SURVEY: frequency of negative entity contact (please contribute even if all your trips were good) Options
#1 Posted : 2/26/2009 4:19:03 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I have become very interested in getting to the bottom of why it is that some people have negative experiences with entities. I'd be really grateful if everyone could take part in this survey on your SWIY's behalf.

-The terms 'physical' and 'psychological' will take the meanings they have in our reality, even if it is your 'astral body' or whatever you want to call it that may have been attacked.
-Each situation is regarded as one occasion. So four entities bullying you at the same time counts as just one occasion.
-Here it is with notes for guidance. Please read this, then copy and paste the version without notes (below) to contribute:

1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?
-Not only because of unpleasant entities- perhaps the intensity scared you.

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.
-E.g. 'panic at intensity, worries about breathing, bullying entities'

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?
-Their attitude towards you was unpleasant, but not malicious. For example, you were deliberately ignored, or condescended, or any other unthreatening rudeness. Don't count it if it was constructive criticism, i.e. something that you didn't like hearing but you needed to know.

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?
-Doing things to your 'astral body' without consent, but without malice, e.g. reaching inside you without permission. If you didn't mind them doing it, then don't count it, because one could say that they sensed your consent. Give them the benefit of the doubt if you suspected foul play but aren't sure.

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?
-Malicious psychological actions such as verbal bullying or threatening psychological behaviour.

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?
-Doing things to your 'astral body' with malice, such as pushing or attacking.

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
- E.g. 'Occasion 1: listening to death metal, just got sacked, bummed out, prior belief in malicious entities. The entity pushed me and shouted at me' (sorry, I had to make up that example, so it may be misleading)

Here's the version without notes to copy and paste. Thank you Smile

1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 2/26/2009 4:28:03 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?
2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?
3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.
Worries about breathing twice. Confusion and feeling like had to be back in the real world for something important once. But none were awful, they just weren't fun.
4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?
5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?
6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?
7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?
8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
No such experiences. I don't believe in malicious entities. I believe that such experiences come from set and setting.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
The Traveler
#3 Posted : 2/26/2009 5:54:46 PM

"No, seriously"

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?
About 10 times.

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.
It was bad spice, it was laying around for over a year in open air at room temp. When I entered hyperspace it felt like
the party was already over and everybody left. Also I felt pretty nauseous because of the rue tea.

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?
Never, they always tried to help me or they were just neutral minding their own business.

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
I was never touched at all AFAIR.
#4 Posted : 2/27/2009 12:34:00 AM

Sun Dragon

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.
The second time I did it I felt like I had taken too much and had OD'd. In my trip my parents were worried because I wouldn't wake up. I was very relieved when I exited hyperspace.

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
Only entity contats have been vague, they have always been observers. Though a couple times I felt as if I was on trial, and they were deeming whether I was worthy or not (always came back with the answer, Yes)
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
#5 Posted : 2/27/2009 4:44:10 PM

The Great Namah

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Location: The place entites go when they smoke allspice
1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?


2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?


3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.

Asthma on a few occasions
Bad incense on a few occasions (smell was too powerful and distracting
Anxiety on a few occasions
Overly intense, jittery visuals (eyes flickering)
I've only had 2 instances where entities were either harming or annoying me

Mix of salvia and DMT proved to be very toxic feeling (like being IV injected with bee venom)

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?


5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?

Once, it was sexual and was not objectionable to me in the least. I did request that the entity and I dance but was immediately pounced on Smile

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?


7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?

Once I was beaten up thrown around and hit by a psychic hammer over and over it was horrible.
This was after taking a 30mg unsuccesful launch, another pile was loaded up (~90mgs) and taken immediately...the room warbled and then collapsed on itself then the attack began.

Once I witnessed a fight between salvia and some entity, it was not pleasant as I could feel and see the anger (bee venom)

I had chewed some saliva the night before (~ 15grams leaf) and had a great experience, the next afternoon I spiced up in a comfortable position. The room changed on my second hit becoming as hot and humid as a jungle then the chaos began. Everything turned red and plused with angry energy. Two entities (one green one rainbow colored) begane a very fast paced fight.

