Pocket Altar? Options
#1 Posted : 1/10/2013 5:26:21 PM

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Apartment living makes finding a "peaceful liftoff space" difficult. I have heard of people building full scale altars, but that is near impossible in my current living space. I can hardly find the space to store my books and all my canned food (pressure canner for Christmas)Thumbs up

What do you guys think of creating a small pocket altar/shrine? My intent is not to make this a shrine or altar to anything specific. Just something that I can use as a source of peaceful/creative/inspiring energy and centering during my trips to hyperspace and meditation.

Size wise, I was thinking anywhere from a small Altoids/mints case to some sort of folding cardboard/plastic apparatus that folds out large but could be stored in a small space.

Has anyone made anything like this? Pictures would be awesome, but I am looking for ideas and inspiration as well.


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#2 Posted : 1/10/2013 5:32:50 PM

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#3 Posted : 1/10/2013 5:47:50 PM

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Thank you, Cyb. Yes, did a quick Google search. Wasn't super impressed - very commercial, too focused on a certain religious/pagan ceremony.

Have you ever created one?
#4 Posted : 1/10/2013 5:55:47 PM

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untimelyethos wrote:
Have you ever created one?

No...but it's not a bad idea..Thumbs up

(a really tiny one in a business card holder...)
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#5 Posted : 1/10/2013 6:01:53 PM


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I think it's a great idea. I think ultimately one might start off with the preferred sized platform (Altoids tin - shoebox - briefcase - whatever) and then essentially just customize from there. And now I have a weekend project. Thanks! Smile
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#6 Posted : 1/10/2013 7:41:25 PM


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Yeah i like the idea i would like to see what one looks like if someone constructs one.

Good vibes on the go!
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Parshvik Chintan
#7 Posted : 1/10/2013 9:52:08 PM

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i just took a bookshelf, and used the top of it as a little mini altar (where my buddha sits)

the top shelf houses my meditation and other spiritual paraphernalia (eagle feathers, crystals, incense etc).

nothing too special, just a high place that i made room on.
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#8 Posted : 1/11/2013 12:25:33 AM


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The pocket altar boy might not be the best choice.....unless your in to that. Razz

In all seriousness, I like to pull out an amethyst crystal that I've had for a long time and hold it while smoking, or look at it on a low dose which is really cool. I think any little things you can slip in your pocket that give you good vibes are well worth it.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
#9 Posted : 1/11/2013 1:06:23 AM

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Often before a trip I'll set aside a few of my favorite art books with key pages marked, and if I crave either centering or stimulation I can turn to these images. It's not an altar but can serve a similar purpose- to provide direction or guidance if/when needed.

Far more often I'll simply sit with my own artwork, usually something recent that was done at least partly with the trip in mind. If you're a creative person, sitting with your work while in an altered state can be centering, cathartic, educational... The ultimate mirror.
#10 Posted : 1/11/2013 4:49:09 AM

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I like the bookcase idea. Currently I am using my nightstand, but it's not feeling right.

Guyomech - it's awesome that you have your incredible artwork to surround you whilst you travel to hyperspace.

Parshvik Chintan
#11 Posted : 1/11/2013 11:54:26 AM

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for you Smile
(that last pic was TOO gross and dusty - here it is clean)

untimelyethos wrote:
Beautiful work! And very helpful to my own creative construction. Thank you!

Smile you are more than welcome!

..but you will have to post pics when you get it done Very happy
Parshvik Chintan attached the following image(s):
altar.png (1,619kb) downloaded 122 time(s).
My wind instrument is the bong
#12 Posted : 1/11/2013 2:36:08 PM

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Parshvik Chintan -
What a masterpiece! What is most striking about it is the genuineness of it. So often (for example, online) the sacred spaces/altars/shrines look forced. But from only this picture, I can tell that an empathetic, thoughtful person put this together over a period of time. Each piece seems carefully picked out and meaningful.

Beautiful work! And very helpful to my own creative construction. Thank you!
#13 Posted : 1/16/2013 6:46:23 AM
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I have always wanted to incorporate more such ritual into my life, but I'm still trying to figure out what it is I am worshiping/hold sacred.
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Parshvik Chintan
#14 Posted : 1/16/2013 11:56:08 AM

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hixidom wrote:
I have always wanted to incorporate more such ritual into my life, but I'm still trying to figure out what it is I am worshiping/hold sacred.

i don't really worship anything, or hold it sacred in the traditional sense of the word.
but i respect Gautama Siddhartha and his teachings, so the shrine is more a deeply respectful homage to him, and really just wisdom and intellect in general. but i wouldn't feel comfortable "praying" to him (or.. anyone else for that matter) or anything. and i light incense normally, so might as well do it on the altar.
My wind instrument is the bong
#15 Posted : 1/16/2013 2:01:05 PM

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hixidom wrote:
I have always wanted to incorporate more such ritual into my life, but I'm still trying to figure out what it is I am worshiping/hold sacred.

