Who has seen Entities on DMT..and... Options
#81 Posted : 3/17/2009 3:01:59 PM

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SWIM has seen his children was when he first met his girlfriend...they were taking HBWR seeds..and the tale end of the trip he smoked the smallest bit of DMT..he hadnt smoked it in awhile..and his girlfriend wanted to see what happened...he was immediately transported to a place where his girlfriend was about 30 years old..and behind her were 3 children playing in a was so REAL looking..not like tripping and his girlfriend looked so beautiful and mature..she was posing for him...and everything was telepathically sent to him..that these were his children....the rest of the experience was her sending and showing how much she loved him...and he came out of it..and looked at this girl and was not sure i should tell you what i saw..but she persisted and he told her that he saw her..and their was one of the nicest experiences hes ever had..

he wants to try the lsa plus peppermint and then dmt again someday and see how it goes..

as of now he doesnt have any children yet
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#82 Posted : 3/17/2009 5:15:49 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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theres that lsa and peppermint again... hmmm...

SWIM met his future son... swim has seen his future family... swim has seen many many many events that have come to pass and have not yet come to pass. swim is shown a lot of things that will happen in the future... that was with two see bee mostly... though and not DMT Swim is just sticking with the dmt induced experieinces...

the couple did see their child and what it would look like... and from what ive heard the child does look like the spirit!
another FOAF had the same thing happen but it was a freind of theirs on DMT that saw their child in uteros spirit and it talked ot him... pretty amazing.
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#83 Posted : 3/17/2009 5:46:21 PM

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SWIM has had a lot of experience with the 2c's..but not 2cb..only 2ct2-2ce-2ci..once broke through on 2ce and dmt(very strange experience)...the 2c's taught him a lot about balance..but he doesnt really like taking them anymore...

the way SWIM does the HBWR's and peppermint is...he takes about 9 needs and chews them up with a few drops of peppermint in his mouth..he holds all the spit and seeds in his mouth..without swallowing anything(will get nasty stomach pains if you do)..he holds them in his mouth for 20 least...and then spits them out...the trip slowly builds over 3 hours..and then hits a plateau...and you are golden for the rest of the day...and it was SOOOOO easy to break through..and he was so conscious and aware of everything while there...completely clear was one of the smoothest..nicest..cleanest breakthroughs hes ever had..

and this was on a dose of dmt that was MAYBE was leftovers from his girlfriends breakthrough..
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#84 Posted : 3/17/2009 6:32:16 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Jorkest wrote:
SWIM has had a lot of experience with the 2c's..but not 2cb..only 2ct2-2ce-2ci..once broke through on 2ce and dmt(very strange experience)...the 2c's taught him a lot about balance..but he doesnt really like taking them anymore...

the way SWIM does the HBWR's and peppermint is...he takes about 9 needs and chews them up with a few drops of peppermint in his mouth..he holds all the spit and seeds in his mouth..without swallowing anything(will get nasty stomach pains if you do)..he holds them in his mouth for 20 least...and then spits them out...the trip slowly builds over 3 hours..and then hits a plateau...and you are golden for the rest of the day...and it was SOOOOO easy to break through..and he was so conscious and aware of everything while there...completely clear was one of the smoothest..nicest..cleanest breakthroughs hes ever had..

and this was on a dose of dmt that was MAYBE was leftovers from his girlfriends breakthrough..

Same here with the 2cs... Swims lady is a begginer on the poison path and so swim inroduced ehr to the Bee and its been nice but at one point the spirit of Bee came to swim and told him hey remember these old lessons I taught yah... still keep workin on them pal, then we can move on again. So swim just takes it for her.
Swim is finding this fascinating with the Seeds... so you just added peppermint oil to a sublingual chew eh? and that created the more stimulant effect with the HBWR? producing the clarity and all that?
Swim is still wondering how one could make a peppermint snuff... 69ron doesnt think it will work, and swim doesnt have seeds right now to try it out... but swim has snuffed just 1 seed in the past and had unbeleivable effects from this. like a ten strip... but the sleepy depressent hypnotic effect was super strong as well and so Swim just kinda sat there really stoned, swim doesnt remember much of what happened...
SO that method works and is strong as hell... if swim could make it more clear and less hypnotic and more stimulant then that would be the Om yo...
Swim is thinking if 69rons right about it needing to be wet to be stable as lsh the perhaps a nasal spray???!!!

