Which substance do you trust the most? Options
#21 Posted : 1/11/2013 7:30:08 PM


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olympus mon wrote:

Id say my favorite thing is taking MDA, with some 2cb or 5 bromo at a sic D and B dubstep party, coming home busting out the dmt, going to hyper space repeatedly, then coming down with a floaty opiate night cap.

nice ;p

achuma puma

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 1/11/2013 7:33:21 PM


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1. achuma/caapi
2. mescaline/dmt/harmalas
3. allylescaline
4. 25 x (prefers i)
5. 2c x (prefers i)
6. mushrooms/ chewed salvia
999. salvia smoked
achuma puma
#23 Posted : 1/11/2013 8:00:29 PM

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Trust? As in, assured that you know what it will bring, or assured that it will put you in the right place when your done with it?

Trusting substances can lead to dangerous things.

But, heres my list off the top of my head:

1. Coffee (will never let me down.)
2. Kava (my new best friend)
3. Mushrooms (has truly horrified me to my very core, but I still trust them with my life)
4. DMT (has raped me)
5. Salvia smoked (has torn me apart almost every time I trusted it.)
6. Cannabis (we just don't get along on the same brainwaves)
7. Dissociatives (as much as I love these compounds, I don't trust them ONE BIT, trust them, and they will destroy you)

ipumaestro, LOL i agree with that
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#24 Posted : 1/11/2013 8:40:15 PM

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@TheAppleCore: If you love 4-AcO-DMT that much, I would definitely suggest finding some good mushrooms to try. They're quite similar, but mushrooms tend to feel more gentle and healthy for my body and mind, but that's just my experience. Also, caapi harmonizes very well with mushrooms, adding duration and intensity, as well as a nurturing, teaching influence.
"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
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#25 Posted : 1/11/2013 8:46:21 PM

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ipumaestro wrote:

999. salvia smoked

Laughing Smoked salvia sits at about the same spot on my list.
"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
#26 Posted : 1/11/2013 9:47:35 PM

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Mindlusion wrote:
Trust? As in, assured that you know what it will bring, or assured that it will put you in the right place when your done with it?

I guess when I say trust I mean on the whole.

There are substances that can be a great experience but ultimately they leave you with a lie. Then there can be substances that give you a hard time, but benefit you in the long term.

I've found MDMA, LSD, MXE to be evil tricksters. When I'm up I am god/Jesus/The cure for cancer, then when I'm down... well I realise I'm not.

Mushrooms, DMT, Mescaline generally always give me what I need and not what I want. I did have one experience with DMT where I became delusional for a couple of months, but then long term realised I wanted one thing far too much and ultimately learned from it.

MDMA I've been a little hard on. It can be amazing with the right people, but it's the fact it's so easy to use among hangers on. Many nights of meaningless promises have ensued.

Mescaline watches out for me. I need this as I'm far too selfless, possibly from insecurity. In the best possible way, mescaline has a way of making me look out for number one. This may sound disrespectful, but in many ways it's like my cocaine. It's good to counteract the disolution of the self that I've found from DMT. DMT makes me attach others oxygen supplies first.

Mushrooms I find have been very much on the fence on a lot of matters, uncover my insecurities and at the same time I don't take it all as seriously as I do with DMT and LSD.

Mescaline's hardest on me physically, LSD's the lightest.
#27 Posted : 1/11/2013 11:01:23 PM

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clean water & food Very happy
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#28 Posted : 1/12/2013 12:28:13 AM

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"When I'm up I am god/Jesus/The cure for cancer"

How about a dope ass rapper?

Lol sorry soulfood couldnt help it brother Smile

"Mescaline's hardest on me physically"

Me too..the next 2 days I need to just recouperate after mescaline.

To be honest these days I really just prefer short acting tryptamines..vaped DMT, sublingual DMT, snuffed DMT..sublingual psilocybin has impressed me so far..looking foreward to snuffed and vaped psilo alkaloids..anyway that I can shorten psilocybin/psilocin down to like 2 hours 3 tops till baseline again is ideal for me. I really dont like tripping for more than 2-3 hours at a time and often just like 1 hour is great..this is why sublingual tryptamines like linguhuasca is perfect. I like to be able to go deep if I want and not worry about it going on and on and on and on. I love tripping but I prefer short trips where I can redose if I want to keep going..

I also have a feeling that shorter trips are less draining on my energy body..or not draining at all..more like energizing.. I feel like long experiences are not ideal for the work I like to do on a regular basis. It's a sort of very infrequent thing these days. I have not even been drinking ayahuasca really other than little microdoses of vine for meditation. Mostly I have been vaping and taking sublingual pharma..and just tested sublingual psilocybe alkaloids last week at a really light dose..which was very promising..lasted like 1.5-2 hours max. I need to test that more though.

Harmalas really are one of my great allies too..not huge doses these days though..just light medative sublingual doses mostly..

Long live the unwoke.
#29 Posted : 1/12/2013 12:35:24 AM

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jamie wrote:
"When I'm up I am god/Jesus/The cure for cancer"

How about a dope ass rapper?

Lol sorry soulfood couldnt help it brother Smile

"Time to face the facts as my skin unwraps,
I gotta nasty itch my hands they can't scratch
Now see ya see me ya know that I can't contain
my need
rushing up
I think I scrambled my brain
(s'all good)
feelin' kinda silly
a lil' unsure of maself
but I jitter and I squirm as
the worm is sliding through my veins
but I gotta entertain some other fix
coz I sick n' tired a talkin' 2 maself."

No west coast wannabe,
just white,
... and pastey Smile

For real...

No shit Pleased
#30 Posted : 1/12/2013 1:35:21 AM

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TheAppleCore wrote:

I've never eaten mushrooms - I was just never curious about them, for some reason. But, I have tried 4-AcO-DMT, which is supposed to be at least somewhat similar.

Hi TAC. It's SirTop... anyway, I would consider the character of 4-ACO-DMT and mushrooms to be very similar. The visuals, bodyload, onset/duration may be different, but their general character seems quite in line. If anything, 4-ACO-DMT seems to have a DMT flavor to its mushroom-esque trip personality. The both have the potential for nearly incapacitating introspection and reflection. This is only my opinion (of course), but I'd say that they're close enough that you aren't missing anything really. Some here probably disagree. Smile

Sorry for gettin off-topic guys Embarrased
#31 Posted : 1/14/2013 6:30:40 PM

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This is a really fascinating thread... I guess I would personally say:

1. Changa - I have cultivated a deep connection with and each and every time I go in I feel safe even during my most difficult and solemn journeys.

2. Mushrooms - Is my oldest ally during my experiences it feels almost like coming home.

3. Mescaline - I have always felt incredibly safe and protected during my Mescaline journeys no matter how deep I go fear or hesitation have never crossed my mind.

4. Khat - I have always had such intense purifying and powerful cleansing experiences that after each and every journey I feel completely revitalised and refreshed. The pure euphoria and joy that washes over me during my journeys with this incredible entheogen, how could I not feel safe...

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