanding of what it would be like to watch something fall into a black hole from the outside. I wonder sometimes if black hole theory and spaghettification were realized under a hallucinogenic state. Actually i wonder about alot of physics breakthroughs and their relation to hallucinogens exeprience. I am told that Einsteen had a way of inducing a trancelike state where he was able to visualize these things. I wonder if glial cells in the brain have anything to do with our ability to imagine/perceive complex 3d/4d images? Supposedly einstein had a significantly larger amount of these cells in his brain. The whole debacle that happened with his brain when he died is pretty bizarre to me and i wonder if they would have found other anomalies if it had been properly handled immediately after removing it from his head.
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