quote=SyZyGyPSy]Oh yeah. Absolutely. Entheogens have completely rewired Swim's sense of time, dmt in particular. He pretty much ALWAYS gets the most massive de ja vu when he injests dmt, but he gets de ja vu and similar phenomenae quite frequently even when "sober" whatever that means, and feels this is due to his having learned to "tune in" to a different frequency or mode of perception, as it were. He can even control it to some extent.
This also includes synchronicities. Sure as BM points out there is a statistical probability that one will experience coincidence from time to time. Swim noticed what could be considered an average frequency of coincidences for about the first twenty or so years of his life (yes I realize coincidence is not the same thing as de ja vu but they seem to be related somehow). Then he had a series of mystical experiences sparked in part by entheogens where synchronicities were happening off the charts. WAY too often to just chalk it up to randomness. It almost drove him insane, the feeling that the universe was somehow intelligent or that someone or something was manipulating events in a way that made them line up with his thoughts or vice versa. Since then he has learned how to control it to some extent. He can now intentionally enter into a mindframe that is somewhat tapped into this realm, and when he does so synchronicities and other strange phenomenae start happening with frequency far beyond chance. Then he can drop back out into "channel normal" and make them pretty much stop (which he has to do from time to time in order to maintain his sanity). Yes entheogens help with this but are not necessary. It's like once you learn to open the gateway you don't need them.
Tim Leary's 8 circuit model gives one paradigm for this sort of thing. The fourth circuit is responsible for percieving the forth dimension, time, as we commonly understand it in our society. Without going into detail, circuits 5-8 recapitulate circuits 1-4 but on a higher, more conscious level. So circuit 8 would be responsible for hyperchronal perception, if you will... and DMT is the most potent 8th circuit agonist Swim is aware of.
It's kinda like if you went thru life with your eyes closed the entire time, then took a "drug" that made you open them... and then once you learned how to do it, you could open or close them at will.
BTW a related anectode: Swim once watched the Xfiles movie at the theater whilst on mushrooms and had de ja vu the entire time, throughout the whole movie he swore he had seen it before, and knew stuff that was gonna happen, etc., yet there was obviously no way he could have seen it before because it had just been released, but it really felt like watching a movie you have seen before.
For it to happen occasionally can be chalked up to coincidence or random neural "glitches." For it to happen for two hours straight is a different story. And then when he had the incident he referred to earlier, coincidences were happening every day, several times a day, for several months.
During this time one of the many coincidences Swim had was to learn of others who had had such experiences. One of these was author Phillip K. Dick, who referred to his period of crazy shit happening all the time as 2-3-74 because it happened during feb and mar of 1974. Check it out if you're interested. This was also when he learned of Terrence McKenna, who has reported similar synchronistic phenomenae. I could go on...[/quote]
I feel you bro. For several months last year i, to, felt as if somehow something alligned my thoughts say with whatever convo was about to arise, from nowhere. It was crazy, drove me crazy, but i realized it could be a sick thing..it could make sense to me theres a possibility of controlling this 'state' of prempted understanding. It would bring on an eerie feeling similar to Deja Vu but completely different, ha, almost aggitated, like 'hey, im about to say this, dont steal it from me' lol. Seriously, random thoughts popping into ur head and without hesitation the next thing your senses pick up is what you were exaclty thinking? Lol. the synchronicities subsided after the summer, yet as throughout my entire adulthood i still picked up on them with a general occurance. I still have yet to even mention Deja vu tho...
This past weekend, a friend of a friend acquired 15 mgs of 2c-e from downtown. He said the trip was amazing, good to see designer drugs arent suffering in quality from Federal Analog Acts and such..
The trip onset came as expected, felt a little better and in more control than from cid, also expected from its reported mescaline-like qualities. Anyway on this dude's car ride back from this giant park, he was staring at the pressured/compressed light straying to the side of the rode, and a steep cliff reflected a double image(2nd fainter) of a friendly feline..and it said to him through his own self-generated thoughts, "Come explore." The cat shaped and morphed into all kinds of cats, including thousands of them running through the forest, and at the end this huge lion grew and began to roar as his view zoomed in over its head, finally coming in on the snout for the cats teeth to be what he was looking at...shit, he took a double-over-mind-fck with that one....in all the visuals were intense. But for the relevance of his trip..throughout SWIMs trip he had felt as if he was "experiencing the possibilities of time" in a sense. Its very hard for me to repeat this into words(because i am a fan of ESP.. so much more reliable these days) but his mind would tune into and out of reality into the trip world and at his peaks away from what was going on he'd stumble across a paradox - mostly relating with time and other yit - but as he kept thinkin he could litterally see/feel his thoughts narrowing to a point, again and again, and at this point a song would play a lyric or someone would speak relating very closely with his developed thought. He also had spoken of the cat's eye..lol as that is where our visuals derive from, and if you happen to look between the lines of ur visuals you could descover it..now remember this represented everything, time itself in essence. And on the opposite sides of a paradox or of just an occurance time is inverted upon itself, sounds weird, but like there is a pre-conceived(knowledgeable) notion and after there is the meaning to what has happened, like time itself is a paradox and is full of them, perpetuating time in itself(you cannot completely control time without the two of them even before the event). It was one of those things you just hav to feel+understand yourself but really solved so many of my problems--and this was right in front of me like everything happening prior to my peak was there for my downturn to be just as carefree and setup-- just by letting me know that we, consciously, have the ability to sway time, to the right or left, but are always drawn towards the center(infintile possibilities) that drag us on towards an ineveitable ending..the same "I KNOW nothing matters" feeling but this time i understood the paradox behind it which made it possible(lol) and which also dooms its existence.
I'd also like to mention this psychadelics ability as a tool for musical apt ppl - like you can freaking hear the music talking to u and you know what words fit best with each soundings. SWIM would be thinkin, you know, and he'd say a sentence in his head and would realize it went perfectly went along with the chorus, better than the chorus cuz he heard the music, and it made complete sense and sentence!
Thanks for takin yo time n readin this. Hopefully someone has had a similiar experience.
This is the place.