any way... Swim really does not wish to be rude and derail this thread... so...
here is a question about entities posed to all yall...
have any of you attempted to learn how to communicate with entities outside of DMT space? Have any of you attmpted to communicate with spirit guides? totem animals?, angels? Daemons? random pagan deities of your choice? Buddhas and Bhodisattvas ( originally a bhodisattva was a being that existed just in the spirit world and where like tutilary guides and protectors, bhuddhas teaching on vulture peak was from him basicly allowing one of these bhodisattvas manjurishi to speak through him.). So have any of you tried this... you donthave to smoke DMT to contact entities you know... people have been doing it for thousands of years, and its pretty damn easy. another question... has any one who has guides or entities that they work with met these entities while on DMT? While on ayahuasca Swim has... many times...

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#85 Posted : 3/17/2009 7:27:55 PM

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LLB wrote:

here is a question about entities posed to all yall...
have any of you attempted to learn how to communicate with entities outside of DMT space? Have any of you attmpted to communicate with spirit guides? totem animals?, angels? Daemons? random pagan deities of your choice? Buddhas and Bhodisattvas ( originally a bhodisattva was a being that existed just in the spirit world and where like tutilary guides and protectors, bhuddhas teaching on vulture peak was from him basicly allowing one of these bhodisattvas manjurishi to speak through him.). So have any of you tried this... you donthave to smoke DMT to contact entities you know... people have been doing it for thousands of years, and its pretty damn easy. another question... has any one who has guides or entities that they work with met these entities while on DMT? While on ayahuasca Swim has... many times...

SWIM thinks that, considering there are these other dimensions coexisting with us and we can communicate somehow or they can perceive us, then 'they' must be beyond any definition that we give. He imagines that if there is such a thing, then they speak the language of the heart, and through the heart/intentions/intuition is how he can communicate with them. So SWIM believes in having good intentions in life and doing his part in the practical side, (like the sufis say: 'trust in god but tie your camel's legs) and having respect for whatever is above/beyond him.

SWIM doesnt have try to have conversations in daily life with entities or doesnt really practice any formal technique/routine/belief that some people do (for example how a christian will pray or a shaman does some kind of movement or chant to talk to the spirits or so on), but he respects if anybody does it with the good intention.

SWIM sometimes during trips or also straight, tries to 'mentalize' something good for people he knows, like sort of wish peace to their souls or something. No idea if this makes any difference in objective sense but in the least, its just trying to look at people you know from a positive perspective, respectfully remember them, and so on.

Another thing about having a 'closer contact with entities'... SWIM once in an ayahuasca ceremony felt/saw a person just next to him when he was purging a bit outside from the circle where everybody was in.. He was there passing some of the usual ayahuasca suffering, purging and trembling, and this person next to him was there with his hand on top of SWIM, not touching him but just a few centimeters of distance, SWIM could feel the heat of the person basically. SWIM was grateful this person was there 'protecting' him in the time of need.. Then SWIM looked to the direction where the person was and there was nobody! Another time his soul was operated by beings during ayahuasca ceremonies. Also with DMT basically everytime he smokes he sees entities.

SWIM feels sometimes in daily life almost as if he is ´ protected'.. He has had many situations where he could have died/hurt himself/been arrested and he didnt, sometimes because of small details. Maybe SWIM is just lucky, coincidences, or maybe his 'protecting angel' or karma has been helping, but he cant count on it, he still has to do his part and live life normally. He is thankful for existence, however one explains its origin/meaning, whether beings are there or not.
#86 Posted : 3/17/2009 7:42:02 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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your a good soul endless...

I wonder some times if some people are ingesting DMT or aya just because they get a chance to interact with these entities. In swims case it does make that process much clearer. swim feels that entheogens act as a sort of intuitive stimulant or enhancer. But swim is able to interact with entities while driving or sitting on the toilet even lol... they are a part of swims daily life... swim has come to see that hes collectively owned and collectivly run kinda like a human coop and he feels that every one else is too... we are part of the collective conciousness the totality itself is intelligent emergent and conscious, and we are a part of that. Swim has seen that we are all one and that time is an illusion as well... swim has had freinds work through him over great distances and people while altered with an entheogen has seen A FOAF superimposed on swims face while swim is doing his work and feeling thi FOAFs influence... Swim feels that there are many entities that work with us daily and that deepening communication consciously with these entities is very helpful. Swim does not identify with the body as souly his body but that it belongs and is the body of all that is... and so feels very comfortable working with entities that can and will do good intentioned work with that body... they all work together with swim and swim is i suppose one would say the care taker of this body and this bodies base awareness...
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#87 Posted : 3/17/2009 8:03:48 PM