The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#6 Posted : 2/27/2009 6:49:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.
Ran my tongue across my teeth & it felt like some of them had fallen out, or been broken.
Also, a number of times my jaw has been so tensed up, I was worried I would crack, or break my teeth...
(I assume these two paranoia's come from the same place, psychologically)

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?
0 (??maybe 1??)

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
#5- I was "pleasured" (for lack of a better word) once by a pair of female beings. It was rather weird at first but I am a man, so there was that point (just like in the physical world) were there was no turning back, I just let them do what they apparently came to do & enjoyed it!! They did not seem to be malicious at all, in fact they felt as if they were there to simply to provide what they provided.
They were metallic beings, but organic!! Not robots but the surface of their skin was similar. Shiny, smooth & reflective like metal but not solid, it would move, stretch & conform like our skin. Their body's were totally fascinating by themselves!!
I didn't know for sure if this experience counted, as I did end up enjoying it, although it was going to happen whether I went along with or not. Then there was the returning to baseline & finding a mess to clean up... Just happy I was alone that time!

Ohayoco, this was a really interesting idea for a poll!!

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#7 Posted : 2/27/2009 7:32:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?

(just counting smoked dmt) maybe 30-40

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?

0. I did once feel that some entities were angry but that didnt make the trip as a whole less awe-inspiring and incredible.

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?

just this once they seemed angry and another time they seemed to kick/punch me, but it was with colours, didnt hurt. None really 'hurt my feelings'. I just saw it as the manifestation of 'something' and didnt take it personally

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?

I had trips where I felt I was being being 'operated/healed' by different beings with ayahuasca/pharmahuasca, and I hadnt 'asked' for it but it was great, felt like there were good intentions.

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

0. Happened once on mushrooms but my conclusion was because I hadnt respected set and setting.

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?

as mentioned, just once with smoked dmt I had this 'being punched and kicked by colours' kind of thing but was not bad either, quite trippy

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.

I saw beings dancing around holding hands, they were shapeshifting and mixed with the colourful patterned geometric fractal background. Then some approached and 'punched' my field of vision, and stepped on it also, but I didnt feel bad as it didnt hurt. The close up of their feets and hands, as it went 'through' the observing consciousness, was quite detailed and beautiful

the mushroom 'bully' was when I picked mushrooms with a guy I had a strange feeling about but didnt listen to my feelings. It was rainy and we were camping. Things got wet, there was only one dry little old shack were we sat down. I heard little voices in my head saying nonsense random stuff, sort of bully style trying to make fun.. In the end it turned around to a great trip, when I 'got' the lesson and learned what to do to make things better
#8 Posted : 2/28/2009 1:24:22 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?
20 - 40 times? I don't know, lost count.

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?
Once or twice

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.
Both times it was not respecting set and setting, going in with the wrong attitude and intent

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?
A couple of times now, a very recent development

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
See: "Touched by the Goo" for more detail. Basically just after a trip where SWIM was dancing
to the music and was visited by somekind of spirit entity which showed him that aslong as he
was having fun, that was all that really mattered (and then swim stopped, thinking nah, thats
not fair. started again, and realised it definately IS true, but not in a selfish way)

Well, Swim spiced up again, and went into the trip dancing to the music with his hands and arms;
The elf fluid enveloped, and his limbs began to feel very, very funny. Numb on the outside. like
they were stuck into a big pile of jelly. Twitching, funny, fluffy, weird feeling jelly. Incredibly odd.
he felt like he had retarded limbs, but it was almost like being tickled: very enjoyable.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#9 Posted : 3/1/2009 6:08:30 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?
Only three so far.

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.
panic at intensity, worries about breathing.

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?
Not hurt my feelings, but pushed me away once.

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#10 Posted : 3/2/2009 2:07:43 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
#11 Posted : 3/2/2009 5:04:24 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?
Too many to count, but probably around 20 times.

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?
Only one time, that I remember.

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.
I felt a sense of hopelessness of my situation. But it passed and some of the trip was very good.