Hixidom - I agree with you. That has been the main difficulty in building my altar - what shall I choose as the centerpiece for it? Will it be nature? A human teacher? Inanimate art or imagery? Coming from a "religious" background as a child, I feel strange worshiping something. I believe that takes away from MY experience and instead makes it about the idol.

So far I know more about what I don't want than necessarily what I want Razz
#16 Posted : 1/17/2013 4:47:35 AM
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"Worship" was the wrong word, but yeah; the problem still remains. What is both important enough that I carry it with me all day and concise enough that I can express it in language or as a small object? Secondly, what do I need to hold in my pocket all the time that I don't already hold in my mind all the time?

I find it very hard to think of something that I want a constant reminder of that I do not already constantly remember. For instance, I constantly think about the nature of consciousness, I have a picture of my girlfriend on my phone... What else is there? How will creating a physical symbol help me to appreciate such things.

The truth is, I have always wanted to physicalize my appreciation for such things, but I can never think of a symbol big enough or grand enough. At the same time, it takes a lifetime to build something so amazing, but if the goal is simply to come closer to one's love, then I would imagine that any investment of time and work would be successful even if a giant physical symbol does not come of it. For example, spending an hour stacking rocks every day and spending an hour every day just thinking about the object of our fascination may be equally effective at enhancing our appreciation and insight

So perhaps a pocket alter is a small cheap expression, but if it gets us thinking about the things we want to think about a little more every day, then I can totally see it being worth it.

As soon as I've finished off these Altoids that have been on my desk for the past 6 months...
Every day I am thankful that I was introduced to psychedelic drugs.
#17 Posted : 1/17/2013 5:59:14 AM

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Agave attached the following image(s):
altar 002.jpg (3,541kb) downloaded 79 time(s).
As Within, So Without.
Parshvik Chintan
#18 Posted : 1/17/2013 5:59:22 AM

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hixidom wrote:
The truth is, I have always wanted to physicalize my appreciation for such things, but I can never think of a symbol big enough or grand enough.

that's actually the main reason i chose gautama. what could better symbolize the fantastical goings on in my mind than another furless ape contemplating the fantastical goings on in his mind?
but i use it more as a general representation of the potential inherent in the furless apes' brains, rather than a symbolism of buddhist philosophies (which isn't to say i haven't been vastly inspired by them).
hixidom wrote:
but if the goal is simply to come closer to one's love, then I would imagine that any investment of time and work would be successful even if a giant physical symbol does not come of it. For example, spending an hour stacking rocks every day and spending an hour every day just thinking about the object of our fascination may be equally effective at enhancing our appreciation and insight

♥ i agree whole heartedly ♥

VERY cool agave!
digging that native look.
My wind instrument is the bong
#19 Posted : 1/17/2013 5:59:50 AM

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I've known a few roving DJ psychonaut types who traveled with sacred objects that they could lay our around their equipment while performing. Crystals factor large into these portable shrines. I've also known artists who keep crystals (often large quartz) on or near their easels. Crystals are a physical embodiment of nature's forces in their pure form... Not a bad altar center.

You could also leave the center conspicuously empty- the void, the world of possibilities... The emptying of the mind and the self... The clear light.

Agave- very nice... Spiral ammonite is a great touch.

The closest thing I have to a shrine is a cluster of mineral stuff around my computer monitor. This includes a gorgeous little meteorite and some spiral ammonites.
#20 Posted : 1/17/2013 6:52:36 AM

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Duh, didn't mean to post my pic without a reply Confused I just put this altar together a couple weeks ago, more as an artistic expression than a ceremonial centerpiece. I do get alot from the symbolism of the various components though.

I have ideas for other altars too with different themes. The sun is a strong symbol that could have meaning for someone. I've also thought about combining the four elements as a central theme or one could use religious imagery, The virgin mother being popular here in the southwest.

For some reason, symbolism and visual metaphor has been occupying my thoughts alot lately. Simple natural forms like a tree, a stone, an antler, the moon have taken on deep and precious qualities that transcend their basic physical properties. Sometimes I think I've been a little touched. But I think I like this new feeling Big grin . So I thought by making these little shrines to honor nature could in some way embody my joy and provide a creative outlet.

But yeah, I think everyone creates their own little shrines, treasures on the fireplce mantle, family pictures on the wall, even a beer bottle collection on a window sill might qualify. I think it helps reaffirm whoever you think you are. Peace all
As Within, So Without.
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