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LLB wrote:

or sitting on the toilet even lol

lol, reminds me how sometimes when I go to the bathroom I jokingly say to whoever is with me: 'gotta go make an offering to the toilet gods' hahaha

nice that SWIY has such a deep contact with entities. SWIM has many times felt the realm beyond time and space also, usually tripping, though. During one ayahuasca ceremony SWIM had, he was seeing sufferings of all kinds that humans are responsible for, like hurting animals, pollution and so on. He was crying and crying. The shaman came to SWIM and asked if he should take those visions away from SWIM, if he had had enough or if he wanted to continue. SWIM said he would continue, thinking there must be some reason for this. Later SWIM understood it was about doing his part to not do those things. Anyways, the shaman a few days later told SWIM that his father (a 90 year old shaman that lives in the amazon.. The ritual was in a forest in Dramland, thousands of kms away) mentioned about SWIM to the shaman, that he saw my visions and so on (and obviously without the shaman having said anything to him).. SWIM doesnt know what to think of this, he has a quite sharp sceptical side to him, but he is also open to yet unexplained things, and the shaman had absolutely no reason to lye to him, he didnt say this to anybody else, he wouldnt get anything from SWIM or anything like that.. Interesting in any case.

LLB wrote:

Swim feels that there are many entities that work with us daily and that deepening communication consciously with these entities is very helpful

SWIM has this image on his mind of this sort of thing you mention, sort of like as if reality is made of these superimposed layers of different dimensions.. Like an alex grey drawing, where entities are 'hovering around'. and its as if the entities are somehow magnetically pulled by the intention or the essence of things that happen in our world. So SWIM imagines how for example some entities must be 'sucking' on the anger of some people, or how when people do good here it also somehow reflects there. Whether this is all literally true or not, dont know, but it does seem 'reasonable' somehow Very happy
#88 Posted : 3/17/2009 9:44:52 PM

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this is a sweet conversation...because SWIM has MUCH contact with these entities..he sees them all the the his mind...on dmt...he has many WONDERFUL conversations with Maria..the salvia entity...she is a lovely old kind and gentle...he loves her so much...and many times while smoking dmt while also on THH the entities have help him purge..SWIM has also used shamanic drumming to go down into the lower world and commune with his spirit guide..he is a lovely 'man/bird'...he has had such wonderful adventures with shamanic drumming...

he has also had many contact experiences while dreaming with aliens...they are nice little people with big human eyes..and they like to do cartwheels and back flips..they have injected quite a few drugs into SWIM while he dreams...wonderful experiences...SWIM wonders what they gave him..

SWIM also has a cat..that is the most devilish being he knows..but she protects him in his dreams..
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#89 Posted : 3/17/2009 10:38:37 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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endlessness wrote:

SWIM doesnt know what to think of this, he has a quite sharp sceptical side to him, but he is also open to yet unexplained things, and the shaman had absolutely no reason to lye to him, he didnt say this to anybody else, he wouldnt get anything from SWIM or anything like that.. Interesting in any case.

SWIM has this image on his mind of this sort of thing you mention, sort of like as if reality is made of these superimposed layers of different dimensions.. Like an alex grey drawing, where entities are 'hovering around'. and its as if the entities are somehow magnetically pulled by the intention or the essence of things that happen in our world. So SWIM imagines how for example some entities must be 'sucking' on the anger of some people, or how when people do good here it also somehow reflects there. Whether this is all literally true or not, dont know, but it does seem 'reasonable' somehow Very happy

