So... what ARE the endogenous hallucinogens? What causes psychedelia without substances? Options
#1 Posted : 12/26/2012 8:50:32 PM

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Or failing that, what is the mechanism that causes a person to experience psychedelia without any external substances?

What is it that a deep silence creates in the brain? What does repeated drumming, sweating, and chanting do to the nervous system that results in trance, visions, oneirophrenia, hallucinations of all kinds? There are so many techniques yet there seems to be one outcome. Could there actually be more than one kind of endogenous psychedelic experience in the same way we have dissociatives, deleriants and classical hallucinogens?

When I ingest L-tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin, melatonin and many things, I experience incredible psychedelia upon sleeping. If I meditate into a waking hypnagogic (theta wave?) state then the very same psychedelia is observed, as if that state is a ripe environment for the synthesis of whatever natural balls-trippadelic substance is within us.

Right now I'm experiencing an incredible giddyness with a faint whiff of visuals. I did not ingest any psychedelics. This giddyness comes and goes, at random times. I recognise it from spice journeys, you know the kind of giddyness I'm talking about. When I do a heavy deadlift I feel the same "sleepy yet recharged" sensation that you get from spice (HGH? BDNF?). If I hyperventilate a la holotropic breathwork I experience this same giddyness. It reeks of DMT, if I didn't know any better I would just say "I've raised my DMT levels". But DMT is only in the body in trace amounts, so what could it really be? 6-MeO-THBC (pinoline)?

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#2 Posted : 12/27/2012 12:51:52 AM

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agmatine(possibly, it's an endogenous NMDA antag)
Choline?-is that only active while dreaming?

Then you have to account for dietary factors..what flavanoids you were ingesting prior to a given experience etc..

Who knows what else we will discover to be endogenous in the future. Psychedelic phens? I have heard some speculation of mescaline being produced at certain times..but I think thats an old speculation and not supported by a whole lot of people.

I think there are other beta carbolines present as well in the body.

I have not bought into the idea that DMT is not present in greater ammounts than normal under certain circumstances..because I have had experienes that are ongoing periodically that go far past just light visuals..Im talking full on OBE style into a tryptamine sort of realm. It happens at night and I dont think it can be summed up to just DMT, or just pinoline etc. It is probly a bunch of things all comming together I would think.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 12/27/2012 3:43:12 AM
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..Harman (the beta-carboline) is also endogenous to humans and rats..

as Sasha Shulgin has pointed out, even just plain Nitrogen in the right blood levels can cause 'profound' or 'visionary experiences' in divers' nitrogen narcolepsy..

i don't think any one or even several an 'explain' such experiences with our knowledge yet..
#4 Posted : 12/31/2012 4:22:09 AM

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Personaly, Im begining to think that these natural hallucionations come from 'imagination' rather than the release chemicals from the brain. (although it's most likely both). Over the past year or so, I've been triggering my LOST imagination through various simple techniques and have found that when I close my eyes in silence, Im seeing psychedelic type visions right behind my eyelids. The more aware of this I become, the stronger the visions are getting. Id bet that if we could get back to our childhood imagination we could be having full on spice journeys night after night! It's something to think about anyway.

#5 Posted : 12/31/2012 7:06:09 AM

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^ I doubt any of that imagination ability can be triggered ever without the release of certain neurotransmitters etc that are associated with that mode of consciousness. You cant say that yu can have one without the other..the body is a complex system that requires a certain level of coherance within the whole to work..I dont think you could just have random states of mind appear without some sort of chemical change taking place as well..the change happens on a wholistic level, manifesting on different levels..our consciousness being the surface.

^that is the mind-body interface..then there is also the concept of spirit. Things can probly happen on a level of spirit as well but they would likely trickle down into manifestations within the mind-body chemical reactions etc..
Long live the unwoke.
#6 Posted : 12/31/2012 3:18:09 PM

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jamie wrote:
^ I doubt any of that imagination ability can be triggered ever without the release of certain neurotransmitters etc that are associated with that mode of consciousness.

So which comes frist. The neurotransmitters or the imagination?

I suspect our imagination can indeed cause what-ever neurochemical release it needs. If I close my eye's and bring to vision an apple...which like a lot of psychedelic users I can do pretty well. Surely some chemicals are released, but would those chemicals have been released if I had not focused my imagination on the imaginary apple?

