Who has seen Entities on DMT..and... Options
#61 Posted : 11/28/2008 5:30:20 PM

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Read the book Adventures Out Of Body. Personally I feel that all we experience is real and it IS a part of this vast multiverse.
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#62 Posted : 11/28/2008 5:41:03 PM
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I have seen entities and many other things. But i don't believe i have ever seen machines, let alone 'the' machine that's being refered to regularly on this site. The way it's described sounds a bit scary to me.
I have sometimes seem things that where machine-like. I have even experienced my own body or mind to be machine-like sometimes. But i never felt it as if it realy WAS a machine.
It felt more as if something was happening, like being exposed to some high-level energy, or making phase-shifts or something, that caused everything to seem machine-like.
#63 Posted : 11/28/2008 9:09:21 PM

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well, I read everything about DMT before I used it, I like to know what I'm putting into my body.
I havn't seen any entities I read about though, BUT one time there was a elf in my closet, not Terrance Mckennas machine elves, just a regular elf hiding in my closet laughing at me, I never saw it I just knew it was there.

I have seen 4 different entities iv'e never read about in CEVs. one has re-appeard constantly in different trips.
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#64 Posted : 11/28/2008 10:42:58 PM

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SWIM sees entities every time he goes in...EVERY TIME...many of them sometimes...usually they pass SWIM around..showing him many different things..almost as if he was taking lessons from a teacher...they help him cleanse his body when he purges sometimes..and also help modify his energy bodies..they visit his dreams and he sees them out of the corner of his eyes during the day...he can see their handy work in everyday reality..its quite something to behold..just ask it possible?
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#65 Posted : 3/12/2009 9:56:49 PM
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Finally, I've managed to find this old thread! I have something interesting to tell you. SWIM introduced a friend about a month ago. She knew nothing about DMT other than what I had told her- simply that you saw entities and it was fun. Nothing to do with play or interaction. She also knew that he had seen Jesus, Bhudda, Satan, angels, native gods etc on aya, and that aya had the same chemical in it. That's all she knew.

The first time she smoked it, she saw little 'pixies' throwing big balls of energy at her like beachballs. She was padding them back to the 'pixies', giggling and doing the actions with her arms a bit as she lay there.

I just thought of this because I just read someone had a similar thing happen with balls being thrown in the experiences section and I get the impression it's common.
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#66 Posted : 3/12/2009 10:15:17 PM
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If I ever have I must have ignored them. I rarely loose sense of what is real when I take a trip.
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#67 Posted : 3/12/2009 10:22:22 PM
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I mean on cid Ive felt all matter in and around me melted away and I felt one with all the living energy around me but still no aliens or fairies or talking bugs or anything like that Rolling eyes
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#68 Posted : 3/12/2009 10:25:57 PM
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And as for SWIM...

He has seen reptilian people fashioned in a meso-American style (or sometimes almost Egyptian in the way they stand in later years) on many different sacraments, starting decades before he even discovered DMT. The first time, the only time he's ever taken a good dose of LSD, was his first entheogenic experience, where they danced around the carpet holding hands in concentric rings. He knew barely anything about meso-America back then, and nothing about hallucinogens, being only 17, but they were unmistakably meso-American.
The second time was over a decade later, after smoking salvia extract, where they were peeking out from the seams in the illusion of reality. They were slimmer and more 'realistic' this time.
The third time, on cactus, he saw close-ups of reptilian skin go past his eyes in the darkness, as if a large reptile were swimming past him.
The fourth time, on DMT, lizard-spirits were happily swimming the backstroke in his wooden floor.
The fifth time, on DMT again, he saw two Quetzalcoatls- serpents with feathers and tiny arms/legs, and human faces coming out of their mouths, in a distinctly Mayan style. He had visited the Maya and Aztec ruins shortly before so he now had more knowledge of the artwork (although Quetzalcoatl featured only once, at Teotihuacan, and then without a body or human face, so still he had little reference of what Quetzalcoatl looks like himself).
The sixth time, on DMT, they were very small about the size of a finger each, where again they were holding up reality, or at least holding SWIM's friend as if venerating him. SWIM has never had any repeat vision other than of these creatures, and he really likes seeing his 'little teachers'.

