Slight bashing on YouTube towards Nexus Options
#41 Posted : 1/3/2013 3:09:33 AM

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d*l*b wrote:

really what do we gain from seeing people trip on YouTube?

I don"t get much , i must admit. But this is utube and you get people doing this sort of stuff in abundance. But in this particular case i don"t think it was particularly derogatory.
I understand the recoil from the video on how he got it.
If he went further on his trip do you think he would have worded his podcast differently (once he remembered what his mouth was).


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#42 Posted : 1/3/2013 3:14:04 AM

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I am in no doubt that any of these rather obvious people currently making a lot of noise about psychedelics have their hearts in the right place, however they should to sit back and look at how they are pushing all of this and the potential effect on the scene as a whole. Look at the effect Leary had!
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#43 Posted : 1/3/2013 3:35:24 AM

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d*l*b wrote:
I am in no doubt that any of these rather obvious people currently making a lot of noise about psychedelics have their hearts in the right place, however they should to sit back and look at how they are pushing all of this and the potential effect on the scene as a whole. Look at the effect Leary had!

i think having your heart in the right place is not too bad a place to start off from. As for worrying about the ensuing flood of spokespeople, i think your"e pissing in the wind mate, the "ive seen the light-hallelujah" disease is a human affliction that even i"ve been known to suffer from, and you"ll never stop people willing to shout their views from a platform.
cosmic butterfly
#44 Posted : 1/3/2013 9:10:19 AM

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d*l*b wrote:

As far as I can see both Kokesh and Rogan are a liability with their reckless pushing of such things to an often naive and impressionable audience. This does nothing to stop the war on drugs, if anything they will give authorities even more of the wrong idea about what is happening. Yes, they put have some on a new path but I am sure those who were bound for it would end up there anyway. I found out about DMT offline before the Internet was even vaguely in the public consciousness, it isn't that obscure.

I am in no doubt that any of these rather obvious people currently making a lot of noise about psychedelics have their hearts in the right place, however they should to sit back and look at how they are pushing all of this and the potential effect on the scene as a whole. Look at the effect Leary had!

interesting thing i heared Leary was a FBI informant, and at the time yes his actions did have profound reprocusions, but at the time there was so much to lose and was lost. Now dmt is not legal it is schedule 1, so theres no point in trying really to shield it from the public, unless its negative propaganda, but in my view better to get it more known around the planet which means more people will partake and support it. Yes i disagree with some of their promotion methods, esp that silk road bit Confused , but i do think the more people know about psychedelics and their benefits the better. You found out about it offline cool, but think about how many found it online! To truely have a global awakenening there needs to be more awakened, and cant imagine how many people have made important shifts in their views and lives from people like Joe Rogan. These are few of the important pioneers of our time like Mckenna was of the 80s and 90s, def not comparing them to mckenna hehe, but yh very important voices that need to be heard imo
#45 Posted : 1/3/2013 9:57:30 AM
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"I've spent so much time attacking DMT-Nexus, they need to show their faces on their avatars. They need to be braver, they need to be more open. Because with DMT, we see faces, because with DMT we realize human liberation is a journey through fear."

Its all about the DMT treatment. Treat it like a trash and the DMT world will be a trash. The DMT world is all about words, nothing else... if you were the DMT and the words that came out of your world got perverted by the human world that doesn't understand, would you like to see your beautiful words being crushed?

I'm pretty sure most of you used DMT just because it brought life to you, but life isnt DMT, life is art by science.

How can you imagine that 1 molecule can bring so much life to you? The answer is not science, but imagination. If you imagine that DMT does good, then it does, if you imagine that it is bad, then it is.

Sorry, but this time, DMT is going to enter the party - one way or the other, by taking forcefully DMT (through extraction) or willingly (through body death), the only thing you have to know is WHEN you took the DMT, not where. You can only know when by asking the DMT world, so be sure to treat the DMT world like your own, or it can fck you up Razz

Also, yesterday I watched Terminator 1... the whole idea why the terminators exist makes pretty much sense. Machines can't imagine, they can only know and calculate (yeah, when you calculate time, you can time travel), but sooner or later they will get you if you don't imagine your way out of them... so which way is out? Well, ask the DMT, because it is the imagination.
Shadow of the past living in the present that builds the future.
Your fear stops you seeing in the dark. When you've already chosen that you don't care - you cut through the dark.
#46 Posted : 1/3/2013 11:06:41 AM

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d*l*b wrote:
As far as I can see both Kokesh and Rogan are a liability with their reckless pushing of such things to an often naive and impressionable audience. This does nothing to stop the war on drugs, if anything they will give authorities even more of the wrong idea about what is happening. Yes, they put have some on a new path but I am sure those who were bound for it would end up there anyway. I found out about DMT offline before the Internet was even vaguely in the public consciousness, it isn't that obscure.