To me neurochemicals are an effect.
Thoughts/imagination are the causes.

Now the fun part:

Every effect gives rise to new causes. So absolutely the effect of a neurochemical release can itself generate new thoughts. A serotonin release may lead to thoughts of peace and bliss. Even your (Jamie) neurochemical release can cause effects in me...I am responding to your earlier neurochemical release (your post). In fact at this moment your neurochemical release has been effecting my brain for almost 10 minutes now as I refine this post. Smile

Hey Jamie, would you mind getting out of my head please! LOL

This is were Dependent Origination comes into play. The web of life is complex and infinitely entangled. There is no separate, lasting , permanent self as ALL things are dependent upon prior things in a never ending cycle of cause and effect. Causes give rise to effects which go on to become causes of future effects.

We scientist love to study and measure effects, but it's the cause's that I'm most interested in these day's. Where do thought come from? Well certainly we can measure the effects of thought via EEG and other means, but this still say's nothing about where it comes from. The reason it is such an important question to me is that I have 100% convinced myself that I exist as a thought. 'I' have life interactions that happen all the time and then there is this strange story making voice in my head that tries to overlap some sense of a separate self that is experiencing these things. But every fiber of my scientific being understands this simply can not be the case. Note, I'm not saying I don't exist. I'm saying I don't exist in any way shape or form as a "separate" from the rest of "it".

When an injustice is done to an individual it is done to us all, yet the individual seems to feel it more. Why? Our sense of self convinces us that a terrible tragedy just happened to our own personal self...only problem is our self is just a thought layered on top of other thoughts. What if the story of 'I' stopped? What if instead of me getting cut off in trafic there was just a "cut of in traffic" happening? What if instead of me loosing my job there was simply a change in employment? What if instead of me loosing a spouse there is just a change in relationship status. What if instead of my mother dying there was simply a transformation of life? Things happen, but suffering happens because we identify these happenings as happening to a seperate self.

One last example. If a man walks up and punches me in the face there will be significant pain felt. If however I maintain a centered awareness this pain will simply raise, stay, and then pass away. If however I decided that 'I' feel pain I will no suffer. The story line of 'I' will take over and add all sorts to the very simply fact that there was a fist hitting a face. Now I've been hit. I'm mad. I want revenge, etc, etc, etc...the story line of 'I' spins the wheel of Karma round and round and round again.

So I ask the initial question again as food for thought: Which comes first. The neurochemistry or the thoughts?

I believe the answer lies right in the middle of that question, but we have to step outside of duality to see it. Both thoughts and neurochemistry happen together. Without neurochemistry there are no thoughts and without thoughts there would be no need for neurochemicals to cross synapses and carry on signals.

Anyway these lines of thought are ultimately what has attracted me to Buddhism and Yoga so deeply. Instead of focus on measuring the externel effects of consciousness the focus is on understanding the cause of consciousness.

Chief Seattle wrote:
Humankind did not weave the web of life. We are but strains with in. What we do to the web we do to ourselves
If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#7 Posted : 12/31/2012 4:06:10 PM
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Glad to see your still posting. Excellent post man. Smile

#8 Posted : 12/31/2012 4:55:26 PM

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haha love your deadlift reference Razz

I once passed out after maxing out my deadlift and it was very very trippy, im glad i didnt get hurt but it was very weird.

I just stood up after putting the weight down, it was like 190kg´s or something like that, i remember being super pumped since it was a big personal record at the time, then my eyes just shut down and i stumbled a few steps before falling into the ground.

similar to this video but i landed softer luckily Razz

ps: that dudes deadlift form is awful Sad
#9 Posted : 12/31/2012 5:20:26 PM

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Tattvamasi wrote:
Glad to see your still posting. Excellent post man. Smile

Thanks Tattvamasi.
I still lurk around a good bit though I don't post as much.
I may currently be embracing a non psychedelic path but I still feel a strong bond with many here.
What can I say, permanently saying good bye to the nexus would be a pretty extreme to me!

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#10 Posted : 12/31/2012 5:58:23 PM
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During several of my deep ayahuasca experiences while laying there dirfting deeper and deeper into myself, layer after layer, all those personalities that make up the concept of "I" disappear until I'm left with not "I".....but awareness....... not Tattvamasi.......but awareness....pure awareness devoid of any egoistic thought form that would constitute some sort of seperate identity as "Me".

