Iv just got off the phone from my friend and this is what he said.....
"I have just had the most scary thing ever happen to me ever.....
I have recently done my second ever extraction which yieded a bountyful amount.
This was in preperation for introducing the spice to a friend of mine. Over the last few days I have sampled the product a few times...call it quality control if you will!!!
Anyway, id noticed that this second yeild was a lot more yellow that the first extraction i did and put this down to a few things.
Firstly i had used some recycled naptha, which had a yellowy tint to it from previous extractions. It was the colour of a semi-dehydrated dudes piss. Is this likely to have any effect on the final product??
Also, one of the containers I had used for the extraction had previuosly contained cooking oil. i washed it out as thoughroughly as i I could, but suspect some residual oil may have remained. Is this likely to have effected the product?
Upon my quality control tests i had noticed that the product wasnt as strong if you will. The initial "come up" was a lot slower and the trip itself was sub-break through...physical reality stuff and this was with my usual dose of 50mg. It seemed as if the stuff was dirty or impure somehow.
So...i thought maybe i just need to load in a little more. I loaded up 60mg in the vg and took it all in two hits.
Now, i know each trip is different, but there are certain characteristic features that will allow to recongnise a dmt trip. This trip had dmt aspects but was very different. The colours were different, the feel was different. There were no aliens or negative entites, but the whole thing just had a very different scary feel to it. It was like dmts evil twin brother. I felt sick at one point and heaved a few times,but it was my body that wanted to be sick, not my stomach, if that makes sense!!! Now i know there alot of speculation on here about yellow vs white spice, but from my experience, the yellow stuff has a much different (errie/neagtive) feel to it!
It was completely different to my other times. there were no feelings of joy, or unconditional love. Its hard to pinpoint exactly what it was that made it scary, but the whole thing just had negative scary overtones to it. So much so that im wondering if i ever wanna do it again. It was my first ever bad trip from anything and cannot figure out what happened. I dont know whether it was due to contamination/extraction issues or prehaps my state of mind. I do have a few things on my mind, but nothing which is making me anxious or worried, but lets just entertain that idea and say it was, can the mind set really have that much of an impact on the trip. I mean it changed the whole landscape.
If it is in my mind,i can handle that, but im a little dubious about trying it again incase it is the product. Is it contaminated with cookin oil? Is it the yellow spice? Why is the come up slower? What the fuck happened?
Thanks for listening, ANY comments are appreciated as i have a lot of shit goin through my head right now
You have to go within or you go without