The whole point is that "authorities" are false and should not be accepted as such, which said "authorities" prove with their behavior. The war on drugs (and many other things) are not "mistakes" because of misunderstanding by such "authorities". They are very intentional acts by this small group who want to have everything their way, in their senseless darkness, greed and fear.

No significant positive change will ever happen if people keep accepting such "authorities", be it about DMT / the war on drugs, or any other subject. And no I am not saying putting up these videos on youtube is doing any good, but trying to tell the "authorities" that DMT can be a very positive thing will never do any good either. Such approach is flawed and in my opinion, the only thing which can and should be done is the people coming together en masse, agreeing to no longer give any power to these "authorities", and taking life into their own hands again.

Hoping that nobody ever hears of DMT, so it stays under the radar is understandable, but what will that really solve? You can replace "DMT" with any other issue. Staying quiet to avoid the "authorities" which really should not be accepted as authorities at all will just never change this whole problem.
The Traveler
#47 Posted : 1/3/2013 12:34:47 PM

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Valura wrote:
Hoping that nobody ever hears of DMT, so it stays under the radar is understandable, but what will that really solve? You can replace "DMT" with any other issue. Staying quiet to avoid the "authorities" which really should not be accepted as authorities at all will just never change this whole problem.

With the DMT-Nexus we try to spread the word about DMT as much as possible and with that comes the promotion of resonsible use for said substance.

When people like Jerry are bashing the DMT-Nexus I'm in a way actaully very happy about it. Since with naming the DMT-Nexus people will hopefully come here, see who we actually are and learn more about DMT and how it can be used in a good and responsible way. So for that: thank you Jerry!

Kind regards,

The Traveler
The Electric Hippy
#48 Posted : 1/3/2013 12:54:46 PM

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Valura wrote:
Staying quiet to avoid the "authorities" which really should not be accepted as authorities at all will just never change this whole problem.

Neither does facing a 10 year prison sentence. They've been stripping civil liberties for 42 years now (longer if count cocaine, heroin, and marijuana), and they aren't about to stop.

It is unfortunate, but our drug policies (here in the US at least) are what they are. The gov't knows they are ineffective, the general populace knows they are ineffective. The only reason they are around is because it is benefiting someone, somewhere (I'm looking at you, private prison system). Things are not going to change, I don't think. People make too much money off of it. It's why we're always going to have low wage workers, blood diamonds, synthetic medicine, GMO foods, war, etc. If there's money to be made, it's going to happen.
"In a controversy, the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves" - Buddha

#49 Posted : 1/3/2013 5:00:55 PM
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This is still much better representation of DMT than those hipsters on Drugs Inc.
#50 Posted : 1/3/2013 6:25:39 PM

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To me this sort of behavior is grade school... very Look at me! Look what I can do!

The only thing we can do is our part to make a decent impression, at the same time doing everything we can to sustain our way of life and thinking by growing plant medicines and teaching others the same.

The more I see this type of behavior the faster I feel like these plants will be restricted, and then we wont be seeing much of this anymore because the path will be much less easy and only people willing to put in the effort will be afforded the molecule.

It has already gotten a little more difficult for people to source materials and I like that, as it is with everything in life knowledge of DMT is a double edged blade, I just try to keep in mind that I can be proud to be a part of the Nexus where everyone seems to do there best to teach and learn about these plants respectfully.

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Parshvik Chintan
#51 Posted : 1/3/2013 6:48:52 PM

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d*l*b wrote:
As far as I can see both Kokesh and Rogan are a liability with their reckless pushing of such things to an often naive and impressionable audience. This does nothing to stop the war on drugs, if anything they will give authorities even more of the wrong idea about what is happening.

ntwhtyouknw wrote:
The more I see this type of behavior the faster I feel like these plants will be restricted, and then we wont be seeing much of this anymore because the path will be much less easy and only people willing to put in the effort will be afforded the molecule.

i still feel like joe rogan is very much indirectly responsible for the MHRB crackdown.
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#52 Posted : 1/3/2013 7:16:49 PM

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Parshvik Chintan wrote:
i still feel like joe rogan is very much indirectly responsible for the MHRB crackdown.

Maybe he should be made aware of this...perhaps he'll quieten down about the whole thing.
Who knows, he maybe a reasonable man underneath the media persona...
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#53 Posted : 1/3/2013 7:39:18 PM

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cyb wrote:
Parshvik Chintan wrote:
i still feel like joe rogan is very much indirectly responsible for the MHRB crackdown.

Maybe he should be made aware of this...perhaps he'll quieten down about the whole thing.
Who knows, he maybe a reasonable man underneath the media persona...


Whoooops!!! Gotta mind those rules in the attitude page.