We live the illusion of seperateness so well, so convincingly.
#11 Posted : 12/31/2012 7:34:09 PM

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"So which comes frist. The neurotransmitters or the imagination?"

I was actaully going to comment on that but never did becasue my ideas are going to be out there for some. I think that the question of what comes first is too linear. I dont believe in linear time really in the conventional sense. I think the 2 correspond through some sort of quantum phenomenon probly and not in the sense of a linear frame of time where one happens then the other happens.
Long live the unwoke.
Rising Spirit
#12 Posted : 12/31/2012 8:48:23 PM

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And as per the OP's topic, I have found that entheogenic states can and do arrive from many diverse causes. Deep meditation, kundalini yoga, fasting, sensory deprivation, pranayama, NDE, OBE... when our minds shift.... there is likely to be a neurological reaction from an initial cause. The trick is learning to discover it, understand it and actualize it at will. I believe that our own thoughts can and do stimulate many of these psychedelic type sober experiences... and they all begin within our mind.

Gautama the Buddha wrote:
As you think, so you become.

And wow, it's sooooooo good to hear from you, joedirt! And I am on board with jamie about a nonlinear phenomenon or simultaneous subject-object manifestation. If one gazes into the looking glass, one assumes that it was our physical existence which effected the mirror's reflected image and so, we believe we came initially and the mirrored reflection comes secondarily.

But in nonlinear terms, the two are one, as they occur simultaneously and are BOTH the same phenomenon. In a nutshell... there is an uncanny symmetry involved. So, I guess I would have to chirp in this bit of philosophy. I think that outside of (or is it really inside?) the confines of the time-space-continuum EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE is happening simultaneously. As we are all aspects of an Omniscient, indivisible energy, which only appears to be many separate parts in motion subjectively. Something like that. Smile
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#13 Posted : 1/1/2013 4:52:24 PM

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What a brilliant post, Joedirt. I mean we all know in some sense the illusion of the ego but even in the way you hashed it out "I" get a novel perspective. I say it to myself day in day out, that things just are happenings but it's so easy to draw into the clutches of that mask we put on, not least when those around us have a ravenous thirst for theirs!

As regards the codependent arising, this is a well-explored topic in physics actually. There is no need to gibber around philosophical drivel and questions of "What is IT? It is IT but then... if IT is IT then why IT?". Not to say any of the stuff in this thread is drivel in the least!

My objection is that a significant number of our spiritual questions are directly and indisputably answered by physics. It seems that these findings are not even entertained by some people who prefer their own fancy magical constructs; they are dismissed as "meh, science can't explain God" and an imaginary rabbit hole is kept up. Again, not in reference to anyone in this thread. You guys are good, hehe.

Now, let's get to the crux of the point. In an expanding universe the question of codependent arising is very easily solved.

Each effect becomes a cause. Each cause spawns numerous effects, which we can quantify using the entropy of that energy change. Now the crucial point is that a single cause always spawns many effects. Going back in time, we observe fewer and fewer causes until we are left with a single cause, which had an infinite number of effects.

Now if you guys are aware of causal sets, then this will make a lot more sense. But failing that, just think of a family tree. A family has mommy and daddy but mommy and daddy can have 300 kids, who each have 300 of their own etc ad nauseum.

The fact that a cause creates multiple effects is also directly connected to the expansion of the universe. It must expand to preserve this rule. Entropy must increase to preserve this rule. The unified force must break symmetry (read!) to preserve this rule. In fact I would go as far as to say that every single cause/movement of information is a fundamental force in its own right. We hold that there are four basic forces but in all due honesty: who really decided that? In what way are we limited to gravity, strong, weak and EM alone; when each of these interactions breaks symmetry into myriad forms!

So just for a fleeting second, forget about souls, spirits, demons, "dude what if matrix", and so on. Just realise that the answer to this is very very simple, as simple as the statement that water is a liquid at room temperature. Without keeping awareness and giving credence to the inherent nature of the physical reality, we are literally stumbling around blindfolded in the dark room of metaphysics.

So imagination and neurochemicals are one and the same thing. Spirit, matter, energy, information, knowledge, mind, logic: all of these things are one and the same substance, that substance being God, or Light.