Ive been able to do what that shaman has done as well... its not hard to sort of tune into another mind stream, and some times it just happens. one evening SWIM did a 5meo circle and did this for a young man... told him every thing he experienced... and then gave him guidance as to what he needed to do... which the young man did and it was just the thing to spark this young guys life in the right direction for pursuing his spiritual path. It seems things happen some what indirectly and i have a feeling that the whole has a larger intention which we are just most of the time unconscious of. part of working with DMT and aya SWIM thinks is to make this a more conscious process, by developing our intuitive abilities. Entheogens SWIM feels are a great catylist for this, and for exploring transpersonal states. but its not a given... SWIM feels that one has to have some discipline as well as actually bring some techniques to the plate to explore these latent attributes that we have. If one doesnt SWIM feels that you just spend a lot of time witnessing your own subconscious projections onto the mind screen of consciousness. For example some FOAF that swim new once took cubes with SWIM once and just saw hello kitty fractals all night... SWIM was also shown by aya once that the mind very creatively forms many of our experiences subconsciously much like dreams, and one needs to develop certain methods of looking past that, and getting a reign on these subconscious projection or else one is just viewing ones imagination instead of whats actually out their in spirit... the entities your talk to could just be a projection of your own subconscious, much like in dreams where every one in your dream is just a projection of your subconscious until one learns to dream lucidly.

Yeah there are totally different levels or layers, wave forms, vibrations, frequencies what ever you want to call it... its all mind, its all consciousness and its kinda like a radio you can tune your senses into different frequencies if you will ( for lack of a better analogy) and there are beings that are only conscious of existing on that level. Though they exist on all levels, just like we do. the more you become aware of the qualities of these different levels of existence and how you exist in them your self the more mastery you have of going from state to state frequency to frequency and working from those levels for effecting change in the world, or for communication. Whne i started out I was pretty connected to the level that just random dead folk exist at ones that dont know that they are part of somthing larger, because i didnt know I was part of something larger as well, spent a lot of time with some pretty negative entities as well as some good ones... i felt lost out there out of control emotionally... it wasnt until a guide a spirit that works from a higher level of consciousness *if you will* kinda shined some light on swim in a mushroom experience that swim could move out of that frequency for lack a better word and start exploring other levels of self and the whole...
and yeah there are some folk that are just feelign weak they suffer from ignorence and have a lot of pain and they can fall prey to spirits that exist on that level of being as well who can perpetuate it, cause sickness, and perpetuate problems in ones life.

SWIM sat in ceremony once with this woman who just started getting older and older in front of was really strange SWIM couldnt figure out what SWIM was seeing.. So swim just kinda tuned into her with that question in mind and then payed carefull attention to what ever happened next... Swim picked up that there was a dead family member coming into her body when she smoked and vented her stressers verbally, ie started bitching... SWim tuned into the dead folk a bit more and saw that it was an aunt.. swim asked the woman who her aunt that died was ( intuatively he just felt to ask that) and bam it was great aunt Rosey who died of lung cancer from smoking, she was very domineering and controlling and was coming into this womans body to help her so the spirit thought but was causing her and emotional stress... SWIM did an "entity release" swim had no idea what swim was doing swim just trusts his intuition and this voice came out of SWIm very demanding and strong dirrected at the old lady, WOW wim could see the old lady standing behind the younger woman with her hands of the younger womans shoulders and when addressed she looked shocked that swim coudl see herr.. swim then did this sort of negotiation and helped the older lady move to a higher level while at the same time helping the younger lady figure out why the great aunt was trying to help her but was harming her int he process... BLEW SWIMS MIND...

During that same night swim started to notice lots of buddhist imagry in his visions and the word nyngma kept coming to him... so he tuned into that... and all of a sudden these old buddhist monks where there and they told him they were fro the nyngma lineage of buddhism and that they had helped him with the "exorcism" for lack a better word, they then helped the woman through swim to embody her Yidam, swim had no idea nor had ever heard the word yidam before or knew what it ment and this woman was transformed into this lion headed goddess, her face was superimpossed with this perrfect buddhist scuplture esq quality to it was gorgous and you just felt humbled in that pressence... the monks then explained to SWIM ( telepathicly i guess you would say) how there are different layers of self the higher ones being connected to your Yidam they called it which is your personal diety...