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
#12 Posted : 3/11/2009 11:15:42 PM

mr. jones

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?
2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?
3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?
5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?
6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?
7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?
8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
alone in a dark room on bed with 2 newbies in the other room (they had already gone) waiting. There were from 4 to 7 beings (elves) in front of me. the first one rushed up to me and produced a organic,metallic,crystalline,rotating ball and heshe held it up for me to see. it was beautiful. he sort of threw it up into the air and as I looked up watching it going away, the elf poked me in the stomache when I wasn't looking. this contact felt unbelieveably good and made me burst out with laughter uncontrollably(they heard me in the other room). then another elf rushed up and pushed the first one out of the way with his shoulder. I had the solid perception that they were competing for my attention. This second elf (they all seemed to be more masculin than feminine) again produced a ball, threw it, and poked me. This continued for the entire trip. This was the most interaction I have ever had with them. It was thoroughly enjoyable and I was extremely moved by the whole experience.
#13 Posted : 3/11/2009 11:57:13 PM

Nothing Stops The Void

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I remember one time, when I was a child I had strong fever , in the night in which the illness startet to get better , i had to go to pee , but was still kinda sleeping when getting there and sitting down , i must have fell asleep again sitting there , and then i made it to this wide umh cosmic yet mechanical place where I saw this Liquid Crystalline Metallic Hovering Ball ... then I percepted something like language (somewhat like the elf language terrence mk kenna speaks) , the "sound" of it made me laugh very hard and long while still in a sleep like state . This went on until my mother who was woken by the loud laughter coming from the toilet came downstairs calling my name.

Had he more quickly realized just who they were,he would have shown them more respect.Had he tried harder to fathom their brilliant minds,he would have taken more of their teachings to heart.Had he more clearly understood the purpose of their being,
he would have more vigorously tried to assist them.They were truly honorable; he was sadly prejudiced.
They were exceedingly well informed; he was grossly ignorant.They were totally indefatigable; he so often, and so quickly,gave up. Still, for many years there was a strong inter-species alliance between the Eleven-Eleven of the Half-way Realm, their Seraphic Associates,and their flesh-and-blood friend, a common mortal. Much was accomplished, many profited, and, there’s only one regret...They could have achieved so much more...

All Hypnotizing Hypnotizes Hypnotizing
#14 Posted : 3/12/2009 1:12:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. How many times have you entered hyperspace?
100+ who knows

2. How many of these times did you not enjoy, for whatever reason?

3. BRIEFLY list reasons for the unpleasantness.
overwhelming uncomfortable feelings
disturbing visuals
'scary' information
once with salvia what was, as somebody already bee poison..but worse
overwhelming feelings of loss on the comedown

4. On how many separate occasions have entities hurt your feelings?
SWIM cant say that they have hurt his feelings ever

5. On how many separate occasions have entities touched you without consent, but without malice?
on a few occasion he will get an erotic massage by a purple octopus like woman
and once physically(will give more details)

6. On how many separate occasions have entities bullied you psychologically?

7. On how many separate occasions have entities attacked you physically?
once SWIM was attacked physically..he was thrashed around on his felt like he was fighting of something..he was kicking and trying to shove the thing away from him to no avail..after he came down he called a friend over to watch him because he wanted to confront hyperspace and prove to them and himself that he wasnt afraid to go back after being beaten up

8. BRIEFLY explain the nature of your experience for 4-7, including set and setting description.
a few times when smoking he would get to a place that just felt wrong..the energy was forceful and overloading..he doesnt know if it was from the dosage..or the batch or what..he was in a good setting but it was just not good

one time on pharmahuasca he brokethrough to this space where he was watching a gray bald dude eating the brain of another person..he had already eaten most of the brain and his head was basically chewing out the inside of this other guys head..and the blood was all black and it just kept repeating..he was later able to banish this disturbing visual and move on to some nicer things..

a few times some of the information that was 'downloaded' was hard to deal with..things such as..the end of the world..

and then some other times where he would meet his FAMILY of FAMILIES..and they would explain to him that it was time to pack up earth and was like seeing a long lost lover..and as he got up to leave all of his friends disappeared in front of his eyes..leaving him was the saddest thing..the feeling of losing your friends again after so long broke him down and left him raw..he still remembers the joy of seeing them again though..and it does warm his heart..
it's a sound
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