Now let us clarify. When you say "what came first, imagination or the neurochemicals" you are missing the most incredible nuance regarding the nature of God. God/consciousness encompasses everything. Everything occurs within it. It is not the case that the universe is distinct from qualia, to say that humans could have eyes yet not see, ears yet not hear. and so on. To say there is one reality experiencing/containing "imagination" and another machine reality where eyes and ears transmit signals is to create a rift in the Absolute. In fact this is a hidden form of ego, look carefully.

Rather we may consider that the mind of God contains all novelty within it. So let's rewind back to a certain point in time: the first creature developed the sense of sight. Now, tell me. Is a new consciousness suddenly more existent, of equal standing to the Absolute? Does the fact that there is sight being seen, mean that there is a second being besides God? By no means! In such a case we would have to contend that every single living entity is an Absolute in its own accord, and that nullifies its Absoluteness by its own nature.

Anthropocentrically there is the arrogant desire to assume that as we have sight and hearing that this sight and hearing exists of its own accord: thus we say "MY consciousness", "MY life". Whose life? Who is it that gives life and death? A minor slash to your throat from a stray thorn and "MY" life is extinguished. It belongs to the Absolute which encompasses all things. There is no escaping this, and in directing our full thought and attention to the actual nature of the Absolute, all of our philosophical dilemmas find their long-awaited conclusions. And all such dilemmas are found to have been entirely illusory, constructed on a web of half-truths and fanciful imaginations.

The sight and hearing, both in the machinistic sense and in the qualia sense occur within a mind that can simulate ANYTHING. Colours that are not in the spectrum. Sounds beyond sound, sensations beyond sensation, logic beyond logic. We could whip up a hundred new senses in the same vein as hearing, sight, sentience and so on. The crucial link between all of them: they are all conduits for information to flow. All our senses are "merely" tubes that carry information from A to B. Let us extend this. You may think of your thoughts as coming and going: they appear in the now, they disappear in the now. NOPE, CHUCK TESTA!

You have traced a human shaped path through spacetime; it originated as a sperm joining an egg and along the time dimension you observe it growing larger to a specific point and eventually decaying away. All of your thoughts are not transient in any way shape or form, no more or less transient than the fact that I have five fingers on each hand right now. That fact will be true for eternity, as will be your actions and thoughts: fixed points in spacetime. That is the inescapable nature of a worldline.

So you see, your brain runs thoughts, yes. But your entire existence including your thoughts is itself a thought. Just as the thought "Let me eat lunch" is a flow of information from A to B in a defined interval of time, your entire physical body is also a thought: a flow of information from A (womb) to B (grave) in a defined interval of time (lifespan). We are thus confounded in a sense by the idea that our thoughts belong to "Me". They are sub-thoughts of something which is already a thought to begin with!

Now here is the key conclusion I have come to from meditating on this: I am the same spark of life that originated four billion years ago. I am the same being. This physical vessel is not Me. As the fingers on its hands are to itself, such is the nature of every physical vessel I inhabit: they are all my appendages, rather noodly appendages at that. Here is a crude sketch of myself that I drew with one of my fingerlets -

The base of the tree is not my birth. I am birthless and deathless. Rather, the base of the tree represents the day I decided to wear a face.

Well, looks like I've accidentally derailed my own thread Very happy
#14 Posted : 1/1/2013 5:53:18 PM

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embracethevoid wrote:

Now here is the key conclusion I have come to from meditating on this: I am the same spark of life that originated four billion years ago. I am the same being. This physical vessel is not Me. As the fingers on its hands are to itself, such is the nature of every physical vessel I inhabit: they are all my appendages, rather noodly appendages at that. Here is a crude sketch of myself that I drew with one of my fingerlets -

My brother, that was an awesome post.

Let me assure you that you and I have arrived at the exact same conclusion. I love to sit and hash out finer points with people like yourself, but in the end we have literally arrived at the exact same, shall I say, irrefutable conclusion of unity.

It's at this point that the next question arises:
How do we learn to live in a unified state of being while inhabiting a dualistic world?

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#15 Posted : 1/1/2013 6:15:28 PM

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It's fearlessness.

The irony of this: this is the scariest fucking thing you will ever experience as a human being.