SO... swim learned alot more that night too and saw much more.. SWIM went and found this buddhist freind and old man who KNEW tons of tibetan buddhism and asked him about that stuff SWIM had seen... and to his surprise the nyngma lineage in buddhism is the MOST esoteric of all of them... focuing on ritual magic performances ect and doing things like exorcisms and doign really intense work with yidam empowerments ect... he also confirmed to me that what they told swim about the yidam was also true... blew swims mind... needless to say swim devoted some time to studying tibetian buddhism for a while. but these sorts of things happen to swim all the time now... and have FOR A LONG TIME... its still shocking and mind blowing though!
the last interesting entity occurance that happened that blew swims mind was swim took too see be... with swims some one who isnt his lady (SOWIHL? lol) and she and he both saw what we were communicated to by this entity as her ancestoral spirit, a fairy like elemental spirit of fire. we learned that her norweigen ancestors used to have house spirits or family protector spirits and this was a spirit of the smithy of fire and metal. SWIUS looked up the name in a book on fairy folk just out of curiousity ( we actually went out and bought it because of this expereince, swim had never had fairy folk expereinces before... and low and behold there the spirit was even a drawing of the guy... same name and spelling and everything...

one of the things that keeps swim going in life is exploring these mysteries, this world of spirit, there is no greater joy in life for swim.

JORKEST... sounds like your relationship with the spirits is strong thats awesome!
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#90 Posted : 3/17/2009 10:59:54 PM

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wow those sound like wonderful experiences...SWIM is also very interested in working with these spirits..and learning from them...its an interesting path..and its exciting to have you here at the nexus
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#91 Posted : 3/18/2009 12:04:45 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Hey thanks Jorkest...
Thats really nice to hear.
It really is an interesting path, SWIM is really glad your walking it!
I tell yah... there are just a couple of techniques that SWIM learned that just opened the entire thing up for me. And having some one else to work with thats also interested in pusueing this path SWIM thinks really helped as well.

SWIM used to hang out with this old retired metaphysical teacher the guy was pretty amazing, and down to earth, he grew up with madam blavansky and the whole theosophic society. He taught me one method for clarivoyance (clear seeing) with spirits he told me to get a chair and to set it in an open space and to stare at the space in the chair where some one would be sitting then you just stare and concentrate on the empty space where some one would be sitting and hold in your mind the some one who is no longer alive that would be sitting there.

SWIM tried this for a year with no results.... finally SWIM FOAF came back from new mexico, there he had met all these channelers and psychics. SWIm was pretty wyrded out and skeptical about channelers most of the time... and the idea of an other person inside of my was just also freaky... ( im a hetero sexual male and not used to having some one else inside of me)So SWIMS FOAF also came back with some elsid and they dropped and had a typical trip until the end at the platue where they decided to try some of these techniques they had learned while on elsid... SO THEY DID!

So first off... they tried the clarivoyant technique... SWIMS FOAF didnt seem to into it at first... he didnt like the part abotu summoning up some dead guy... and who to decide call up any way... so SWIM was rattling off a bunchof names of cool dead people and then just randomly and out of frustration SWIM said "shit man it could be any one like some random librain that died in 1985." SWIMS FOAF was like yeah right there thats to random and specific at the same time let do that... so we did... we stared into the dimmly lit extra rooms floor at 4 in the morning with a head full of sid and all of a sudden there was this guy formingin the middle of the room he had a head trauma and looked like he was in a shit load of pain... and it looked like his head had a metal pipe in it... SWIM was like WTF!! and stopped looking... there was this feeling at first like SWIM had just made a slight shift like swims head just went into some differnt vibe so to speak and then he coudl see and he coudl see all of this energy around the room as well. SWIM shook it off and asked SWIMS FOAF what he saw SWIMS FOAF said he saw in his minds eye a guy with a metal pipe in his head and he was in a lot of pain and confusion, which is what SWIM saw... blew swims fucking mind... it did...
SO swim refocused his eyes again and could see for the first time past the open eye visuals... swim could see energy flowing like they talk about in feng shui the chi was flowing and it swim just make a little alteration swim could shift it into a differnt "vibration" or frequency what ever... and see other patterns and shapes moving in the chi it was multidimensional there were even people in there! So SWIm and hsi FOAF experimented a bit more with that then swims FOAF wanted to try this Channeling technique... SWIM was feeling brave and trying to get over his parents iningrated fear of the supernatural so he said hey WHAT the hell ok lets do it...
So He explained to SWIM how automatic hand writing worked and they decided to take turns one person would do the automatic hand writting while the other one did the clarivoyance technique... and they would take turns...
OMFG... scared the shit out of me at first... i felt some one standing behind me ( and my back was against a wall!) and slip their hand into my hand and then my hand was moving against its own accord and the more i relaxed and let it happen the stronger the feeling got. SWIMS FOAF had never seen anything like it and his jaw dropped and finally he reached out and grabbed SWIM saying WHOA DUDE! OK OK... lol so funny to think back to it now! lol... so when swim asked his FOAF what he say he reported he saw thi veil of energy behind SWIM and a man stepped into swim and started moving his hand and standing behind him was a bunch of people all wanting to take a turn... SWIm felt it was a man and could also feel the other people... SO then swims FOAF tried it... this lady walked up behind SWIMS FOAF she looked like she was a pilgrim almost, or amish, i got the message in my head that she was menonite... high forhead dutch looking... round features bt the outfit was menonite early menonite... so her FACE is superimposed on his FACE!! and shes moving his hand and the she stops and she starts using his VOICE!!! which sounds really creepy because dead folks have to talk using your slow out breaths (which is somthigng you learn but at first its really creepy and the hairs stand up on the back of your neck, its good that they cant control your breathing though and try talking with out breathing eh?) so in this slow creepy voice she ays WITH SWIMS FOAFS VOICE all the while you see her face superimposed on his and looking at you, she say " I would like to stop writting now." So swim said Ok and asked her name... she said her name was Elizabeth Johaneson Which to swim even sounded duth and menonite lol... so SWIM was like ok elizabeth why are you here? then the spirit looked really confused and said I dont know... and then swims FOAF broke the trance by clearing his energy with his fingers kinda like zipping up a zipper actually... you just feel it come through your hands this energy and you raise up your pranic tube as they call it in yoga. So any way he cleared her off him and then we experimented all night... some really crazy and scary thingss happened and some really amazing things happened... one being SWIM and his FOAF tuned into a much larger mind, which told us about why we had met that we had known each other before and that our jobs were to teach people how to do these things in this life and every sentence that was said the other would finish and both of our third eyes where glowing white and you could hear this sound in each others voices like a sound you felt through out your whole body, the feeling was the feeling you feel when you hear undeniable truth... if you can follow me on that one... or imagine it..

