The time has come Options
#21 Posted : 10/30/2012 10:26:05 AM
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You've been honestly one of the people that I grew an affinity for in terms of reading your threads and posts. I vibe much with your perspective, and many of your psychedelic experiences you've described including your various meditation practices that mirror very closely my own experiences. I sure hope you come back man, for real. But I realize what you've got to do, as I myself am in a very similar position right now.

I remember you saying in a thread awhile back to the effect of "Once you have a Godhead experience there's no denying it". And that is completely true in my book. I won't go into detail regarding this because that's not what this post is about, but just know....I understand what you've said and where your at. Thumbs up

See you down the road brotha.... Tat Tvam Asi

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Pup Tentacle
#22 Posted : 10/30/2012 12:06:35 PM


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Take care and be well friend - that Alan Watts quote hits the nail on the head.

Blessings Smile
Pup Tentacle

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#23 Posted : 10/30/2012 12:33:08 PM

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Inspiring stuff. I think many of us get stuck in the belief that these substances are the only consistent way to get there, some taking it to the extreme of 'the only way to get there' - but they are as you say powerful, yet fleeting. They are way showers, not the way its self.

I wish you all the best brother. Thumbs up
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#24 Posted : 11/4/2012 2:54:57 PM

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Joe, I too will miss new posts and your presence here on the forum, but thankfully, your past posts are here for us to consider, your wisdom will remain endless, and you will still be inspiring others on a spiritual path.

Peaceful travels, thank you for being true to your Self.

Rising Spirit
#25 Posted : 11/21/2012 7:34:43 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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joedirt wrote:
I don't think I could ever be grateful enough for this community for the help I have received here.

However, like Alan Watts once said, "When you get the message hang up the phone."
I think it's time for me to hang up the psychedelic phone for a long while, perhaps forever.

However, I have come to know on a very deep intuitive level that for me real growth will take place once I decide to truly dedicate myself to the sober spiritual path. Psychedelic visions are amazingly inspiring, however they are not lasting, they are non permanent, and ultimately they are merely illusions like all other experiences.

Wow... where have I been? I had wondered why I had seen so little of your posts, recently. Admittedly, I have likewise been kinda scarce myself. Also, since I am "real life" friends with you, my brother, we communicate as one reflection of soul to another soul, on a fairly regular basis. It's kinda sad to hear you are departing the Nexian community. I sincerely hope you will be an occasional guest.

I believe it is of utmost importance to keep in mind that we are all aspects of consciousnesses awakening to it's very own existence. For myself, entheogens have been paramount to many new insights into myself and the universe I am a fellow cohabitant within.

It has also been a spiral, ascending stairway. One which has led me to new levels of being and new aspects of mind and also no-mind. Entheogenic immersions have shaken my mental fixation so vigorously, I was introduced to something wholly Sacred, existent already inside of me, that had patiently awaited my notice. That aspect of self which is at one with all else it perceives, as it is all else. It is all being. This is light, this is love. Love

So what spurred this idea to walk away from psychedelics? Well it wasn't the mother of all experiences or anything like that. Though let me very clear that learning to have satori like experiences has been of immense value to my spiritual progress, though I could never in a million years recommend another person walk the path I have walked...ironic isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I'd never try and stop a rational, normal person for taking them for what-ever reason. It's just that I now fully understand they actually are not necessary.

Sacred Medicines can often facilitate significant shifts in our paradigmatic panoramas and are themselves, very great teachers. But Alan is quite correct, they are not the reality we seek... they are the messengers. True "enlightenment" is a constancy of awareness/consciousness. Awake or dreaming, doing, undoing or not doing... all the play of mind and heart.

We are witness to all of this and still, we are each far more than our brief reflection in the mirror of humanity. We are essentially the Omniself. We are Divine Mind noticing our interaction within all we intuit, for we are one, singular entity. We are that which initiates quantum fluctuations and that which silently witnesses the infinite possibility within this very moment. Tat Tvam Asi.

Psychs can surely gift states of consciousness which brought me to that still, centered point when I come to realize that I do not exist as a constant or never-ending mental headset... I have been dreaming my whole life. My isolated vantage point ifs not the totality of my awareness, it is the very surface of it. Deeper within this pattern are states of mind and being which bloom to revel an interconnection with the whole of being... "The Omniverse" (as our far out brother Hyperspace fool likes to call it). Big grin

As I hit center this time I felt an amazing lightness begin to expand from my heart center while simultaneously an amazingly clear light or colorless void (not black, not white, just clear) began to open in my third eye. The euphoria began to quickly multiply much like I have felt during psychedelic experiences. As this state of mind began to manifest in magnitude I eventually gave into excitement and was forced to watch this most blissful experience receded directly into the void from which it came. The brief 10 second foray was enough to fully convince me that peak experiences can literally be gained, and in fact perhaps must ultimately be gained the slow traditional way. At least that is the path I feel compelled to walk now.