I remember reading a while ago (between experience 5 and 6) on here that someone mentioned some guy who wrote a book about reptilians and DMT (something crazy about them being evil aliens or something?).
And I read just now on Wikipedia that Quetzalcoatl is a very old god featuring in most of the religions of the meso-american civilisations. Most practices dictated that he opposed human sacrifice, making him one of the 'nice' gods. He represented the earth originally (apparently secondary to the water god at Teotihuacan). Also, the Aztecs believed that he was the god of wisdom, learning and books. Some Mormons even believe him to be Jesus, when he came to America for his second coming. Interesting, considering what snakes usually represents to Christians (note the guys I see are more lizards than snakes, even the twin Quetzalcoatls I saw had some very tiny arms and legs).

I wonder if these new-world drugs (DMT, salvia, LSD as a relative of LSA/LSH) unlock the older parts of our brains from when we were reptiles, and this generated both the visions of the native Americans, and SWIM's as well?

In contrast, SWIM has never seen clowns etc. He has only ever seen a jester (or was it a harlequn?) once. And anything approaching an 'alien' only once too, yet more like the offspring of alien and dwarf than actually an alien as they are 'meant' to look. Both these times were when he was spending a lot of time on this site so he expects he was led by the stories and artwork here. Whereas he doesn't spend any time in contact or thinking about reptiles.
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#69 Posted : 3/12/2009 11:41:46 PM
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That three-layered brain concept is definately one of the possible explanations.
I tend to think that reptilians are just simple shaped creatures. I think it's a bit of the rorsach-inkstain thing; when you have random inkstains, you are more likely to see birds, bats, clowns; simple and not too specific pictures in them, then giraffe's or anteaters. I see snake's often. And snakes are, considering their shape, the most simple creature's there are; they're just cilinders wich are the three-dimensional expressions of lines.
On the other hand there are culturally determined images in the back of your head anyway. One night i kept on seeing spiders everywhere after having seen 'aragnofobia'.
#70 Posted : 3/13/2009 12:22:12 AM

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With DMT (or more often with 5-HO-DMT or ayahuasca) SWIM tends to see long passed Aztec, Mayan, and Inca royalty, shamans, etc., who are very powerful and ancient, who have been living in the spirit world for hundreds of years and have chosen to help man kind.

Other things SWIM tends to see often are temples, usually archaic, but sometimes futuristic, usually lots of complex ever changing geometric patterns, but almost never animals of any kind. His visions are either high tech or about ancient Native Americans.

With mescaline, SWIM tends to see what appears to be ancient Navajo shamans. They are often imparting vast amounts of personal wisdom. Usually they are giving advice on SWIM’s current life events. There is usually a warrior aspect to it, as if these shamans were once great warriors and see the world from that point of view, but are now spirits that inhabit the great cosmos.

I think because SWIM is part Native American, that these are somehow related to SWIM’s line of decent, or people that SWIM’s ancestors once new who have now become spirits.

SWIM doesn’t normally see clowns, or aliens, or things of that nature. SWIM’s visions are mostly spiritual events, and not a trip to the circus.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#71 Posted : 3/13/2009 12:52:01 AM
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polytrip wrote:
I tend to think that reptilians are just simple shaped creatures.

I would get that if SWIM was just stoned and thought he saw a wiggly line. But these are reptilian PEOPLE, and intricately detailed at that. Humanoids, but instead of the usual plain skin colours, they have green skin intricately covered in scales and sometimes feathers too. And instead of a plain flat face, they have elongated ones with sharp pointed teeth instead. You get the point, they're complicated.
And they never happen within patterns. Apart from the mescaline close-up, they're always with eyes open, no patterns around them, just them, usually more people-shaped than reptilian-shaped, a hybrid.

69ron- SWIM sees a lot of stuff like that too, yet he's 100% white European. He personally think that the art and culture of the new world is directly influenced by their entheogens, so when one takes them, one sees what inspired the artists who developed the ceremonial aspects of their dress, the patterns they used etc.
In Teotihuacan, there's a definite 'LSD(as in LSA)' feel to the architecture. What's left of the Aztec civilisation seems familiar too. In Oaxaca, the Zapatec ruins are again blocky, but even more so, even more fractured... more salvia divinorum, which is perhaps unsurprisingly from that area. Whereas the Mayan ruins in places such as Tikal suggest mushrooms, and the curved, cartoony hieroglyphs and artwork of that people positively scream psilocybin. Mescaline seems a lot more 'north American' in the appearance of its visions, although there isn't enough left of the ruined cities up there to comment on the architecture unfortunately. SWIM partook in all these entheogens before his trip to Central America, and he really felt like he could see the influences when he got there.