Ever since that night these techniques have become second nature... and swim has never since then had a trip where swim was not just interracting in this other part of the world we live in. Swims been learning more and more techniques from spirit ever since...

So to SWIM SWIm reads alot of trip reports and SWIM reads people talking about their DMT trips and it seems like alot of people are seeking out these experiences... but they treat it like so many other things in life like a sort of accidental tourism if you follow me... like it just "happens" to them and they have no control over if it happens or not.
SWIM just wants to recomend to those folks that if your taking psychedlics, entheogens or whatever, that they dont do the work for you. if you want to interact with the spiritual world or hyperspace or what ever your calling it, you have to bring something to the table, it has to be a cooperative act in other words.. its not going to do it for you all the time. Shamans have learned techniques to work with entheogens and passed them onto each other since the very first shaman... and who knows how long ago that was! but the techniques are pretty simple. with out the techniques most folks i fear are just looking at various imaginal aspects of their own subconscious mind like looking at a fun house mirror and barking at it because you think its another dog that just happens to look like a hyperspace elf or something... learn to see clearly.. learn to calm your mind and look past your own subconscious imagination at work ( its good i know and you can learn a great deal from it too but thats a whole different subject)use the technique every one that trys it gets the same results you get a cerrtain feeling its interesting i wont tell you what it is... but they all feel it... learn to do the automatic hand writing or any other form of intuitive exercise that you can figure out... or experiment with... many of them are new age crap but some are simple basic methods that work.
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#92 Posted : 3/18/2009 12:17:29 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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also swim would like to say that oral DMT with THH is a REALLY excellent material to learn how to do this... LSD and mescaline or too see be also work very well for this. some etheogens work much better for some then others for this sort of work SWIM has not been able to do this with say mushrooms very well they are so much better for closed eye journeys and visions, but for others they will work fine for them... its all different...
like i said prior as well.. it really helps to if you have a partner that is also doing it with you who can validate what your seeing.
the entire open eye thing becomes really amazing when your sitting in a circle of people and your all seeing the same things... its like whoa... at first but then after a while you get used to it and its just another part of life you interact with to get things done, to learn and explore.

open your eyes!

Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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#93 Posted : 3/18/2009 1:02:29 AM

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thats wonderful...SWIM feels that when he takes THH he can pick up on what other people are thinking...its like all the sudden a thought pops into his head..and he says it..and the person who was actually thinking it..gets a strange look in their eyes..and say 'i was just thinking that' and it does freak people out a bit..but everybody kinda just thinks SWIM is nuts...