Psychedelics or no psychedelics... if we aspire to live in the present moment and expand our awareness, we need to cultivate more and more acute degrees of perceiving that state we encounter when we are in altered states of consciousness, one fashion or another, one path or another. The journey never really began nor will it ever end. It is itself the destination. Enjoy your new horizon line, your unfolding road, my good friend.

As many of you folks know already, after being involved with LSD, psilocybin mushrooms and mescaline occasionally, I took a long hiatus from entheogens myself, for nearly 18 years. I understand joedirt very well. There is a time and a season for everything.

Always one must walk the path they are drawn towards. It's a beautiful thing, really. Honestly, I may never trip again. that being said, I may trip this weekend. In my present phase, there is no opening or closing of the door. I am always centering and re-centering my mind upon meditation, to one degree or another and there are no distinctions. I may feel slightly differently, momentarily, so let us celebrate new beginnings and never endings!

There is no past, no future, no other place but right here & now. This is a wonderful place to be. Here we are... and it is such a grace to be able to share it with each other. Right? Thumbs up

I sincerely wish you all, my brothers and sisters, success on your own individual paths. Everyone one of the people on this board is a unique and interesting person. So many fascinating takes on the deeper aspects of philosophy and religion. So much depth of knowledge when it comes to the science around these drugs. Saying good bye almost seems wrong, but alas I know I have to dive into my own inner calling and I know that psychedelics are going to play little to no role going forward for me.

So without further adue. Good bye friends.
I sincerely wish you all the best, and who knows, perhaps I will stop by from time to time to engage in the deeper philosophical conversations at some point in the future.


We have an organic predisposition to desire a union within the vortex of our own internal focus, an emptiness so full... it can only be vainly named and labelled as, The Godhead. A level of existential reality in which we shift from our habitual modality. It's only natural to desire getting high without an external chemical aid, regardless of the undeniable chemical changes which occur in conjunction with the higher states of meditation and spiritual attunemnt.

Samadhi-Satori-Divine Rapture. Meditation is a pathway leading to right here & now. It is a perfect companion for the flight of the psychonaut or the sobriety of the life of disciplined and self-directed Sadhana.

We are assuredly something deeper than our day to day persona. Yet still, the dream and the dreamer awakening from it's transitory slumber, are one phenomenon, despite the illusion that they are divided aspects or events manifesting. We are something awakening effulgently, from a plane of being that includes all other minds and hearts, all other forms of matter, antimatter, what exists and/or what is unborn and wholly insubstantial in it's eternally mysterious nature...void of all features.

I sure hope you drop by and offer your cool clarity and level-headed wisdom, from time to time. Please? For many of us here, you are like family and your insights are truly ones which stimulates much to reflect upon and so, gleam further insight from. Be well on your journey of awakening, dear comrade and friend. Let's not say, "Goodbye", rather, shall we instead say something like, "Until we meet again"? Cool

And to use an old colloquialism, "Don't be a stranger."

There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#26 Posted : 11/21/2012 9:55:37 PM

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As an "Entheogenic University" (newly re-emphasized with subtitles and banners!) our school explores the role of entheogenic substances along the many paths of consciousness expansion. So while the joedirts of our world may no longer partake for various reasons - and I've been through a couple of stages like that myself over the years - their continually unfolding experiences and knowledge will continue to benefit all of us. It is indeed a blessing to have a community like this that can share an ancient knowldege that is nonetheless modern and personal-experience based. In some ways it is internet-as-guru.

A few books I've read in the last year autobiographically describe the paths undertaken by well-known spiritual psychonauts over the last 1200 or so years whose writings survive today and aid 21st century fellow travelers on this path. You can find references in these texts to Datura, Amanita, and a variety of other psychotropic plants used in meditation practices. And of course in all these cases, these substances were used only in a certain phase of their "spiritual path". Comparing joedirt's recent experience with something along the same lines I've been through, it's clear these substances played an important role in aiding these people to arrive at their destination. I imagine the "other side" of partaking in entheogens on one's path is, as you get closer to the "endpoint", even more wonderful than with them.

I'm positive that if joedirt continues to share his experiences and insights into what is going on here with us, it will be more helpful than before!

pau attached the following image(s):
Yeshe_Tsogyal.jpg (34kb) downloaded 67 time(s).
longchenpa.jpg (41kb) downloaded 66 time(s).
Non Dua Natura
#27 Posted : 11/25/2012 10:44:48 PM

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Joe, I'm sorry I never got the chance to interact with you while you were still active on the site. I read this post and immediately recognized, based on your descriptions of how your meditation developed leading up to that major experience, that you've hit what Mahasi Sayadaw's Progress of Insight model refers to as "Knowledge of the Arising & Passing Away". It's a major landmark in any serious meditators practice, but I would highly recommend checking out a site called "The Dharma Overground" and getting some advice on how best to orientate your noting practice.

The game changes from here on in, it's the point of no returns in meditative terms and puts you firmly on the Path to awakening. It's now a matter of momentum and accuracy, but it sounds like you're someone who's already on the verge of untying the perceptual knot. Apologies if this post comes off as preachy or anything, but this is territory I know very well and have worked with intensively so I hope you'll be able to avoid the potential pitfalls along the way.

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