Stardust Lovin' Options
#1 Posted : 1/31/2013 5:00:30 AM

Grazin' in the grass is a gas, baby can ya dig it?!

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We were finally out of that stuffy, sweltering room. The same one hot-boxed with thick clouds of my negativity (and Weed)...same room soaking wet with the tears I'd let flood it. The more perceptive visitors we get have to have an idea of what goes on in there. My unwell mind's residual waste is everywhere to see, smell and feel. But I can't let this ruin my trip. It's already been one of the better ones, though that very neon-yellow elephant that seems to always be brighter on Acid was very much there and almost reflective, as if to REALLY be saying "I'M HERE. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW." We don't though. And still, it just sits there waiting to be addressed. Besides, how can I possibly address that mess when I'm so in tune with how beautiful this hot Spring day is and how much I absolutely love my dog, movies, music, being alive, cold fruit, orgasms, ice cold orange juice, etc etc etc etc !??!?! I can't. This was definitely one of the better ones.

"Wooooooah, Greg did you just see that!?" A collision of some kind. SOMETHING collided together and exploded into the very brightest green fire! "You didn't see that!? Ahhhhhh!" He would miss it. But WE saw it.The fresh air did us well, the sun was going down; that most beautiful time of day for me was here. When day drops into night. The inbetween. Those few minutes of star-speckled, almost Cobalt-blue sky; right before it turns into the many different hues of dark blues. The intense feeling of "this is just the beginning" washes up and recedes like it's high tide for my intuition."Wanna drop more?" I thought he'd never ask!

Our third party declines the acid-soaked sugar cubes sitting in foil on the desk. Seems like he's had enough for one trip anyway. Greg's always been a lightweight when it comes to ANYTHING. "LOL I love Greg though. What a funny guy he can be. What a royal pain in the ass he can be too. LOL I really do love that kid though." I know I'm feelin' mighty fine if these are my thoughts on a girls' worst nightmare- he's the friend you don't want your man having. My man? I have a man.Oh ya, I have a man. Oh ya, the elephant. Need to address that. Not now. That thought-loop will not be a bother in about fifteen minutes.

Guess we'll just sit in the dark. What's this silence about? So thick is this silence that sits suspended in mid-air. I could almost poke it. Three feet away, we stare- trying to read the other. "What does he WANT?" Like a couple of bored and awkward teenagers who don't know how to be or what to do with each other, we sit in silence. Thoughts of where to take this buzz between us telepathically. I can almost actually SEE the lines connecting our brains and the thoughts pulsating through them in the form of electricity of course. Just buzzin' back and forth. And then, BOOM. I know what he wants. I know what I want. This was definitely one of the good ones.

"Come lay down with me" he asks, almost shy-like as if I were gonna turn him down. His hesitation to just ask to be held resonated even deeper than usual; my hesitation to just lay with him was even more evident. The things we don't say could fill Jupiter and all its Moons. Nearly fading into a completely dark mindset about our situation and future, his lips melted into mine and as soon as they did, so did the negativity. I grabbed his face and kept him locked on me. My being sucked him in to mine to make us one. Negativity OUT. This was a trip about LOVE. So let's fucking love.

Love we did. Every touch was a refreshed wave of ecstasy. Every kiss. Every penetration. I'm usually not a very visual tripper, but that night I saw us on Mars. Then on a star, shooting along the cosmos dropping stardust laced with love, passion, understanding, empathy, puuuuure ecstasy you don't/can't ONLY get from any pill or tab. This combination is unique and rare; special. "This is what this is supposed to be like", I kept thinking. This feeling of togetherness, this connection. This passion. The intensity. The openness. I was letting him make the kind of love to me that I needed and he was letting me do the same. I was letting myself be the sex goddess I was afraid of being. When the star we were riding finally dropped us back off at home, we noticed the other was glowing. I walked to the mirror in the bathroom and was amazed. I was radiating. There was literally a light shinning from the inside out. Absolutely spectacular!

I guess it's pointless to say but our sex life was never the same. It didn't gradually change, it was immediately different and has never been the same. The entire experience blew my mind and solidified my belief that Acid is one helluva drug !!



Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/31/2013 6:17:26 AM


Senior Member

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I'm having flashbacks. Great piece of writing here. Raw, fluid, and to the point. When you can have this kind of connection with someone you better hold on with all you got until when and if it's time to part. Be real. Be balanced. Love your moment. Go with the flow. Be open and honest. Don't hold back and don't regret.
No Knowing
#3 Posted : 1/31/2013 7:29:37 AM

fool adept

Posts: 349
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Sex with a lover on LSD truly is magical. Probably the best way to merge the masculine and feminine into one engine of pure physical and spiritual love. Always reminds me what is important in life.

Awesome report!
In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.-J.C. Lilly
The Spice must flow
Zat was Zen and dis is Dao.
#4 Posted : 1/31/2013 9:56:26 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#5 Posted : 2/11/2013 10:43:50 PM

Lysergic Feline

Posts: 303
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Last visit: 10-Apr-2014
Location: deep within a black hole
absolutely beautiful <3
Gun it to 88...
..::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..
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