SWIM will have to try some of these techniques..hes very glad that you have come to the board..because he has been trying to learn how to better work with the spirit world and some people around here get all up in a fuss when you tell them what is happening is real..they say..scientifically it isnt possible...and SWIM is like..yea cant prove whats happening..but its still happening and it feels real!!
it's a sound
#94 Posted : 3/18/2009 1:06:48 AM

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SWIM thinks bufotenine might be a good material to test some of this out..because it leaves your mind clear..maybe with a bit of oral dmt and THH alongside a bit of smoked bufotenine...
it's a sound
#95 Posted : 3/18/2009 1:14:27 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Yeah thats a really useful intuitive technique too... seems to me like you always have to be pretty quick on the uptake to do that.
glad to be here...
you know those types of arguments are arbitrary... science has not yet been able to validate the reality of a lot of things, that does nto mean that the expereinced phenomena is not real, it just means that it has not yet beeen sceintificly proven... which also does not mean that it cannot be scientificly proven, it just means it has yet to be sceintifly proven.
the reality is the phenomena is there, the information is there, one can have an experience but explaining what that expereince is is another thing enitrely... i tend to think that science just gives us more questions to answer which in turn just gives us more questions.. more concrete thinkers seem to be confused on this and seem to thnk almost religiously that science is supposed to just explain things and give us answers... and thats that... that IMHO is not what science is does...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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#96 Posted : 3/18/2009 1:15:20 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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Jorkest wrote:
SWIM thinks bufotenine might be a good material to test some of this out..because it leaves your mind clear..maybe with a bit of oral dmt and THH alongside a bit of smoked bufotenine...

has SWIY had any luck with that yet? the visuals I mean?
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web site

#97 Posted : 3/18/2009 1:39:14 AM

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well the last..well second to last time(he smoked some last night while he was extremely drunk and doesnt remember a thing) the second to last time he got awesome visuals..but he needs to work on making a better vaporizer for the bufotenine..but the visuals were really really was very comfortable..and controlled..but he wants to see more with it..maybe with a bit of THH would help him..

today he finished up extracting the rest of his seeds(200g) and is looking at roughly 4g of bufotenine..maybe more maybe less..hahaha he figures he can smoke the stuff everyday for a year!! haha DOH! so he is going to be working with this material a lot..he just needs to remember not to smoke it when hes hammered
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#98 Posted : 3/18/2009 1:46:40 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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lol... yeah i read that you drank and drove in hyperspace... its so tempting to hit the red button when your plowed lol...
can you give a bit of a description on the qualities of the visuals in more detail? swim would love to hear more about it.
I really think SWIY has the details of the extraction down... it just seems the smoking part needs some work...
so excited about this tek...

Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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#99 Posted : 3/18/2009 4:36:29 AM

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yeah this new tek is works very well..but its a bit harder with larger quantities...50g extraction works great..but 200g started to get a bit messy if you know what i mean...anyway the visuals were like..well its hard to explain..they werent as great as SWIM feels they could get..and that comes down to smoking technique...but they were sooo was like everything was fuzzy..except REALLY fuzzy..and was like the air was full of stuff..bright stuff..SWIM really needs to be sober more at night so that he can smoke the stuff and figure it out..but just sit back and smoke the stuff for a few minutes..small little hits..and you will see..but a good vape will help a lot he thinks..

the new tek though..well..there are some details that he wants me to write up in it...because some strange things happen when you are doing it that make it look like you did it i think he needs me to update it a bit..just with like a little section explaining some things...because during some of the steps..the reactions that happen dont turn out like you would the d-limonene part...everything else comes out great..but when you do the d-limonene end up with..what looks like nasty poo...but if you just work with dries to a nice tan color(powder) and smells and looks nice..its not crystal clear..but it doesnt cause too many side effects...unless completely can be improved upon..but SWIM just wanted to get this new tek out there so people can try it out and work with it..because it does work..its just a bit more complicated than a you need to pay attention..
it's a sound
#100 Posted : 3/18/2009 6:32:33 AM

Chen Cho Dorge

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yeah im not used to working with the herbal percolator... so it does feel a bit more complicated...
i am realy looking forward to you getting a good vaporizor though... when SWIM starts hearing more sucessful reports SWIM is going to give this a shot.
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

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