I just got done with the absolutely fantastic book: "Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" and I feel like a lot of folks her on The Nexus might be very interested in some of the things he has to say about consciousness and what makes us 'I's instead of 'it's.
Is there anyone here who has read either this, or the similarly fantastic book "I Am A Strange Loop?"
I've been thinking about what it means for us to be self-aware, and what exactly psychedelic drugs do to our self-awareness.
Specifically, what exactly is going on with 'ego death.'
I have never experienced it, but from reports, it seems that self-awareness is lost, and thinking about this, through the lens of Hofstadter's theory (that our consciousness is a side effect of infinitely recursive rules) has made me wonder what exactly is happening when ego death occurs?
Do the rules break down?
I welcome all discussion on this, the books in general, or theory of consciousness in general.
For anyone who hasn't read these books, I highly recommend them.
"There are many paths up the same mountain."