I have looked through another soul back into my own. I have also felt a handshake from both sides. Such experiences are commonplace, though the world of mundanity may deceive.

It is a total letting go, a knowledge that despite our shame, ego, greed, and all our evils that we feel we must hide, that we are the same being. Total openness.

In this state you will experience direct telepathy. It is rigorously reproducible. Yet it is "difficult" to induce because there must be total trust. When there is total trust there is a full dissolution of the two egos and they become one ego acting from two vantage points.

Likewise you will also experience the nature of being the being of many faces, the experience of physical vessels as appendages. Of course the you that may be reading this will have no idea what this means but the You that experiences such a thing does not even need to be told as I already know.

Have you ever had a conversation as a group where you all practically fell asleep, then "woke up" to find yourself in the middle of an incredibly deep and meaningful conversation? Not a single person had any idea what anybody said yet it is unanimously agreed, that it was as heart to heart as the heart of hearts.

What we also see in this case is that emptiness is its own language. This cannot be conveyed over here. But suffice to say, if there is a language that encompasses Godel's incompleteness theorem, it is the language of emptiness.

Is it not funny that we humans have the ideas of "privacy" and "shame"? Who are we hiding ourselves from?

Whether or not you on the forefront choose to dissolve into this vat, your absolute being always exists in this state. It is merely to open the aperture of your consciousness to that absoluteness and to dissolve.

The sound of one hand clapping.
#16 Posted : 1/1/2013 6:21:52 PM

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Ah yes that was a awesome post man lol I loved reading that. I could care less if you derailed your own thread Very happy
"we are not human being's having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual being's having human experience's." (Teilhard de Chardin (1975?)
#17 Posted : 1/1/2013 6:29:57 PM

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To add: yes, there is a physical correlate to telepathy. I'll add to this in due course but suffice to say, you may look at how eye contact works in society.

Between two beings in total dissolution the eye contact behaves very differently to beings in distrust.

Imagine a beam of light each emanating from every single human's eyes, like the inverse of a laser beam: light goes in, sight goes out. Follow them. Observe how thoughts and the alignment of the eyes are fundamentally connected. You are witnessing a physical manifestation of a mathematical truth: these things are electron/proton binding constants, or shall I say, variables Pleased

Benzyme: The concept of a world(insertdimensionalityhere) is a general thing like a Hilbert space. If we're 4D then we trace 4D, if we're 45 + 25i dimensions then suffice to say we will have such wacky volumes.

#18 Posted : 1/1/2013 6:31:07 PM

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embracethevoid wrote:

why does the graph not account for time in the other dimension? time is theoretically two-dimensional, with space having three dimensions. this paints an incomplete picture of quantum physics.
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#19 Posted : 1/1/2013 7:06:26 PM

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the seperation of space and time in that graph does not make much sense to me. I think space-time should be one thing.

Anyway, back to the origional topic..what effects would the EMF grid, and the installment of things like smart meters etc have on our own circadian rythms, and neurotransmitter and hormone levels etc?..and how then is that effecting out abilities to have these sort of experiences?

Something else that I hold as my own opinion, that is probly not going to be well supported here is that certain "psychic"(for the lack of a better term) abilities and mystical states etc are tied to the levels of elements within the system that are in either a mono-atomic or di-atomic state. I think in the next 20 years there will be tons of valid research done in this field. Already places like NASA are describing stardust, which basically holds all the properties of orbitally rearranged mono-atomic elements, without ever using the term ormus or ormes. There definatly is something here I can tell you that and I think it is hyperdimensional and plays a key role throughout the entire planetary ecosystem and beyond.

These things are at least superconductive..I would not be able to be seperating this stuff out of spring water with a water trap if it were not..there is an obviour meisner field going on. The stuff repels and basically levitates away from the magnetic tube, travels against gravity to come out another tube. It's weird..imagine what that is doing in the body. Whatever it is it is in everything, though much much higher ammounts in wild foods/water etc..
Long live the unwoke.
#20 Posted : 1/1/2013 7:24:55 PM

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Representing three axis makes the point when you're giving a concept to visualize, whether you decide to label dimensions as space, space-time or time, and whether you are trying to convey four, five or the eleven dimensions in M Theory... every graphic demonstration of multiple dimensions incurs necessarily in that "mistake".

Good posts, there's quite a few lucid strokes in here.
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