Sorry Folks.
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#54 Posted : 1/3/2013 7:43:30 PM

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blaming joe rogan for the mhrb crackdown is just pointless and dumb imo. it was already happening years ago...remember BBB?..Then this year when sonoran-song got too greedy and pushed things too far they got in some trouble. We've all known it was coming for a long time

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#55 Posted : 1/3/2013 7:55:00 PM

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Universe Cannon wrote: Joe rogan is not to blame..when sonoran-song got too greedy, we all saw this coming..

Joe Rogan is just a poster boy for some folks trying to cash in on the fad side of dmt..

Who is to blame? Well we cant really blame anyone but the system that tells us what is fit or unsafe for our bodies..

As Ive said before, if we keep trying to build momentum in individual movements we will never succeed,(divide and conquer?) we need to stand for everyone's rights and in turn they will stand for us.

It is just too dangerous for anyone person to be that open about there illicit activities...see This Thread..


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#56 Posted : 1/3/2013 8:31:35 PM

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Big grin Thumbs up

That woman on the video cant even read Sad

Traveler what did you do to her ? Big grin
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We are all living in our own feces.
#57 Posted : 1/3/2013 9:11:50 PM

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Valura wrote:
The whole point is that "authorities" are false and should not be accepted as such, which said "authorities" prove with their behavior. The war on drugs (and many other things) are not "mistakes" because of misunderstanding by such "authorities". They are very intentional acts by this small group who want to have everything their way, in their senseless darkness, greed and fear.


Hoping that nobody ever hears of DMT, so it stays under the radar is understandable, but what will that really solve? You can replace "DMT" with any other issue. Staying quiet to avoid the "authorities" which really should not be accepted as authorities at all will just never change this whole problem.

I personally don't think this is all some big conspiracy to keep the masses from opening their minds. The initiation of harsh regulation was very much down to a mixture of political playing on fear and partially down to greed and economic interests but I don't see it as being the conspiracy many do (this is not to say that the current situation [past 40 years] doesn't have very different reasoning behind it when looked at from some angles). I also have no wish to keep DMT as some kind of hidden tool that only an elite of psychedelic users are in the know about, far from it, I just believe that people should think a bit more before they talk in public about such things.
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#58 Posted : 1/3/2013 9:51:30 PM

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I've used dmt more than your average human.
With that in mind, I can't even imagine that I'm near to the position where I can tell anyone what it is. We could tell you what it is chemically... or physically, or how to use it, I don't know that I'll ever be able to know "why" you should use it (that is a personal choice).

There are always people that are arrogant enough to think they are an expert after being involved in something 3-4 times. This is a personality flaw I've witnessed many many times. Be calm. It will pass. These people typically throw 110% at something for a brief period. At some point to actually be good at something you need to really dig deep and work hard. You need to sacrifice other things to narrow your focus and really hone in on that ONE thing. That is typically where this type of person bails out to become an expert at something else.
In the case of dmt, or psychedelics in general, the more you get into it, the less you know simply because of how much greater the scope of the project becomes. It counteracts this form of "expert" behavior on every level. I prefer to revel in my ignorance by asking the hard questions... this is far better than that which is easily obtained.
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
#59 Posted : 1/3/2013 9:55:56 PM
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cyb wrote:
Parshvik Chintan wrote:
i still feel like joe rogan is very much indirectly responsible for the MHRB crackdown.

Maybe he should be made aware of this...perhaps he'll quieten down about the whole thing.
Who knows, he maybe a reasonable man underneath the media persona...

Joe rarely even talks about DMT anymore.
#60 Posted : 1/4/2013 12:30:32 AM

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d*l*b wrote:
Valura wrote:
The whole point is that "authorities" are false and should not be accepted as such, which said "authorities" prove with their behavior. The war on drugs (and many other things) are not "mistakes" because of misunderstanding by such "authorities". They are very intentional acts by this small group who want to have everything their way, in their senseless darkness, greed and fear.


Hoping that nobody ever hears of DMT, so it stays under the radar is understandable, but what will that really solve? You can replace "DMT" with any other issue. Staying quiet to avoid the "authorities" which really should not be accepted as authorities at all will just never change this whole problem.

I personally don't think this is all some big conspiracy to keep the masses from opening their minds. The initiation of harsh regulation was very much down to a mixture of political playing on fear and partially down to greed and economic interests but I don't see it as being the conspiracy many do (this is not to say that the current situation [past 40 years] doesn't have very different reasoning behind it when looked at from some angles). I also have no wish to keep DMT as some kind of hidden tool that only an elite of psychedelic users are in the know about, far from it, I just believe that people should think a bit more before they talk in public about such things.

I never claimed that it was a big conspiracy. There certainly are strong elements of wanting to stop people from opening their mind (much of this can be directly quoted from the various treaties / news articles of that time), but it is a lot about control. The "authorities" want control, they want to tell everyone what to do, which is absurd. They have no right to tell anyone what one can and cannot do. This was kind of the point I was getting to.

Also I replied to your post, but I was mostly sharing my thoughts, it wasn't meant as an attack. Just wanted to clear that up.
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