So with all these lizards, I was wondering if maybe the entheogens also influenced the physical forms of the gods they worshipped? Or is it just that SWIM keeps seeing lizardmen for no reason? Pleased
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#72 Posted : 3/13/2009 2:06:27 AM

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SWIM never sees lizardmen at all. Mostly just normal looking people.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#73 Posted : 3/13/2009 2:34:58 AM
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After seeing them for the sixth time, SWIM is starting to think of the lizardmen as his spirit-helpers.
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#74 Posted : 3/13/2009 2:33:10 PM
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I've also seen indians. Once i saw three indian faces, each about the size of a tree. Never reptilian people though. I think i still somehow make a link between hallucinogens and ancient cultures in wich i know the use of entheogens was incorporated. Even when i'm not consciously aware of it.
#75 Posted : 3/13/2009 6:45:34 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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SWIMs FOAF gave SWIM la medicina... it was delightful and swims foaf had reported that two asian women had appeared to help him in the experieince...
when swim ingested the spice with FOAF... he went from his back yard to psychedelic roller coaster... he layed back to avoid vomiting from the movement, and all of a sudden he was flying over down town, over the area where he was working at the time. he saw the place he had just gotten off work from, and two african women with big egg shaped head dresses appeared and said to him... thats not who you are... and then they took the entire 3-D space and crumpled it up into a ball and threw it over their shoulder leaving a black screen, like a starless sky behind them which swim was floating it. thenall of a sudden they say to swim...
"this is who you are!"
and wham, a burst of light and pattern and energy every where... swim was this energy... and swim felt a channel of energy in the center of his being along his spine that was filling up with energy, he felt energy centers ( chakras?) opening up and he felt so much energy was moving through him he was going to split down the middle...
He opened his eyes and saw this energy alogn with the world... it was all this energy... all he was was energy... this was a tremendous insight to swim at the time ( he was very young) and he could see PNW animal totems floating around the yard and woods as he had seen before on acid, waves of energy and patterns floating around interacting with the physical world...

Swim would like to thank these african ladies for helping him... and swim could not help but wonder if they were the same as the japanense ladies that swims FOAF had seen with the same medicine... just in different form.
the head dresses where egg shaped which gave them that big headed alien look, but they were definitely two gorgous african ladies with amazing flowign gowns that matched the pattern of cloth in their hair wrap...mmm like dis...

with closer investigation... Swim would say they looked like yoruba women... which is the culture that Voodoo stems from... interesting...
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#76 Posted : 3/13/2009 10:22:38 PM

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I have never seen anything that reminded me of an elf but I have seen very alien insectoid creatures and humanoids. I read DMT: the spirit molecule and did lots of research before I smoked DMT so I knew all about entities. I think we are way more likely to see entities if we have read a lot of trip reports but it definitely can happen spontaneously to someone who hasn't heard of them. It had to happen to SOMEONE first, right??Very happy

One question for you guys: Have any of you ever encountered younger or even baby entities? I had one entity crawl on me and hug me like a child.

#77 Posted : 3/14/2009 12:10:40 AM
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Awesome story LLB! Wow, talk about revelation.
Delta- not sure of their age, sometimes they seem ancient, sometimes they seem childish, but they are usually loving and affectionate for SWIM whatever their form.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
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#78 Posted : 3/14/2009 4:07:24 PM

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I have seen meso-american gods on any halucinogenic substance I have done. They are always very ancient. Some are malevolent and some aren't. I also saw people in a rockface by a creek once. There were lots of people in that rockface, and they cried out in pain and fear.
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#79 Posted : 3/14/2009 7:08:57 PM

Chen Cho Dorge

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during an ayahuasca ceremony we all felt children come into the room... and then one of them stayed and was conceived that night by the couple who was having the most visions of them...
it was interesting... they met their child that night before they even conceived it... and we all felt the presence of many children... very playful loving energy...

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#80 Posted : 3/17/2009 2:45:44 PM
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Wow... did they get to see what their future child looks like? They should draw a picture. Then if he/she looked the same when it grew up, they'd know it was for real.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
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